Webex API Usage without using Personal Domain - webex

I want to use Webex API [www.webex.com] to create meeting from my site.
For that I need my own domain in the case of URL API in this way:
And in the case XML API, I need WebexID, SiteID, ParternerID.
Those are mentioned in this Webex official document.
I want to say that these parameters are available in testing environment.
But I don't have my own domain to use this API in production environment.
So I want to know that it is possible to use this API in production environment without owning a domain.
Do you have any Idea? Have you faced such problem? I need urgent solution regarding that.

For the XML API, you can obtain those parameters from this page (you need to login or register first to be able to see the form):
To test the API, all the requests would be made to the sandbox site https://apidemoeu.webex.com

You cam't go for production without Webexdomain. Because For recording of video,Host users's and Attendee user's it take space on server to stored all this data you need your web-ex hosting site.


Can I add a domain to Firebase hosting via the API?

I want to be able to add domains to Firebase hosting with the API instead of the web UI, is that possible?
I want to add potentially hundreds of domains, is there a domain limit per project in Firebase?
As far as I can tell from the entire CLI documentation, there isn't any way to do this.
Lets take a step back and consider what the web UI process involves i.e. the generation of a TXT record to add to your DNS records, after verifying the presence of said TXT record on the domain, providing A records that you (authorized owner) add to allow redirecting to your firebase hosted site.
In my opinion, this very manual back and forth is necessary as a security measure. The only way it is taken out of the equation via the CLI is by providing a means for you to authenticate ownership of a domain (registered with any one of many domain registrars), and being granted authorization to change your A records. These are both outside the scope of Firebase, and could potentially introduce severe security flaws. Regardless, even if it existed, it would still have to be step-by-step and somewhat manual via CLI rather than the single command it sounds like you're looking for.
It is not possible to add custom domains automatically through an API at this time.
Nor would it allow you to create a reseller or multi-tenant project (i.e. connect a large number of domains or subdomains dynamically) since you cannot connect more than about 36 domains connected to one project.
It's possible to add domains using Firebase Hosting Rest Api. I am not sure why they didn't put it on their official website but I checked today and it works. https://developers.google.com/resources/api-libraries/documentation/firebasehosting/v1beta1/java/latest/com/google/api/services/firebasehosting/v1beta1/FirebaseHosting.Sites.Domains.html
Answer that I've received from Firebase support:
There is no API yet that would allow you to add custom domains, it was
requested as a feature before but unfortunately we have no more
information on that - so for now, only the Console UI allows you to do
When it comes to the limits, in a project, a custom domain is
attached to a site - there can be 36 sites per project, and for one
site there is no hard limit, but we recommend not exceeding 20 custom
domains. You can experience technical issues with SSL certs when you
exceed 20 domains per site, which we won’t be able to troubleshoot
since the system was not designed for such use cases.

Accessing a WordPress Database from a mobile app

I have a WordPress website with custom tables that I store data into that was entered by customers. The site owner wants to develop a barcode app that can access this data. When I need the data from these fields to display within the site, I request it from a PHP script running on the server that make calls like get_post_meta().
The owner has hired a mobile app consultant who believes that, if he just has the password to the account where the site is hosted, he can access all of these database fields from the app.
I'm not seeing how this is possible. My understanding is that a mobile app can only access a site by making HTTP requests to it. It has no way of running on the server and executing things like get_post_meta().
Am I missing something?
I think you are missing something. Wordpress now has a rest api https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/ that can allow a mobile application get at data in your database by making http requests.
The developer will need to be able to enable the Rest Api, but if you give her the password, she will probably be able to do so. Typically this is done using a plugin like: WP Rest API which enables a set of default endpoints which includes post meta data and allows you to add other endpoints
Depending on how the custom tables are set up, they might not be automatically available to the Rest API. However, if you are able to access them using get_post_meta() then I would expect that they would be accessible to the Rest API as well, most likely by adding endpoints.

Separate APIM Stores in internal and DMZ network

We'd like to create separate APIM stores in our internal network and DMZ. I've been going through the documentation, and I've seen you can publish to multiple store (https://docs.wso2.com/display/AM200/Publish+to+Multiple+External+API+Stores) but this is not exactly what I'm looking for, since you need to visit the "main" store to subscribe to an API.
I'd like to have the option from a single publisher instance to check of to which stores an API must be published. Much like the way you can decide to which API gateways you publish your APIs.
Any thoughts or help on this would be great.
Once API is published in publisher api artifacts are stored in registry which is shared between store and publisher. API store get artifacts from this registry and display it. So
When create apis use tags to differentiate artifacts e.g tag DMZ, Internal
Modify the store to get artifacts based on tags and display

Tracking a product's web interface with Google Analytics

My company creates hardware products that are sold throughout the world. They have an embedded webserver that allows for users to configure the product via a web interface. I wanted to enhance the user experience of this interface and the first step would be to start gathering analytics on how users move throughout the tool.
My question is how I should do this since there won't be a domain and instead some internal IP address that is used to access the product. For example, if their IT team installs the printer on, they almost never associate that with an internal server name and users would access the web configuration tool by directly hitting the IP. Even if they did create an internal server name like "config.productname.com", I would have no way of knowing what that would be.
This means I can't create a profile in GA to start accepting this analytic data. Has anyone done something similar in the past or have advice on how to address this issue?
Could the issue be resolved by using SiteCatalyst instead?
SiteCatalyst provides the capability to store visitor information inside any cookie of your choosing, and does not care which domain you place code on. Ultimately all data is sent to a subdomain of 2o7.net, however you can create a CNAME record so your site stores and writes cookies to any domain of your choice.
Within the s_code.js file, there is a variable defined that governs the domain the cookie is set:
It would not matter where this implementation was tracking data from, they would all use the exact same cookie location, and be treated as the same visitor no matter which domain they viewed. Just keep in mind this is defined as a third-party cookie, and small portion of browsers reject 3rd-party cookies by default.
You might try Piwik or Open Web Analytics since you can deploy them on your own infrastructure and could modify them to meet your requirements.
If you have a serial number assigned to each device during manufacturing, you may want to use that to distinguish between devices, regardless of which analytics tools you use.
Note that as far as I can tell, Google Analytics doesn't actually care what domain you place the code on; they just use your domain specification to determine what sites the tracking cookies will be delivered to. That may not help you as you probably want the tracking cookies to work, but I point it out in case it turns out to be useful...

How do I send Issues into BitBucket by email?

I Love BitBucket.org
But is there a way to configure BitBucket to accept email and automatically put them into my 'New' Issue list in the issue tracker?
BitBucket sends out email notifications, but I want something the other way around. I don't want to have to go in and create an issue manually each time someone emails me about a problem. I want to forward those emails to Bitbucket so problems to go directly into the issue tracker via E-Mail.
And: Similarly, can you configure Bitbucket so that it listens for code check-ins and it auto-magically set issues to complete/fixed etc.?
Is there a way?
I don't think there is a way to submit issues via email and now that Atlassian has bought Bitbucket I doubt that they will spend much time improving or enhancing the issue tracking inside Bitbucket as their main product (JIRA) is an very comprehensive issue tracker.
I would sooner expect some sort of integration of the two and a phase out of the current issue tracker. But then we will probably have to pay :-(
Re adding emails:
I want to forward those emails to Bitbucket so problems to go directly into the issue tracker via E-Mail.
Yes you can do this - you need to have an endpoint that receives emails, so for example sendgrid allows this (see Sendgrid webhooks docs), and will call a webhook on your server whenever an email comes in. You then need a bit of glue code on the server to post that issue to bitbucket via the bitbucket API (see the bitbucket api docs). So there are two parts to doing this, and you will need to write some code I think.
I'm currently working on a tool to do just this at Project Page. If anyone would like to try it out let me know. I'm also planning to let it interrogate the user to get a bit more detail about things like priority and urls associated with the problem.
Re the second part of your question:
Similarly, can you configure Bitbucket so that it listens for code check-ins and it auto-magically set issues to complete/fixed etc.?
Yes you can close issues automatically - just use the text fixes #n, so for example:
fixes #123
in the commit message, where 123 is the number of the issue you want to close.
There is a API to create issue http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BBDEV/Issues.
And a custom script which may or could be able to fetch email and post to issue tracker.
Yes, it's possible. Bitbucket has a robust REST API that lets you do it at least two ways:
Option 1: 3rd Party Service
Use an online API automation service like
Zapier or
(Click those links for specific email/Bitbucket integration examples.)
You have a couple of options with this approach. With Zapier, for example, you can have a dedicated Issue-only Gmail address, and any email sent to it creates a new Issues ticket. OR you can automatically create Issues just by assigning a specific label to an email in an existing Gmail account.
Oddly, IFTTT doesn't currently offer Bitbucket integration.
Option 2: Write Your Own Server Script
If you have server access, you can configure your Message Transfer Agent to send certain emails to a PHP script that will create a Bitbucket Issue.
The script will need to use the Bitbucket API repositories > {username} > {repo_slug} > issues > POST method.
A great how-to article for this approach is Process Incoming Mail with PHP Script with Exim.
