Export Catalog with images to PDF (using asp.net) - asp.net

I'm working on a project that needs to export a serie of pages to a single PDF, it will have different pages, will be something like a PDF catalog.
In the past I already worked with reporting services using .rdl files to create the templates and export to PDF reports, invoices, etc. However this time it is a bit different, it will have different pages.
Big image (full page)
Catalog (with images 2 or 3 images per line with descriptions in the bottom of each image) with a special header
Catalog same as 4 but the header will be different
will repeat 4-5 as many times as categories
Big image (full page)
Another image or other content
Back cover
Since it is not a typical Header/Report(body)/Footer thing I'm not sure what is the best way to go, I know there are a lot of ways of doing it but before I start I better see what options are there and what is the best way to do it.
Thanks in advance


What does Apple News use to determine when images are displayed?

We have set up several of our websites on Apple News now. For half of our sites (built on one platform), images are displayed in the Article List view 95% of the time. The other half of our sites display an image in the Article List 0% of the time.
However, images are reliably displayed on the Article View page.
The images used are almost certainly NOT the one provided in the RSS feed in the media thumbnail tag; they are almost certainly being scraped from the article itself. Images are set properly in the OG tags.
This behaviour is consistent between iPads and iPhones.
Any ideas would be welcome.
I can think of a couple of things, this may or may not constituent a complete answer, but its some ideas.
Self host the images on a webserver that tracks all requests (nginx - awstats - etc)
Wrap the images or the urls in a tracking url script (can even be monetized) where you submit an image url and receive one in return (called something like In-Image Advertising, or using a link tracker/redirector)
embed a javascript into the theme or what-have-you into this news thing that tracks each image being loaded, ( OR
The rest of these kinds of ideas really very greatly depends on your amount of control, and skills.
Hope I helped you with some good ideas. Willing to help more.

WordPress - add Database driven tables

I'm just trying to move one of my old php sites to wordpress. As part of the site I have 'top tables' e.g. top 10 cars, listing their features etc. At the moment that all comes from a database and the HTML is generated from the data.
So if a car soon gets a hybrid engine I just check that in the database and my web site table updates to reflect that.
This all works fine. I just don't know where to start when trying to implement something like this in wordpress. I want to keep the WP header, footer, nav... and put my table in to the content area.
Someone recommended simply copying the current generated HTML in to a new post and editing the HTML when anything changes, this sounds like a quick solution but there must be a better way of doing this.
Ideally I would want to keep my current data input pages (and separate database) for all of this 'table data' and present the out put as a post.
If anyone can point me in the right direction (key words I should search for, a guide) that would be great.
Depending on your usecase, you'll usually want to use a static page template:
Or shortcodes:

Drupal6 option_images module: Uploads but doesn't display Images for certain attribute sets

This is an awfully specific and awfully challenging issue. I know my chances of finding someone else with this problem are slim, but I have to try. I'm stumped.
I'm using Drupal 6, Ubercart, and the Option Images module.
I would like it to switch product images as different attributes are selected.
This works for certain images, but not for others. It seems to be tied to the attribute set, not anything about the image files--I've tried the same image on lots of attribute sets. I've also tried creating different attribute sets to see if I could figure out what aspect of the attributes is making option_images not work. No luck so far.
The Problem
For certain groups of attributes, option images will upload but they do not display on the product page.
Things I've Learned
Even for products that show broken option_images behavior, the images are uploaded. I see them in the database in the files table and on the filesystem.
There is an array on the product page I can see: '$node->option_images'. This array is populated for working product pages, and not populated for product pages that don't show option images.
When I turn on the database debugger, I can see that the database is queried (uc_option_image_load). On the broken pages though, it queries for images for the wrong product. (eg: it looks for sharp cheddar option images when it's on the swiss almond page) These products use different attribute sets.
I found it. The fact that it allows me to upload and preview option_images put me on the wrong path. It is actually a setting which enables and disables attributes for option images.
The setting is here: admin/store/settings/attributes
I think this is a usability bug, since letting me upload images for disabled attributes confused the heck out of me. But anyway. Solved.
Seriously questioning the Drupal way right about now.

Adjusting Print Page in ASP.NET

I have some printed form on paper and want to create a web page (result of a report) and put those pre-printed pages in printer and print web page for fill the blanks on paper.
What is the best way to adjust the location of contents in the web page to work with any printer correctly?
thnx for your help
If you're just generating a regular html webpage to print, you're going to have a very hard time getting it consistent across multiple computers (or browsers, or printers). There are lots of browser settings that affect how the webpage is printed...like margins, header/footer text, etc. and these aren't things you can control from the html page.
You would need to generate a formatted file so there is less room for interpretation by the computer/browser/printer. Something like a PDF where you can create more consistent output.
I had a similar requirement for an app a while back. The requirements for that project were such that we generated a MS Word document prefilled with content (text, tables, etc.), then the user opens that generated file and prints it or saves it. I would think a PDF would be desirable in most cases though.

Relative Links in PDF

Need some advice on what course of action to take next.
Have written an ASP.Net application. Part of the application deals with being able to view PDFs. The initial PDF viewed acts as an index to access other PDF documents. You click a link in the Index PDF and it jumps to another PDF file. Legal documents, agreements, etc.
This scenario works on some computers and on others it doesn't. I managed to figure out what the problem was. On some of the computers the initial Index PDF was being hosted within the browser and on some other computers it was actually jumping out of the browser and directly into Adobe Acrobat. As soon as the PDF jumps out of the browser and into Acrobat the relative links in the Index PDF stop working because it is hosted client side via Acrobat but the additional PDFs it is trying to access are on the server.
I figured out why some computers stay in browser and why some jump out. There is an option within Acrobat itself that determines this behavior. It is under Edit--> Preferences ----> Display PDF in Browser.
I am in a jam because I am not in control of the PDF documents themselves and how they are written, and I obviously have no control over the options selected in Acrobat on each and every computer. My problem is also compounded by the fact that our firm has just recently purchased a new PDF reader called Nuance that will be pushed out firm wide soon and I don't think it even has the option to have PDFs hosted in browser.
I can get what I need to work if I create the index in HTML, but the problem is I don't write the Indexes and the people who do are not trained in HTML. I can get the people who write the indexes to change from relative links to absolute links, but then I run into the problem of what if we change where we are hosting the PDF files? All the links will break again? I think we are stuck with relative URLs, but how can I make it work?
I am thinking about maybe hosting the PDFs within Silverlight?
Looking for any thoughts or ideas?
Silverlight isn't going to help you here.
The solution really is in finding a better way to create the index document. Just how sophisticated is the index document content anyway?
If you don't want to have to train the authors of these indexes in HTML then can you provide them with a simple tool that they can use to describe the content. You could then have code server side to generate the HTML (even PDF) dynamically.
What you need is a simple redirector ASPX page whose URLs you can use in the PDF documents. Put the paths of the PDFs in a database. Give an ID for each PDF. The ASPX page should accept the ID as a parameter, do a lookup on the database, and response.redirect to the current location of the PDF. You can use URLs based on this ASPX page in the PDFs. If you keep database up to date, then the links in the PDF documents will always lead to the correct location.
In the Database
Links in the PDF documents
