Arduino Tools > Serial Port greyed out - arduino

I am running Debian 7 (Linux Crunchbang) and wanted to use The Arduino IDE to program my Arduino UNO. To do that I installed the package arduino. When I started the Arduino I was asked to add my user to the dialout group. So I did with sudo usermod -a -G dialout <my-username>.
However when I start the Arduino IDE using arduino in the commandline the IDE opens but I am not able to load my program to the Arduino. The error message is "Serial port COM1 not found. Did you select the right one from the Tools > Serial Port menu?" And when I went to select the Serial Port, the option "Tools > Serial Port" is greyed out.
I thought it is because I did not grant read and write permissions on my usb port (ttyACM0). So I did sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0 but the option is still greyed out.

chdmod works for my under debian (proxmox):
# chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0
For installing arduino IDE:
# apt-get install arduino arduino-core arduino-mk
Add the user to dialout group:
# gpasswd -a user dialout
Restart Linux.
Try with the File > Examples > 01.Basic > Blink, change the 2 delays to delay(60) and click the upload button for testing on arduino, led must blink faster. ;)

sudo arduino is the only way I get the Arduino IDE working (serial port and upload) on ubuntu 12.04 (64)
Indeed the serial port to use is /dev/ttyACM0 in my case too.
The other two (ttyS4 and ttyS0) gave an error when trying to upload to Uno.
Have fun

Try Disconnecting the usb and plugging it back in. Its only grayed out because the ide cannot find any com ports that the uno has been plugged into.
another solution is to try all the com ports and see which one works.
finally if all fails try restarting your computer.

Close all instances of the arduino IDE
open ~/.arduino/preferences.txt and look for the line:
serial.port=<not your port>
and change it to your port:
you may have to log out for it to take effect

open $arduinoHome/arduino in text editor and modify last string:
java "$#"
java"/dev/ttyACMN" "$#"
(set property to /dev/ttyACMN,where ttyACMN is name of serial port which you use)
it may temporary fix bug in rxtx library. helped me to upload sketch with arduino1.0.5 IDE.
Maybe would helpful for someone.

In my case this turned out to be a bad USB hub.
The 'lsusb' command can be used to display all recognized devices. If the unit is not plugged in the option to set the speed will be disabled.
The lsusb command should output something like the string 'Future Technology Devices International, Ltd Bridge(I2C/SPI/UART/FIFO)' if your device is recognized. Mine was an RFDuino

In my case I solved this issue by uninstalling the version of Arduino that I installed via apt-get and instead installed via the official website.
With the latest version of Arduino I didn't have the problem described on Ubuntu 18.04.

So I did with sudo usermod -a -G dialout <my-username>.
You need to log out after you add yourself to a group so those changes are applied. Just log out and log in again and the menu should be available.

install rx-tx lib for java run this command in terminal
sudo apt-get install librxtx-java -y
output port
sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER
sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools
help regconize usb device

I solved following serial port related problems in ubuntu 18.04 as follows:
Problem 1 : Cannot open /dev/ttyACM0: Permission denied
Solution : Grant permissions to read/write to the serial port with this terminal command ---> sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0
Here replace tty port with your respective ubuntu port.
Problem 2 : Failed to open /dev/ttyACM0 (port busy)
Solution : This problem appears when serial port is busy or already occupied. So kill the busy serial port with command ---> fuser -k /dev/ttyACM0. Here replace tty port with your respective ubuntu port.
Problem 3 : Board at /dev/ttyACM0 is not available
Solution : In this case your serial port in tools menu will be greyed out. I googled a lot for this, but I none of solution worked for me. Atlast I tried different arduino board and usb connector and it was working for me. So, if you are having old arduino board (can be solved using required drivers) or defected arduino board then only this problem arises.

If it is helpful to anyone, I had this problem using Ubuntu 22.04. The issue stemmed from:
apparmor (apparmor denied error, logging with dmesg)
brltty (ch34x converter now disconnected from ttyUSB0)
Solved it by removing both:
sudo apt remove brltty
You can disable apparmor and it should work, however this made applications like firefox useless. My recomendation would be to totally remove it

Same comment as Philip Kirkbride.
It wasn't a permission issue, but using the Arduino IDE downloaded from their website solved my problem.

The following steps install the IDE and remove the error java.lang.NullPointerException thrown while loading which usually comes with arduino installed with apt-get command in Ubuntu.
Install the IDE
sudo apt-get install arduino
for removing java error in IDE
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt update
sudo apt install oracle-java8-set-default
This also shows the Serial Port which was grayed out due to the error.

I had the same problem, with which I struggled for few days, reading all the blog posts, watching videos and finally after i changed my uno board, it worked perfectly well. But before I did that, there were a few things I tried, which I think also had an effect.
Extracted the files to opt folder, change the preference --> behavior --> executable text files --> ask what to do. After that, double clicked arduino on the folder, selected run by terminal
added user dialout like described in other answers.
Hope this answer helps you.

For a Windows solution I've found that disabling and re-enabling the Arduino in Device Manager, then restarting the Arduino IDE does the trick without fail (no unplugging necessary). Why this error occurs in the first place is beyond me. Perhaps the corresponding method for Linux will fix your problem.
Slightly related (not really), I had an issue with an AVR board a while back which was fixed by setting the device to a new COM port in the driver settings. Again, however you linux bunnies do it, I'm sure it'll be cookies and cream.
Cheers brother,

I encountered the same issue. My solution was to install and use java7:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
sudo update-alternatives --config java
Select the number referring to the java-7 path.

You probably don't have the correct permissions. Try adding yourself to these groups.
sudo adduser username ttyl
sudo adduser username serial
sudo adduser username uucp
Then restart your system and check if you got added to the groups.
groups username
Good Luck!

Try to run as an administrator...
Run terminal, type sudo arduino, type your root password, and... :)


Network manager flickering between device not managed, and no network devices available

Used sudo apt-get upgrade
After reloading the machine, when I hover over the network icon in the top right it flickers between device not managed, and no network devices available.
I changed /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf to flip managed to true.
Running ip link will sometimes display wlan0 and will sometimes not, but when it does display wlan0 the number before it increases incrementally.
I can't copy the output due to having no connection on the machine, but after qdisc it has noop state down.
For ifconfig i get the output: wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found, and sometimes it does not find the device at all.
A similar output for iwconfig sometimes it will give information about wlan0 and sometimes it will state No such device
tail syslog gives iwlwifi Firmware not running - cannot dump error
ip link set wlan0 up returns either cannot find device or RTNETLINK answers: Input/output error
So first, looking into the dump error lead to this forum:
From here it lead to this bug forum:
This says to downgrade the version of iwlwifi
Unfortunately, I am not able to downgrade and have it work, maybe someone else could explain that, but another workaround is to reboot, and at the grub menu go onto advanced and pick the previous kernel.
Now type sudo apt-mark hold firmware-iwlwifi
sudo apt-get upgrade will now say there is no files to update
uname -sr to get the current kernel (the one where the wifi works)
dpkg -l | grep linux-image | awk '{print$2}'
sudo apt remove --purge linux-image
sudo update-grub2
sudo reboot
Now when you boot you should boot into the previous saved kernel
sudo apt-mark showhold -to make sure iwlwifi is still held
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt upgrade
Now when you reboot you should have the updates without the new iwlwifi which has the bug
If I am wrong please correct me, this came from my own personal issue with the upgrade and this is how I fixed it for me, so if there is a much easier way please let those that come across this know

Arduino IDE Ubuntu ports greyed out (no serial port installed)

I want to run Arduino IDE on a Ubuntu machine that has no serial ports. I'm only going to be using it for OTA but the IDE port option is greyed out. I've tried installing tty0tty but that didn't help. I can set up two minicom serial sessions and chat between them on the tnt0 and tnt1.
Are you running Arduino IDE as root? See this SuperUser query for more details about the potential permissions issue.
Also, verify that your user is in the dialout group. This is a requirement for the ports to be accessible in Arduino.
From the Arduino IDE docs:
On Linux, the Uno and Mega 2560 show up as devices of the form /dev/ttyACM0. These are not supported by the standard version of the RXTX library that the Arduino software uses for serial communication. The Arduino software download for Linux includes a version of the RXTX library patched to also search for these /dev/ttyACM* devices. There's also an Ubuntu package (for 11.04) which includes support for these devices. If, however, you're using the RXTX package from your distribution, you may need to symlink from /dev/ttyACM0 to /dev/ttyUSB0 (for example) so that the serial port appears in the Arduino software.
sudo usermod -a -G tty yourUserName
sudo usermod -a -G dialout yourUserName

arduino serial monitor not opening

I have been working with my arduino Uno on Ubuntu Linux (It won't work on Windows with my laptop). For a few days it worked fine, but recently I have been working with the Serial Port. It was all good, until the Serial Monitor stopped opening. It would have a process open, and using alt+tab it would show the window for it, but I couldn't get it to show normally or be interacted with in any way. I have opened it going tools>Serial Monitor, ctrl+shift+m, and the button for it. I can upload fine. I can't find the dynamic IP address for the arduino, or for just fun remotely interacting with it.
open the terminal and tap the following commands:
sudo usermod -a -G dialout xxxxx
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0
NOTE: xxxxx is your username

Can´t upload code to Arduino Uno using stino and Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)

I have installed stino on Sublime Text 2 succesfully, but when I try to upload my code to Arduino Uno, the output is the following:
Uploading /home/lucas/Arduino_Build/programa_teste/programa_teste.hex to Arduino Uno...
avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "/dev/ttyACM0": Permission denied
ioctl("TIOCMGET"): Inappropriate ioctl for device
[Stino - Error while uploading.]
I have the Arduino IDE installed, and it is working fine, only Sublime Text can´t upload the code.
well, as #Bibhas says, your problem is that /dev/ttyACM0 is having the wrong permissions, and that has nothing to do with Arduino or sublime text. It's the linux kernel who creates character devices per default with no user permissions.
But good thing is that it can be changed!
The fast and easy solution is to add your current user to the dialout group:
sudo adduser YOU dialout
where YOU is your username and then log out and log back in to have those new permissions propagated into your shells.
There's a solution that is a bit more complicated, is to create a udev rule such as:
SUBSYSTEM!="usb_device", ACTION!="add", GOTO="arduino_end"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2341", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0036", MODE="660", GROUP="arduino", SYMLINK+="arduino.leonardo"
which creates a /dev/arduino device readable and writable by the arduino group, that you need to create (or you can use the default dialout group which is perfectly fine):
addgroup arduino
adduser YOU arduino
and then reload your rules:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
The nice thing about that second hint is that when you unplug replug your arduino, you won't have it change device number oddly, it will be kept to the name. If you're not using an arduino leonardo, you can check your device idvendor/idproduct using lsusb:
% lsusb
… ↓↓↓↓ ↓↓↓↓
Bus 006 Device 105: ID 2341:0036 Arduino SA
Accoding the Troubleshooting doc, I use
sudo usermod -a -G tty yourUserName
sudo usermod -a -G dialout yourUserName
fix my problem.
I have the same problem today, and the incredible happend. The USB cable gave power to the Arduino, but doesn't allow the communication. The solution for us was to change the USB cable, and after that everything worked

Why doesn't wireshark detect my interface?

I just installed Wireshark, but when I click capture > interfaces, the dialog box appears, but it does not contain my network interface.
When click on capture > interfaces it appears as in the screenshot below. What can cause this?
This is usually caused by incorrectly setting up permissions related to running Wireshark correctly. While you can avoid this issue by running Wireshark with elevated privileges (e.g. with sudo), it should generally be avoided (see here, specifically here). This sometimes results from an incomplete or partially successful installation of Wireshark. Since you are running Ubuntu, this can be resolved by following the instructions given in this answer on the Wireshark Q&A site. In summary, after installing Wireshark, execute the following commands:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common
sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER
Then log out and log back in (or reboot), and Wireshark should work correctly without needing additional privileges. Finally, if the problem is still not resolved, it may be that dumpcap was not correctly configured, or there is something else preventing it from operating correctly. In this case, you can set the setuid bit for dumpcap so that it always runs as root.
sudo chmod 4711 `which dumpcap`
One some distros you might get the following error when you execute the command above:
chmod: missing operand after ‘4711’
Try 'chmod --help' for more information.
In this case try running
sudo chmod 4711 `sudo which dumpcap`
In Windows, with Wireshark 2.0.4, running as Administrator did not solve this for me. What did was restarting the NetGroup Packet Filter Driver (npf) service:
Open a Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
Execute the command sc query npf and verify if the service is running.
Execute the command sc stop npf followed by the command sc start npf.
Open WireShark and press F5.
For *nix OSes, run wireshark with sudo privileges. You need to be superuser in order to be able to view interfaces. Just like running tcpdump -D vs sudo tcpdump -D, the first one won't show any of the interfaces, won't compalain/prompt for sudo privileges either.
So, from terminal, run:
$ sudo wireshark
As described in other answer, it's usually caused by incorrectly setting up permissions related to running Wireshark correctly.
Windows machines:
Run Wireshark as administrator.
By Restarting NPF, I can see the interfaces with wireshark 1.6.5
Open a Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
Execute the command "sc stop npf".
Then start npf by command "sc start npf".
Open WireShark.
That's it.
On Fedora 29 with Wireshark 3.0.0 only adding a user to the wireshark group is required:
sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER
Then log out and log back in (or reboot), and Wireshark should work correctly.
I hit the same problem on my laptop(win 10) with Wireshark(version 3.2.0), and I tried all the above solutions but unfortunately don't help.
I uninstall the Wireshark bluntly and reinstall it.
After that, this problem solved.
Putting the solution here, and wish it may help someone......
Just uninstall NPCAP and install wpcap. This will fix the issue.
