MPI alterate order of execution of master and slaves - mpi

I have two programs master and slave. My master does data decomposition and slaves do computation on the part of decomposed data. MPI scaterv is implemented for distribution of work.I execute my master program first then it dynamically spawns child or slave processes and slave executes different code ie.computation. Now again master has to collect results from slaves and executes next level of decomposition. how do I do that using MPI? I actually wanted to execute my master and slave code alternately.. How can I implement this?
Thank you in advance..

MPI-2 (if I remember correctly) introduced mechanisms for dynamic process management, you might care to search for mpi_comm_spawn to start learning about those mechanisms. So it is certainly possible to write an MPI program which alternates between one process running the master task and multiple processes running the worker tasks (the term slave is deprecated). It's even possible to design your computation so that one program runs the master task and another program runs the (multiple) worker tasks and to use MPI for passing messages between the two.
BUT (that's a big but) I don't think that many resource managers (either the humans who manage parallel computer systems or the operating system and systems software such as job managers) support such dynamic process management. Imagine the complexities of scheduling, and managing, two or more programs with the basic design that you propose. Just as program A tries to fire up 2^10 worker processes so too does program B, and program C, while program D tries to drop 2^8 worker processes; all this on a cluster with only 2^10 processors (or cores). It's probably not too difficult to construct scenarios where the throughput of jobs on the cluster falls towards zero as multiple jobs contend for scarce resources.
If your platform supports dynamic process management, go right ahead. In the far more likely case that your platform does not you have at least two choices, which one you choose depends on the ratio of master:worker time and probably other factors too. You could:
Do what most of us have always done and continue to do and request a total number of processors for the entire job, leaving all but one of them idle during the master-only phases. Wasteful perhaps but easy for the resource managers to cope with. Relatively easy to program too.
If the master does a lot of work between worker phases you could modify your program so that the master and worker are separate programs. First have the master execute on one process and, as it finishes, submit a request to the job management system to initiate the first phase of the worker computation. Have that, in turn, initiate the execution of the next master phase, and so on and so on.


Low performance with MPI communication within a single node

I have a program that is using the openMPI implementation of MPI for data-exchange between processes. Right now I am using this program on only one node, where the data has to be shared from one process to all the others. The total amount of data that the master process is sending is 130 Gb, which is split and sent to 6-8 client processes, but this data-transfer takes an awful amount of time (1 hour).
Knowing that the code is running on the very same node, I would expect that the data-transfer could use some speed-up, through the settings that I could describe when I launch the mpirun program - Do you know which settings could help me to get a faster data-transfer in this scenario? Right now I am using only "--mca btl vader,self" as optional components.
The actual code use MPI_Send() functions that share an amount of data that is near to the maximum amount of data that is possible to transfer with this call. After the data has been transferred to a client-process after multiple MPI_Send() calls, the master process send data to the other pending client-processes.

User mode and kernel mode: different program at same time

Is it possible that one process is running in kernel mode and another in user mode at the same time?
I know, it's not a coding question but please guide me if someone knows answer.
For two processes to actually be running at the same time, you must have multiple CPUs. And indeed, when you have multiple CPUs, what runs on the different CPUs is very loosly coupled and you can definitely have one process running user code on one CPU, while another process runs kernel code (e.g., doing some work inside a system call) on another CPU.
If you are asking about just one CPU, in that case you can't have two running processes at the same time. But what you can have is two runnable processes, which mean two processes which are both ready to run but since there is just one CPU, only one of the can actually run. One of the runnable processes might be in user mode - e.g., consider a long-running tight loop that was preempted after its time quota was over. Another runnable process might be in kernel mode - e.g., consider a process that did a read() system call from disk, the kernel sent the read request to the disk, but the read request completed so now the process is ready to run again in kernel mode and complete the read() call.
Yes, it is possible. Even multiple processes can be in the kernel mode at the same time.
Just that a single process cannot be in both the modes at the same time.
correct me but i suppose there is no any processes in kernel mode , there are only threads.

Difference between processor and process in parallel computing?

Every time I come across something like "process 0 does x task" , I am inclined to think they mean processor.
After reading a bit more about it, I find that there are two memory classifications, shared memory and distributed memory:
A shared memory executes something like a thread (implying same data is available to all processors- hence it makes sense to call it a process) However, even for distributed memory it is called a process instead of a processor. For example: "Process 0 is computing the partial dot product"
Why is this so? Why is it called a process and not a processor?
PS. I hope this question is not trivial :)
These other answers are all pretty spot on. Processors are physical, processes are software. So a quad core CPU will have 4 processors, but can run many more processes.
Your confusion around distributed terminology is fair though. In distributed computing, typically X number of processes will be executed equal to the number of hardware processors. In this scenario, each processes gets an ID in software often called a rank. Ranks are independent of processors, and different ranks will have different tasks. So when you report a status, information is relative to the process rank, and not the physical processor.
To rephrase, in distributed computing there will usually be one process running on each processor. The process will have a unique id that is more important in the software than the physical processor it is running on, so status information is given about the process. As the number of processes and processors are equal, this distinction can get a bit blurred.
The distinction is hardware vs software.
The process is the logical instance of your program. The processor is the hardware entity that runs the process. Most of the time, you don't care about the actual processor, only the process that's executing.
For instance, the OS may decide to temporarily put your processes to sleep in order to give other applications runtime, and later it may awaken them on different processors. As long as your processes produce the expected results, this should not be of any interest to you: all you care about is the computation, not where it's happening.
For me, processor refers to machine, that is responsible for computing operations. Process is a single instance of some program. (I hope i understood what you meant).
I would say that they use the terms indistinctly because most of the time the context allows it and the difference may be subtle to some extent. That is, since each process (when it is single threaded) executes on a processor, people typically does not want to make the distinction between the physical entity (processor) and the logical entity (process).
This assumption might be wrong when considering processors with multithreading capabilities (SMT, and Hyper-Threading for Intel processors) and/or executing multi-threaded applications because processes run on any available processor (or thread). In those situations, people should be stricter when making this affirmations. Still, since it is possible to bind one process (and even one thread) to a processor (or processor thread) using affinity commands, they can use indistinctly both terms under these circumstances.

Cooperative Multitasking system

I'm trying to get around the concept of cooperative multitasking system and exactly how it works in a single threaded application.
My understanding is that this is a "form of multitasking in which multiple tasks execute by voluntarily ceding control to other tasks at programmer-defined points within each task."
So if you have a list of tasks and one task is executing, how do you determine to pass execution to another task? And when you give execution back to a previous task, how do resume from where you were previously?
I find this a bit confusing because I don't understand how this can be achieve without a multithreaded application.
Any advice would be very helpeful :)
In your specific scenario where a single process (or thread of execution) uses cooperative multitasking, you can use something like Windows' fibers or POSIX setcontext family of functions. I will use the term fiber here.
Basically when one fiber is finished executing a chunk of work and wants to voluntarily allow other fibers to run (hence the "cooperative" term), it either manually switches to the other fiber's context or more typically it performs some kind of yield() or scheduler() call that jumps into the scheduler's context, then the scheduler finds a new fiber to run and switches to that fiber's context.
What do we mean by context here? Basically the stack and registers. There is nothing magic about the stack, it's just a block of memory the stack pointer happens to point to. There is also nothing magic about the program counter, it just points to the next instruction to execute. Switching contexts simply saves the current registers somewhere, changes the stack pointer to a different chunk of memory, updates the program counter to a different stream of instructions, copies that context's saved registers into the CPU, then does a jump. Bam, you're now executing different instructions with a different stack. Often the context switch code is written in assembly that is invoked in a way that doesn't modify the current stack or it backs out the changes, in either case it leaves no traces on the stack or in registers so when code resumes execution it has no idea anything happened. (Again, the theme: we assume that method calls fiddle with registers, push arguments to the stack, move the stack pointer, etc but that is just the C calling convention. Nothing requires you to maintain a stack at all or to have any particular method call leave any traces of itself on the stack).
Since each stack is separate, you don't have some continuous chain of seemingly random method calls eventually overflowing the stack (which might be the result if you naively tried to implement this scheme using standard C methods that continuously called each other). You could implement this manually with a state machine where each fiber kept a state machine of where it was in its work, periodically returning to the calling dispatcher's method, but why bother when actual fiber/co-routine support is widely available?
Also remember that cooperative multitasking is orthogonal to processes, protected memory, address spaces, etc. Witness Mac OS 9 or Windows 3.x. They supported the idea of separate processes. But when you yielded, the context was changed to the OS context, allowing the OS scheduler to run, which then potentially selected another process to switch to. In theory you could have a full protected virtual memory OS that still used cooperative multitasking. In those systems, if a errant process never yielded, the OS scheduler never ran, so all other processes in the system were frozen. **
The next natural question is what makes something pre-emptive... The answer is that the OS schedules an interrupt timer with the CPU to stop the currently executing task and switch back to the OS scheduler's context regardless of whether the current task cares to release the CPU or not, thus "pre-empting" it.
If the OS uses CPU privilege levels, the (kernel configured) timer is not cancelable by lower level (user mode) code, though in theory if the OS didn't use such protections an errant task could mask off or cancel the interrupt timer and hijack the CPU. There are some other scenarios like IO calls where the scheduler can be invoked outside the timer, and the scheduler may decide no other process has higher priority and return control to the same process without a switch... And in reality most OSes don't do a real context switch here because that's expensive, the scheduler code runs inside the context of whatever process was executing, so it has to be very careful not to step on the stack, to save register states, etc.
** You might ask why not just fire a timer if yield isn't called within a certain period of time. The answer lies in multi-threaded synchronization. In a cooperative system, you don't have to bother taking locks, worry about re-entrance, etc because you only yield when things are in a known good state. If this mythical timer fires, you have now potentially corrupted the state of the program that was interrupted. If programs have to be written to handle this, congrats... You now have a half-assed pre-emptive multitasking system. Might as well just do it right! And if you are changing things anyway, may as well add threads, protected memory, etc. That's pretty much the history of the major OSes right there.
The basic idea behind cooperative multitasking is trust - that each subtask will relinquish control, of its own accord, in a timely fashion, to avoid starving other tasks of processor time. This is why tasks in a cooperative multitasking system need to be tested extremely thoroughly, and in some cases certified for use.
I don't claim to be an expert, but I imagine cooperative tasks could be implemented as state machines, where passing control to the task would cause it to run for the absolute minimal amount of time it needs to make any kind of progress. For example, a file reader might read the next few bytes of a file, a parser might parse the next line of a document, or a sensor controller might take a single reading, before returning control back to a cooperative scheduler, which would check for task completion.
Each task would have to keep its internal state on the heap (at object level), rather than on the stack frame (at function level) like a conventional blocking function or thread.
And unlike conventional multitasking, which relies on a hardware timer to trigger a context switch, cooperative multitasking relies on the code to be written in such a way that each step of each long-running task is guaranteed to finish in an acceptably small amount of time.
The tasks will execute an explicit wait or pause or yield operation which makes the call to the dispatcher. There may be different operations for waiting on IO to complete or explicitly yielding in a heavy computation. In an application task's main loop, it could have a *wait_for_event* call instead of busy polling. This would suspend the task until it has input to process.
There may also be a time-out mechanism for catching runaway tasks, but it is not the primary means of switching (or else it wouldn't be cooperative).
One way to think of cooperative multitasking is to split a task into steps (or states). Each task keeps track of the next step it needs to execute. When it's the task's turn, it executes only that one step and returns. That way, in the main loop of your program you are simply calling each task in order, and because each task only takes up a small amount of time to complete a single step, we end up with a system which allows all of the tasks to share cpu time (ie. cooperate).

Group MPI tasks by host

I want to easily perform collective communications independently on each machine of my cluster. Let's say I have 4 machines with 8 cores on each, my MPI program would run 32 MPI tasks. What I would like is, for a given function:
on each host, only one task performs a computation, the other tasks do nothing during this computation. In my example, 4 MPI tasks will do the computation, 28 others are waiting.
once the computation is done, each MPI task on each will perform a collective communication ONLY to local tasks (tasks running on the same host).
Conceptually, I understand I must create one communicator for each host. I searched around, and found nothing explicitly doing that. I am not really comfortable with MPI groups and communicators. Here my two questions:
is MPI_Get_processor_name is enough unique for such a behaviour?
more generally, do you have a piece of code doing that?
The specification says that MPI_Get_processor_name returns "A unique specifier for the actual (as opposed to virtual) node", so I think you'd be ok with that. I guess you'd do a gather to assemble all the host names and then assign groups of processors to go off and make their communicators; or dup MPI_COMM_WORLD, turn the names into integer hashes, and use mpi_comm_split to partition the set.
You could also take the approach janneb suggests and use implementation-specific options to mpirun to ensure that the MPI implementation assigns tasks that way; OpenMPI uses --byslot to generate this ordering; with mpich2 you can use -print-rank-map to see the mapping.
But is this really what you want to do? If the other processes are sitting idle while one processor is working, how is this better than everyone redundantly doing the calculation? (Or is this very memory or I/O intensive, and you're worried about contention?) If you're going to be doing a lot of this -- treating on-node parallelization very different from off-node parallelization -- then you may want to think about hybrid programming models - running one MPI task per node and MPI_spawning subtasks or using OpenMP for on-node communications, both as suggested by HPM.
I don't think (educated thought, not definitive) that you'll be able to do what you want entirely from within your MPI program.
The response of the system to a call to MPI_Get_processor_name is system-dependent; on your system it might return node00, node01, node02, node03 as appropriate, or it might return my_big_computer for whatever processor you are actually running on. The former is more likely, but it is not guaranteed.
One strategy would be to start 32 processes and, if you can determine what node each is running on, partition your communicator into 4 groups, one on each node. This way you can manage inter- and intra-communications yourself as you wish.
Another strategy would be to start 4 processes and pin them to different nodes. How you pin processes to nodes (or processors) will depend on your MPI runtime and any job management system you might have, such as Grid Engine. This will probably involve setting environment variables -- but you don't tell us anything about your run-time system so we can't guess what they might be. You could then have each of the 4 processes dynamically spawn a further 7 (or 8) processes and pin those to the same node as the initial process. To do this, read up on the topic of intercommunicators and your run-time system's documentation.
A third strategy, now it's getting a little crazy, would be to start 4 separate MPI programs (8 processes each), one on each node of your cluster, and to join them as they execute. Read about MPI_Comm_connect and MPI_Open_port for details.
Finally, for extra fun, you might consider hybridising your program, running one MPI process on each node, and have each of those processes execute an OpenMP shared-memory (sub-)program.
Typically your MPI runtime environment can be controlled e.g. by environment variables how tasks are distributed over nodes. The default tends to be sequential allocation, that is, for your example with 32 tasks distributed over 4 8-core machines you'd have
machine 1: MPI ranks 0-7
machine 2: MPI ranks 8-15
machine 3: MPI ranks 16-23
machine 4: MPI ranks 24-31
And yes, MPI_Get_processor_name should get you the hostname so you can figure out where the boundaries between hosts are.
The modern MPI 3 answer to this is to call MPI_Comm_split_type
