Wordpress : Module with the GET/POST value accept? - wordpress

In Wordpress, how to make a API like Module, which can accept the data being passed via POST arguments. I mean, the Wordpress should be able to accept the URL calls from external, and then process it.
I mean, as the external Application or myself manually, when i call:
Then how to write a module to read such incoming POST values and process it (Save them into the Database or something)
It is actually a public API.

Try with this one:
In Base page it should seems something like this :
Click Here
In Destination page it should seems something like this :
<?php if(isset($_GET['name']) && isset($_GET['age'])){
echo "name=".$_GET['name'];
echo "age=".$_GET['age'];

Take a look on WordPress | Accept incoming url with variable parameters
that helps you to get the incoming parameters and wp action hook might be helpful that you want to achieve.
wp action hook


Routing algorithm for Wordpress

I don't know the exact meaning of the question but someone asked me this question in interview. I just want to know that there's something like that, we use any route algorithm in Wordpress?
This could be a trick question because routing would mean mapping an HTTP request to trigger specific function or method that would handle the request which is not something that WordPress does (there is a section about WordPress at the bottom). In simple word, you read the HTTP request information to decide what function is going to be triggered.
Bit more details in simple words
if you are building a PHP project from scratch and want to display specific content or trigger a method/function there are usually two option (without routing)
Using POST , GET or REQUEST variables and complex conditional statements to achieve what you want, so a result URL could be something like this
Setting a PHP file for each type of content
However, if you created a Router (Routing algorithm as you named it or routing system) then pushed all requests to index.php and have the latter include let's say something like this:
// Include the Router class
// Include functions responsible for display our content
I'll not go into how to build a router, just giving examples assuming that you already have one just to give you an idea how routing works.
So assuming you have a router and function to display a contact form for example, you'd also include something like this:
Router::add('/contact-us', get_contact_form(),'get');
Router::add('/contact-us', handle_contact_form(),'post');
Then initialize the Router
Again assuming you have a complete Router, the above function would tell the index.php file to handle HTTP requests on this URL differently:
If it's the default request type GET, trigger this function get_contact_form(), but if the request type is POST trigger this one handle_contact_form() which will act and display content differently depending on your needs.
That's great because it would be instead of something like
index.php content would handle the request differently since there is no router.
// Include functions responsible for display our content
if( isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == 'contact-us'){
echo get_contact_form();
if( isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == 'contact-us' && isset($_POST['contact_submit']) ){
echo handle_contact_form();
Imagine how long and ugly this would look like if you have a lot of pages and a complex site.
So back to WordPress
If you have a new installation you'd notice that the URLs looks something like this:
So it would just take URL parameters then build a WP_Query based on that, if is p then look for posts in database by ID, if cat then look for categories by ID and so on... (that's the simple explanation, there is a lot going on of course in the back-end, but just to give an idea).
You might notice after changing permalink structure that the above examples would now look something like this:
This might look like routing, but it isn't, let's go in a bit more details about how this works.
When requesting a (pretty-link) URL on WordPress, first thing that happens is that the .htaccess looks for a folder/file with same name on the server, if it exists it will served, if not, it would send that request to the index.php file which does one thing:
/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-blog-header.php' );
loading the wp-blog-header.php file, which will make a small check to make sure the code only run once then the following:
// Load the WordPress library.
require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-load.php' );
// Set up the WordPress query.
// Load the theme template.
require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php' );
Let's not go deeper into these files, what's concerns us the most is what 'wp-load.php' and 'template-loader.php' does
This one among other things, looks for wp-config, make sure everything is set correctly, then connect to the database, of course after a lot of initialization, setting up constants loading a lot files that handles different parts of WordPress structure. Part of this process is that WordPress tries to match the request URL with a large set of rule called rewrite rules which are set of regular expressions, when a match is found WordPress will translate that URL into a database query using [WP_Query][1] class which is located at wp-includes/class-wp-query.php and this class will save the query results among other things (query type...etc)
This one handles the display part, it uses some WordPress function that make use of WP_Query (eg:is_home()) to find out what type of content is to be displayed, then loads the the correct template based on that, and finally the template will use WP_Query to show the result.

WP Rest API: Can't seem to get embedded data from the post object

I am working with the WORDPRESS REST API and Wordpress version 4.8 for an internal network page at a local office. We have permalinks disabled (security reasons) and thus I am accessing the posts object like so:
I am able to do a GET request and can get the posts data into my view template with no issues. However, I can't seem to figure out how to consume additional content in the post object . I have followed the documentation and tried to do:
But, I get a STATUS 404 .
How would I correctly apply the embed function in the URL so I can get the additional data associated with the post?
Pass the _embed global parameter without a value, per the documentation.
you should do this:
Basically you add _embed=true at before other parameters and after & add other parameters.

how to change form action url for contact form 7?

I'm using Contact Form 7 in a wordpress site with multiple forms.
I need to direct one form to a different form action url than the others.
I found the reply below for a previous thread but I'm not sure how to go about it.
Can someone specify what exact code needs to be included in "additional settings"
and what the code in functions.php would look like?
Thanks for your help!
reply from diff. thread, which I don't completely understand...
*Yes, you have to change the "action" attribute in the form using this Filter Hook wpcf7_form_action_url. (what would be the code?) You could add the hook into your theme's functions.php and then just process the form data in your ASP page.(code?) *
Since you're not familiar with PHP code at all, I'll give you a bit of a crash course in coding within the Wordpress API.
First off, you need to know the difference between functions and variables. A variable is a single entity that is meant to represent an arbitrary value. The value can be anything. A number, somebody's name, or complex data.
A function is something that executes a series of actions to either send back - or return - a variable, or alter a given variable.
$a = 1; //Number
$b = 'b'; //String *note the quotes around it*
$c = my_function(); //Call to a function called my_function
echo $a; //1
echo $b; //b
echo $c; //oh, hello
function my_function()
return 'oh, hello';
Wordpress utilizes its own action and filter system loosely based on the Event-Driven Programming style.
What this means is that Wordpress is "listening" for a certain event to happen, and when it does, it executes a function attached to that event (also known as a callback). These are the "Actions" and "Filters". So what's the difference?
Actions are functions that do stuff
Filters are functions that return stuff
So how does this all fit in to your problem?
Contact Form 7 has its own filter that returns the URL of where information is to be sent by its forms.
So lets look at the basics of a Filter Hook
add_filter('hook_name', 'your_filter');
add_filter is the function that tells Wordpress it needs to listen
for a particular event.
'hook_name' is the event Wordpress is listening for.
'your_filter' is the function - or callback - that is called when the 'hook_name' event is fired.
The link to the previous thread states that the hook name you need to be using is 'wpcf7_form_action_url'. That means that all you have to do is make a call to add_filter, set the 'hook_name' to 'wpcf7_form_action_url', and then set 'your_filter' to the name of the function you'll be setting up as your callback.
Once that's done, you just need to define a function with a name that matches whatever you put in place of 'your_filter', and just make sure that it returns a URL to modify the form action.
Now here comes the problem: This is going to alter ALL of your forms. But first thing's first: See if you can get some working code going on your own. Just write your code in functions.php and let us know how it turns out.
The fact that you were able to get it so quickly is wonderful, and shows the amount of research effort you're putting into this.
Put all of this in functions.php
add_filter('wpcf7_form_action_url', 'wpcf7_custom_form_action_url');
function wpcf7_custom_form_action_url()
return 'wheretopost.asp';
As mentioned before, that will affect ALL of your forms. If this is only supposed to affect a form on a given page, you can do something like this:
add_filter('wpcf7_form_action_url', 'wpcf7_custom_form_action_url');
function wpcf7_custom_form_action_url($url)
global $post;
$id_to_change = 1;
if($post->ID === $id_to_change)
return 'wheretopost.asp';
return $url;
All you would need to do is change the value of $id_to_change to a number that represents the ID of the Post/Page you're trying to affect. So if - for example - you have an About Page that you would like to change the Action URL, you can find the ID number of your About Page in the Admin Dashboard (just go to the Page editor and look in your URL for the ID number) and change the 1 to whatever the ID number is.
Hope this helps you out, and best of luck to you.
Great answer #maiorano84 but I think you should check form ID instead of Post. Here is my version.
add_filter('wpcf7_form_action_url', 'wpcf7_custom_form_action_url');
function wpcf7_custom_form_action_url($url)
$wpcf7 = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();
$wpcf7_id = $wpcf7->id();
$form_id = 123;
return $wpcf7_id == $form_id? '/action.php' : $url;
Another thing you might need to disable WPCF7 AJAX. That can be disabled by placing the following code in your theme functions.php
apply_filters( 'wpcf7_load_js', '__return_false' );
You can add actions after a successful submission like the documentation says
Adding a filter will work in the sense that it will change the action on the form but unfortunately it will also break the functionality of the plugin. If you add the filter like other answers suggest the form will keep the spinner state after submission.
You can make the form do something else on submit by using advanced settings such as:
on_submit: "alert('submit');"
more details about advanced settings here.
According to #abbas-arif, his solution works great, but have a limitation. This solution change the form's action on all forms present in post with that ID.
A better solution should be to use directly the form's ID. To get it, whit wordpress >5.2, you can use:
add_filter('wpcf7_form_action_url', 'wpcf7_custom_form_action_url');
function wpcf7_custom_form_action_url($url)
$cf7forms = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();
$Form = $cf7forms -> id;
case 1:
return 'destination like salesforce url 1...';
case 2:
return 'destination like salesforce url 2...';
case 3:
return 'destination like salesforce url 3...';
return $url;

Wordpress permalink without domain name

OK it might sound stange but I am facing a good challenge with wordpress.
when echoing the_permalink(); and checking the portfolio pages, I am getting a link something like this:
(Where test is the portfolio name).
Is there any option to return the permalink trimmed to ?portfolio=test keeping out the domain url?
While asking, I think I got the answer already (trim()) but I would like to hear your ideas too.
every answer will be much appreciated!
You can obtain the permalink of a post by doing something like so:
function my_permalink() {
echo substr(get_permalink(), strlen(get_option('home')));
The get_option method replaces the deprecated get_settings method, and allows you to retrieve named option values from the database:
The 'home' value passed in to the get_option method will return the site URL.

Wordpress Hook - External Db Connect

I am developing a shortcode for wordpress. My shortcode and widget both need to connect to an external database in order to pull in formation.
My first question is what hook do i use to connect to an external db. The way I have it set up currently it tells me the header has already been sent. I need it to send with the header to make the clean connect. I do not want to use output buffer if i don't have to. I want to make a clean connect. What hook do i use to make a connect and not get the header error?
My second question is: Is there a way for this hook to only be called on certain pages? I don't want to make this connect on every page just on the pages that contain the short code. Is there an if statement or some sort of hook filter so that the db connect is only made when needed instead of being called on every page load. Thanks.
The "wp" hook is run after the current $post is set but before the headers are output.
So you should be able to do a check like if(strpos($post->post_content, "[shortcode]") !== false) to determine if the DB connect code should run.
You would use that hook like:
add_action("wp", "my_wp"); //where "my_wp" is the name of your function
