Multilanguage site from plain HTML/JS -

I got plain .html and .js files (lots of code) and web site needs to support multiple languages. I know how to use ASP.NET local and global resource files, so... there any less painful way to achieve this, than rewriting all the .html to .aspx and write httpHandler for .js files?

Yes there is a really cool service from Google which translate your pages on the fly..
It can even save your preferred translation so that you can personalize translations for your website
even Microsoft also provide similar service


how can I output the entire website as "static" files (ie. html, css, img)

I have a dev site in MVC but wish to render the "pages" and corresponding "assets" (js, css, images, etc) to what one might call a "static site".
In other words, I don't want to deploy to an IIS server that supports MVC. I simply want to build the site in MVC then somehow parse those pages into static html/css/etc files and upload the site to a regular LAMP host.
Is there an easy way to automate this? NuGet package? Binary? MVC extension like maybe a handler add-on that can render out the static site in a single pass?
Are there "plugin" type of tools for this before the site is published to a public url?
If you use tools like HTTrack to download a complete website as static HTML page with all resources (CSS, Images & javaScripts etc) onto a folder. There are many such free or paid tools available over the internet.

Serving extensionless static files in ASP.NET MVC; getting 404s

For whatever reason (ugh, just assume we have to), we have a JavaScript file and a CSS file without an extension in our ASP.NET MVC application. The JavaScript file is at path ~/Scripts/js and the CSS file is at ~/Styles/css. These are static files containing JS and CSS respectively, but without file extensions.
Right now, when I try to load the resources in a browser, I get a 404 for those two paths. What do I need to do to make my ASP.NET MVC application serve these extensionless files (and serve them with the correct MIME types)? Something in the web.config and mapping a particular URL pattern to the HTTP handler for static files, I'm guessing. Apparently my Googling skills are inadequate—forgive me.
I think esmoore68 probably has the best answer... but... if you don't want to do that, I wonder if you could declare the style (and the script) on the page (rather than reference the files), and maybe use labels on the pages where you need these, and actually open the files in code-behind, read them as text, then write them into the labels on the page load?
I haven't tried anything like that, specifically, but it seems like it would work.
If it does, maybe you could create a user control so you can just put that in all the pages, rather than repeating it every time.

Cannot route static files in ASP.NET WebForms

We have legacy code to maintain and, to solve a specific customer customization problem, we want to route calls to some files to other files. That is, when the app calls a particular ASPX, it will end up hitting another ASPX.
If you call:
It will actually hit:
This is not a good design but this is legacy code. We just want to solve this.
We are using the System.Web.Routing framework to solve it. This works fine when you set RouteExistingFiles to true, except for static files (CSS, JavaScript and Images).
When I first tried it, it retrieved this error:
There is no build provider register for the extension '.css'.
So I did register a build provider in the web.config file for the .css extension. I used this build provider: PageBuilderProvider because someone recommended it in the internet.
It works! But the CSS is being served with text\html content type.
How do I achieve this?
TL;DR: I want to use routes in ASP.NET Web Forms to make a call for a specific CSS file to actually retrieve another one. A customer needs this for customization.
Try coding a HttpHandler. I had to do something similar but for PDF files, I coded a custom HttpHandler in the end - works very well. You can even set the content type in the HttpHandler code and have a pattern matched path the handler will be used for in the web.config. You can also configure it in web.config not to execute if the path does not point to an existing file e.g. so a 404 is returned without having to code that in the handler itself. I can't post my code (VB.NET) ATM because I'm using a tablet but google search for tutorials. You will also probably need to use the TransmitFile function to actually write out the css file. Is it a web forms project or web site? If its a web site there is a special way of registering the HttpHandler in the web.config.

How does people make ASP.NET page in URL with html file name?

I seen an ASP.NET application, in the URL is saying:
How come it is html file? But not aspx file? How did they do it?
I heard from my manager that's an ASP.NET project he outsourced.
Sometime I seen people with their web page is ended in .html too, but obviously that is generated dynamically...
Files ending with .html are optional. These are static HTML-pages without any code-behind and can be included as part of any web application. They are not parsed and compiled by the server but rather just sent as good old predefined HTML.
You can also configure the web server so that it routes requests with different endings through the rendering engine. This way you can keep the widely recognized ending .html and still have dynamic page generation.
The file extension is not necessarily tied to the execution engine. You can make ASP.NET process .aspx, .html, .htm, .bob, .foobar, .css, etc.
There are multiple of ways to do this:
In IIS manager, set the file extension mapping for .html to point to ASP.NET. If you're using MVC, you can handle this via routing.
Use a rewrite engine to map anything with a .htm* extension to .aspx
There are probably other ways, but these are the most direct.
Also, the .html extension doesn't mean that the file was dynamically generated.
You can use URL rewriting. There are a lot of different rewriters most popular being the URL rewrite module ( ) and the built in (in ASP.NET 4.0) Routing Engine ( ).
The URL Rewrite module is external to your application and it translates incoming URLs to regular .aspx URLs. You are responsible for generating the links with .html. It is good if you are adding it to an existing application.
The built in routing can generate urls based on routes and is configured in Global.asax (usually) with code.
Right click on the project.
Add new...
pick the HTML file type.
Some people prefer to use a different extension (or even none at all) in order to hide the technology used to develop the site.
Bear in mind that you would have to properly configure IIS to let the .net engine handle the .html file types.

Creating a robots.txt for an ASP.NET MVC site

I'm creating a robots.txt file for my website, but looking through my project structure, I'm not sure what to disallow.
Do I need to disallow standard .NET MVC directories and files like /App_Data, /web.config, /Controllers, /Models, /Global.asax? Or will those not be indexed already?
What about directories like /bin and /obj?
If I want to disallow a page, do I disallow /Views/MyPage/Index.cshtml, or /MyPage?
Also, when specifying the sitemap in the robots.txt file, can I use my Web.sitemap, or does it need to be a different xml file?
'robots.txt' refers to paths as they are publically seen from Web crawlers.
There's nothing particularly special about a crawler: it merely uses HTTP to request pages from your site precisely like a user does.
So, given that your MVC site is properly configured, files like /web.config or the paths you mention won't be visible to the outside world as neither IIS nor your application will be configured to serve them. Even if it was pointed to those files the spider would receive a 404 Not Found and continue.
Similarly, your .cshtml or .aspx content files won't be seen with those extensions. Rather, a Web crawler will see precisely what you'll show to users.
