How to animate one item when the other item is hover - css

I have div box which contains two items. One is under the other one. So when the lower item is hover I'd make it animated and slide it out of the top item.
<div id="main">
<div id="box"></div>
<div id="item"></div>
With my knowledge in CSS3 I could only make a transition for item to slide it out in hover. But I want it happen when #main is hover not #item.
Have a look at the them please.

You are correct, there is no way currently to style a parent element of a child in pure CSS. You can use JavaScript as a way to achieve the desired effect.
You can achieve this in JavaScript by doing the following (DEMO: Fiddle)
This should run onload or else it will not work.
// On Hover
document.getElementById('main').onmouseover = function () {
document.getElementById('item').classList.add("to-left"); // Add To Left Class
// OnMouseOut (Not Hover)
document.getElementById('main').onmouseout = function () {
document.getElementById('item').classList.remove("to-left"); // Remove To Left Class
Please remember to change the IDs of the elements if needed.
Add this CSS class to your CSS
.to-left {
margin-left: 60px;
And your HTML stays the same. This should get what I believe your desired result is. Let me know if this works for you.


Change color for any element on page

How do I achieve something like this:
I am trying to change background color of any element on the page when hovering on the element. Not sure why it doesnt work.
It works fine
The problem is that it's highlighting the entire body since the mouse is over the body, so you don't see highlighting on children any differently.
The following example should clarify it It will highlight items inside the body
body *:hover{
<p>1 <span>inside</span></p><p>2</p><p>3</p>
It will highlight the paragraphs, but the span will behave the same way since the paragraph will also be highlighted
What you are doing cannot be done with CSS alone, you can use JS to add a CSS class to the element that the mouse is over
.highlight {
// This is a simplified version that doesn't take care of edge cases
// known bugs: should use addEventListener, should not wipe out existing `className`,
// is not 100% cross browser, but those are other topics
document.onmouseover = function(e) { = 'highlight';
document.onmouseout = function(e) { = '';

How to change the background color of the tooltip only in grid in Kendo UI MVC?

In my page,I use tooltip which class name is .tooltipcell to the grid cell,and also use tooltip which class name is .tooltipbtn to the button.Now I want to change the background color of the tooltip in grid,but I do not want to affect the background color of the button tooltip.How to do that?I use to codes below,it affects the two tooltip.
method1:both effect
background-color:red; //set the desired color
method2:both effect
div .k-widget.k-tooltip{
background-color:red; //set the desired color
show: function (e) {
and CSS
.red-tooltip {
background-color: #f00 !important;
You can do this:
Just incase your div .k-widget.k-tooltip might overwrite the style you may have to target it deeper like this:
div .k-widget.tooltipcell{background-color:green;}
div .k-widget.tooltipbtn{background-color:green;}
The is an amendment to MarioD Answer.
I didn't test it but given that it works, a better practice would be to concatenate these classes. It saves size in the css and improves loading time. Do this:
div .k-widget.tooltipcell, div .k-widget.tooltipbtn {
I had the same problem where I was using kendo tooltip. I wanted to change the CSS of the tooltips only in one place leaving the rest of the tooltips intact.
Using css the normal way to do this would be to use target .widget and .k-tooltip CSS classes.
Although this would change all the tooltips within a page.
So, since I wanted to change only one tooltip (same problem as this post) I had to do a JS approach.
So, I had to use the show function of kendo's tooltip.
position: 'bottom',
showAfter: 1000,
content: 'test',
function(e) {
I will try to post here a jsfiddle in few moments.

Scriptaculous Effect.Appear glitch onmouseover

I've got a problem when using scriptaculous Effect.Appear() as a menu option, I wanted to create a flash-like menu but with pure css and scriptaculous.
I've got my desired outcome which is when I hover over a box, a text (with display: none;) appear above it and the box changes height and background color. Now the problem is that when my mouse move extremely fast and crazy over the box, the text remains (as if it was selected).
What I want is that as I hover the text appear, and if my mouse of out, the text disappear.
My codes
function ShowEffect(element){
new Effect.Appear(element,
{duration:0.3, from:0, to:1.0, queue: 'front'});
function HideEffect(element){
new Effect.Appear(element,
{duration:0.2, from:1.0, to:0, queue: 'end'});
The Divs
<div class="lefty" style="width: 90px; margin-right: 2px;">
<div style="display: none;" id="clicker2text">ABOUT US</div>
<div style="width: 90px;" onmouseover="ShowEffect('clicker2text')" onmouseout="HideEffect('clicker2text')"></div>
Any help is appreciated :)
Instead of using the onmouseover attribute on the div use an event observer like this
But I think this will work better as you are watching for the events that bubble up to body and then acting on it if is the right element.
//trigger for all of the menus just to make sure the are hidden
//instead of stuck on
This should give you some ideas - see if it solves your problem.

css hover alternative (automatic)

My CSS has to change using a transition ,and till now i used div:hover for that.
The transition needs to be activated when you click another div, not when you hover over the div that has to move/change .
How can I do that ?
You cannot handle click events on dom elements with css, you will need to use javascript for this.
You can add a click event to the first div which is fired when you click it. Within the event you select the other div, and make the transition.
Working Demo
You can do this by adding a class with the css transition:
<div id="clickme">1</div>
<div id="changeMe">2</div>
var el = document.getElementById('clickme');
el.onclick = function() {
document.getElementById('changeMe').className = "transition";
/* transition css */

Styling an expanding button's hover-state

I've made a button that expands horizontally:
However I'm having a hard time getting my button's hover-state to work properly.
This is my markup:
<a class="action-button" href="#"><span>Some text</span></a>
I don't know how to style the hover-effect so that the entire button is "lit" when the user hovers over a part of the button that isn't covered by the <span>.
This is what I get when I hover over a part of the button that isn't covered by the <span>:
Check out my example here:
jsFiddle DEMO HERE
Change the last lines to:
a.action-button:hover > span
a.action-button:hover > span{
background: transparent url( no-repeat;
color: white;
And as I said in the comment above try to avoid to use separate images for your button states.
Use only one image and for ex. on hover just 'change' the background-position to the part of image representing the state you want!
It will save you the "button disappearance" until the new image is loaded.
You could change the hover rule to only be for a.action-button At present you have the style rule for both a.action-button and its span.
a.action-button:hover { ...
a.action-button span:hover { ....
Instead try applying it this way:
a.action-button:hover { ...
a.action-button:hover span { ...
won't work on some older version of IE however.
