Providing help for a modal dialog in Qt - qt

I am working on a Qt application and developing a context sensitive help solution. When a Modal Dialog is active and F1 is pressed, I would desire to be able to interact with the Modal Dialog and help at the same time until the help solution is no longer needed. If I make the Modal Dialog Non-Modal with the F1 event, this allows the parent window to be manipulated which defeats the purpose of making it Modal to begin with.
Does someone have a good solution that allows a user to interact with Help and a Modal Dialog that is better than simply swapping Modality between the Modal Dialog and the Help Dialog? (This is done by setting the Help Dialog property to Qt::ApplicationModal, then when Help Dialog is closed, the Modal behavior returns to the previous Modal Dialog)
Thanks in advance.

You could just use an external help viewer which runs as a different process. If the number of parent dialogs change or the relationship, the developer needs to go back and fix all the windows intended to be non-active.


Bootstrap 3 modal popup disappear on button click

I used bootstrap 3 modal dialog for search function in my inventory application.When I press the search button on my modal content whole popup up dialog went disappeared.I want to lock the the modal dialog in my current page window.How can I resolve this using bootstrap.I tried putting data-backdrop: static.But it's still not work for me.
Try also passing the
{keyboard: false}
Option as well as data-backdrop: false. Technically speaking data-backdrop should be solving your problem. Is theres something that makes your project unique?

How to make a slide up modal page in Meego?

I'm developing an app which works more or less like the Notes app. When user click the + button a modal window with TextEdits is to be slided up,just like the Notes app did. However I was unable to locate any resource mentioning this kind of thing. Any clues?
I think you are looking for the QML Sheet element. You will need to implement the TextEdit part yourself.

Qt - window over modal dialog

I have next problem:
I have one modal dialog over main app, but I need to show help dialog of that modal dialog in front of anything (even that modal dialog).
Is there a way to accomplish this without making my modal dialog non-modal.
If the help dialog would be in front of the modal dialog, how could the user close the modal dialog? The user could not interact with the help dialog in any way. I wouldn't recommend making a user interface that works differently than all other similar interfaces with modal dialogs.
Maybe you could move the help text from the help dialog to the modal dialog?
Just create another modal style dialog for the help dialog from within the dialog you've already created. You couldn't select select help from anything but that anyway.

Disable UIPageViewController when ModalViewController opened

I am totaly new to this site, but I already like it :-)
I found it by searching for a question about the UIPageViewController.
I have a normal UIPageViewController App, in which I open a ModalViewController for setting up some settings...
Now the Problem: :-)
If I click on the done Button on the right side of the ModalView, to dismiss it, the PageViewController turnes the page, because he thinks that he is meant by that click ;-)
Can I disable the PageViewController GestureRecognizer as long as I have a ModalView opened?
Is there a method to disable and later his recognizer?
thank you for your help in advance...
cu Matze
It seems odd that your UIPageViewController would steal touches from a modal view presented over it. Unless, perhaps, you are embedding the modal view within the content of the UIPageViewController?
To answer your question -- you can easily disable the page view controller's gesture recognizers by enumerating its gestureRecognizers property (an NSArray):
for (UIGestureRecognizer *gr in [self.pageViewController gestureRecognizers]) {
[gr setEnabled:NO];
Re-enable them later with setEnabled:YES.
In iOS 6 UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll has been added. UIPageViewControllers that use this transition style return no gesture recognisers in the array returned by gestureRecognizers. Presumably page view controllers with this transition style use an underlying, private UIScrollView instance (it behaves just like a UIScrollView with paging enabled), although I haven't checked this.

navigateToURL ... set modal property

When a user clicks a button, I need a separate browser window to popup. How can I set the modal property of the application? (ie, when a popup window opens, the main application is disabled until that popup is closed ... I need to use a browser window rather than a popup window, but can't figure out how to disable the main application)
PopUpManager.createPopUp (this, navigateToURL( url, "" ) , true );
[[Updated Answer]]
Ok, my modal dialog looks like so:
cg = mx.managers.PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, ChoiceGrid, true) as ChoiceGrid;
But, what I would do instead of what you're asking, is embed an IFrame in the modal popup. This is exactly what we're doing in our app to collect CC data (well, not the popup part, just the IFrame bit.
This way, you have the standard modal dialog you're looking for, AND an internally managed 'view' out to your checkout server. Something like this:
<code:IFrame id="iFrameWithJSfunctions"
src="{checkoutURL}" />
The flex-iframe is pretty easy to work with, for the most part. You shouldn't have many problems with it.
[[Original Answer]]
I'm not sure you need a PopUp to do this.
Why don't you simply do:
You should think of a Flex App as a self contained entity. The PopUpManager is designed to create Windows (Panels / any UIComponent) that reside over another component inside the SWF. It does not create items that pop up out of the SWF or in new browser windows.
navigateToURL could be used to create a HTML pop-up from your Flex application. However, there is very little--if any--communication between the SWF and the browser pop up. And there is no way to make a modal pop-up.
You might investigate performing an ExternalInterface call and creating your new pop up in JavaScript. Here is an article about creating modal windows in JavaScript. Before going too far down that road, I would think carefully about your requirements. How would feel if one browser window popped open another browser window and prevented you from doing any browsing until you addressed the issues in that window. Or to put it another way, how would you feel if Microsoft Word opened a word document and wouldn't let you edit any other document until you shut down the first one? I'd be pretty upset.
Modal application dialogs are one thing. And the PopUpManager allows you to create those. I would consider Model application windows a bad UI decision.
