Is it possible to run java web application using eclim? - eclim

Is it possible to run java web application using eclim? How to do that?
I use maven so I can create war file by using mvn install command and copy/deploy war file to some web server like tomcat. I think this solution is not convenient. Is there a better way?


Running dotnet core 2.2 app as service WITHOUT Exe file

Is it possible to run a .NET Core application as a service without having it published as an EXE file?
My requirement can be satisfied by doing this; I'm just wondering if there is a way to do this or is there anything in the pipeline to enable this feature in the future?
In an ideal world I'd like to create a service to target a .DLL rather than a .EXE so when I publish my app(s) I don't need to export run times along with with them as it results in a very messy folder with a lot of files that aren't required.
I think you can achieve what you need with Azure Webjobs. Please read the following link.
I have several webjobs that each one calls a different DLL, and you can invoke them manually or periodically (using a schedule)

Running dotnetcore Console application in Service Fabric Guest Executable

I am trying to run a dotnetcore Console application in a ServiceFabric GuestExecutable Container. While I was adding this GuestExecutable service to my SF application, I cofigured as follows
Code Package Folder -> ..repos\NewDllGuestSF\CoreConsole\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.0
Program -> CoreConsole.dll
Working Folder -> CodePackage
Here, I know I am trying to host this .dll file as my executable for the GuestExecutable service. This is what I am trying to do but could not somehow. When I tried the same with the treditional .NetFramework app and with an .exe executable, I am able to run it successfully on SF cluster. But I need to do is with dotnetcore application and of course with a dll executable.
So far I have tried is -
I can generate a dll as well as an exe while building my dotnetcore console application and use the generated .exe file in GuestExecutable. But here, I have to configure my console app to target multiple Frameworks as "netcoreapp2.0;net461", that is something I can not do for some reasons.
When I run my dotnetcore Console app with a dll executable in SF cluster, I faced the following error
Here if we see, the GuestExecutable service remains in healthy state but the application doesn't.
Can anyone please help me out on this, all I want to do is to host a .dll file as entry point in a GuestExecutable SF service.
As far as I understand you need to configure CodePackage in ServiceManifest.xml to run your .dll using external executable.
Here is the example how this could be done (please pay attention to IsExternalExecutable="true" attribute):
<CodePackage Name="Code" Version="1.0.0">
<ExeHost IsExternalExecutable="true">
<!-- We are using dotnet cli to launch our Service.dll -->
Hope it helps.

MSBuild MSDeploy from within VS2010 Build Definition

We are currently using Team Foundation Server Build Definitions to build our solution and now I want to add deployment to that. We are using TFS Build servers out of the box for our builds. Currently, we are deploying the web app to our dev integration servers using Web Deploy (MSDeploy) from within VS2010 (Publish on the toolbar). The desire is to move this publish to the build server.
What is the best approach to be able to reuse the MSDeploy mechanism (since it's already in place on IIS) and have the build server take over that task? Can I use MSBuild params or do I need an MSBuild project file? How would I configure the appropriate approach in the Build Definition? It is unclear how to configure a Publish using a Build Definition and MSDeploy.
P.S. I've seen several mentions of MSBuild using MSDeploy with cmd line params, but not in the context of using a Team Explorer Build Definition.
Some links to pages that I've seen, but are incomplete based on my needs:
Creating a Build Definition That Supports Deployment
How to Publish Web with msbuild?
The ALM Rangers' Building Guidance has all the information you are looking for, in particular the chapter "Deployment of Applications and Data Stores".

Deploying More Jar files (Own) in server

I am new to deployment and development of web applications.
Suppose I create three jar files and deploy them on a Tomcat server. I use maven to install the jar file and to deploy.
How is it possible to call a method in another jar file?
For example:
I developed a simple application in mytwitter.jar.
Then, I create myapp.jar, where one of the classes needs to call a method in mytwitter.jar.
Do I first deploy mytwitter.jar to the server and myapp.jar later?
You package all of the JARs you need (yours and 3rd party alike) into a WAR file which is what gets deployed to the Tomcat server. So in your maven config you likely already have dependencies configured for things like the twitter API and other packages. Just add your own JARs in there as well and then your code has access to it like anything else.

Deploying a Web Application from the command line

Im looking to deploy a web application on a build server.
It is a very small web app and so far i have written a nice little console app that checks out from SVN and then calls msbuild on the .sln file.
This of course is not the same as publishing a web app and so far have not found a programatic way of publishing.
So my question is this..
After msbuild has run can i simply delete all .cs and .vb files and then deploy?
Should i really try and find a way to publish programatically?
I would suggest using a nant build script where you can use the AspNetCompiler task to publish you web app.
Or you can use the ASP.NET Compilation Tool from the command line.
