How to keep track of number of Active users in Graphite - graphite

I need to keep track of the number of Active user on my web site at any point of time . For this i am incrementing a key named "users.loggedin" every time a user log-in and decrements it, every time a user signs out.
I am sending my metrics to Graphite via StatD. But based on what i have read "Increment" gives the changes per time interval thus I could see the changes in the Graphite Dashboard, but it shows zero again after some time.

Configure Graphite for StatsD
Did you configure Graphite for usage with StatsD? You must specify in Graphite configuration how you expect it to handle the data you are sending from StatsD. This is important because Graphite could be averaging your counts instead of summing them.
If sending sparse or "bursty" data
Confirm that your xFilesFactor is low enough that aggregation produces non null values even with a high rate of nulls. For example, 100 requests in the first 10 seconds, and none for the remaining 50 seconds in a minute would cause a storage of 100, null, null, null, null, null which would be summed up to null when the data ages if the XFilesFactor is higher than 1/6. Using the statsd recommended graphite configuration handles this, but it is good to know about... as this can give the appearance of lost data.
Saving schema or aggregation changes
If you changed the graphite schema or aggregation settings after any metrics were stored (in whisper = graphite's storage) you'll need to either delete the .wsp files for the metric (graphite will recreate them) or run
Validating settings
You can verify the settings against some whisper data by running on a .wsp file. Find the .wsp file for one of your metrics in /graphite/storage/whisper/
Run: my_metric_data.wsp. output should tell you more about how the storage settings are working.
After you've confirmed that your data is accurate, then I'd move on to creating the graph you want in the UI:
You might need to use the hitcount() function for this.
This post covers what you are after pretty well (even if you aren't using StatsD).


What is the best way to schedule tasks in a serverless stack?

I am using NextJS and Firebase for an application. The users are able to rent products for a certain period. After that period, a serverless function should be triggered which updates the database etc. Since NextJS is event-driven I cannot seem to figured out how to schedule a task, which executes when the rental period ends and the database is updated.
Perhaps cron jobs handled elsewhere (Easy Cron etc) are a solution. Or maybe an EC2 instance just for scheduling these tasks.
Since this is marked with AWS EC2, i've assumed it's ok to suggest a solution with AWS services in mind.
What you could do is leverage DynamoDB's speed & sort capabilities. If you specify a table with both the partition key and the range key, the data is automatically sorted in the UTF-8 order. This means iso-timestamp values can be used to sort data historically.
With this in mind, you could design your table to have a partition key of a global, constant value across all users (to group them all) and a sort key of isoDate#userId, while also creating an GSI (Global Secondary Index) with the userId as the partition key, and the isoDate as the range key.
With your data sorted, you can use the BETWEEN query to extract the entries that fit to your time window.
Schedule 1 lambda to run every minute (or so) and extract the entries that are about to expire to notify them about it.
Important note: This sorting method works when ALL range keys have the same size, due to how sorting with the UTF-8 works. You can easily accomplish this if your application uses UUIDs as ids. If not, you can simply generate a random UUID to attach to the isoTimestamp, as you only need it to avoid the rare exact time duplicity.
Example: lets say you want to extract all data from expiring near the 2022-10-10T12:00:00.000Z hour:
your query would be BETWEEN 2022-10-10T11:59:00.000Z#00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 and 2022-10-10T12:00:59.999Z#zzzzzzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzz-zzzzzzzzzzzz
Timestamps could be a little off, but you get the idea. 00.. is the start UTF8 of an UUID, and zz.. (or fff..) is the end.
In AWS creating periodic triggers to Lambda using AWS Console is quite simple and straight-forward.
Login to console and navigate to CloudWatch.
Under Events, select Rules & click “Create Rule”
You can either select fixed rate or select Cron Expression for more control
Cron expression in CloudWatch starts from minutes not seconds, important to remember if you are copying Cron expression from somewhere else.
Click “Add Target”, select “Lambda Function” from drop down & then select appropriate Lambda function.
If you want to pass some data to the target function when triggered, you can do so by expanding “Configure Input”

How to handle offline aggregation using Firestore?

I have been scouring the internet for days on a solution to this problem.
That is, how to handle aggregation when there is no network connection? I have a task management app that looks to aggregate meta data about user tasks. For example, the task can contain tags that can be aggregated to be shown in a dashboard to the user on a daily basis. This would be easy if the user is always online, so I could use transaction or cloud function to aggregate, but when the user is offline, the aggregation will appear to be incorrect, until the user restores their network connection.
Aggregation queries are explained here:
Which states a limitation:
Offline support - Client-side transactions will fail when the user's
device is offline, which means you need to handle this case in your
app and retry at the appropriate time.
However, there has yet to be any example or documentation on how to 'handle this case'. How would I go about addressing this problem?
Some thoughts:
I could cache the item if a transaction fails. This item will be aggregated on top of the stored aggregation. However, going down this line would mean that I can't take advantage of the Firestore's "offline mode", because I'm using my own cache on every write while offline anyway.
I could aggregate on demand. That is, never store the aggregation. This is going to be very heavy on read depending on how many tasks a user has. Furthermore, if the aggregation will need to be shared as insights to other users, this option will not work because other users do not have access to the tasks.
I'm at a loss and any help would be appreciated, thanks!
After a lot of research and trial and error I found a solution that can address this problem gracefully.
FieldValue.increment to the rescue.
What FieldValue.increment does is bypass the use of transaction while respecting the default Firestore's offline cache behaviour. It requires the use of set or update on the field directly. The drawback is the inability to use the 'withConverter' on the collection for type safety. I'm willing to live with the drawback considering how useful FieldValue.increment is.
I've done multiple tests and can confirm that the values can be incremented/decremented multiple times locally while offline. This offline value is reflected in a get or snapshot call to the cache. When the network connection is restored, the values are updated on the server.
The value itself is not stored on the cache, it simply stores the "difference" in the FieldValue sentinel for when it is time to update it on the server.
This method only works with incrementing and decrementing values. Storing averages will not be possible using this method. That is because the true total number of items is not known at the time of its calculation when offline.
Instead, the total number of items are stored along side the total value. The average is then calculated when and as needed. In this way the average will always be accurate from a local perspective when offline, and it will also be accurate when online when the total value and count has been synced.

Cloud Firestore throttling high-volume update syncing

(Note: sorry if I am using the relational DB terms here.)
Let's say I have ten clients that are connected to a database. This database has a sustained throughput of about 1k updates per second. Obviously sending 1k updates per second to a web-browser (let's say 1MB data changes per second) is not going to be a good experience for the end-user. Does Firebase have any controls as to how much data a client can 'accept' before it starts throttling it? I understand it may batch requests, but my point here is, Google can accept data/updates faster than a browser can (potentially from a phone on a weak internet connection), so what controls or techniques are there in place to control this experience for the end-user?
The only items I see from the docs are:
You should not update a single document more than once per second. If you update a document too quickly, then your application will experience contention, including higher latency, timeouts, and other errors.
This topic is covered in here, keeping the language used to code in aside, the linked code in that answer can assist.
In a general explanation, if your client application is configured to listen for Firestore updates, it will receive all the update events to that listener (just like you mentioned is happening).
You can consider polling Firebase for changes. The poll can even be an extension of the client application code where the code tracks the frequency of the updates being received and has a maximum value of updates per second which, when reached, results in the client disconnecting as a listener and performing periodic polls for the data.
The listener could then be re-established after a period to continue the normal workflow when there are fewer updates again.
The above being said, this is not optimal and treats the symptom rather than the cause. If a listener is returning too many updates, you should consider the structure of the data and look to isolate the updates to only require updates to listeners that require it.
Similarly, the large updates can be mitigated by ensuring smaller records contain the changes resulting in less data.
A generalized example is where two fields of data are updated, but the record is 150 fields in size. Rather than returning the full 150 fields, shard the fields into different data sets, so the two fields are in their own record with an additional reference field used to correlate with a second data set of the remaining 148 fields (plus the reference field).
When the smaller record is updated, the client application receives the small update, determines if the update is applicable to itself, and if so, fetches the corresponding larger record.
To prevent high volumes of writes from overwhelming the client's snapshot listeners, you could periodically duplicate the writes to a proxy collection that the client watches instead.
Documents would need a field to record the time of the last duplicate write to the proxy collection, and the process performing the writes should avoid making writes to the proxy collection until after the frequency duration has elapsed.
A small number of unnecessary writes may still occur due to any concurrent processes you have, but these might be insignificant in practice (with a reasonably long duplication frequency).
If the data belongs to a user, rather than being global data, then you could conceivably adjust the frequency of writes per user to suit their connection, either dynamically or based on user configuration.
In this way, your processes get to control the frequency of writes seen by clients, without needing to throttle or otherwise reject ingress writes (which would presumably be bad news for the upstream processes).
Relevant part of the documentation below.
Limit the collection write rate
1,000 operations/second
Keep the rate of write operations for an individual collection under 1,000 operations/second.
Limit the individual client push rate
1 document/second
Keep the rate of documents the database pushes to an individual client under 1 document/second.

Firebase database high delay after a long standby

I'm currently testing Firebase on a non-production Firebase app which I am the only one who works on.
When I try to query the database to retrieve the data after there has not been any query during the last 24 hours, the query take about 8 seconds. After a query is done, the next ones would take normal amount of time (about 100ms).
This is not about caching the queries, by "next queries" I mean new queries which are not the same.
To reproduce it:
Create a database node called users, users children are user data (first name, last name, age, gender, etc)
Add 500,000 users to this node
Get a user by its UID and measure the time. (It should take about 100ms)
Wait 24 hours (I don't know the exact time, but I'm sure about 24 hours)
Get any user by its UID and measure the time. (It should take about 8sec)
Get any user by its UID and measure the time. (It should take about 100ms)
I want to know if this is a known issue to Firebase realtime database or not?
I reached Firebase support, they were able to recreate the issue and faced a wait time of about 6 seconds. Here is their answer after the investigation:
It looks like this is intended behavior. The realtime database queries work by building the index in-memory, which takes time linear to the number of nodes at that location. Once the index is built things are very fast, but the initial build can take a bit to build, especially for large locations.
If you wants the index to stay in memory on the database you should have a listener always listening for this query.
So basically the database takes a long time to process the query because of indexing the large database.
The problem can be solved by keeping a listener on the database or querying the database every few hours.
In production it is not very likely that you face this problem, because the database is being accessed by the user all the time, but if your database is not accessed all the time and you don't want the users experience that long wait time, you should utilize the discussed solution.
Firebase keeps recently used data in its internal cache. This cache is cleared after a few minutes.
But the exact numbers depend on how much data you're loading and how you're loading that data. Without seeing a specific setup that shows how to reproduce these numbers there really isn't much anyone can say.

Graphite Render URL API to Splunk - Track received events?

I'd like to setup a scripted input in Splunk to do a curl against the render url api for Graphite. I imagine I could configure this input to run on the minute, and retrieve that last minutes worth of events.
My concern with this is that some events might be missed, or duplicated.
Has anybody done something similar to this? How could I keep track of the events from Graphite that I have already read?
If you write a modular input you can use data checkpoints. See the docs for more info:
My concern with this is that some events might be missed, or duplicated.
Yes, it may go missing. In two cases-
If you're pushing your graphite server to the limits, there is a lag between the point wherein the datapoint is received and its flushing to disk. With large queues, i have seen this go upto 20 mins. (IO is the constraint here).
For example- in the case above wherein there's a 20 minute lag, and i am storing data at a 1m granularity- i will have the latest 20 datapoints with NULL against the timestamp. Of-course, they will soon fill in with the next flush.
Know that these are indeterminate. So if you have a zero lag deployment- go for this approach.
The latest datapoint can or cannot be NULL at any given point, because of the flushing nature of graphite, even if nothing is throttling. You can use something like &from=-21m&to=-1m to make sure you never encounter this. Note: Your monitoring now lags by a minute. :)
All said, graphite is a great monitoring tool if your requirements aren't realtime.
