Python post urlencoded from file - python-requests

When i trying to post data from file
headers = {'content-type': 'text/plain'}
files = {'Content': open(os.getcwd()+'\\1.txt', 'rb')}
contentR ="http://" + domain +"index.php", params=payload, data=files, headers=headers)
I get something like urlencoded string
instead of
<?php echo("Hello world" ); ?>
How to post data as is in text file?

If you read the docs closely, you can either use the file object:
headers = {'content-type': 'text/plain'}
file = open(os.getcwd()+'\\1.txt', 'rb')
contentR ="http://" + domain +"index.php", params=payload, data=file, headers=headers)
Or you can just pass a string with the file contents like so:
file_contents = open(os.getcwd() + '\\`.txt', 'rb').read()
contentR ="http://" + domain +"index.php", params=payload, data=file_contents, headers=headers)
If you pass a dictionary it will always be urlencoded so that is not what you want to do.


How would one send an HTTP POST request?

I'm using lua-http for HTTP requests in my Lua script. I'm trying to find a way to send data as a POST request, similar to the -d option of curl.
I've tried new_from_uri:set_body() but I don't think I'm doing it correctly.
request = require "http.request"
headers, stream = assert(request.new_from_uri(""):set_body("body text"))
headers, stream = assert(request.new_from_uri(""):go())
body = assert(stream:get_body_as_string())
if headers:get ":status" ~= "200" then
Could someone show me how to do this properly?
I've decided to use luasocket for this instead. Here is the code I'm using:
http = require "socket.http"
body = "body text"
respbody = {
result, respcode, respheaders, respstatus = http.request {
method = "POST",
url = "",
source = ltn12.source.string(body),
headers = {
["content-type"] = "application/json", -- change if you're not sending JSON
["content-length"] = tostring(#body)
sink = ltn12.sink.table(respbody)
respbody = table.concat(respbody)

Can't Move DriveItem in Mocrosoft Graph

I am using Python to download PDF files from OneDrive to a local folder, and also moving the files to a different folder in OneDrive after they have been downloaded.
I am able to download the files from OneDrive to a local folder, however, I get a 400 response when trying to move (PATCH) the files to another OneDrive Folder.
Here is my successful code to download the files:
download_url = '{item-id}/content'
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + json_response['access_token']}
download_url_data = requests.get(download_url, headers=headers)
with open('/Users/Name/Folder/file_name, 'wb') as f:
Here is my unsuccessful PATCH request to move the files:
move_url = '{item-id}
move_headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + json_response['access_token'],
'Content-Type' : 'application/json'}
move_body = {'parentReference' : {'id' : '01EV3NG2F6Y2GOVW7775BZO354PUSELRRZ'}}
move_file = requests.patch(move_url, headers=move_headers, data=move_body)
return move_file.status_code
I have followed the documentation here and I have tried different parentReference id's, but no luck.
Please help! Cheers.
What is the response you're getting (the actual content beside the 400 status code)?
I believe that requests.patch should receive it's data as a string, not a dictionary (json).
move_file = requests.patch(move_url, headers=move_headers, data=json.dumps(move_body))
And of course don't forget to import json

upload binary file using python requests

I am uploading a file using requests library below is the code:
files = {'file': open(full_file_name, 'rb')}
headers = {"content-type": 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
final_resp = requests.put(loc, files=files, headers=headers)
The problem is some extra contents have been added to the file's start and end point.
The contents added to the start point is:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="1016064585-65769268.csv"
The contents added to the endpoint is:
But when the same file is uploaded through the postman these problems are not arising.
here is the screenshot of the postman .
The header of the postman is:
it may because you use multipart/form to upload file.try use data like code below
data = open(localFilePath, 'rb').read()
headers = {
upload = requests.put(uploadUrl,data=data,headers=headers)

Dictionary type params in query string

I'm trying to feed the following URL structure into requests:{"City":"Las Vegas","State":"NV"}
I wanted to break up the URL into params, but am having a terrible time getting the filters portion to work properly. I ended up using the below code:
url = '' \
'resource_id=8ea44bc4-22ba-4386-b84c-1494ab28964b&' \
'filters={"City":"' + city + '","State":"' + state + '"}'
resp = requests.get(url=url)
print resp.url
Does anybody know how I can modify this to work with requests like requests.get(url=url, params=params)?
That looks like JSON data. You can convert a Python object to a JSON string with the json module:
import json
import requests
city = 'Las Vegas'
state = 'NV'
filters = {
'City': city,
'State': state
params = {
'resource_id': '8ea44bc4-22ba-4386-b84c-1494ab28964b',
'filters': json.dumps(filters)
response = requests.get('', params=params)
This sends a request to:
is the URL-encoded version of
{"City": "Las Vegas", "State": "NV"}

How to create a new document in Alfresco via REST API?

How to create a certain type of document in Alfresco with using the Rest API. I would like to receive the URL to which to send the request and the list of required parameters. Tried to use but it did not work out, because it could not determine which parameters to send to this API
Here are some links to get started with Alfresco + CMIS - These should help to solve your question in general:
Would use the Rest API, not CIMS
import json
import requests
import os, sys
strUrl = ''
strAuth = ('username', 'password')
strFilename = "somethingtoupload.pdf"
objFile= {'filedata' : open(strFilename,'rb')}
strData={'siteid': 'site','containerid': 'documentlibrary', 'uploaddirectory': 'somefolder'}
result = (strUrl+'upload',files=objFile,data=strData,auth=strAuth)
print result.status_code
You can create your owen webscript REST and personnalize your processing as you like or you can use this webscript "/api/upload".
To create a document you need to use a query of cmis family. The query looks like:
nodeRef = b544cd67-e839-4c60-a616-9605fa2affb7;
xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' +
'<entry xmlns=""
xmlns:cmis="">' +
'<title>name</title>' +
'<summary>name</summary>' +
'<cmisra:object>' +
'<cmis:properties>' +
'<cmis:propertyId propertyDefinitionId="cmis:objectTypeId">' +
'<cmis:value>type</cmis:value>' +
'</cmis:propertyId>' +
'</cmis:properties>' +
'</cmisra:object>' +
url: "/../alfresco/service/api/node/workspace/SpacesStore/" + nodeRef + "/children",
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/atom+xml;type=entry"
name - document name;
type - document type;
nodeRef - folder id in Alfresco.
To create a document in type specify cmis:document. Other queries you can find here:
def post():
cms_repo_url = current_app.config.get("CMS_REPO_URL")
cms_repo_username =current_app.config.get("CMS_REPO_USERNAME")
cms_repo_password =current_app.config.get("CMS_REPO_PASSWORD")
if cms_repo_url is None:
return {
"message": "CMS Repo Url is not configured"
if "upload" not in request.files:
return {"message": "No upload files in the request"}, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
contentfile = request.files["upload"]
filename = contentfile.filename
files = {'filedata':}
if filename != "":
url = cms_repo_url + "1/nodes/-root-/children"
document =
url,data = request.form,files= files,auth=HTTPBasicAuth(cms_repo_username, cms_repo_password)
return (
except UpdateConflictException:
return {
"message": "The uploaded file already existing in the repository"
return {"message": "No upload files in the request"}, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
