Having hierarchical groups in ini file for QSettings - qt

I am using QSettings to make changes in my GUI.
Currently I have understood how to use QSetting for basic key=value pairs.
enable = 1
But I want to have hierarchical groups. Something like below
enable = 1
enable = 0
enable = 1
enable = 0
Is there any way to do this?
Thank You :)

Like #Tab and #vahancho pointed out, the Qt Docs say the following about this:
You can form hierarchical keys using the '/' character as a separator, similar to Unix file paths. For example:
settings.setValue("mainwindow/size", win->size());
settings.setValue("mainwindow/fullScreen", win->isFullScreen());
settings.setValue("outputpanel/visible", panel->isVisible());
While not stated explicitly in the docs, deeper hierarchies (e.g., mainwindow/titleBar/color) are supported. When persisting a QSettings with the format set to QSettings::IniFormat to a *.ini file on disk using sync, the top-level part of each hierarchical key (e.g., mainwindow) is mapped to an Ini Section. Because the ini file format doesn't support nested sections, the rest of the key remains untouched and becomes the key inside the ini section. This can be seen in QConfFileSettingsPrivate::writeIniFile:
if ((slashPos = key.indexOf(QLatin1Char('/'))) != -1) {
section = key.left(slashPos);
key.remove(0, slashPos + 1);
QSettingsIniSection &iniSection = iniMap[section];
iniSection.keyMap[key] = j.value();
Thus, a setting like settings.setValue("mainwindow/titleBar/color", "red"); becomes
titleBar/color = red
in the ini file.


How to append / add layers to geopackages in PyQGIS

For a project I am creating different layers which should all be written into one geopackage.
I am using QGIS 3.16.1 and the Python console inside QGIS which runs on Python 3.7
I tried many things but cannot figure out how to do this. This is what I used so far.
vl = QgsVectorLayer("Point", "points1", "memory")
vl2 = QgsVectorLayer("Point", "points2", "memory")
pr = vl.dataProvider()
pr.addAttributes([QgsField("DayID", QVariant.Int), QgsField("distance", QVariant.Double)])
f = QgsFeature()
for x in range(len(tag_temp)):
f.setAttributes([dayID[x], distance[x]])
# I'll do the same for vl2 but with other data
uri ="D:/Documents/QGIS/test.gpkg"
options = QgsVectorFileWriter.SaveVectorOptions()
context = QgsProject.instance().transformContext()
Problem is that the in the 'test.gpkg' a layer is created called 'test' and not 'points1' or 'points2'.
And the second QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormatV2() also overwrites the output of the first one instead of appending the layer into the existing geopackage.
I also tried to create single .geopackages and then use 'Package Layers' processing tool (processing.run("native:package") to merge all layers into one geopackage, but then the attributes types are all converted into strings unfortunately.
Any help is much appreciated. Many thanks in advance.
You need to change the SaveVectorOptions, in particular the mode of actionOnExistingFile after creating the gpkg file :
options = QgsVectorFileWriter.SaveVectorOptions()
#options.driverName = "GPKG"
options.layerName = v1.name()
#switch mode to append layer instead of overwriting the file
options.actionOnExistingFile = QgsVectorFileWriter.CreateOrOverwriteLayer
options.layerName = v2.name()
The documentation is here : SaveVectorOptions
I also tried to create single .geopackages and then use 'Package Layers' processing tool (processing.run("native:package") to merge all layers into one geopackage, but then the attributes types are all converted into strings unfortunately.
This is definitively the recommended way, please consider reporting the bug

Yocto: Is there a way to remove items of SRC_URI in local.conf?

We are using custom kernel, so I override variables defined in linux-imx_xxx.bb:
KERNEL_SRC_pn-linux-imx = "our_url"
SRCBRANCH_pn-linux-imx = "our_branch"
SRCREV_pn-linux-imx = "${AUTOREV}"
It works. But many patch files added in linux-imx_xxx.bb and out custom kernel have patched.
So I want to just remove patch files in local.conf, and not touch any .bb files defined in official meta-fsl-* layers.
SRC_URI_remove_pn-linux-imx = " file://*.patch"
But this doesn't work. So is there a way to do this in local.conf?
BTW I know the .bbappend should works, but again, I don't want change any meta-fsl-* layers.
You can't use a wildcard because _remove is literal string removal. Spell out the files you want to remove, and you'll be fine.
However if you're using a custom kernel then just write a new recipe for it, no point taking linux-imx and editing it from local.conf.

Save an Excel sheet as PDF programatically through powerbuilder

There is a requirement to save an excel sheet as a pdf file programmatically through powerbuilder (Powerbuilder 12.5.1).
I run the code below; however, I am not getting the right results. Please let me know if I should do something different.
OLEObject ole_excel;
ole_excel = create OLEObject;
IF ( ole_excel.ConnectToObject(ls_DocPath) = 0 ) THEN
....... (Parsing values from excel)
DESTROY ole_excel;
I have searched through this community and others for a solution but no luck so far. I tried using two different commands that I found during this search. Both of them return a null object reference error. It would be great if someone can point me in the right direction.
It looks to me like you need to have a reference to the 'activeworkbook'. This would be of type OLEobject so the declaration would be similar to: OLEobject lole_workbook.
Then you need to set this to the active work book. Look for the VBA code on Excel (should be in the Excel help) for something like a 'getactiveworkbook' method. You would then (in PB) need to do something like
lole_workbook = ole_excel.application.activeworkbook
This gets the reference for PB to the activeworkbook. Then do you saveas and etc. like this lole_workbook.SaveAs(ls_DocPath,17)
workBook.saveAs() documentation says that saveAs() has the following parameters:
SaveAs(Filename, FileFormat, Password, WriteResPassword, ReadOnlyRecommended, CreateBackup, AccessMode, ConflictResolution, AddToMru, TextCodepage, TextVisualLayout, Local)
we need the two first params:
FileName - full path with filename and extension, for instance: c:\myfolder\file.pdf
FileFormat - predefined constant, that represents the target file format.
According to google (MS does not list pdf format constant for XLFileFormat), FileFormat for pdf is equal to 57
so, try to use the following call:
ole_excel.application.activeworkbook.SaveAs(ls_DocPath, 57);

why does field value comes as 1'000,24 instead of 1,000.24 when the format is >,>>>,>>9.99 in progress 4gl?

we have recently upgraded to oe rdbms 11.3 version from 9.1d. While generating
reports,i found the field value of a field comes as 2'239,00 instead of
2,239.00.I checked the format its >,>>>,>>9.99.
what could be the reason behind this?
The admin installing the database didn't to it's homework and selected wrong default numeric and decimal separator.
However no greater harm done:
Set these startup parameters
-numsep 44 -numdec 46
This is an simplified database startup example with added parameters as above:
proserve /db/db -H dbserver -S dbservice -numsep 44 -numdec 46
When you install Progress you are prompted for the numeric format to use. That information is then written to a file called "startup.pf" which is located in the install directory (C:\Progress\OpenEdge by default on Windows...)
If you picked the wrong numeric format you can edit startup.pf with any text editor. It should look something like this:
#This is a placeholder startup.pf
#You may put any global startup parameters you desire
#in this file. They will be used by ALL Progress modules
#including the client, server, utilities, etc.
#The file dlc/prolang/locale.pf provides examples of
#settings for the different options that vary internationally.
#The directories under dlc/prolang contain examples of
#startup.pf settings appropriate to each region.
#For example, the file dlc/prolang/ger/german.pf shows
#settings that might be used in Germany.
#The file dlc/prolang/ger/geraus.pf gives example settings
#for German-speaking Austrians.
#Copy the file that seems appropriate for your region or language
#over this startup.pf. Edit the file to meet your needs.
# e.g. UNIX: cp /dlc/prolang/ger/geraus.pf /dlc/startup.pf
# e.g. DOS, WINDOWS: copy \dlc\prolang\ger\geraus.pf \dlc\startup.pf
# You may want to include these same settings in /dlc/ade.pf.
#If the directory for your region or language does not exist in
#dlc/prolang, please check that you have ordered AND installed the
#International component. The International component provides
#these directories and files.
-cpinternal ISO8859-1
-cpstream ISO8859-1
-cpcoll Basic
-cpcase Basic
-d mdy
-numsep 44
-numdec 46
Changes to the startup.pf file are GLOBAL -- they impact all sessions started on this machine. If you only want to change a single session then you can add the parameters to the command line (or the shortcut icons properties) or to a local .pf file or to an ini file being used by that session.
You can also programmatically override the format in your code by using the SESSION system handle:
session:numeric-decimal-point = "."
session:numeric-separator = ","
display 123456.999.
(You might want to consider saving the current values and restoring them if this is a temporary change.)
(You can also use the shorthand session:numeric-format = "american". or "european" for the two most common cases.)

Assigning unlisted shortcut keys / key binding

As one of the millions of people around the world I do not have an "anglo-saxon" keyboard and frustratingly I don't have {} on my keyboard (i have è ° à and other useful stuff for italian). How hassly for programming is that!!!!!
So I'd like to assign a key binding to curly brackets but they are not listed in the preferences->general->keys.
Is it possible? Have I missed it?
To confirm, you'd like to press one key and instead get a curly brace? You could so that using commands. The example below approximates what the editor would normally do by inserting a {} and placing the cursor in the middle.
1) Create a new Ruble via File > New Ruby project > Go to next page for "templates" and select a Ruble template
2) Edit the commands/commands.rb file and insert the following (adjusting as appropriate)
require 'ruble'
command 'Insert Right Brace' do |cmd|
cmd.key_binding = 'q' # change this for a new key binding
cmd.scope = 'source'
cmd.output = :insert_as_snippet
cmd.input = :selection
cmd.invoke do |context|
print '{${0}}' # snippet to surround the cursor with braces
