How to get custom meta key and echo into class - wordpress

This should be a simple thing, however I am at a loss at calling on this meta information. I want to apply custom css to posts marked as featured, specifically I want a css stamp on the corner. I have that part good, but I can't apply the class.
I tried this plug in, and it works well. I am able to pull a page with all of the articles I have set us featured but I can't for the life of me figure out how to pull the information to echo it as a class.
I've tried lots of things, this is the closest I've come to success I think:
<div class="featured"><?php echo get_post_custom_keys($post_id, '_featured'); ?></div>
Here I'm trying to just echo the contents so I can see what it is outputting, makes it easier to troubleshoot.
This seems like something that is basic but I'm at a loss. How should I call the custom meta key?

You should try with get_post_meta()
$all_meta = get_post_meta($post_id)
and check if your post has featured value.


Using Nonce-field in Custom Meta Box plugin, unable to save data

I have been struggling to create a plugin that would allow my customer to update their contact info. I've managed have the plugin show the fields in the admin-area of the frontpage (only want to show the info there). As I fill in the information & press update post, fields go blank and nothing gets saved.
I believe I've isolated the cause to the nonce-field, tested by having some of the fields in an if-statement where I tested for isset & wp_verify_nonce. The fields disappeared, thus the nonce isn't working correctly. What am I doing wrong?
This is my first Wordpress-site that I'm working on so the solution of using multiple fields might not be the most clever but seemed the most simple to wrap my head around.
As a side question, am I right in assuming that I can echo the contents of a field (for example the 'h3_nimi' by using echo get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'h3_nimi', true );?
Hopefully it's ok to use pastebin to avoid cluttering the post as the code is rather long due to multiple fields? Thank you in advance.
Your nonce is created as tt-tallennus but you are checking against tt_henkilosto so the check will always fail.

Adding A Button Between post-content and Related Posts Thumbnail Plugin on WordPress

I am trying to add a button to my WordPress template. Basically, I have the post and then there is the Related Posts Thumbnails widget that appears. I want the button to go between the text of the post and the related posts thumbnail widget. The code in my 'Single Post' that contains all of this is as follows:
<div class="post-content">
<?php the_content(__('<em><strong>More:</strong> Read the rest of this entry...</em>', 'life-is-simple')); ?>
I know the Related Posts Thumbnails plugin falls within this code because it's at that place when I 'Inspect Element' on Google Chrome. I can't find how to edit the order of things within that div though. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Clarification: I am using the Life Is Simple WordPress theme although it has been custom editing quite a bit (mostly on the CSS side of things though).
That plugin is probably appending the output to the_content with a filter .
That means , that the output is being added to the_content automatically. it is a common behaviour.
You need to look at the plugin´s admin interface to see if you can have an alternative way (I believe there is ) which is using a template tag. in that case, you should put the template tag after the div where the the_content() is .
After a small dig, - in fact there is - you need to put
<?php get_related_posts_thumbnails(); ?>
Then the plugin should know by itself not to append to the_content.
For parameter passing, or if something is not working, go read their APi or help files.
You'll probably need to edit single.php or archive.php in your theme. If nothing is occuring there that looks familiar, it's probably using a loop. In which case you might find what you are looking for either in loop.php, loop-single.php, or loop-archive.php depending on what type of page you are on and how the theme was constructed. Add your button near where you find Read the rest of this entry...
With more information (such as what theme you are using), one might be able to help more as well.

Wordpress: apply_filters & add_action to the_content = EVIL?

I asked this question over in the actual tutorial, but not sure I'll get an answer anytime soon as it's almost 2 months old... so I'll take a gander here...
Tutorial is here: Build a WordPress Plugin to Add Author Biographies to your Posts
To sum up the tutorial and what the problem is, The tutorial adds an Author Bio on to the end of the content like so (the short version):
function x($content) {
return $content . "Author Bio";
The Problem:
When someone uses:
$z = apply_filters('the_content', 'some content here');
echo $z;
The Author Bio will end up applied to $z and if $z is echoed out in the middle of some page… the Author Bio would be in the middle of some page… correct? (it's correct because I've tested it...)
Is there a better way to apply something to the end/under/below the_content hook? other than add_action(‘the_content’, ‘some_function’) because this to me seems evil...
or is apply_filters(‘the_content’, ‘some content here’) not the norm or something developers shouldn't be using inside their WordPress templates…? (which seems pretty much the norm, at least upon Google-ing formatting "the_content" outside the loop)...
Using apply_filters('the_content','some content here'), while it may not be 'the norm' (I don't know. I haven't seen it before, but if I needed formatted text, that's what I'd do), is a perfectly valid use of filters to get some text formatted like the content. Unfortunately, there's no better way to append something to content from a plugin. That is just the way these things work.
However, there's a (less than optimal) way of circumventing this. As part of the setup/install process for your plugin, have the user insert a custom function call, action, or filter into their theme. I know several plugins that do this, so it's not all that uncommon. Something like this:
Would allow you to hook in without worrying about adding a bio to unexpected (and unintended) content. Even better would be inserting a filter:
echo apply_filters('my_super_awesome_bio_filter_hook','');
That would allow your plugin to modify the bio, but also allow the one using the plugin to override it if necessary (like on pages where they're just using excerpts, like search results, etc.).
Hope this helped.
Also, one minor addendum: you should be using add_filter, not add_action to append the Author Bio. add_action still works, but it's a filter you want to be using.
I bumped into a similar issue with a widget I'm dev'ing. I just found this:
Which I'm now going to use instead of add_filters('the_content'). I want the WYSIWYG formatting but I don't want things append to my content because it's not traditional content anymore.

Only date certain articles on WordPress?

I'm setting up a WordPress installation where I want some of the articles to show the date they were posted, and other articles to leave the date out. I'd like these articles to be completely dateless, if possible, so they only show in category archives and not in date archives.
I'm guessing I can tweak the templates to show the date or not based on the article's category, I was wondering if there was an easier solution to this?
Or should I start writing my own plugin to do this?
I've not got anything online at the moment, this is just an idea I'm churning over in my head for now.
Your theory of how to do it (have the theme files make a check for the category, then either display the date or not) is correct.
I think this code should do it:
if (is_category('CategoryThatDisplaysDates')) {
echo '<p>Date posted: '; the_date(); echo '</p>';
If you don't want to mess up your categories (having “CategoryThatDisplaysDates” in a category listing looks a bit weird), you could try custom fields (meta-data). You add a custom field, e.g. display-date, in the write post panel and set its content to true.
Then, use ahockley's code, just change if(is_category(...)) to
if(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'display-date', true) == 'true')
i'd go with a custom field. you can read about using custom fields here:

How would you recommend adding an image as a custom field in WordPress?

I need to add an image to each page in WordPress.
I don't wish to insert it using the WYSIWYG editor, I just need the url as a custom field, which I later use in the template.
I tried using the CFI plugin (Custom Field Images), and I hacked my way into getting it to work with the rest of my plugins, but then I moved the site to the production server and CFI just didn't work for some reason.
I can't seem to find any other plugin that just lets you pick an image from the library and add it as a custom field.
I've downgraded to the point where I'm willing to manually enter all the URLs into each and every page. but before I do, I thought I'd check here.
Can anyone tell me what's the easiest, best way to add images as custom fields in WordPress (2.7.1 if it matters)?
In our WordPress template, each post generally only has one image 'attached', which is displayed outside the posts' (textual) content.
I simply upload the file using the edit posts' media uploader, never insert it into the post like JoshJordan above, then retrieve the image using a bit of code in the right place in my template file.
This would also work if you're using more than one image in your post, eg. in your post content. As long as you keep the image used as the 'main' post image as the first image (remember you can re-order images in your posts' image library by dragging them up and down), you're easily able to call it anywhere in your template file by using something like this:
$img_size = 'thumbnail'; // use thumbnail, medium, large, original
$img_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts where post_parent= $post->ID and (post_mime_type = 'image/jpeg' OR post_mime_type = 'image/gif') and post_type = 'attachment'");
$img_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img_id,$img_size,false);
echo '<img src="'.$img_array[0].'"' title="'.get_the_title().'" />';
No need for copying and pasting image urls.
The template I have uses a manually-entered custom field for the splash image of each post. When I'm done writing my article, I upload an image, copy its URL from the upload tool, never insert it into my post, and then paste that URL into the "Image" custom field. Simple as pie and takes only seconds. Insignificant compared to the amount of time it takes me to write an article.
You can use the custom key value fields on posts as well. let's say you always give your images the key 'thumb'. you can then use this code to output them in your post as a thumbnail:
$values = get_post_custom_values("thumb");
echo “<img src=\”$values[0]\” class=\”thumb\”></a>”; ?>
Consider using Flutter it's a bit tricky to figure out at first, and has many really useful featured, including EIP (edit in place), and image handling.
After installing the plugin create a new "Write Panel", you'll figure it out from there. The plugin provides you with a rather intuitive GUI, which includes an image uploader. The template tags are very easy to use, I believe it's something like
<?php echo get_image('name_of_field'); ?>
I just had to build a site for a client that needed the same feature, I ended up using Flutter.
