I made a page in Wordpress on Wamp local server that I want to show the client.
I have a router Thomson and there I set port 80.![enter image description here][1]
..I dont know is this set up ok...
I applied the instructions on this link: How to access localhost of computers outside the network | Data Integrated Entity
and shut down (temporarily) Windows Firewall.
Now, when I gave a client on another computer my IP address / name of the project he see my work like a column with text, not really the page how really looks.
![enter image description here][2]
Does anyone know what Im doing wrong?
it sounds like your links for your css / images etc. aren't right
try show some images about the problem, a bit hard to help you when there aren't any images :)
I'm building a site using MAMP and Wordpress on my MacBook. When I try and view it over WiFi on my Windows PC I can see the html but images and CSS files are not loading.
Does anyone know where I can begin to try and find the problem? What I might be able to do to fix it?
Looks like your WiFi routner has its own subnet. If possible, configure it as an Access Point - or buy one. This is cheaper then working with routing tables.
I have a wordpress site on the Ubuntu computer that I am using as a webserver. I have the wordpress system installed in /var/www/html. I have created pages which display nicely from any computer, tablet or handheld within my lan environment.
I am going crazy trying to access my website from the internet. Can anybody please help?
I have a noip address and a BTHub which allows me to set up dynamic dns to inform my noip account automatically when the ip changes and this works fine.
I have set up port forwarding for http and https to the computer hosting my wordpress site
I have tried assigning DMZ to my wordpress hosting computer
I have made sure I own the wordpress folders and files within them
my LAMP installed without a hitch and over the LAN access is no problem with one exception - I can only use the default permalinks or wordpress can not find my pages - no idea why? I had to cut wordpress into var/www/html as it initially went into www and could not be found
I have spent DAYS with this! It is a part of a bigger project where I want to run some projects across the internet. I dispair that if I cant get a simple wordpress site to work that my projects are doomed! lol.
When I try to access my site from another location across the internet, I get the first page, but without the media picture that should be on it. When I try to change pages I get the not found message. I also get the initial page without a style sheet in some instances. I have no clue about how to fix this. I took up Linux about three months ago, having been a windows and OSx man for years. I am in love, but have a steep learning curve!
It looks like a location issue or a WAN address issue or something I cant figure out!
I would appreciate any help that anyone out there can give me.
Thank you for your feedback. I have just this moment sorted it out. I read up the permalinks wiki thoroughly and I found out how to change the URLs from within the wp- files in the theme I was using. After a few refreshes it now works. I will post up a how-to for any others who may be experiencing the same frustration.
I have installed wordpress and a theme, customized that on my localhost.
Everything is ok on that pc where xampp is installed.
But if I go to that page (on the same network) from another pc - I see no css, no style, just messy text.
Even when I move it to the live server I get the same mess.
Anyone could tell me why?
Go to your Wordpress settings. And in URL enter URL with IP address of pc. instead of localhost/sitename change it to192.168.../sitename
Then access it from other pc using same address like 192.168.../sitename
This will solve the issue hopefully.
I had followed all the installation step on the wordpress.org and working fine on the host machine . Everything including image ,flash, text can be display on the Host pc. However, when i try to connect the hose via local IP(eg. from another LAN PC. In come out only shows words On the local PC. No image no flash at all..
Can't find any info on the web anyone who know how to fix it please help
Solved.. -_- very simple question
it is just because the wordpress engine try to load CSS from Localhost/wordpress/.../default.css
it should be load from the host machine. which is /
so go the the admin setting
type in your wordpress address and site address with ur local ip
it should be working
the simple little module titled 'on the web' for drupal shows social network links. It links to some images on the directory. on my localhost install they are showing but in the remote install the img tags aren't even appearing. I looked in the module's files and the path isn't hard-coded or anything so it's not to do with that.
any ideas?
the module is here: http://drupalmodules.com/module/on-the-web
there was some weird stuff going on with case sensitivity on the file name and the server, so i fixed it by changing that.
The coder of the module is a willing to receive info about the plugin if anyone has any problems. It would be cool if it was extended to include more social network badges and the ability to add more than 5.