I'm using grunt-contrib-compass, in the settings, there are options like imagesDir and imagesPath. I'm just wondering what's that for, and how do I use it?
So apparently that options to be used in conjunction with compass URL Helpers. If you've specified imagesDir in your Gruntfile.js, you can call a compass function images-url() to generate the path to your images folder.
For example, this is how you specify the Gruntfile.js:
compass: {
build: {
options: {
cssDir: './source/css/',
sassDir: './source/css/',
imagesDir: './source/images/',
force: true,
outputStyle: 'expanded',
And this is how you call the function from your scss file:
background-image: image-url( 'test.png' );
When you run the task, it'll be compiled into:
background-image: url('/./source/images/test.png');
Same thing applies for fontsDir, you just need to call different compass function font-url(). If you want to find more details, please follow the link http://compass-style.org/reference/compass/helpers/urls/
I'm not sure how much clearer it can get than what the docs have
Type: String
The directory where you keep your images.
Type: String
Default: images
The directory where the images are kept. It is relative to the projectPath.
Maybe the definitions from Compass's configuration reference would be helpful too?
images_dir: The directory where the images are kept. It is relative to the project_path. Defaults to "images".
images_path: The full path to where images are kept. Defaults to <project_path>/<images_dir>.
You can specify these just like any other option in your Gruntfile.js:
compass: {
staging: {
options: {
imagesDir: 'images'
Note: these are typically used for compiling correct paths to images when you've used the compass image-url helper.
My LESS files are compiled with grunt-contrib-less and corresponding grunt task with the following config:
module.exports = {
options: {
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapFilename: 'Content/styles/e-life.css.map'
compile: {
files: {
'Content/styles/e-life.css' : 'Content/styles/common.less'
Then I procced with cssmin for output css file. I get it minified, but I want to bind source maps from the previous step for the minified css.
module.exports = {
options: {
sourceMap: 'Content/styles/e-life.css.map'
all: {
files: {
'Content/styles/e-life.css': ['Content/styles/e-life.css']
The task fails if I mention source map path in options.sourceMap. I see the following in css-clean docs:
sourceMap - exposes source map under sourceMap property, e.g. new CleanCSS().minify(source).sourceMap (default is false) If input styles are a product of CSS preprocessor (Less, Sass) an input source map can be passed as a string.
But i can not understand how to pass this string to the task. Is it even possible? How can I do this?
grunt-contrib-cssmin does NOT let you chain sourcemaps.
Its sourceMap option is true/false only, and will generate a map from the minified css to the original css, not to the original Less, sorry.
Considering that source mapping is useful mainly for debugging, I would suggest:
do not use cssmin in your development environment, that way you get mapping from css to your Less files if needed.
use cssmin without mapping for production.
You could also avoid the Grunt cssmin task and use the Less compression with compress option.
module.exports = {
options: {
compress: true,
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapFilename: 'Content/styles/e-life.css.map'
compile: {
files: {
'Content/styles/e-life.css' : 'Content/styles/common.less'
I have the following setup in Grunt for the concat and minification of my projects css
cssmin: {
options: {
concat: {
files: {
'dist/app.css': [
min: {
files: [{
src: 'dist/app.css',
dest: 'dist/app.css'
It works fine with the exception that, as far as I can tell its removed the following import statement
#import url("http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:100,300,400,700,900,100italic,300italic,400italic,700italic,900italic");
And all 3rd party css files have relative image paths which are not resolved. I can see cssmin uses clean css which should be able to help handle these issues but after hours of searching and reading the docs I can't any clear examples or doucmentation on how to configure the above to solve this?
I used Ze Rubeus suggestion of moving my font import statement into the HTML instead (a little annoying as it means modifying a 3rd party css file). But I found the option for fixing the css paths which is
rebase: true,
relativeTo: './'
My cssmin configuration now looks like
cssmin: {
options: {
rebase: true,
relativeTo: './'
concat: {
files: {
'dist/app.css': [
min: {
files: [{
src: 'dist/app.css',
dest: 'dist/app.css'
And everything is working :)
You have to change all you import PATH depend on this directory 'dist/app.css'
And instead of css font import I advice you to use the HTML link like the following
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:100,300,400,700,900,100italic,300italic,400italic,700italic,900italic' type='text/css'>
make sure to change all url Path's on these directory's :
depend on this output 'dist/app.css': because there is no task in gruntjs who correct the import Path in css files for you !
regarding your code the watch task need's to be something like so :
watch: {
css: {
files: ['tmp/*.css',
tasks: ['concat','cssmin'],
options: { spawn: false }
And execute this command grunt watch in your terminal to keep automatically tracking for changes in these files and apply these tasks .
I am using grunt-contrib-less for compiling less files.
I have grunt locally installed at root of project folder.
The css files are located at qa1/avinash/html5/phase1/css/ path from root of project folder.
So this is the path i am specifying for cwd (current working directory), src and dest parameters of the grunt-less task. there are no issues in compilation of css and source map.
The only issue i face is that the source map is generated in the same folder of gruntfile. but my generated css is at the dest path i specified. since the css and source map are at different locations i have to manually edit the less path references in source map and bring it to the generated css directory. or use sourceMapURL to specify the source map location ../../../../../style.css.map(backwards). Both ways are not convenient.
So can anyone help me how to specify the source map output destination path like we specify for destination path for generated css something like
sourceMapDest: 'qa1/avinash/html5/phase1/css/'
currently used Gruntfile.js:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
less: {
options: {
sourceMapFilename: "style.css.map",
sourceMapURL: '../../../../../style.css.map'
src: {
// no need for files, the config below should work
expand: true,
cwd: "qa1/avinash/html5/phase1/css/",
src: "style.less",
dest: "qa1/avinash/html5/phase1/css/",
ext: ".css"
watch: {
js: {
files: ['qa1/avinash/html5/phase1/css/'],
tasks: ['default'],
grunt.registerTask('default', ['less']);
The sourceMapFilename option may include a path part as well.
I.e. just change it to:
sourceMapFilename: "qa1/avinash/html5/phase1/css/style.css.map"
I'm trying to install 'modular-scale' (https://github.com/Team-Sass/modular-scale) via my Gruntfile but I can't get it to work.
Note that I don't use a config.rb, I want to require the plugin using Grunt via grunt-contrib-compass.
I thought it was as simple as adding this to my Gruntfile (after the grunt.initConfig({ etc):
compass: {
dist: {
options: {
require: ['modular-scale'], // This line here
sassDir: 'setup',
cssDir: 'css'
watch: {
css: {
files: '**/*.scss',
tasks: ['compass']
The watch task is absolutely fine. The problem is that if I use one of the SASS variables that are part of the 'modular-scale' plugin, I'll get an error thrown up, suggesting that the 'modular-scale' isn't actually being required.
Am I missing something here?
You no longer need Compass or a config.rb file to use modular-scale.
I've got lots of imports in my main.less file, and lesslint imports/lints them all properly, but the problem is - I can't see any mapping for linting errors, so I can't understand which of less files contains the error. Is there any idea how to set it properly?
I set it like that:
lesslint: {
src: ['less/main.less'],
options: {
imports: ['less/*.less'],
At https://github.com/jgable/grunt-lesslint you will find:
Generating reports
This plugin provides the same output formatter options as the CSS Lint
plugin and can be configured similarly:
formatters: [
id: 'csslint-xml'
dest: 'report/lesslint.xml'