I want to have 5 zoom levels only in google/bing layer in OL.
In this Fiddle example I have OSM/Bing/Google layers.
for OSM layer I did it like this :
var resolutions = OpenLayers.Layer.Bing.prototype.serverResolutions.slice(16, 20);
var osm = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("OSM", null, {
zoomOffset: 16,
resolutions: resolutions
How can I do the same with google & bing layer ?
I want to show the zoom bar on the left with only 5 zoom levels.
How to remove all colors from Here Maps base layer? I do not want to see the freeways in pink or the streets in yellow. I want a custom grey color layer on the map.
The HERE Map Tile API lets you choose different styles though you cannot completely customize the color selection (yet).
For example, here is the reduced-day style that removes pink freeways and yellow streets.
This is how it's done with the JavaScript API:
//...create your own layer (with e.g. the "reduced" scheme
var reduced = platform.getMapTileService({
type: 'base'
}).createTileLayer("maptile", "reduced.day", 256, "png8");
//Step 2: initialize a map using your custom map tile layer
var map = new H.Map(document.getElementById('mapp'), reduced, {
center: {
lat: 52.3,
lng: 13.8
zoom: 10
I use openlayers3 to build an application
I would like to change the zoomlevel icons are visible at
for example
if you go to London you see airports are visible at zoomlevel 10
lets say I want all touristic icons visible at zoomlevel 10
and airport icons at zoomlevel 15
is this possible?
The most simple solution is to put your markers in different layers and give each layer a minResolution and maxResolution. When the map zooms outside these resolutions the layers will automatically become hidden. Something like:
var touristicIcons = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: touristicIconsSource,
minResolution: xx
maxResolution: xx
// Repeat for airports layer, with different resolutions
Writing down a zoom level as a resolution will not work. You will need to find out what resolution belongs to your desired zoom level. The easiest way to do this is with this little hack, that logs the zoom level and resolution every time you scroll through the map:
map.getView().on('change:resolution', function (event) {
var view = event.currentTarget;
console.log('Zoom: ' + view.getZoom() +
', resolution: ' + view.getResolution());
I was able to set minimum and maximum zoom level for clustered data points in Nokia HERE Maps API 3.0. But, I can't seem to figure out the way to do this for regular markers.
How can I set a minimum and maximum zoom level for markers?
Thank you for any help you can provide.
There is not a mix-max zoom config for a nomal Marker, but it can be easily achieved using Map listener, a simple example is as follows
var minZoom=5;
var maxZoom=13;
marker = new H.map.Marker({ lat:50.16 , lng: 8.63});
map.addEventListener('mapviewchange', function () {
var zoom=map.getZoom();
if(zoom>=minZoom && zoom<=maxZoom) {
In a given instance of google maps...
Is there a way to turn off the other instances of the maps which tile to the right and left of the initial central map?
I've seen ways to restrict the pan ability of the map ... but it uses lat + lng to determine when to re-center the map ... and thus the usage falls apart at different zoom levels.
For example: https://google-developers.appspot.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/map-simple
If on zooms all the way out, you can see how the map of the globe is tiled along the x-axis.
I would like a single instance of the map.
You could add an observer to the zoom_changed event, and set the minZoom if more than 90 degrees of map is shown. The second statement recursively reduces the zoom to an acceptable limit before the limit is known.
var zoomObserver = function () {
width = Math.abs(map.getBounds().getNorthEast().lat() -
if (width > 90){
var opt = { minZoom: map.getZoom()};
if (width > 179){
map.setZoom(map.getZoom() + 1);
google.maps.event.addListener(map,'zoom_changed', zoomObserver );
This simple solution works for most use cases, doesn't take into account doubling the width of the map through resizing the browser window, so you may need to add the observer to another event in that case.
I have a Google map running on the v3 API, I added some custom markers, is it possible to make them scale depending on the zoom level of the map?
I tried searching the reference but can't seem to find any methods to resize a MarkerImage.
Maybe I have to remove markers everything the map changes zoom and create new markers in a different size?
This code will resize every time the map is zoomed so it always covers the same geographic area.
//create a marker image with the path to your graphic and the size of your graphic
var markerImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
new google.maps.Size(8,8), //size
null, //origin
null, //anchor
new google.maps.Size(8,8) //scale
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(38, -98),
map: map,
icon: markerImage //set the markers icon to the MarkerImage
//when the map zoom changes, resize the icon based on the zoom level so the marker covers the same geographic area
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'zoom_changed', function() {
var pixelSizeAtZoom0 = 8; //the size of the icon at zoom level 0
var maxPixelSize = 350; //restricts the maximum size of the icon, otherwise the browser will choke at higher zoom levels trying to scale an image to millions of pixels
var zoom = map.getZoom();
var relativePixelSize = Math.round(pixelSizeAtZoom0*Math.pow(2,zoom)); // use 2 to the power of current zoom to calculate relative pixel size. Base of exponent is 2 because relative size should double every time you zoom in
if(relativePixelSize > maxPixelSize) //restrict the maximum size of the icon
relativePixelSize = maxPixelSize;
//change the size of the icon
new google.maps.MarkerImage(
marker.getIcon().url, //marker's same icon graphic
null, //anchor
new google.maps.Size(relativePixelSize, relativePixelSize) //changes the scale
Unfortunately, you would have to setIcon every single time. However, you can pre-define them, and then just apply them to the marker.
zoomIcons = [null, icon1, icon2]; // No such thing as zoom level 0. A global variable or define within object.
To add to the map an image that follows the zoom level, use a GroundOverlay.