Sending data on COM Port while receiving data on it? - serial-port

My application can send and receive data independently on COM Port (9 pin). Now the scenario is that, the destination device while sending data can also request some data. Now, in that case my application while receiving the data from the device, would have to send the requested data as well. So the question is, is it possible conceptually to send some data while receiving data from the same COM port ?
Note: If this is not the right place to ask this question, please let me know which SO site is apt for this.

Sure it is. The RS232 is a full duplex interface, hence there are two independent channels for each direction.
But note that these two channels are different pins of course. You cant send and receive on the same pin with the RS232 (Although it is theoretically possible to transmit and receive data over a single line simultaneously - but not in this case).


Reverse Engineering a specific bluetooth communication protocol

I have been reading answers on stackoverflow for a while now and this is the first time I actually am required to ask a question:
I have a small sensing device (literally a black box) which is used during sporting activities and is tracking acceleration and GPS data (not necessarily with the same frequency, according to a patent from the vendor). After a session, one can connect the device to a smartphone and import the session data to view statistics.
Now I am trying to acquire the raw data to apply some own statistics onto it.
I know that the device connects to my phone via Bluetooth. So I activated the Bluetooth HCI snoop log following this tutorial:
I can then transfer the files by renaming them into .cap files on the PC and load them into wireshark. This is where it gets tricky:
I have found out, that the first connection is established via Bluetooth low energy. When the connection is established and the user has selected to download a session from the device via the app, the connection switches to a normal Bluetooth connection.
I know that the device contains a GPS and a 9-axis accelerometer including a Gyro.
Apparently the Bluetooth protocol to transfer data is the SPP protocol (, used to simulate a RS-232 connection.
I have attached a screenshot from wireshark showing a reassembled data packet. I do not know what it contains and the rendering from Wireshark does not make any sense to me. The frame content is displayed in the bottom most tab. The left is the raw HEX transmission, the right shows the rendered version. It neither looks like any GPS sentence (, nor like any accelerometer data:
The general setting is an encryption-less connection, but at some stage the host and controller try to switch to an encryption, but this never gets transmitted to the peripheral slave (as far as I can see). I am wondering how to make sense of this data, whether there is a way for me to find out whether an encryption is activated and if it is, is it logged and can I retrieve the key from this log?
Can anyone help me to figure out the data here or tell me where I can find some hints about whether it is encrypted or not?
I have added a screenshot from the first SPP transmission packet. The packet in question and the payload are marked in black. It seems to contain some information about device and other configuration settings or initial values for the sensors at the beginning. I suspect the app and the device to have settled on a proprietary scrambling or encrypting, since there are readable values at the beginning, but not after that black box marked in the image. My suspicion is, that bluetooth encryption is not being used at all and I therefore stand no chance of decrypting the information at all? Can someone confirm or deny this suspicion?
where I can find some hints about whether it is encrypted or not?
What you see in Wireshark is the HCI interface (commands and events) between Host and Controller. Since encryption is done in the controller (see Bluetooth Core spec. Vol. 1 Part A Section 5.4.3), what you see is unencrypted data.
Can anyone help me to figure out the data here
It's hard to understand from your single screenshot. I suggest you take a look at the RFCOMM specification, Figure 6.1 in paricular:
In the Information field you should find your data.

specifying connection on ESP8266 with AP and STA modes

I want to try to set up an ESP8266 (using the Arduino IDE) to occasionally connect to a wifi SSID to send telemetry back. I also would really like to be able to have it running a softAP for configuration/settings purposes. (i.e. so if you want to change internal settings in your code, you can connect directly to the device to access a web form to do so)
The problem is, I am not 100% sure how I know which is which when making an outgoing telemetry json query. I want it to go out on the STATION mode connection. Presumably in most cases the AP mode won't be connected, but there may be rare instances where both are connected at the same time. Thus how do I tell the device to specifically use the STA side of things when it needs to send data back over the internet?
I can't even seem to find any specific examples to ask if one or the other is connected. (you can poll WiFi.status() but - which one is it reporting?)
Any help is appreciated

sending a chunk of data using zigbee

I have some nodes with installed Xbee s2 on them. the zigbee modules configured as routers and coordinator, in zigbee mesh topology. I want to send data from each node to some other nodes.
how I have to send data? here is a pseudo code that I have in mind. I want to know if there is any API in zigbee stack that I can use for this, and if I miss anything:
wait(x miliseconds)// how much do I have to wait? or do I have to wait upon receiving ack,i.e. wait(ack(i));
check_acknowledgment_packets();//does zigbee notify me that the frame is lost? or I have handle it by myself, e.g. by assuming frame is lost after specific time.
in the destination node, how I can retrieve the data? Do I have to handle it by myself by checking the sequence number and profile, and concatenating the packets? or Zigbee stack will do it for me.
XBee radio modules in API mode will generate a "Transmit Status" frame to indicate that a frame number was received by the remote module. There's no guarantee that the host on the other side successfully processed it, since it's a network-layer acknowledgement and not application-layer.
How much data are you planning to send? ZigBee was designed for low-speed, low-volume data transmission. If you're just using XBee modules, you can make use of their proprietary protocols (like transparent serial). For interoperability, you'll need to read up on the ZigBee Cluster Library and how it uses general commands and attributes to transfer information between nodes.

Can't get OK response from XBee upon "+++"

I have been trying to set up two XBees to communicate since the last three days. X-CTU seems to be the perfect option to do so, however, it is a real menace when it comes to discovering XBees on serial ports.
I was able to detect one XBee by luck just once and the other one never showed up. I have even replaced both my XBees. I am trying to figure out the alternative, i.e. using a serial console to perform the operation. I haven't been able to receive an OK response from the device upon issuing +++.
Since I haven't had a good experience using a PC to communicate with ESP8266 devices earlier, I tried to figure out a workaround by using the second Serial port of an Arduino to send such configuration messages and read the response by printing it out on the default serial console.
It also appears that configuration messages can differ depending on the mode of the device. If it's in API mode, the frame has to be generated in a specific format (I use the X-CTU frame generator for this purpose).
Why am I not able to receive a response from the XBee upon issuing a +++?
The devices are Series 1 XBees and the exact part number is XB24-AWI-001. Any help is highly appreciated.
Have you considered the XBee being in API mode? Maybe should you consider to reflash the device in AT mode to start playing with it.
To test if it's in API mode, you can refer to the guide, chapter 9 for the API mode structure:
Basically, a datagram in API mode starts with ~, and it's built as follows:
As 0x7E is ~ on the ASCII table, you should try typing a bogus datagram in a serial terminal session like:
~ <C-d> AAAA
N.B.: The <C-d> characters means Control-d under unix., which is the EOF character.
Obviously such a message isn't likely to work, and you will receive a reply asking you to send that datagram again. That's because the EOF character being ASCII code 4, it means that the length of the datagram will be 4 bytes. So then you send four bogus bytes, the checksum will be A, which is very likely to be right, and the receiver will assume the transmission has been corrupted. So the datagram will be asked again, meaning you will receive a datagram to do that query.
Though I can only advice you to consider running it only in API mode (more reliable and a better API, but you cannot play around with it and understand what's going on by tapping on the line with a logic analyzer… though giving enough time, you'll start to read API datagrams like it's English ☺).
I wrote a page with a few resources to check on how to reflash the XBees:
and here's other advices from another totally unrelated project:
And I also wrote a lib (aimed at beaglebones but you can tweak it for your use) that handles API mode 2 with XBees:
but I bet with a little google search you can find more widely used libraries than those ones, and even some aimed to be run on Arduinos (N.B.: that lib was originally written for Arduinos, and then adapted to run for Beaglebone, so reversing the operation shouldn't be hard).

XBee Send To All

I have a simple xbee network operating where there are a bunch of slaves operating remotely and all talking to one master, who is connected to the server computer. That works no problem.
The slaves all send their ID as part of the packet and I'd like to have the master deliberately send an Ack after a delay. I'm trying to figure out how to do this efficiently and it seems that the only plausible way that doesn't involve reprogramming the master before each Ack is to send the Ack to all slaves and have them ignore the packet if it's not meant for them.
That solution is ok - I just can't figure out the command to use to do this. Is there some sort of Serial sendAll command? All of the devices are on the same ATID.
Typically in this situation, you would configure the master in API mode so you would get "Receive Explicit" frames with source addressing information, and could send with the "Transmit Explicit" frame type, and include addressing information in your frames.
If you use AT mode (transparent serial mode), then you're stuck having to change the DH and DL parameters on your coordinator every time you want to change who you send to. You should avoid using broadcast packets, since each one results in lots of network traffic (IIRC, each router will send the broadcast packet three times).
I do not know of a good XBee library on the Arduino, but it might be possible to port Digi's Open Source ANSI C XBee Host Library to that platform.
