Can i change a picture with ''<div class='home-icon''html to a picture in a link? - css

I want to edit this picture.
I see in the edit blogtemplate html editor:
<div class='menu-abs-bg background-color'/>
<div class='menu-specs'>
<div class='home-icon'/>
<a href='' title='Home'>Home</a>
<span>Rivadotaku's Blog</span>
How to change the picture? You can see in the, in the right bar.
I just a newbie, i only can edit a picture in this html
<img alt='' src=''/>
<a href='' style='background-color: rgba(108,203,103,.9);'>
Please help me, sorry for bad English.
Thank you

I'm not sure about what you are tryng to do. If you just want to show another picture instead of the picture you are showing right now, you have to change the src attribute.
<img alt='' src='' />


How to link this button to another page,css,output
<div class="sub-main">
<button class="button-two"><span>Hover Me</span></button>
Im pretty newsih at this, and i need help knowing where to place the
snippet of code to link this button to my site, any help? Sorry if this is a silly question to ask here. I tried to find videos.
Try this:
<div class="sub-main">
<a href="">
<button class="button-two"><span>Hover Me</span></button>
Maybe you can read more about links and another HTML stuff here
Wrap the button in an a tag like so:
<div class="sub-main">
<a href=''>
<button class="button-two"><span>Hover Me</span></button>

Image Could not be loaded - Wordpress issue

I am having issue on my wordpress website. Where I have gallery plugin and the images in that gallery showing this error message when you click on the image. In past those used to pop up when you click on it. But currently it show this error message. I think there is some js conflict please help me here. screenshot- here
webpage -
image url is missing in anchor tag. please check.
<a href="#" class="poppup">
<img src="" title="Dining" alt="Dining" data-lazy-loaded="true" style="display: inline;"><noscript><img title="Dining" src="" alt="Dining"/></noscript>
Working script:
<a class="image-popup-no-margins boxed_shadow" href="" target="_self">
<img src="" class=" vc_box_border_grey attachment-full" alt="layout" data-lazy-loaded="true" style="display: inline;"><noscript><img src="" class=" vc_box_border_grey attachment-full" alt="layout" /></noscript>
The problem comes from file names, no accent, space or special character and it will work.

ion-view customize view-title ionic framework

I want to customize the view-title of an ion-view so that the title appears 4 letters in red and 4 letters in white. How do I do this?
For example I use a template like this:
<ion-view view-title="HelloWorld">
Now I want that Hello appears in red color and world in white color.
My main problem is that I can't get an access via css to the view-title.
Try this,
<span style="color:red">Hello</span>World
This solves the problem of modifying the view-title:
<span class="red">Hello</span>World
In addition to iDeekshith's answer and for future people, you can also add an image to the header (your app's logo perhaps).
<span class="header-logo"><img src="img/logo.png" width="30" alt="App logo"/></span>
Your App Title

Tumblr photo post caption positioning

I was hoping somebody would be able to help with the following query...
I've setup a Tumblr blog on which I'm going to regularly post photo sets.
I'd like to write a brief description with each set. I can do this
within the caption field that sits below the image. The problem with
this is that when including multiple images within a post the description
will be lost at the bottom, below all the images.
I'd like the caption to be positioned at the top of the post, before
the images so that viewers can read the description first.
Here's a link to the blog, though empty for now I've inserted a test
post to show how the information is displayed. The black block
represents an image set,'Coming Soon' was entered in the caption field.
Any thoughts/or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Would need to see your theme's code to provide you with specifics, but you just need to move where the {block:Caption} is being rendered.
An example:
This will put the photoset's caption above the photoset.
Just to expand upon graygimore's answer - changing the position of the {block:Caption} - Here's the exact code I modified from my custom tumblr theme. Worked a treat.
Thanks again.
<section class="caption group">
<div class="cont">{Caption}</div>
<div class="cont content_source">
<a href="{SourceURL}">
<img src="{BlackLogoURL}" width="{LogoWidth}" height="{LogoHeight}" alt="{SourceTitle}" />
<section class="top media" style="display:block;">
{LinkOpenTag}<img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}"> {LinkCloseTag}{Question}

Move text next to logo; get rid of a hard rule

Here's the site:
I want the "Red Tuxedo" text to sit next to the logo, not below, and I want to get rid of that hard rule that runs through the logo. My CSS / HTML skills aren't up to it. I completely destroy the column layout when I change the text and I can't find the hard rule in the code. Tried adjusting the gif (cut off the bottom in Photoshop) and that didn't help.
I did write to the person who created the template; haven't heard back after several days. Would like to get this fixed before I start adding more pages.
One way is to move the logo within the #logo div:
<div id="header-logo">
<div id="logo"><img height="60" width="60" alt="Red Tuxedo Logo" src="logo_red_tuxedo.gif" id="logo_red_tuxedo"/><span class="red">Red</span>Tuxedo</div>
<form action="#" class="search" method="post">
<p><input type="text" class="textbox" name="search_query"/>
<input type="submit" value="Search" class="searchbutton" name="search"/></p>
Try changing the div (id=logo) so that it includes the logo image and the text and add align='absmiddle' to the image. I'd suggest CSS but it looks like it has fixed attributes on it anyway. The "rule" looks like it is coming from the background image for the body element. You'd need to update the file bg.gif to modify it, I think.
<div id="logo">
<img id="logo_red_tuxedo" src="logo_red_tuxedo.gif"
alt="Red Tuxedo Logo" align="absmiddle" height="60" width="60">
<span class="red">Red</span>Tuxedo
To move the text, I'd put the image inside the logo div, the way dmondark suggested. As for the hard rule, it's part of the background image for the body, bg.gif. Here's an edited version I made that doesn't have it.
