Nginx - PHP-FPM Image Uploading reset every few seconds - nginx

I am using Nginx with PHP-FPM
I have added the following line in the php file.
It is not uploading the image. I guess it tries to upload for 30 seconds. If the image is not uploaded by that time, It stops uploading. But small images are successfully uploaded.
I tried to change the keepalive_timeout to 300.
Still I am facing the same problem.
I was previously using apache + nginx. I just moving it to nginx + PHP-FPM

Just add the following in your nginx.conf
client_max_body_size 2M;
It will allow to upload upto 2MB of image size.


Trying to set file upload limit in mup/nginx-proxy

I am running into a file upload error with files > 10M. I have followed the advice here: which says how to set it in the nginx proxy by setting the clientUploadLimit: '50M'
I pushed the changes using mup proxy reconfig-shared, and it told me it had restarted the proxy. It didn't work, I still get the 413 (Request Entity Too Large) error.
I checked inside the nginx-proxy docker instance, and the file /etc/nginx/conf.d/my_proxy.conf has the correct entry client_max_body_size 50M. I restarted the EC2 box to make sure, but it's still not working.
This article suggests that the setting needs to go inside a http block, like this:
By default, Nginx has a limit of 1MB on file uploads. To set file upload size, you can use the client_max_body_size directive, which is part of Nginx’s ngx_http_core_module module. This directive can be set in the http, server or location context.
http {
client_max_body_size 100M;
I can't see how to achieve this, as the .conf file is read only and somehow locked.
Any ideas on how to proceed?
I suppose I could try a custom nginx.conf file, but I'm not sure what should go in there, and in fact whether it will even improve the situation.
Any help is appreciated :)
I'm happy to report that I solved it... I will explain how.
I was setting the limit in the nginx reverse proxy in the mup.js file
proxy: {
domains: ',',
shared: { clientUploadLimit: '50M' }
But it turns out that there is an option to set it for each independent server like this:
proxy: {
domains: ',',
clientUploadLimit: '50M'
The limit was being set to 10M by default. I found it by shelling into the nginx-proxy docker image and doing a search with the command grep -R client_max_body_size /etc/nginx and it showed me all the places where it was set (for each vhost)
So I changed the mup.js file for my server, did a mup stop, and a mup setup (to re-do the settings) and then a mup deploy
Now this is speculation but have you tried going to the docker container's root shell changed the permissions to give write permission to root or your user chmod 760 /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and edit the nginx file there?

nginx returns Internal Server Error when uploading large files (several GB)

I have an Artifactory behind nginx and uploading files larger than 4 GB fails. I am fairly certain that this is nginx's fault, because if the file is uploaded from/to localhost, no problem occurs.
nginx is set up to have client_max_body_size and client_body_timeout large enough for this not to be an issue.
Still, when uploading a large file (>4 GB) via curl, after about half a minute it fails. The only error message I get is HTTP 500 Internal Server Error, nothing is written to the nginx's error logs.
The problem in my case was insufficient disk space mounted on root. I have a huge disk mounted on /home, but only had about 4 GB left on /. I assume that nginx was saving incoming request bodies there and after it had filled up, the request was shut down.
The way I fixed it was to add those lines to the nginx.conf file (not all of them are necessarily required):
http {
client_max_body_size 100G;
client_body_timeout 300s;
client_body_in_file_only clean;
client_body_buffer_size 16K;
client_body_temp_path /home/nginx/client_body_temp;
The last line is the important part - there I tell nginx to fiddle with its files in the /home space.

Nginx Cache file is too small

I have tried enabling Nginx caching in my Elastic Beanstalk application. For this matter I've added the following lines in my Nginx configuration file -
proxy_cache_path /tmp levels=1:2 keys_zone=analytics-cache:50m max_size=1g inactive=5m use_temp_path=off;
proxy_cache analytics-cache;
The problem is that once I start up Nginx I get the following error in the error.log - cache file "/tmp/" is too small.
I have no idea what this error means, and it persisted even after trying to increase the size of my cache key from 5m to 50m.
How can I avoid this error?
The fact that nginx is trying to open a .sh file for it's cache looks suspicious. /tmp is used by the whole system so non cache files already exist there.
Use a proxy_cache_path that is empty and only nginx will use, like /tmp/nginx/cache or /var/cache/nginx

nginx+php "The connection was reset" on file upload

I get an error that says "The connection was reset" immediately when I upload a file over a certain size, I think it's over around 4MB.
My web server is running on nginx, I tried set client_max_body_size 1G or even setting to 0, no success.
I'd be glad to hear a solution.
I just had to restart the nginx service by using sudo service nginx restart and it solved itself!
In my case, the file was bigger than the allowed size by NGINX in the setting "client_max_body_size". To change this setting open in your terminal the file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and add the following inside the http section:
http {
client_max_body_size 128m; #Any desired size in MB
In nginx versions from 1.0 and above, this setting is not included by default in the nginx.conf file.

Alternate max_post_size and upload_max_filesize for different subdomains and/or directories php.ini nginx fastcgi php-fpm

I have nginx and php5-fpm working wonderfully, and,, and all go to different directories elegantly. I have been working on a site for uploading files. I'd like the maximum file size to be 10 GB. For this to work, I have to tell php.ini that max_post_size and upload_max_filesize are 10240 MB instead of the default 2 MB.
I am well aware of the security implications. I would therefore like those php.ini values of 10240 MB to apply ONLY to one or both of:
One option is to also install Apache to listen on a different port, do some redirect/rewrite magic, and have mod_php's php.ini file with the 10240 MB values handle only the uploads site. I'd prefer to not do that.
WITHOUT having a separate web server handle requests to my upload page, how can I accomplish this in a single instance of nginx?
Use client_max_body_size and set it to the desired value in your server blocks. Nginx will directly drop the handling of the request if the request body exceeds the size specified in this directive. Please note that you won't get any POST submitted in that case.
With php-fpm you can have several pools running, one for each website.
Then you can alter any php.ini setting inside the pool configuration (but be carefull, you cannot use MB or G shortcuts), using this syntax inside the pool:
php_admin_flag[file_uploads] =1
;Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. 10240MB *1024 *1024 -> 10737418240
php_value[upload_max_filesize] ="10737418240"
php_admin_value[max_input_time] = (...)
php_admin_value[post_max_size] (...)
This is really near the available syntax for Apache virtualhosts. PHP configuration has never been stuck in php.ini files.
As you can see you can use php_value or php_admin_value, the big difference is that when using php_value the setting can later be altered by the application, using ini_set command. So you could use a low value for upload_max_filesize and alter it in the application only on the upload script.
