HTTP 302 (Redirect) in Paypal sandbox adaptive payment - paypal-sandbox

I want to implement paypal adaptive payment for my Spring WebApplication in sandbox mode. I have submit the following HTML Form
<form name="paypalSubscriptionPreApprovalFrom" id="paypalSubscriptionPreApprovalFrom" action="" method="GET">
<input name="cmd" id="cmd" type="hidden" value="_ap-payment" />
<input name="preapprovalkey" id="preapprovalkey" type="hidden" value="xxxxxxxxxxxxx" />
My redirect url is " After payment success, paypal will redirect to my application, but i'm unable to receive response parameters. because paypal return nothing. How can i receive paypal adaptive payment response.


notify url = wordpress path

i'm having an issue using wordpress pathing when i use paypal button. the paypal button is working if the form code is not encypted but when i encrypt it does not work
sample code
without encryption
<input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="<?php echo get_bloginfo('template_url');?>/myfile.php">
with encryption
<input type="hidden" name="encrypted" value="-----BEGIN PKCS7----- blahblah -----END PKCS7-----
what can i do in order for my notify url work?
The URL cannot be encrypted.
see the PayPal IPN Integration Guide. The request to your notification URL will contain some information which you can send back to a PayPal server to confirm to confirm for yourself that it was really sent by PayPal, and to let PayPal know that you received the notification.

Image is Not display in email that send by Nopcommerce

I am working on nopcommerce (version 3.60) message template i have put image and give also proper path to image location. Mail is sent properly but its not display image in gmail,yahoo. i have configure my mail template like below
<p><img src=" (2).png" alt="" width="173" height="86" /></p>
<p>%Store.Name%<br /> <br /> To activate your account click here. <br /> <br /> %Store.Name%</p>
Is any configuration missing please tell me. and also is gmail or yahoo denied image to be display in mail for security?
Thank you in Advance.
It's easy for a hacker to replace the image src attribute with a Javascript file that send a request on behalf of an authenticated user to a particular site and do some damage, this is called CSRF attack, for this reason they don't show pictures in emails to protect their users, they show image if it's coming from a trusted source.

i want to retain username when user login page fails in spring security

when user given username and password then click on login button. If login fails then redirect to login page but remove username but i want to retain username. i am using spring security version 3.1.4
You can try as below. This worked for me.
<input name="email" id="email" type="text" value="${SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_EXCEPTION.authentication.principal}" required email>
Hope this helps!!

Classic ASP page - Detect if page is refreshed or redirected from another page

I am working on a Classic ASP application hosted on IIS 6. User can enter the details in Enter_details.asp page and click on send email button to receive email confirmation. After clicking on Send email button, page is redirected to email.asp page and email is sent.
If users refresh the email.asp page, a duplicate email is sent with the same details. How to check if an ASP page is redirected or refreshed and avoid duplicate emails?
Page1: Enter_Details.asp page
<form action="email.asp" method="POST">
<input type="Submit" name="Submitbutton" value="Send E-Mail">
Page 2: Email.asp
code to send email goes here.
What i want is to alert the user if an email is already sent.
How to check if an ASP page is redirected or refreshed?
The page the user ends up on shouldn't be the one to actually do the emailing.
In your situation, Enter_details.asp submits data to email.asp, which does the emailing, and tells the user the email has been sent. Hence, if it is reloaded, both actions will be repeated.
If you leave the emailing functionality where it is in email.asp, and when this is complete, do a Response.Redirect to a new page emailConfirmation.asp which simply tells the user whether the email has been sent successfully or not (you could pass a success flag, and any other details required, through to it via Querystring or Session from email.asp).
Then, if emailConfirmation.asp is reloaded, no duplicate emails will be sent.

SSL form POST from one site to another

I am attempting to do a POST securely from one website to another. Instead of trying to do our own encryption or hashing I would like to use SSL. Is it possible to do a form post from one site to another using SSL that would be completely secure for transferring the user information?
You can't redirect the user's browser to another site with POST (the redirect will switch to a GET), but you can certainly have one server initiate a POST to another site over SSL.
A simple form post should work.
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="UserID" value="1" />
<input type="text" name="UserName" value="Quickfire55" />
