Reformatting Messy Data Frame Column in R - r

I've imported a large data frame from a CSV file with oddly formatted numerical data. Here's a reproducible example of the data frame I'm working with:
df <- data.frame("r1" = c(1,2,3,4,5), "r2" = c(1,2.01,-3,"-","2,000"))
'r2' contains values with negatives signs, e.g. "-", and values with zeros represented as dashes '-'. To run some numerical analysis on this messy r2 column, I will need to:
Replace the "-" with zeros "0" while avoiding to remove the
negative sign in front of the negative values.
Avoid coercion of legitimate values like "2,000" to NAs. For some reason, when I run the command: foo$row2<- as.numeric(sub("-",0,foo$row2)) R coerces the values formatted with commas to NAs, thus corrupting the data in the column.
Here's an example of output after running foo$row2<- as.numeric(sub("-",0,foo$row2)) :
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion
r1 r2
1 1 1.00
2 2 2.01
3 3 3.00
4 4 0.00
5 5 NA
As you can see, "2,000" was coerced to NA. -3 was erroneously converted to 3 (dash removed). But hey, at least we got rid of the "-" in row 3, right!!!
Here's ultimately what I would like to produce:
r1 r2
1 1 1.00
2 2 2.01
3 3 -3.00
4 4 0.00
5 5 2000
Note that the comma from row 5 is removed. Column r2 should be formatted such that I can run commands like sum(df$r2) on it.

Your approach was sound. Just run the substitution twice, once to remove anything that is just a dash, and once more to remove any commas.
And, if you aren't familiar with regular expressions, by ^-$ I mean remove only strings that start (^), have a dash, and then end ($).

nograpes' solution is way cooler:
## df <- data.frame("r1" = c(1,2,3,4,5), "r2" = c(1,2.01,-3,"-","2,000"))
df$r2 <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", df$r2))
df$r2[$r2)] <- 0
## r1 r2
## 1 1 1.00
## 2 2 2.01
## 3 3 -3.00
## 4 4 0.00
## 5 5 2000.00


R: how to merge two columns (column addition) while ignoring rows with same value

I have a data.frame like this
I want to add Sample_Intensity_RTC and Sample_Intensity_nRTC's values and then create a new column, however in cases of Sample_Intensity_RTC and Sample_Intensity_nRTC have the same value, no addition operation is done.
Please not that these columns are not rounded in the same way, so many numbers are same with different nsmall.
It seems you just want to combine these two columns, not add them in the sense of addition (+). Think of a zipper perhaps. Or two roads merging into one.
The two columns seem to have been created by two separate processes, the first looks to have more accuracy. However, after importing the data provided in the link, they have exactly the same values.
test <- read.csv("test.csv", row.names = 1)
Sample_ID Sample_Intensity_RTC Sample_Intensity_nRTC
1 191017QMXP002 NA NA
2 191017QNXP008 41293681.00 41293681.00
3 191017CPXP009 111446376.86 111446376.86
4 191017HPXP010 92302936.62 92302936.62
5 191017USXP001 NA 76693308.46
6 191017USXP002 NA 76984658.00
In any case, to combine them, we can just use ifelse with the condition for the first column.
test$new_col <- ifelse($Sample_Intensity_RTC),
Sample_ID Sample_Intensity_RTC Sample_Intensity_nRTC new_col
1 191017QMXP002 NA NA NA
2 191017QNXP008 41293681.00 41293681.00 41293681.00
3 191017CPXP009 111446376.86 111446376.86 111446376.86
4 191017HPXP010 92302936.62 92302936.62 92302936.62
5 191017USXP001 NA 76693308.46 76693308.46
6 191017USXP002 NA 76984658.00 76984658.00
sapply(test, function(x) sum(
Sample_ID Sample_Intensity_RTC Sample_Intensity_nRTC new_col
0 126 143 108
You could also use the coalesce function from dplyr.

Losing trailing decimal zero when converting from character to numeric

I'm trying to convert character values (including those with decimal values) to numeric but it loses the decimal 0 and just converts it to integer:
results <- c("600.0","600","50","50.0","unknown","300xx300")
df <- data.frame(MIX = results, NUM_ONLY = as.numeric(results))
How can I change it so that it looks like this:
df2<- data.frame(MIX = results ,NUM_ONLY = c("600.0","600","50","50.0",NA,NA))
Using ifelse make those NA that yield NA when coercing to numeric. The result is class "character" though, since decimal zeros are not possible as "numeric". I would stick to your own solution, which by the way is not "integer" but "numeric", try e.g. with c("600.1","600","50","50.0","unknown","300xx300").
NUM_ONLY=suppressWarnings(ifelse(, NA, results)))
# results NUM_ONLY
# 1 600.0 600.0
# 2 600 600
# 3 50 50
# 4 50.0 50.0
# 5 unknown <NA>
# 6 300xx300 <NA>

Reformat wrapped data coerced into a dataframe? (R)

I have some data I need to extract from a .txt file in a very weird, wrapped format. It looks like this:
eid nint hisv large NA
1 1.00 1.00000e+00 0 1.0 NA
2 -152552.00 -6.90613e+04 -884198 -48775.7 1151.70
3 -5190.13 4.17751e-05 NA NA NA
4 2.00 1.00000e+00 0 1.0 NA
5 -172188.00 -8.16684e+04 -809131 -56956.1 -1364.07
6 -5480.54 4.01573e-05 NA NA NA
Luckily, I do not need all of this data. I just want to match eid with the value written in scientific notation. so:
eid sigma
1 1 4.17751e-005
2 2 4.01573e-005
3 3 3.72098e-005
This data goes on for hundreds of thousands of eids. It needs to discard the last three values of each first row, all of the values in row 2, and keep the last/second value in the third row. Then place it next to the 1st value of row 1. Then repeat. The column names other than 'eid' are totally disposable, too. I've never had to deal with wrapped data before so don't know where to begin.
**edited to show df after read-in.

Adding NA's to a vector

Let's say I have a vector of prices:
foo <- c(102.25,102.87,102.25,100.87,103.44,103.87,103.00)
I want to get the percent change from x periods ago and, say, store it into another vector that I'll call log_returns. I can't bind vectors foo and log_returns into a data.frame because the vectors are not the same length. So I want to be able to append NA's to log_returns so I can put them in a data.frame. I figured out one way to append an NA at the end of the vector:
log_returns <- append((diff(log(foo), lag = 1)),NA,after=length(foo))
But that only helps if I'm looking at percent change 1 period before. I'm looking for a way to fill in NA's no matter how many lags I throw in so that the percent change vector is equal in length to the foo vector
Any help would be much appreciated!
You could use your own modification of diff:
mydiff <- function(data, diff){
c(diff(data, lag = diff), rep(NA, diff))
mydiff(foo, 1)
[1] 0.62 -0.62 -1.38 2.57 0.43 -0.87 NA
data.frame(foo = foo, diff = mydiff(foo, 3))
foo diff
1 102.25 -1.38
2 102.87 0.57
3 102.25 1.62
4 100.87 2.13
5 103.44 NA
6 103.87 NA
7 103.00 NA
Let's say you have an array with number 1 to 10 arranged in the matrix form, in which
The matrix contains Elements from 5 rows 2 columns & 2nd column to be assigned NA , #
then Making one 5*2 matrix of elements 1:10
Array_test[ ,2, ]=c(NA)# Defining 2nd column to get NA
# Similarly to make only one element of the entire matrix be NA
# let's say 4nd-row 2nd column to be made NA then
Array_test[4 ,2, ]=c(NA)

how to select matrix element in R?

Reading the data the following way
data<-read.csv("userStats.csv", sep=",", header=F)
I tried to select an element at the specific position.
The example of the data (first five rows) is the following (V2 is the date and V3 is the day of week):
V1 V2
1 00002781A2ADA816CDB0D138146BD63323CCDAB2 2010-09-04
2 00002D2354C7080C0868CB0E18C46157CA9F0FD4 2010-09-04
3 00002D2354C7080C0868CB0E18C46157CA9F0FD4 2010-09-07
4 00002D2354C7080C0868CB0E18C46157CA9F0FD4 2010-09-08
5 00002D2354C7080C0868CB0E18C46157CA9F0FD4 2010-09-17
V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9
1 Saturday 2 2 615 1 1 47
2 Saturday 2 2 77 1 1 43
3 Tuesday 1 3 201 1 1 117
4 Wednesday 1 1 44 1 1 74
5 Friday 1 1 3 1 1 18
I tried to divide 6th column with 9th column in the first row the following way:
but it returned an error
[1] NA
Warning message:
In Ops.factor(data[1, 6], data[1, 9]) : / not meaningful for factors
Then I tried to select just one element
> data[2,9]
[1] 43
11685 Levels: 0 1 2 3 ... 55311
but don't know what these Levels are and what causes an error. Does anyone know how to select an element at the specific position data[row, column]?
Thank you!
My favorite tool to check variable class is str().
What you have there is a data frame and at least one of the columns you're trying to work with is a factor. See Dirk's answer on how to change classes of a column.
is selecting the value in the first row of sixth column and dividing with the value in first row of the ninth column. Is this what you want? If you want to use values from the entire column (and not just the first row), you would write
data[6] / data[9]
data[, 6] / data[, 9]
Both arguments are equivalent for data.frames.
The standard modeling data structure in R is a data.frame.
The data.frame objects can hold various types: numeric, character, factor, ...
Now, when reading data via read.csv() et al, you can get bitten by the default valus of the stringsAsFactors option. I presume that at least a row in your data had text, so R decides to decode it as a factor and presto! you no longer can do direct mathematical operations on the column.
In short, do summary(data) and/or a sweep of class() over all the columns. Convert as necessary, or turn the stringsAsFactors variable to a different value or both.
Once your data is numeric, you can divide, slice, dice, ... as you please.
