Raw Sockets - Sending IP & TCP Headers before Payload - networking

Is it possible to send the IP & TCP headers before sending the payload (so there are two calls to the socket's send function)? While I'm sure you can 'do it' with raw sockets, I'm not sure if the network devices (e.g., switches) will be able to handle it. If it isn't possible, could you please explain the low level networking concepts which prevent this from working (obviously as briefly as possible)?

The 'low level concept' is that the header has to be in the same packet as the payload for which it is the packet header, by definition, and that raw send() almost certainly puts what you give it onto the wire as a single packet.
You should investigate writev().


how transport , network, data link layers functions achieve reliability?

we know that transport layer protocols like tcp control the flow and take care of the reliability by slide window and acknowledges ...etc. the data link layer with LLC sub layer has the same functionality for reliable connections also. the first question : is this means that both layers do the same functions twice? or when we use tcp in transport layer there is no need for LLC reliability functions ?how is it working ?
the second question: since IP layer is unreliable when it sends and receives packets, is this means that routers witch are layer 3 devices with no tcp protocol above it depends on LLC sub layer to takes care about the reliability "I mean between two routers" ?
I dont think you need other reliability, in words of disruption, both IP and Physical protocls (such as Ethernet) have CRC and Checksum in order to prevent disruption, but in terms of packet loss, TCP is what's called a stream protocol - it transfers you a stream of bytes, Sequence / Acknowledgment number server that purpose and help you keep track of bytes sent/read by client, if some weird "jump" in those numbers would be made, an ACK message wont be sent by receiving side, and protocol's sender would re-send lost packets hence I don't think that you need some reliability in terms of packet loss as TCP covers that for all downwards layers.... not sure I fully understood your question though, thats when we use TCP
about using pure IP and physical layer protocols, I honestly have no idea how to prevent packet-loss yet disruption is prevented by as mentioned earlier - checksums

TCP/IP protocol and fragmentation

Using the TCP/IP protocol, given a connection between a client and a server, are the packets sent by the client to the server always received in the same order they were sent?
For example, if the client sends 3 packets of data, A, B and C, will the server always receive A first followed by B and C or is it possible for the server to receive C first, followed by A and B?
At IP level, packets may arrive in any order (if they arrive). At TCP level, the data stream is guaranteed to be ordered in the same manner on both ends.
That means yes, the server will always receive A then B then C. As long as you are using TCP.
When using TCP, data is received by the destination application in the same order as it is sent by the source application.
See the following for more details:
TCP is a transmission protocol, and it transmits data by sending the data out in IP packets over the underlying IP network. TCP is responsible for ensuring the correct transmission of the data, which includes ordering the arriving packets, re-requesting missing ones and discarding duplicates.
TCP as such does not expose any notion of "packet" to the user; the fact that the data is chunked into IP packets is a detail of the "over IP" implementation. A different implementation, e.g. TCP-over-bicycle-courier, might employ an entirely different scheme.
It cannot happen that you receive data in a different order on the application side over a TCP socket.
It may happen that packets are received in a different order by the networking layer of the OS, but TCP makes it a requirement that the upper levels get data in order. It is the OS' role to ask again for unreceived fragments etc and assemble these fragments. So, you need not worry.
UDP, on the other hand, offers no such guarantee.
The server (as the physical NIC of the machine) might receive them in any order. Your OS might receive them in any order again - that will mostly (but not allways) be the order of physical reception. Your client application is guaranteed to receive them in correct order, thats a property of TCP
In general, packets will be received in the same order they are transmitted. But the network may drop or reorder packets. For example, packets may take different routes and arrive out of order. Packets may be lost or even duplicated on the network. The TCP implementation is responsible for retransmitting packets that are lost, acknowledging packets that are received, ignoring duplicated packets, all with the objective of accurately reconstructing the transmitted byte stream at the receiver.
At the application level, you send a stream of bytes and receive a stream of bytes. TCP does whatever is needed to ensure the received stream of bytes is identical to the sent stream of bytes, regardless of what happens to the packets on the network.

Can anybody explain how the receiver know if two nonconsecutive TCP segments belong to the same packet?

Can anybody explain how does the receiver know if two nonconsecutive TCP segments belong to the same or different packets ? And how does it know if the next segment is the last segments in the packet ?
The receiver doesn't assemble TCP segments into packets, it assembles them into streams. The receiver knows the location, in the stream, of its received segment by its sequence number.
Is it possible that you are expecting the count result of the receiving application's read() system call to conform to the sending application's write() system call? If so, you will be disappointed. TCP streams are byte-wise, not packet-wise, streams. They neither preserve nor honor the boundaries of the sending system calls.
TCP does not deal with fragmentation. That's an IP problem. Packets arrive at the TCP level only when complete. IP uses special fields in the header that indicates whether the packet is fragmented or not, and, if yes, whether the fragment received is the last one or not.
You may take a look :
Transmission Control Protocol
Internet Protocol

What is the difference between UDP and TCP packets? What do you use them for?

I was configuring IPtable yesterday. My colleague just asked me this question, and I couldn't anwser. I realized that I'm a much better developper than sysadmin and need to improve that.
So what are they? What are they for? Cons/Pros (if it's relevant).
These are like basic questions.
UDP :: User Datagram Protocol
1) No end to end Connection between to machines (may be in local network or somewhere in the internet).
2) The data received at the receiver end is not in stream as in TCP but as a complete block of data.
3) At the transport layer no packet order check is performed. That is in case of any error in the received packet, the receiver will not ask for resending the same packet to the sender.
4) Because of the above behaviour no sending buffers are required at the sender's end.
5) As no end to end connection is estld. and there are no handshakings required, UDP are pretty much faster but less reliable than TCP. Thus mostly used in gaming and DNS etc..
6) No acknowledgement required to be sent after recieiving packets.
TCP :: Transmission control Protocol
1) End to end Connection is maintained between to machines (may be in local network or somewhere in the internet).
2) The data received at the receiver end is a stream in TCP. Thus, when we do network programming for servers we first parse the header first and then depending upon the size mentioned in the header we obtain that much more number of bytes from the buffer.
3) Error checking and sequence number are all done. Thus in case any packet is received out of order (rarely) or is erred than that packet is made to resend. Also, lots of other protocols are involved for flow control (end to end flow control).
4) As connection establishment , handshaking and acknowledgement is to be done TCP are basically slower in operation than UDP.(Not significantly I believe)
5) Lots of protocols uses TCP as underlying transport protocol. HTTP,FTP,TELNET etc..
6) The communication procedure involves:
Server:: 1) Socket Open
2) Socket Bind
3) Socket Listen
4) Socket Accept
5) Socket Send/Recv
Client :: 1) Socket Open
2) Socket Connect
3) Socket Send/Recv
There are lots of other differeces also..but the above being the most common ones.
TCP is a reliable protocol which ensures that your packets reach their destination and is used in applications where all data must me trasfered accurately between parties. TCP requires both parties to negotiate a connection before data transfer can start and it is a resilient protocol since it will repeatedly resend a packet until that packet is received by the intended recipient.
UDP is unreliable in a sense that it allows some packets to be lost in transit. Some applications of UDP are found in movie streaming where you can actually afford to lose a frame and not jeopardize movie quality. UDP does not need binding between the two parties and is often looked at as a light alternative to TCP.
A nice table is found here:TCP vs UDP
P.R.'s answer is mostly correct, but incomplete.
TCP is a reliable, connected stream protocol. Its view of data is that of a bidirectional stream of bytes between hosts: whatever bytes you send will arrive at the other end in the same order, at least as far as the application is concerned (the OS will rearrange packets if needed).
UDP is an unconnected datagram protocol. Its view of data is that of discrete datagrams, or messages, with no guarantee that these messages actually reach their recipient, or that they arrive in the order they were sent. It does guarantee that if a message arrives, it arrives in its entirety and without modification.
This website probably offers the simplest explanation to the actual difference of UDP and TCP. From implementation point of view, see this question.
For short answer: TCP works kind of like registered letter when UDP is kind of like ordinary letter - with the latter you never know whether the recipient got the packet you sent.
There are loads of helpful comparisons
chris is right!
One fancy link dropping out of google is: http://www.skullbox.net/tcpudp.php

sending multiple tcp packets in an ip packet

is it possible to send multiple tcp or udp packets on a single ip packet? are there any specifications in the protocol that do not allow this.
if it is allowed by the protocol but is generally not done by tcp/udp implementations could you point me to the relevant portion in the linux source code that proves this.
are there any implementations of tcp/udp on some os that do send multiple packets on a single ip packet. (if it is allowed).
It is not possible.
The TCP seqment header does not describe its length. The length of the TCP payload is derived from the length of the IP packet(s) minus the length of the IP and TCP headers. So only one TCP segment per IP packet.
Conversely, however, a single TCP segment can be fragmented over several IP packets by IP fragmentation.
Tcp doesn't send packets: it is a continuous stream. You send messages.
Udp, being packet based, will only send one packet at a time.
The protocol itself does not allow it. It won't break, it just won't happen.
The suggestion to use tunneling is valid, but so is the warning.
You might want to try tunneling tcp over tcp, although it's generally considered a bad idea. Depending on your needs, your mileage may vary.
You may want to take a look at the Stream Control Transmission Protocol which allows multiple data streams across a single TCP connection.
EDIT - I wasn't aware that TCP doesn't have it's own header field so there would be no way of doing this without writing a custom TCP equivalent that contains this info. SCTP may still be of use though so I'll leave that link.
TCP is a public specification, why not just read it?
RFC4164 is the roadmap document, RFC793 is TCP itself, and RFC1122 contains some errata and shows how it fits together with the rest of the (IPv4) universe.
But in short, because the TCP header (RFC793 section 3.1) does not have a length field, TCP data extends from the end of the header padding to the end of the IP packet. There is nowhere to put another data segment in the packet.
You cannot pack several TCP packets into one IP packet - that is a restriction of specification as mentioned above. TCP is the closest API which is application-oriented. Or you want to program sending of raw IP messages? Just tell us, what problem do you want to solve. Think about how you organize the delivery of the messages from one application to another, or mention that you want to hook into TCP/IP stack. What I can suggest you:
Consider packing whatever you like into UDP packet. I am not sure, how easy is to initiate routing of "unpacked" TCP packages on remote side.
Consider using PPTP or similar tunnelling protocol.
