SQLite3: dynamic between query - sqlite

I have this sqlite3 table (simplified):
| ROUTE | WPNumber | WPID |
| A123 | 1 | WP001 |
| A123 | 2 | WP002 |
| A123 | 3 | WP003 |
| [...] | [...] | [...] |
| A123 | 20 | WP020 |
Lets say I want to travel this route in the reverse direction (020 to 001).
How do I get all the WPID's in between? I know it is possible to build a query using BETWEEN and DESC, but then I'd have to build two seperate queries and have Python check when to use which query. Is it possible to have sqlite3 do the work, independent of the direction (reverse or not).

You can reverse the sorting order by reversing the number used in the ORDER BY clause.
Set the parameter ? to either 1 or -1:
FROM ThisTable
ORDER BY WPNumber * ?
If you would just use a similar query with DESC, the database would have a better opportunity to optimize the sorting with an index.


DynamoDB intersection select with pagination

I have following DB schema and I'd like to find the best way how to select list of Sorted keys which are common for PK_A and PK_B:
| PK | SortKey |
| | SK_A |
| PK_A | SK_B |
| | SK_C |
| - - - - - - - | |
| | SK_B |
| PK_B | SK_C |
| | SK_D |
so when I do select by PK_A and PK_B it should return me only SK_B and SK_C?
Any help is appreciated.
Simple answer, you can't do it (in one call).
Dynamo is not a relational database, operations such as intersection are not supported.
You'd need to query() once for each partition key and then calculate the intersect yourself.

Cumulative count of occurrences per value in array in Kusto

I'm looking to get the count of query param usage from the query string from page views stored in app insights using KQL. My query currently looks like:
| project parsed=parseurl(url)
| project keys=bag_keys(parsed["Query Parameters"])
and the results look like
with each row looking like
I'm looking to get the count of each value in the list when it is contained in the url in order to anwser the question "How many times does page appear in the querystring". So the results might look like:
Page | From | ...
1000 | 67 | ...
Thanks in advance
you could try something along the following lines:
| project parsed = parseurl(url)
| project keys = bag_keys(parsed["Query Parameters"])
| mv-expand key = ['keys'] to typeof(string)
| summarize count() by key
which returns:
| key | count_ |
| p1 | 1 |
| p2 | 2 |
| p3 | 1 |
| p4 | 1 |

How is availability zone list order determined by the nova api in openstack?

I want to change the default option for availability zone in my openstack setup in horizon. However, I am having trouble finding out what determines the order of the availability zones as returned by the nova api. For example, running openstack availability zone list I get:
| Zone Name | Zone Status |
| zone2 | available |
| zone1 | available |
| internal | available |
| zone3 | available |
which is the same order as in horizon's dropdown box. However, querying the database directly, I get:
mysql> select * from aggregate_metadata;
| created_at | updated_at | deleted_at | id | aggregate_id | key | value | deleted |
| 2015-06-12 08:43:07 | NULL | NULL | 1 | 1 | availability_zone | zone1 | 0 |
| 2015-06-12 08:43:08 | NULL | NULL | 2 | 2 | availability_zone | zone2 | 0 |
| 2015-10-26 05:30:15 | NULL | NULL | 3 | 3 | availability_zone | zone3 | 0 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Obviously, the openstack api is doing some sorting before returning the result... however, I can't figure out how it is being sorted nor how I could control the sorting.
get_availability_zones is the function used by nova api to collect list of availability zones.
This function gets list of available services(which is sorted based on the id) ,adds availability zone name is added to those services.
Since service list is the first step it's id defines the order and not the zone name.
The sort order can be modified in different ways based on the requirement.
Sort the order at frontend (horizon)
Modify this line with
ng-options="zone.value as zone.label for zone in model.availabilityZones | orderBy:'value'"
Sort the order at backend (nova-api)
Add available_zones.sort()not_available_zones.sort() before return statements in get_availability_zones function

How to make a query for getting the specific rows with the latest time column value

Below is my sample data, I would like to get the host:value pair with the latest time.
| A | 100 | 13:40 |
| A | 150 | 13:00 |
| A | 222 | 13:23 |
| B | 210 | 13:55 |
| B | 300 | 13:44 |
Wanted to get only rows with the latest time value for the each host column value.
The result should be like:
A 150 13:40
B 210 13:55
I think there are several analytical function to achieve this requirement in Oracle but I'm not sure what can I do in SQLite.
Can you let me know how I can make a query?
Here is an ANSI-compliant way of performing your query which should run on all versions of SQLite. For a potentially shorter solution see the answer by #CL.
SELECT t1.HOST || '-' || t1.VALUE || '-' || t1.TIME AS HOSTVALUETIME
FROM table
) t2
| A-100-13:50 |
| B-210-13:55 |
In SQLite 3.7.11 or later, MAX() selects from which row in a group the other column values come:
FROM TheNameOfThisTableIsSoSecretThatICantTellYou

Symfony2 dynamic form builder

I want to create a bundle in an application where the user has the ability to create forms.
These forms will be questionnaires with different answers. Do you know if there is already a similar bundle exists?
If it does not exist. How should I proceed? I always create the forms only on files like "Form\Type\UserType".
In this case, would have to be generated dynamically from the database, right? Only I miss the approach, can anyone give a hint on how I can realize this?
Maybe i think to complicated. I'm not sure if an form service solve my problem. Know i created a database structure to describe my initial situation.
The user can create on a backend following records.
A scale, a scale can contain many answers (yes, no, maybe, good, better ...)
A question category
A question, can be assigned to many categories and many questionnairies
A questionnaire, can contain many questions and here can the user assign a scale to a question.
Table Scale
| id | name | alignment | isActive | isDeleted | createDate |
| 1 | Yes-No | horizontal | 1 | 1 | 2014-09-25 |
Table Items
| id | name | value | createDate |
| 1 | Yes | 1 | 2014-09-25 |
| 2 | No | 0 | 2014-09-25 |
ManyToMany 'scale_items'
| scale_id | items_id |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 |
Table category for question categories
| id | name | isActive | isDeleted | createDate |
| 1 | General | 1 | 0 | 2014-09-25 |
Table question
| id | question | createDate |
| 1 | Are you satisfied with the cleanliness? | 2014-09-25 |
ManyToMany 'question_category'
| question_id | category_id |
| 1 | 1 |
Table questionnaire
| id | name | version | isActive | isDeleted | createDate |
| 1 | General Questions | 2.2 | 1 | 0 | 2014-09-25 |
Now the database contain scales and items, questions and categories and a table for the questionnaire. Now i created a big relation to assign questions to questionnairies with a specified scale. A question can be assigned to different scales on different questionaries.
Table questionnaire_question_scale
| id | question_id | questionnaire_id | scale_id | page | hash |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | X321Z1 |
In the final step i create a relation table to assign a questionnaire to a couple of users.
Table questionnaire_user
| user_id | questionnaire_id |
| 21 | 1 |
Now if the user log in i will render the above informations as form and here starts my problem :)
I think my solution was inefficient, because if many users log in to fill out a questionnaire i must generate every time the questionnaire (the complex structure) as form.
This is a end point for me, unfortunately I do not know further.
I would be very grateful for ideas, tips and solution approaches
If you want to build it yourself: I suggest creating a form type, declaring it as a service and injecting the form repository (explained further down) in it.For storing it in the data base: you can create two entities (actually creating a seperate entity for each field seems better but for the sake of simplicity I use two entities) : one for forms : YourBundle:Form and one for your form-fields YourBundle:FormField.the Form entity can only contain an id and a name and a one-to-many association to FormField. the data you store in the FormField will be: a many-to-one association to Form - the field name - the field type - the field's options.you can store the options as Json or other formats and later decode it.
