When I recompile my (previously working) Flex code using the updated Apache Flex 4.10 I get scads of "An internal build error has occurred" messages.
I have tried:
doing a 'clean' and build
checking various installed java versions
building a new project with the existing code
None of these work.
How do I fix this?
Reinstall the Apache Flex 4.10 compiler but make sure to check the box marked "Remoting Support(optional)".
Yes - it says optional but if you use any remoting in your code (AMFPHP anyone?) you will need this. After reinstalling, do a clean and build.
I'm working with a DEBIAN OS that it have an enviroment configured to work with a cross platform arm device with yocto.
After following the provider instructions:
Set up OS env with a script
open qtcreator from a terminal with the custom enviroment
add a kit with custom qmake, gcc and gdb (there is no warning)
add the device sysroot & ip (all tests ok)
Seems like all is ok but when i try to apply this changes i receive the following message:
Failed to set up kit for Qbs: Could no determine whether Qt is a
static build.
and the kit is not appearing when i try to create a new project.
i already check this pages and all explained there is done:
any clue about what is going wrong here?
Thanks by your time.
i'm using qt-creator 4.7 and the current configuration works properly at 4.2 version.
the Qt version used fot the kit give the follow message at both versions:
ABI detection failed: Make sure to use a matching compiler when building
here is an open post with a similar unsolved issue:
I am migrating my application from vaadin 7 to vaadin 8 and following exactly same steps mentioned in the link
But I am getting error
Error: Could not find or load main class com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler
when I run following command to compile the widgetset
mvn -X vaadin:compile -Dvaadin.charts.developer.license= package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
I took out all the addons and kept only the chart one. Can you please help me what might be causing the error. I could upload the POM file, but its big.
I noticed that classpath is not set up when I am running mvn vaadin:compile
I figured I had some issues, like incompatible version of add-ons ,etc. When I used the compatible ones, it got fixed.
I just installed a clean install of the new .NET Core SDK on a CentOs 7 box. I had a different Linux VM I was running to test this and received the same error there.
I am building my application in VS 2017 on a Windows box and copying the project file over to the Linux box to test it. I am coming from netframework environment and trying to learn dotnetcore so I am sure this is probably just a newb issue. Here is what I am doing.
I run a dotnet restore, which works without error.
I run a dotnet build, which I receive a
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Then I run a dotnet run and receive the following error:
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (apf-ws.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'System.Text.Encoding.CodePages', version: '4.3.0'
path: 'runtimes/unix/lib/netstandard1.3/System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dll'
Nowhere in my code do I actually reference any type of Encoding explicitly. I have tried including System.Text.Encoding.CodePages in my project to see if that would add a reference and bring in the library to ignore the one it is looking for, but it doesn't help. Anyone have any ideas of what would be causing this?
I tried several things before wiping the directory out in Linux and copying the files over again. In doing so it seemed to fix the problem.
I have the latest PhpStorm (2016.2) and PHPUnit phar (5.5.4). For some reason when I run a PHPUnit test in my project in PhpStorm, it is adding on --teamcity to the run command, resulting in a failure:
Testing started at 12:52 PM ...
Unit test suite invoked with a path to a non-unit test: --teamcity
Process finished with exit code 1
I have no idea where this --teamcity option is coming from, it happens no matter what test I run, and even when starting from a blank configuration. I also do NOT have the TeamCity plugin installed, I don't even use TeamCity.
Here's what the full command appears as:
/usr/local/Cellar/php70/7.0.9/bin/php /Users/name/bin/phpunit-5.5.4.phar --configuration /path/to/config/my-phpunit.xml ClassNameTest /Users/name/PhpstormProjects/path/to/tests/unit/app/ClassNameTest.php --teamcity
(sensitive information swapped out)
All I want to do is get rid of this --teamcity option, everything works if I run in a separate terminal window without that option. This only recently started happening, maybe after a PhpStorm update.
I only could resolve this by removing the system installed phpunit instance from my system (Linux):
sudo apt remove phpunit-*
Even if the setting in PhpStorm was to use composer autoloader:
for some reason it ended up using TeamCity from /usr/share/php/PHPUnit/Util/Log/TeamCity.php:
Project's local PHPUnit was 6.2 while the system default was 5.1 -> they're incompatible.
I spent half a day struggling with this. The underlying issue is switching between PHPUnit versions (6.x.x -> 4.x.x). (Happened to me by switching branches)
A click on the refresh button in the PHPUnit preferences fixes it.
(Languages & Frameworks > PHP > PHPUnit)
Make sure the version of PHPUnit it thinks you have matches the one it reports.
This --teamcity option is used by PHPStorm to output tests result.
What you're facing is an issue caused by PHP7 and an old version of PHPUnit.
Remove your PHPUnit 5 and install the latest one (currently 6.2) with composer and use PHPUnit namespaces instead.
More info on this bug: https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/2460
Problem was internal to the project. PHPUnit does not contain that error message. Sorry!
I cant get SpringBoot autorestart get to work. I simply create http://start.spring.io/ Gradle project with DevTools selected and run 'gradle eclipse' to create eclipse project and 'gradle bootRun' and now I can do some change in project in Eclipse and this doesnt trigger auto restart at all. There is no message in bootRun console, no change detection. Any idea whats wrong here? I tried several times making starter project with http://start.spring.io and no way with auto restart ...
Gradle in Eclipse and Gradle on the command line use different directories for their compiled classes. The dev tools (launched via bootRun) will be looking in build/classes whereas Eclipse will be compiling your changes into bin/classes. Rather than launching your app using gradle bootRun, try launching it in Eclipse instead using Run As -> Java application.
In one terminal:
gradle build --continuous
In second terminal:
gradle bootRun
Reference: https://dzone.com/articles/continuous-auto-restart-with-spring-boot-devtools
BTW, I find it take longer time than the eclipse.