HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable -

I'm struggling to setup the environment in IIS8, I searched a lot but couldn't find a right solution.
I checked the error logs, but no idea.
2013-10-09 09:28:39 60172 80 HTTP/1.1
GET / 503 2 AppOffline qa.hti.local
2013-10-09 09:28:39 60192 80 HTTP/1.1
GET /favicon.ico 503 2 AppOffline qa.hti.local
Then in Event Viewer:
A listener channel for protocol 'http' in worker process '11188'
serving application pool 'qa.hti.local' reported a listener channel
failure. The data field contains the error number.
A listener channel for protocol 'http' in worker process '7492'
serving application pool 'qa.hti.local' reported a listener channel
failure. The data field contains the error number.
A listener channel for protocol 'http' in worker process '9088'
serving application pool 'qa.hti.local' reported a listener channel
failure. The data field contains the error number.
A listener channel for protocol 'http' in worker process '9964'
serving application pool 'qa.hti.local' reported a listener channel
failure. The data field contains the error number.
A listener channel for protocol 'http' in worker process '7716'
serving application pool 'qa.hti.local' reported a listener channel
failure. The data field contains the error number.
I don't understand what the warning means.
ERROR: Application pool 'qa.hti.local' is being automatically disabled due to a series of failures in the process(es) serving that
application pool.
Note: I learned that consecutive 5 failures leads to APP Pool crash, and this can increased. I also tried increasing this but no success.
Please share your thoughts.

I came across this question as I was experiencing a similar issue and searching for a solution.
My problem specifically had to do with our IIS shared configuration. We had enabled a feature in IIS on one of the servers (Http Redirect) that was not installed on any of the others so the server 'features' were out of sync with all the servers.
I was able to resolve the issue by uninstalling the new addition on the first server so it was back to matching the others. An IIS reset later and the AppPools were no longer going down and all was back to normal.
So if you are using IIS Shared Configuration and the IIS is creating 'Service Unavailable' errors and the AppPools are going down, this can be a symptom of the system configuration being out of synch which is corrupting the shared configuration. Hopefully this post will help someone find the solution faster than I was able to.

I had a similar problem, and it was due to another error (2282 IIS-W3SVC-WP) that the pool stopped itself. My problem was that de module owssvr.dll could not be loaded due to a configuration problem.
The solution for me was to set the setting "Enable 32-bit applications" from True to false.
I was deploying a solution on Sharepoint 2013 on a Windows Server 2012 with Visual studio 2013.
I know this was supposedly a very specific problem, but I want to help all those with the same problem.

Propably you do not have the permissions to read the directory.
The directory (and the files) need to have read-access for either windows-group "USERS" or windows-grou "IIS_IUSRS" and also for your apppoolidentity.

This occurred for me too on Windows 10 1803 after an update.
Earlier in the event log there were errors to do with missing DLLS, specifically iiswsock.dll and compstat.dll.
After turning on the following Windows features (under IIS > WWWServices > Performance Features and AppDev Features):
Dynamic and Static Content Compression, and
WebSocket Protocol Windows features
those errors disappeared after an IIS restart.

503 2
Is that 2 the substatus code? If so, you might want to make sure your site is not being hit with excessively (5000+) # of requests.
The data field contains the error number.
what's the error number?

This also can be caused by you're software vendor not realizing that they installed the 32bit version of the application pool apps on your 2008 R2 server. After a little troubleshooting my server because they wanted me to reinstall IIS i checked the windows app logs and emailed them the x86 architecture error for their app.

This can occur if a piece of IIS is missing (e.g. one of the many IIS modules has not been installed on the new server).
The thing to do is to carefully compare the IIS config of the source and target, and add the missing pieces to the target.
In a recent IIS8.5->8.5 migration, I had this issue. Went through the whole stack. The last piece was that the Web Cert auth piece of IIS was missing.
To install:
import-module servermanager
add-windowsfeature Web-Cert-Auth

I reinstalled server and copied applicationHost.config to new server, but not installed corresponding modules, and got this error. I fixed that by check modules in IIS manager and ensure modules are installed.
Update: In Windows Logs-> Application, there're some info about which module is missing.

In case this helps anyone else: We run multiple https sites on an IIS 10 server. One of the steps in configuring a new site is to give the new application pool permission to the system certificate. In the registry, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\MY, grant the application pool on the local machine full control. That fixed this issue for us.

I had the same problem and solved it by adding the domain account the application pool was using as an identity to the local group of Administrators on a web server. Perhaps it would also do the trick to grant access to the application directory for the application pool identity account, as #Lisa-Berlin stated above.


IIS .Net Website hangs even after restart IIS/Machine

I have a .Net application hosted in IIS 10 running on Windows Service 2019. Sometimes the website stops responding (usually when running E2E tests). Even after restarting Website/Application Pool/IIS/Machine it doesn't work.
Looking in Event Viewer I see errors like these:
Forms authentication failed for the request. Reason: The ticket supplied has expired
Failed to stop a listening channel for protocol 'http' at allotted time from worker process serving application pool
A process serving application pool exceeded time limits during shut down
In HTTPERR files I see a lot of messages containing Connection_Abandoned_By_ReqQueue and Connection_Dropped
In inetpub log files I can't see any relevant, just the url requests.
To add more information, we have signalr installed and sometimes errors appear in the events, errors with messages like:
The user identity cannot change during an active SignalR connection.
Any idea what might be causing this?

Specific IIS user not working with TLS 1.2

We have run into a problem with IIS, TLS 1.2 and domain users. I searched SO and other forums, but all possibly related topics didn't lead me to a solution.
Please don't judge the configuration, it wasn't invented by me, I just need to solve this problem.
What happens is the following:
We have an old web application, that opens an executable with Process.Start and that executable calls an external webservice. This used to work fine with TLS 1.0, but in the near future, the external webservice demands TLS 1.2.
So now we are trying to make this work, and we are almost there: we upgraded the executable's .Net Framework version to 4.7.2 and enabled TLS 1.2 on the Windows Server 2008 R2. The web app's .Net Framework version is set to 4.6.1. It seems to me that this should be everything there is to it.
And indeed, when we run the executable stand alone (not called by the web app) from the server, so owned by the domain user logged on to the server (with RDP), everything works as expected; we receive the proper answer from the web service.
Also, when we call the executable by the web app and in IIS the application pool identity is set to a build in account: ApplicationPoolIdentity, everything works as expected as well.
But, when we set the application pool identity to a dedicated domain account (so a different one than the one that executed the executable earlier), the trouble begins. Connecting the web service fails with the following exception:
System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: There was no endpoint
listening at https://<some url>/<some webservice name>.asmx that could
accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or
SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. --->
System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server
---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a
period of time, or established connection failed because connected
host has failed to respond ...
Now the question is of course, what could be causing this?
I like to believe that the failing domain account is configured correctly, but it seems it is not. Or could it be something else, that I don't even know the existence of...
I managed to narrow it down to a permissions issue: when the dedicated domain account runs the application stand alone, it works as it should. When the dedicated account runs it from within the IIS context (started by the web app), it doesn't work, but when the dedicated account is given admin rights, it also works as expected.
That leaves me to the question: what additional permissions does IIS need to allow this setup? Maybe in combination with TLS 1.2 thingies.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Application "freezes" and requests queue is full

I have an application running on IIS 7.5 , Windows Server 2008 R2 – using an application pool in classic mode, framework version 4.
Sometimes I am running into the following problem:
The application can work for a few days, but all of a sudden I receive an http error 503 – server unavailable.
When I look at the application pool it seems to be running (I see it started), but it actually FREEZES – every request to it is responded with 503.
At the worker processes list (in the IIS manager) I see a lot of requests unhandled.
It's important to mention that other application running under other application pools are working just fine which means the IIS is working fine and the problem is only in this specific application pool.
When I researched the http error logs I saw the following error logs in the Windows\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR folder:
In regular settings when everything works fine I noticed records of
"Timer_ConnectionIdle" (a normal thing from what I have read).
At a certain times I notice an appearance of "Client_Reset" records.
15 minutes after the "Client_Reset" errors started->records of "QueueFull appear".
In order to work with the application I am doing an iisreset (I guess a recycle for the pool will be enough also).
I will be happy to receive any help or suggestions.
It's important to mention that nothing related gets written to the IIS logs, or the System and Application logs. This error occurs before.
Without more information about your problem, most quick fix will be to Configure Recycling Settings for an Application Pool. Since your problem is about request queues, you can choose option After reaching a number of requests.
When I encounter HTTP 500 errors, I find that enabling IIS Tracing is very helpful. Below is a link that describes the process of enabling tracing and then reviewing the trace. The first section of the site describes how to install IIS, so you probably want to skip to the section labeled "Enable Failed-Request Tracing."
Troubleshooting Failed Requests Using Tracing in IIS 7
Since you're getting a QueueFull error, you may want to monitor the request queues. The easiest way to do this is using Perfmon. On the server with IIS, open Performance Monitor and add the appropriate counters under "HTTP Service Request Queue." In your case, "Current Request Queue" for the ailing Application Pool would likely be of value.

How do I autostart an IIS service on shared hosting (no access to ApplicationHost.config file)?

Is it possible to have an IIS service autostart with no access to the ApplicationHost.config file?
I have shared hosting on GoDaddy, with a few IIS services running. One of these services contains a method that starts a timer and updates some data on my server every 15 minutes. This is necessary for my Windows Phone app to function correctly.
However, GoDaddy seems to restart their servers once or twice every weekday at random times, which stops the service (and the necessary timer) from running until I call the method from a client application. I have to check pretty frequently to see if things are running and then start the service manually.
I'd like the service to start automatically whenever GoDaddy restarts the server, but since it's shared hosting I don't have access to ApplicationHost.config, and there doesn't seem to be an option for it in GoDaddy's IIS settings.
Anyone have any ideas?
IIS will recycle/terminate an idle Web app/w3p.exe every 20 minutes by default, for many good reasons. IIS also have a lot settings to restart Web apps that consume to much resource or generate too many errors. GoDaddy would restart servers regularly to clean up environment, since the servers might host a lot web applications with poor quality.
Basically you can do
You have a 24x7 machine, and you write a program or use cUrl to send
client requests to your Web app every 1, 5, or 10 minutes to wake
If you don't have a 24x7 machine, you may try some function in
Amazon AWS to do wake up/warm up calls. I don't remember the
respective service name in Amazon.
Or you contact Godaddy's technical support about this issue.

Soap error in webservice on one server but not the other

I have an ASP.NET webservice which is deployed on Server2008 IIS7. We use two servers, Production and UAT (test server) and this webservice is deployed on both servers, the same compile is on both of them (no code changes, revisions etc, pure copy/paste from one to another).
The only difference between the applications is a connection string in web.config, one points to PROD database, the other UAT.
If I make a call to the test webservice I get an expected response and all is well, but when I do the same thing on the production webservice I promptly get and error
Server was unable to process request. ---> Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I am suspecting there must be a configuration issue as the webservices are running under their own Pool which is run by a service account/user (local admin on the servers) and they are set to only run through SSL (https:// only) on a special port.
I tired sniffing with Fiddler and got two identical SOAP requests, the only difference being the server name in URL. I can access the WSDL of both webservices from IE browser, I can successfully refresh my web reference in Visual studio (for both prod and uat services).
Does anyone have any hints what should I be looking at, perhaps someone had a similar problem?
This is resolved. As I suspected the error was in production server configuration. When the sys team added a service user into the local Administrators they added it through Active directory groups, which as I am told requires a logoff/logon or a restart.
Server restart was the solution in my case.
