AutoComplete Textbox in Apache Trinidad - jsf-1.2

I am using Apache Trinidad with JSF 1.2 in my application. I need to create an autocomplete textbox in my application. But I could not find an in-built autocompleter in the Trinidad tag library. Is there a way to do it using Trinidad tags?

Unfortunately this cannot be done out of the box just using Trinidad tags.
However, you could use a <tr:inputText> component, and write your own Javascript change listener to do some Apache Trinidad Partial Page Rendering to filter the contents of a <tr:selectOneListbox>.


How to create own datepicker control in

I want to create my own datepickar control(or dll),so can use it another project.How to create that?
Why create such a thing for yourself and invest a lot of time investigating, fixing problems, providing support, ... for it?
There are a bunch of such controls available which can be found with a simple search via your preferred search engine.
For ASP.NET I would suggest to either buy a 3rd party control from a well known vendor or take a look at the following:
jQuery UI Datepicker
ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit Calendar control
If you're using ASP.NET 4.0 or above, I'd suggest using the Bootstrap datepicker to keep your application looking consistent.
You can find the Bootstrap datepicker here:

AJAX Cascading dropdown without updatepanel?

I want to make a cascading dropdown list without using an UpdatePanel. I need tips for starting out this task. Currently,
I am using 2.0
Will I be able to parse JSON in VSS 2005 if I use JQuery ?
What is the recommended alternate for UpdatePanel in Visual Studio 2005 ?
If you use web forms , an alternative way is to create PageMethods and call them from JavaScript and fill the select with jQuery.
I will recommend jquery.Create a webservice in your project and call the webservice from jquery and parse the json result on UI.
Check out this link.
If you have any doubt let me know.

Recommend html element theme engine for ASP.NET?

Is it any theme or css framework can apply to ASP.NET?
I work with ASP.NET webform, everybody known web controls generate pure html to work.
But i am not good at graphic design, so I want to find some UI helper.
I already work with jQuery and Ajax Controll Tookit, but it not much help to make a modern UI design.
I have found some commercial library like ComponentArt,DevExpress etc, but is it any free or opensource I can use?
Web Controls generate pure html. The only "odd" item that is added is the id of the control. In ASP.Net 4.0 you can determine how the ID is generated - including eliminating the id generated by the .Net Framework. You can set this in the web.config with the value
<pages clientIDMode="Static">
Read more about ClientIDMode here.
Now, you can add a CssClass to a control and use that to style, which is the best way to go.
You can search google for "ASP.Net Web Page Templates" or "ASP.Net Web Design Templates", but you are still going to have to handle some CSS yourself.

how to use layout templat in wizard control?

i have read somewhere about using layout template in wizard control but when iam using the same in my code a parser error is generated
'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard' does not have a public property named 'LayoutTemplate'.
is there any way to solve this or is it true that it is not possible to use layout template in wizard control
i founded one answer that this (LayoutTemplate) is supported in dot net framework 4 and mine is 3.5 may be because of this.

Modal MessageBox for ASP.NET without jQuery

I have an assembly with custom ASP.NET server controls that is used in several, mostly in-house, ASP.NET 2.0 applications. The server controls use simple modal popup messageboxes, which are currently implemented using the javascript alert and confirm functions.
I want to release a new version of this assembly that uses a better solution for messageboxes, including support for Yes/No buttons.
Ideally the appearance would be something like a simplified version of the Ajax Control Toolkit ModalPopup extender (sample here).
My constraints are that this should be as easy as possible to integrate into existing ASP.NET 2.0 applications without introducing new dependencies: ideally just drop in a new version of the assembly, that contains all the javascript it needs as an embedded resource, and possibly a CSS file.
Because of this constraint, I am not considering solutions I've seen that use jquery, or the ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit, which appears to require adding elements to pages that use the extenders (ScriptManagers and the like).
Any recommendations?
This might help..a javascript example: How to code a JavaScript modal popup (to replace Ajax)?
