k-means clustering in R. software with iterations - r

I have 150 Experimental substances. 80 characteristics were measured for each of these substances separately. I applied PCA to compute its PCs and determined first three components.Now, I want to apply k-means clustering in R. software (www.R-project.org) with 1000 iterations on low-dimensional data to separate the individuals to their respective populations.
Can anyone see how this can be done? thanks

See adegenet package and try DAPC.
Please, read http://bmcgenet.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2156-11-94 I think it does what You wish. It is implemented in adegenet R package as DAPC. This implementation is designed for multi locus genotype data, but the principle is very well described, so that You can modify it for Your own data or find something similar.
It performs K-means clustering on PC-transformed ("cleared") data, which significantly speeds up whole calculations. Finally it performs discriminant analysis to get the best clustering. It is very efficient method.

http://www.statmethods.net/advstats/cluster.html Provides nice and easy examples to cluster data.
For your question:
Consider some random normal data and some simple code to fit Kmeans clustering. Note, 3 clusters will be fit to this data (purely arbitrarily).
data = matrix(rnorm(450),ncol=3)
fit = kmeans(data, centers = 3, iter.max = 1000)
cluster.data = data.frame(data, fit$cluster)
Has this answered your question?


Hierarchical clustering: Calcuating amountof clusters

I am working with R.
I am calculating a hierarchical cluster and plotting it. I then cut it into cluster-groups to plot again.
I have a for-loop, to do this on subsets of a database, which works fine.
The problem is, each subset of data might have a different optimal number of clusters...
The solutions ive found online, to find the optimal amount of clusters, is visual.
Is there code I can run to automiatically configure the optimal number of clusters? In the code example, im looking for "noOfClusters". Also, it should be a maximum of 10...
This is how my clustering looks like, in short:
clusterResult <- agnes(singleLinkMatrix,stand = FALSE, method = "ward", metric = "euclidean")
clusterMember <- cutree(clusterResult, k = noOfClusters)
Thanks a lot :)

How can I achieve hierarchical clustering with p-values for a large dataset?

I am trying to carry out hierarchical cluster analysis (based on Ward's method) on a large dataset (thousands of records and 13 variables) representing multi-species observations of marine predators, to identify possible significant clusters in species composition.
Each record has date, time etc and presence/absence data (0 / 1) for each species.
I attempted hierarchical clustering with the function pvclust. I transposed the data (pvclust works on transposed tables), then I ran pvclust on the data selecting Jacquard distances (“binary” in R) as a distance measure (suitable for species pres/abs data) and Ward’s method (“ward.D2”). I used “parallel = TRUE” to reduce computation time. However, using a default of nboots= 1000, my computer was not able to finish the computation in hours and finally I got ann error, so I tried with lower nboots (100).
I cannot provide my dataset here, and I do not think it makes sense to provide a small test dataset, as one of the main issues here seems to be the size itself of the dataset. However, I am providing the lines of code I used for the transposition, clustering and plotting:
tdata <- t(data)
cluster <- pvclust(tdata, method.hclust="ward.D2", method.dist="binary",
nboot=100, parallel=TRUE)
plot(cluster, labels=FALSE)
This is the dendrogram I obtained (never mind the confusion at the lower levels due to overlap of branches).
As you can see, the p-values for the higher ramifications of the dendrogram all seem to be 0.
Now, I understand that my data may not be perfect, but I still think there is something wrong with the method I am using, as I would not expect all these values to be zero even with very low significance in the clusters.
So my questions would be
is there anything I got wrong in the pvclust function itself?
may my low nboots (due to “weak” computer) be a reason for the non-significance of my results?
are there other functions in R I could try for hierarchical clustering that also deliver p-values?
Thanks in advance!
I have tried to run the same code on a subset of 500 records with nboots = 1000. This worked in a reasonable computation time, but the output is still not very satisfying - see dendrogram2 .dendrogram obtained for a SUBSET of 500 records and nboots=1000

No convergence for hard competitive learning clustering (flexclust package)

I am applying the functions from the flexclust package for hard competitive learning clustering, and I am having trouble with the convergence.
I am using this algorithm because I was looking for a method to perform a weighed clustering, giving different weights to groups of variables. I chose hard competitive learning based on a response for a previous question (Weighted Kmeans R).
I am trying to find the optimal number of clusters, and to do so I am using the function stepFlexclust with the following code:
new("flexclustControl") ## check the default values
fc_control <- new("flexclustControl")
fc_control#iter.max <- 500 ### 500 iterations
fc_control#verbose <- 1 # this will set the verbose to TRUE
fc_control#tolerance <- 0.01
### I want to give more weight to the first 24 variables of the dataframe
my_weights <- rep(c(1, 0.064), c(24, 31))
hardcl <- stepFlexclust(x=df, k=c(7:20), nrep=100, verbose=TRUE,
FUN = cclust, dist = "euclidean", method = "hardcl", weights=my_weights, #Parameters for hard competitive learning
control = fc_control,
However, the algorithm does not converge, even with 500 iterations. I would appreciate any suggestion. Should I increase the number of iterations? Is this an indicator that something else is not going well, or did I a mistake with the R commands?
Thanks in advance.
Two things that answer my question (as well as a comment on weighted variables for kmeans, or better said, with hard competitive learning):
The weights are for observations (=rows of x), not variables (=columns of x). so using hardcl for weighting variables is wrong.
In hardcl or neural gas you need much more iterations compared to standard k-means: In k-means one iteration uses the complete data set to change the centroids, hard competitive learning and uses only a single observation. In comparison to k-means multiply the number of iterations by your sample size.

Timeseries cluster validation: using cluster.stats metrics to decide optimal cluster number

I am clustering timeseries data using appropriate distance measures and clustering algorithms for longitudinal data. My goal is to validate the optimal number of clusters for this dataset, through cluster result statistics. I read a number of articles and posts on stackoverflow on this subject, particularly: Determining the Optimal Number of Clusters. Visual inspection is only possible on a subset of my data; I cannot rely on it to be representative of my whole dataset since I am dealing with big data.
My approach is the following:
1. I cluster several times using different numbers of clusters and calculate the cluster statistics for each of these options
2. I calculate the cluster statistic metrics using FPC's cluster.stats R package: Cluster.Stats from FPC Cran Package. I plot these and decide for each metric which is the best cluster number (see my code below).
My problem is that these metrics each evaluate a different aspect of the clustering "goodness", and the best number of clusters for one metric may not coincide with the best number of clusters of a different metric. For example, Dunn's index may point towards using 3 clusters, while the within-sum of squares may indicate that 75 clusters is a better choice.
I understand the basics: that distances between points within a cluster should be small, that clusters should have a good separation from each other, that the sum of squares should be minimized, that observations which are in different clusters should have a large dissimilarity / different clusters should ideally have a strong dissimilarity. However, I do not know which of these metrics is most important to consider in evaluating cluster quality.
How do I approach this problem, keeping in mind the nature of my data (timeseries) and the goal to cluster identical series / series with strongly similar pattern regions together?
Am I approaching the clustering problem the right way, or am I missing a crucial step? Or am I misunderstanding how to use these statistics?
Here is how I am deciding the best number of clusters using the statistics:
cs_metrics is my dataframe which contains the statistics.
Average.within.best <- cs_metrics$cluster.number[which.min(cs_metrics$average.within)]
Average.between.best <- cs_metrics$cluster.number[which.max(cs_metrics$average.between)]
Avg.silwidth.best <- cs_metrics$cluster.number[which.max(cs_metrics$avg.silwidth)]
Calinsky.best <- cs_metrics$cluster.number[which.max(cs_metrics$ch)]
Dunn.best <- cs_metrics$cluster.number[which.max(cs_metrics$dunn)]
Dunn2.best <- cs_metrics$cluster.number[which.max(cs_metrics$dunn2)]
Entropy.best <- cs_metrics$cluster.number[which.min(cs_metrics$entropy)]
Pearsongamma.best <- cs_metrics$cluster.number[which.max(cs_metrics$pearsongamma)]
Within.SS.best <- cs_metrics$cluster.number[which.min(cs_metrics$within.cluster.ss)]
Here is the result:
Here are the plots that compare the cluster statistics for the different numbers of clusters:

How to calculate the quality of clustering by dtw?

my aim is to cluster 126 time-series concerning 26 weeks (so each time-series has 26 observation). I used pam{cluster} = partitioning around medoids to cluster these time-series.
Before clustering I wanted to compare which distance measure is the most appropriate: euclidean, manhattan or dynamic time warping. I used each distance to cluster and compare by silhouette plot. Is there any way I can compare different distance measure?
For example I know that procedure clValid {clValid} to validate cluster results, however I cannot implement dtw to calculate indexes.
So how can I compare different distance metrics (not only by silhouette)?
Additional question: is GAP statistic enough to decide how many clusters choose? Or should I evaluate number of clusters with different methods or compare two or three ways how to do it?
I would be grateful for any suggestions.
I have just read the book "cluster analysis, fifth edition" by Brian S. Everitt, etc. And currently, I adopt the following strategy to select method to calculate distance matrix, clustering and validation:
for distance: using cmdscale{stats} function to calculate multidimentional scaling, and plot the scatterplot of the two scaling dimensions with density information. As expected, if there is distinct clusters or nested clusters, the scatterplot will give some hints.
for clustering: for every clustering method, calculate cophenetic correlation between clustering results and the distance, this can be calculated using cophenetic{stats} function. The best clustering method will give higher correlation. However, this is only working for hierarchical clustering. I haven't idea for other clustering methods, like pam, or kmeans.
for partition evaluation: package {clusterSim} give several function to calculate the index to evaluate the clustering quality. Another package {NbClust} also calculate so many as 30 index to evaluate the combination of "distance", "clustering" and "number of clusters". However, this package partition the hierarchical tree using {cutree}, which is not suitable for nested clustering structure. Another method provided by {dynamicTreeCut} give reasonable results.
for cluster number determination: will added later.
Cluster data for which you have class labels, and use the RAND index to measure cluster quality.
50 such datasets are at the UCR time series archive
This paper does something similar
