Using SBT with xsbt-web-plugin, when I go to the console (sbt console), I can't access anything in src/main/webapp that is normally on the containers classpath.
Context is: I'm trying to take certain code that runs in both the webapp and unit tests, and run it in the console. Everything is fine until I reach code that loads one of the view templates stored in src/main/webapp, which it expects to find on the classpath.
The contents of webapp are generally not included on the classpath in deployment (i.e. under standard J2EE containers such as Tomcat, Jetty, etc.), so you might want to move your resources somewhere more conventional, such as src/main/resources which is included on both the runtime and the container classpath.
Here is an example xsbt-web-plugin project that uses Mustache templates that are stored under src/main/resources and thus included on the classpath.
How should I add JAR libraries to a WAR project in Eclipse without facing java.lang.ClassNotFoundException or java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError?
The CLASSPATH environment variable does not seem to work. In some cases we add JAR files to the Build Path property of Eclipse project to make the code compile. We sometimes need to put JAR files inside /WEB-INF/lib folder of the Java EE web application to make the code to run on classes inside that JAR.
I do not exactly understand why CLASSPATH does not work and in which cases we should add JARs to Build Path and when exactly those JARs should be placed in /WEB-INF/lib.
The CLASSPATH environment variable is only used by the java.exe command and even then only when the command is invoked without any of the -cp, -classpath, -jar arguments. The CLASSPATH environment variable is ignored by IDEs like Eclipse, Netbeans and IDEA. See also java.lang.ClassNotFoundException in spite of using CLASSPATH environment variable.
The Build Path is only for libraries which are required to get the project's code to compile. Manually placing JAR in /WEB-INF/lib, or setting the Deployment Assembly, or letting an external build system like Maven place the <dependency> as JAR in /WEB-INF/lib of produced WAR during the build, is only for libraries which are required to get the code to deploy and run on the target environment too. Do note that you're not supposed to create subfolders in /WEB-INF/lib. The JARs have to be placed in the root.
Some libraries are already provided by the target JEE server or servletcontainer, such as JSP, Servlet, EL, etc. So you do not need put JARs of those libraries in /WEB-INF/lib. Moreover, it would only cause classloading trouble. It's sufficient to (indirectly) specify them in Build Path only. In Eclipse, you normally do that by setting the Targeted Runtime accordingly. It will automatically end up in Build Path. You do not need to manually add them to Build Path. See also How do I import the javax.servlet / jakarta.servlet API in my Eclipse project?
Other libraries, usually 3rd party ones like Apache Commons, JDBC drivers and JEE libraries which are not provided by the target servletcontainer (e.g. Tomcat doesn't support many JEE libraries out the box such as JSF, JSTL, CDI, JPA, EJB, etc), need to end up in /WEB-INF/lib. You can just copy and paste the physical JAR files in there. You do not necessarily need to specify it in Build Path. Only perhaps when you already have it as User Library, but you should then use Deployment assembly setting for this instead. See also ClassNotFoundException when using User Libraries in Eclipse build path.
In case you're using Maven, then you need to make absolutely sure that you mark libraries as <scope>provided</scope> if those are already provided by the target runtime, such as JEE, Servlet, EL, etc in case you deploy to WildFly, TomEE, etc. This way they won't end up in /WEB-INF/lib of produced WAR (and potentially cause conflicts with server-bundled libraries), but they will end up in Eclipse's Build Path (and get the project's code to compile). See also How to properly install and configure JSF libraries via Maven?
Those JARs in the build path are referenced for the build (compile) process only. If you export your Web Application they are not included in the final WAR (give it a try).
If you need the JARs at runtime you must place them in WEB-INF/lib or the server classpath. Placing your JARs in the server classpath does only make sense if several WARs share a common code base and have the need to access shared objects (e.g. a Singleton).
If you are using Maven:
Open the project properties, and under Deployment Assembly click Add...
Then select Java Build Path Entries and select Maven Dependencies
Resolved by setting permissions.
Had related issue using PySpark and Oracle jdbc. The error does not state that the file cannot be accessed, just that the class cannot be loaded.
So if anyone still struggles, check the permissions. Some might find it obvious tho'.
I want to give the answer for the folowing link question ClassNotFoundException oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver only in servlet, using Eclipse
Ans: In Myeclipse go to Server-->left click on Myeclipse Tomcat7-->Configure Server Connector-->(Expand)Myeclipse Tomcat7--> Paths-->Prepend to classpath-->Add jar (add oracle14 jar)-->ok
I would like to understand what role the target folder plays in a SOA MDS project.
I am using JDeveloper and the target folder keeps getting populated with 2 .jar files. I am not sure where these jar files are coming from, but they contain old data which should be changed.
Can somebody please help me understand what is behind the making of these files?
The target folder is the default build output directory used by maven.
If working correctly, the builds should be generated there by maven using the configuration specified in the pom.xml file. In your case, the maven build might not have been run recently, which is why you see old content in the jars.
Have a look inside the pom.xml and see what build configuration has been specified there (it is likely to be no different from a SOA composite maven build file/pom file). If it's all built correctly, you should be able to deploy that jar directly to the MDS runtime (either manually or via maven).
In the pom file, you should be able to override most things there including the name, version, bundle type, target directory etc.
You can also use maven to keep track of your MDS changes - i.e. version it like any other build artifact/SOA composite. The versioned jars can also be uploaded to an artifact repository (such as nexus), in addition to being deployed to MDS runtime, so you have good level of traceability of MDS changes
PS -
This might help explain more:
I am trying to achieve what a resourceGenerator in Runtime would do: create a resource that is available on the classpath during runtime, however that would not be packaged under the main configuration.
In my specific case, I am trying to create an sbt plugin that facilitates dealing with JNI native libraries. The above mentioned resource would be a "fat" jar containing a shared library, thus it is not required for compilation but only during runtime.
My goal in the end is to publish the standard jar (in the Compile configuration) and publish the fat jar as an extra artifact (in the Runtime configuration). However, during local testing, I would like the shared libraries to be available on the classpath when simply calling run from sbt.
I tried implementing a resourceGenerator in Runtime, however with no success. An alternative approach I could imagine would be to modify runtime:exportedProducts or alter runtime:managedClasspath directly, however I first wanted to know if there is already a way to include resources only in the runtime configuration?
I'm playing around with boxfuse attempting to "fuse" an image which contains an executable JAR. My executable JAR is given the path to a config file as an argument to it's main method, like so:
java -jar my-executable.jar -conf /some/path/to/my/conf.json
Where the file conf.json is read in by the JAR's process to be configured with e.g. port, database connection properties, etc.
I understand how to pass custom arguments using -jvm.main.args="-conf /some/path/to/my/conf.json", however, I don't know how to get the config file into the image itself. Obviously the path has to point to a valid file that exists within the image.
In dev, test and production, I would want to use the same executable JAR, but a different config file for each environment. I don't currently see a way around having different images for each environment. I see there is some support for packaging specific config with Dropwizard payloads, but no mention of something similar for executable JARs.
Is there a more general way I can package arbitrary files into the image, with predictable paths I can refer to in the jvm.main.args?
P.S. in my case the executable JAR happens to be a Vert.x application, but I think the general case applies.
What you can do is package the configuration for all environments (dev, test & production) within the executable JAR file. So you would have dev.json, test.json and production.json
You can then use a technique like environment detection with for example an environment variable to detect the correct environment at runtime and pick the correct configuration, which can then be loaded from the classpath instead of the file system.
This allows you to build both the jar file and the Boxfuse image only once and run it unchanged on all environments.
P.S.: I've just raised an issue for you to add first class Vert.x support in the near future to make things even easier:
I've been using Flex Builder 3 to create Flex applications that are part of larger Flex / Java project using LiveCycle Data Services. Flex Builder creates and deploys the .war file, which is convenient for the development cycle, but I don't understand what the .war file has to contain in order to deploy and run.
I've found through trial and error that changing certain properties of the Flex Project (i.e. the Context Root) can break or fix the application, and somehow those settings make it into the .war file.
I need to get the entire build process implemented under Ant, and more importantly, I need to understand what the Flex part of the project depends on. I haven't been able to find any documentation that describes what a .war file has to include to deploy a Flex / Java application, however.
For example, Flex Builder creates a web.xml file and populates it with the correct tags. but if I add other features do I need additional tags in web.xml?
Does anyone know where I can find documentation on the .war file contents for a Flex / Java project?
Check out the sample applications here:
Those apps will give you some idea of what needs to go in the WAR. In a nutshell there are four significant locations in a standard WAR and one additional significant location in WAR using LCDS or Blaze DS:
WEB-INF/ <-- not accessible via the browser over HTTP
classes/ <-- compiled classes and configuration files (this is where your .class files and would go)
flex/ <-- LCDS XML config files (services-config.xml)
lib/ <-- web application libraries (.jar files, for LCDS and other tools you might be using)
web.xml <-- web application configuration
The Flex application itself will likely sit in the root of myapp.war or in any subdirectory of your choosing except for WEB-INF.
However if you study the sample apps and get your Ant script building the same structure that you see there you shouldn't have too many problems.
I don't know anything about LiveCycle Data Services, so that may be an issue. However, I have a flex app that interacts with a java server, and I didn't really have to do anything special for flex apart from what you would do for other static content.
Specifically, I have my flex projects properties ~ Flex Build Path ~ Output folder set to the /flash folder within a java webapp, and ant handles everything else (compiling java files, assembling the class files, adding the web.xml, and turning the files into a war).
Another approach, depending on how adobe handles livecycle, would be to have ant just invoke whatever command flex builder goes through to output a war.