Plone, extend portalmembership.getMemberInfo method - plone

I made an extended user schema in my Plone 4.3 site with the collective.example.userdata.
My problem is when I try to display my new fields in author.cpt page.
I used to get my user object with the getMemberById from membershiptool and then use getProperty on the userobject but it requires a "manager" permission.
Maybe a solution would be to extend the getMemberInfo with my new fields but I don't know how to do such a thing.
Anyone ?

I had the same problem and ended up monkey patching so it supply more data to the caller. The method getMemberInfo can be called with/from the Anonymous role.


Symfony isGranted not working on Inherited Roles?

I have a user that has an inherited role of PERM_USER_READ.
when i tried to call $this->isGranted('PERM_USER_READ'); it always returns false. Is it the default behavior of the isGranted() ? If so, what can i do to evaluate inherited roles on my Twig and Controllers?
Try to rename your role to ROLE_PERM_USER_READ
Symfony 4 answer:
I find the ROLE with inherited ROLEs very confusing, so we've adopted a "a ROLE gives you ALLOWS"-system:
We ONLY check on ALLOW_* 'roles', which made everthing 100% less confusing.
We've ran into the same problem as you have. I've fixed that by creating a service which does the following:
// /vendor/symfony/security-core/Role/RoleHierarchyInterface.php
$reachableRoles = $this->roleHierarchy->getReachableRoleNames($user->getRoles());
// Check wether you have the required role, can you see this ENTITY in general?
if (!in_array('ALLOW_PRODUCT_EDIT', $reachableRoles, true)) {
return false;
Symfony 5 answer:
Unfortunally: none so far. From the source of RoleHierachyInterface:
* The getReachableRoles(Role[] $roles) method that returns an array of all reachable Role
* objects is deprecated since Symfony 4.3.
We're currently in the process of upgrading to Sym5, we havent arived at this point yet. If anyone has a neat solution for this, that would be great.
The role must start with ROLE_
As said in documentation
Every role must start with ROLE_ (otherwise, things won’t work as expected)
Other than the above rule, a role is just a string and you can invent what you need (e.g. ROLE_PRODUCT_ADMIN).

Drupal 7 VBO Update User Not Working

I've created an action programmatically and added a VBO to a view in order to execute the action on one or more users. The action itself simply removes a few roles and adds a new role to the selected users. I call user_save from within the action to save the changes to the roles.
If I look at the user_roles table in the database while the action is running, I can see the role ids for the specific user, changing to the new role in realtime. However, when the VBO is complete, it seems to revert back to the original user object so that none of the old roles have been removed and the new role hasn't been added. It has to be something happening after my action is executed, but I can't imagine what it is.
Oddly enough, if I run the VBO a second time, it seems to work.
My action is defined in hook_action_info as type "user" and triggers is an array with "any" as the only parameter.
If I call the action directly using actions_do, it works perfectly the first time.
Any ideas?
I suggest to use a few users to test the VBO and also implement hook_user_update with dpm (devel module) and debug_backtrace. This could give a hint of what is happening, it's a weird behaviour that you will discover only debugging.
If you have more info please append it to your question so everyone could help.
Hope that helps.

FOSUserBundle: Update entity after registration

In order to register, users have to select a their account name created by my moderators. That means that a moderators have to create an account name before the user registers.
To do so, I made a first entity, let's call it "Member", that has a field "account". Then I added to this entity the boolean field "bound" that is set to false by default.
What I want to do is to set this field "bound" to true when someone registers after he selected his account name and fill the FOSUserBundle required fields (username, passwords, email...).
I tried to follow the documentation of "overriding controllers", but I'm getting an error (You have requested a non-existent service "fos_user.registration.form".) and this is where I'm stucked.
Using controller events can maybe help me, but I do not know which is the best solution.
If anyone has a solution to my problem, I'll be really grateful.
You should used the controller event to hook after the registration process, and more specifically the
REGISTRATION_COMPLETED event (if I remember correctly).

How do I get an ID after saving an ExtBase Model?

After creating a model and adding it to a repository I want to have the new ID for different purposes (creating a mail, updating other fields outside the Extbase world)
$page = t3lib_div::makeInstance('Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Page');
$page->setTitle('Hello World');
At this point $page hasn't got an ID yet, uid is null.
$page->getUid(); // returns null
When does it get it? And how can I retrieve in on runtime?
In ExtBase, objects are "managed". This means every persistence transaction (add/remove/update) is simply noted in the underlying logic, but not yet executed until the appropriate time (like the end of processing a request). So, just because you add an object to a repository doesn't mean that it's actually added yet. That actually happens once $persistenceManager->persistAll() is called, which isn't something you need to do manually, ever. The point is, your $page object won't have a UID until it's saved and that's why $page->getUid() returns null. Look here for a great explanation.
I suspect that you are trying to do something outside of the ExtBase object/MVC lifecycle. At least, last time I got null when I tried to get the UID of an object, it was because I wasn't operating within the framework appropriately.
However, if you post some more code and give us a bigger picture of what you're trying to achieve, maybe we can help you get to a point where that object actually has a UID. For instance, if you're in a Controller object, tell us which Action method you're in, or if you're in a Repository object, tell us what you're trying to get from the repository and where/how you plan on using the query results.
Just guessing here, but I'm assuming you're executing this code in some action of a controller. Since after the controller is executed a view is rendered, you can just pass the page object to the view:
$this->view->assign('page', $page);
And then in your view you can use the page object in a link:
<f:link.action action="show" arguments="{page:page}">
See this page object
And then in the show action of your controller you can show the page:
public function showAction(Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Page $page) {
// Do whatever you need to show the page in the `Show.html` template
I really am just guessing here. If you can give us a larger picture of what you're trying to do, what your action methods are supposed to do and things like that, we can answer your question a little more confidently.
(I'm also assuming that your page object isn't a replacement for the regular TYPO3 pages and that they are something totally different. It's much easier to deal with those TYPO3 pages through the backend interface than at the php level.)
You can call persistence manager explicitly in Your controller like this
#TYPO3 4.x
$persistenceManager = $this->objectManager->create('Tx_Extbase_Persistence_Manager');
#TYPO3 6.x
$persistenceManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\PersistenceManager');

Symfony2 User Roles (BETA2)

What's the appropriate way to add a user to a role.. for every new user, do I have to do:
$em->getRepository('MyBundle:Role')->findOneBy(array('name' => 'ROLE_USER'))
every time?
I'm not too much of a fan of how large UserBundle is.... and I don't use XML. I'm using YML/Annotations, so the UserBundle is pretty hard to follow for certain things.
So yes, what's the best / cleanest way to do a user signup and associate him to a default role?
The simplest way I've found is just to define roles as a field of type array on your User object. Then, when you're creating the user (on registration or whatnot), it's as simple as
$roles = array('ROLE_USER');
I've put together a mockup of my user registration process in this gist. It's not fully functional (I can flesh it out later if needed), but it should get you pointed in the right direction.
I wrote a couple of blog posts on roles, a simple solution and
