Binding a Backbone.js object to a Spring Controller while utilising #InitBinder - spring-mvc

I am having trouble getting #InitBinder to work with Backbone.js
public final void initBinder(final WebDataBinder binder) {
// Customer property editors
binder.registerCustomEditor(MyObjectChild.class, new MyObjectChildEditor());
I have a controller like this that accepts the object
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE,
consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE,
method = RequestMethod.POST)
#ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.CREATED)
public final String create(#RequestBody final MyObject myobject) {
return "worked";
MyObject has a property of type MyObjectChild. I would like to pass the ID values of this object from the frontend to the controller because it does not make sense for the user to have the ability to modify it (they will select it from the drop down list).
I have read that #RequestBody does not work with #InitBinder so I tried #ModelAttribute instead, but I don't know what the #ModelAttribute name would be because it is created on the frontend in javascript using Backbone.js.
How do I get Backbone.js to work with Spring #InitBinder?


Mapping custom data type from URL to Spring MVC controller using #ModelAttribute

I am trying to send parameters from UI to Spring MVC controller. My parameter looks like
To match this parameter I am using custom class as
Class MyDto {
private Long caseId;
private List<ServiceProvided> serviceProvided;
//getter and setter
Class ServiceProvided {
private String id;
private String desc;
private Long duration;
private Long pages;
//getter and setter
I have controller as
#RequestMapping(value = "/cases/resolveClaim.htm", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView createClaim(#ModelAttribute("claimInfo") MyDto myDto, BindingResult result) { ... }
I am getting 404 error so I am guessing "serviceProvided" list couldn't match to myDto. So my questions are:
Is this a really a reason I am getting 404 error?
If yes I guess I have to solve with PropertyEditor or Converter? Am I correct?
Is there any example code that I can refer to?

Spring4 MVC ModelAndView Constructor

In Spring 4 MVC
In my Controller Class
public class TesterController{
#RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView show(){
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("Test");
mav.addObject("Test" , "TestObject");
return mav;
Can some one explain how is the use of the ModelAndView class in this controller.
What is use of addObject Method
and What is use of having constructor.
Thanks in Advance
You can just look at the source as spring is open source.
The model is just a map. So the addObject, is just adding the string "TestObject", with a key of "Test".
A model and view is simply a string of the viewname, along with the associated map/model.
The view resolver will then find the appropriate view file based on viewname, and the map values can be resolved in the view using the key.

Spring MVC - PropertyEditor not called during ModelAttribute type conversion

Using Spring 3.2.3, I'm trying to implement a simple CRUD controller that handles REST-ful URLs. It relies on a PropertyEditor to convert a path variable to a BusinessService entity by loading it from an application service. Code is as follows:
public class BusinessServiceController {
private BusinessServiceService businessSvcService;
public BusinessServiceController() {
public void initBinder(final WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.registerCustomEditor(BusinessService.class, new BusinessServicePropertyEditor(businessSvcService));
#RequestMapping(value = "/ui/account/business-services/{businessSvc}", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE)
public ModelAndView update(#ModelAttribute("businessSvc") #Valid final BusinessService businessSvc, final BindingResult result,
final RedirectAttributes redirectAttribs) throws UnknownBusinessServiceException {
ModelAndView mav;
if (result.hasErrors()) {
mav = new ModelAndView("/business-service/edit");
else {
businessSvcService.updateBusinessService(XSecurity.principal().getId(), businessSvc);
mav = new ModelAndView("redirect:/ui/account/business-services");
redirectAttribs.addFlashAttribute("message","businessService.updated", businessSvc.getTitle()));
return mav;
public class BusinessServicePropertyEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
private final BusinessServiceService businessSvcService;
public BusinessServicePropertyEditor(final BusinessServiceService businessSvcService) {
this.businessSvcService = businessSvcService;
public String getAsText() {
final BusinessService svc = (BusinessService) getValue();
return Long.toString(svc.getId());
public void setAsText(final String text) {
final BusinessService svc = businessSvcService.getBusinessService(Long.parseLong(text));
According to SPR-7608, starting from Spring 3.2, #ModelAttribute method argument resolution checks if a path variable by the same name exists (it does here), in which case it tries to convert that path variable's value to the target parameter type through registered Converters and PropertyEditors. This is not what I'm experiencing. When I inspect what ServletModelAttributeMethodProcessor does, it clearly uses the request DataBinder's ConversionService to perform type conversion, which does not consider registered PropertyEditors, and hence BusinessServicePropertyEditor#setAsText is never called.
Is this a configuration problem or an actual bug?
Thanks for your help!
Spring's ConversionService and Converters are replacement for standard Java Beans PropertyEditors.
You need to implement Converter instead of PropertyEditor if this feature is based purely on conversion service.
To register your custom converters in WebDataBinder you might use ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer or #InitBinder method.

map subset of request params to an object in spring mvc

In our web app, using Spring MVC 3.2 we display many paginated lists of different objects, and the links to other pages in the list are constructed like this:
although there might be additional request parameters in the URL as well (e.g., search filters).
So we have controller methods like this:
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value="/ajax/admin/list")
public String ajaxlistGroups(Model model,
#RequestParam(value="pageNumber",required=false,defaultValue="0") Long pageNumber,
#RequestParam(value="resultsPerPage",required=false,defaultValue="10") int resultsPerPage,
#RequestParam(value="sortOrder",required=false,defaultValue="DESC") String sortOrder,
#RequestParam(value="orderBy",required=false,defaultValue="modificationDate")String orderBy) {
// create a PaginationCriteria object to hold this information for passing to Service layer
// do Database search
// return a JSP view name
so we end up with this clumsy method signature, repeated several times in the app, and each method needs to create a PaginationCriteria object to hold the pagination information, and validate the input.
Is there a way to create our PaginationCriteria object automatically, if these request params are present? E.g., replace the above with:
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value="/ajax/admin/list")
public String ajaxlistGroups(Model model, #SomeAnnotation? PaginationCriteria criteria,
) {
I.e., is there a way in Spring to take a defined subset of requestParams from a regular GET request, and convert them to an object automatically, so it's available for use in the Controller handler method? I've only used #ModelAttribute before, and that doesn't seem the right thing here.
Spring 3.2 should automatically map request parameters to a custom java bean.
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value="/ajax/admin/list")
public String ajaxlistGroups(Model model, PaginationCriteriaBean criteriaBean,
) {
//if PaginationCriteriaBean should be populated as long as the field name is same as
//request parameter names.
I'm not sure how Spring magically achieve this(without #ModelAttribute), but the code above works for me.
There is another way to achieve the same goal, you can actually achieve more, that is spring AOP.
<bean id="aspectBean" class=""></bean>
<aop:aspect id="myAspect" ref="aspectBean">
<aop:pointcut id="myPointcut"
expression="execution(**.*(..)) and args(request,bean,..)" />
<aop:before pointcut-ref="myPointcut" method="monitor" />
in application context, we declare Aspect bean as well as Pointcut along with advice, which in your case is before advice
the following is source code
public class PaginationCriteriaBean {
private String id;
private String name;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
//custom Aspect
public class MyAspect {
public void monitor( HttpServletRequest request,PaginationCriteriaBean bean){
//populate your pagination bean
bean.setName("my new name");
public String appRoot(HttpServletRequest request,PaginationCriteriaBean bean){
return "app";
by doing so, the aspect will intercept spring controller and populate PaginationCriteriaBean based on request parameters, and you can even change the original value in request. With this AOP implementation you are empowered to apply more logic against Pagination, such as logging and validation and etc.

Spring Web MVC: Pass an object from handler interceptor to controller?

Currently I am using request.setAttribute() and request.getAttribute() as a means to pass an object from a handler interceptor to a controller method. I don't view this as an ideal technique, because it requires that I take HttpServletRequest as an argument to my controller methods. Spring does a good job hiding the request object from controllers, so I would not need it except for this purpose.
I tried using the #RequestParam annotation with the name I set in setAttribute(), but of course that did not work because request attributes are not request params. To my knowledge, there is no #RequestAttribute annotation to use for attributes.
My question is, is there some better way to hand off objects from interceptors to controller methods without resorting to setting them as attributes on the request object?
Use the interceptor prehandle method and session like this:
public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception {
if (!(handler instanceof HandlerMethod)) {
return true;
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
String attribute = "attribute";
session.setAttribute("attributeToPass", attribute);
return true;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String get(HttpServletRequest request) {
String attribute = (String)request.getSession().getAttribute("attribteToPass");
return attribute;
Just to save time for those visiting this page: since Spring 4.3 #RequestAttribute annotation is a part of Spring MVC, so there is no need to create your own #RequestAttribute annotation.
An example using #RequestAttribute:
public class ExampleRequestInterceptor
implements HandlerInterceptor {
public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception {
// Logic to verify handlers, you custom logic, etc.
// Just for illustration, I'm adding a `List<String>` here, but
// the variable type doesn't matter.
List<String> yourAttribute = // Define your attribute variable
request.setAttribute("yourAttribute", yourAttribute);
return true;
public ResponseEntity<?> myControllerMethod(#RequestParam Map<String, String> requestParams, #RequestAttribute List<String> yourAttribute) {
// `yourAttribute` will be defined here.
