PHPExcel uses $ and EUR only:
const FORMAT_CURRENCY_USD_SIMPLE = '"$"#,##0.00_-';
const FORMAT_CURRENCY_USD = '$#,##0_-';
const FORMAT_CURRENCY_EUR_SIMPLE = '[$EUR ]#,##0.00_-';
What I need is to get other currencies (I use "zł" for polish zloty). All currencies excep $ and EUR are marked as 'General'.
Follow-up question to SWilk's answer: How do I use custom format. I put new constants in NumberFormat.php:
const FORMAT_CURRENCY_PLN_1 = '_-* #,##0.00\ [$zł-415]_-';
const FORMAT_CURRENCY_PLN_2 = '\-* #,##0.00\ [$zł-415]_-';
const FORMAT_CURRENCY_PLN_3 = '_-* "-"';
const FORMAT_CURRENCY_PLN_4 = '??\ [$zł-415]_-;_-#_-';
is it ok? What else I have to do to read formats using
Default constants are defined for Dollars and Euros only, but PHPExcel doesn't limit you to those constant constant values only. They're simply strings; and you can set any valid MS Excel format code as the numberFormat mask simply by setting it to the appropriate string value. It generally isn't a good idea to add your own new constants to numberFormat.php though, as you'll need to remember to add them whenever you upgrade to a new version of PHPExcel... it's better to define additional constants in your own code.
You can apply a currency format to cells using:
'_-* #,##0.00\ [$zł-415]_-'
Or, if you define a new constant of your own using
define('FORMAT_CURRENCY_PLN_1', '_-* #,##0.00\ [$zł-415]_-');
then you can apply it to your cells using
I have saved a simple excel file with one cell formatted as currency cell denominated in PLN. Unzipped the .xlsx and checked the format.
It is:
_-* #,##0.00\ [$zł-415]_-;\-* #,##0.00\ [$zł-415]_-;_-* "-"??\ [$zł-415]_-;_-#_-
Try using this format or writing your own based on this one.
for UK Pound (Sterling) phpExcel
$numformat= '£#,##0_-';
I found out the correct value by unzipping an xlsx with a cell formatted as currency £ (or a cell with a £ entered into to it: seemed to be the same formatting)
I want to store a Javascript Date() object in a spreadsheet with correct format according to spreadsheet's locale (SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSpreadsheetLocale()).
Is there a way to get the country specific (date and) time format string from the spreadsheet locale?
E.g. when locale is de_DE, time format string as hh:mm
but when locale is da_DK, time format string as
Interesting as well how to get the countries currency format.
BTW when I have date and time in de_DE and than change to da_DK, dates are reformatted (23.01.2020 -> 23/01/2020) but times are not (it stays as 22:59). Is that an error in Spreadsheet?
Dates in JavaScript have the method toLocaleDateString, which return a string formatted according to the specified locale. But this doesn't seem to work in Apps Script.
If you're open to using an Apps Script Web App for this, you could use this toLocaleDateString in your client-side script (that is, in a script tag in your HTML).
If that's not the case, I think your best option would be to create the relationship between formats and locales yourself, because Apps Script doesn't have a built-in method to achieve that. You could, for example, use a switch statement that would check the locale, and then format the date accordingly with Utilities.formatDate, the tool Apps Script uses to format dates. It could be something along the following lines:
var locale = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSpreadsheetLocale();
var formattedDate;
switch (locale) {
case 'de_DE':
formattedDate = Utilities.formatDate(yourDate, yourTimeZone, "hh:mm");
case 'da_DK':
formattedDate = Utilities.formatDate(yourDate, yourTimeZone, "");
// ...
return formattedDate;
Apps Script Web Apps
I hope this is of any help.
Sorry for that, however I found a function that would be worth checking out, it's toLocaleDateString() and toLocaleTimeString (), they deliver the local date and time format.
Please check
Formato fechas JavaScript.
I did the test from Google Apps Script and it throws me the following
function pruebafecha() {
var d = new Date();
var n = d.toLocaleDateString();
var h = d.toLocaleTimeString();
This is the answer(Colombia):
[20-01-24 16:47:50:286 EST] 24 de enero de 2020
[20-01-24 16:47:50:287 EST] 16:47:50 EST
A JavaScript Date object includes date, time and timezone. When Google Apps Script pass a Date object to the spreadsheet using setValue() / setValues() the value is displayed according to the cell number formatting using the spreadsheet timezone.
If the cell formatting is set to Automatic by default the date will be displayed accordingly to the spreadsheet locale.
If you want to force the cell to display a date in an specific format use Class Range setNumberFormat / setNumberFormats
If you don't want to use the above methods and don't want to rely on the spreadsheet locale and automatic cell format then instead of passing a Date object pass the value as an string prepending it with an ' (apostrophe, single quote character) to prevent that that automatic data type parsing changes the value and it's format.
Javascript in Google Sheets script: help using setNumberFormat
I don't know very well the configuration of the sheet you mention. However, I share a code that I use to print the date and time of data submission of a form.
var d = new Date();
var hour = d.getHours()-1;
var min = d.getMinutes();
var day = d.getDate();
var month = d.getMonth()+1;
var year = d.getFullYear();
if (month<10) {dia = day+"/"+"0"+month+"/"+year;}
else {dia = day+"/"+month+"/"+year;}
if (min<10){time = hour+":"+"0"+min;}
else {time = hour+":"+min;}
What I do in the code is to take the values of day, month and year, I add 1 to the value of month because it takes values [0:11] => [Jan, Dec].
Then I build the format I want from date and time, you can notice that I have 1 left to the hours, because when I did the tests I noticed that the time of the script was one hour above.
I use google translate, I hope it is understood.
I have the following ALV report generated from the RFKSLD00 program:
I need to generate a report based on the above report like this one (as part of my work):
Any ideas how to do this? I am not asking for a solution but some steps on how to achieve this.
Each line of the original report is one line of your report, you need just to adjust the sums for local currency, i.e. multiply all values by local currency rate. The yellow totals lines shouldn't confuse you, they are generated by grid, not by report.
The only thing that is missing in original report is debit and credit of balance carryforward, I suppose in the original you have already reconciliated value. To get separate values for it you need inspecting the code.
The initial step would be to declare final structure and table based on it:
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_report,
rec_acc TYPE skont,
vendor TYPE lifnr,
jan_deb TYPE wrbtr,
jan_cred TYPE wrbtr,
febr_deb TYPE wrbtr,
febr_cred TYPE wrbtr,
acc_bal_deb TYPE wrbtr,
acc_bal_cred TYPE wrbtr,
END OF ty_report,
tt_report TYPE TABLE OF ty_report.
DATA: lt_report TYPE tt_report.
Then you only need looping original report internal table and fill your final structure, not missing currency conversion:
select single * from tcurr
into #DATA(tcurr)
where fcurr = 'EUR'
and tcurr = 'AUD'. "<- your local currency
DATA(lv_ukurs) = tcurr-ukurs.
LOOP AT orig_table INTO DATA(orig_line).
MOVE-CORRESPONDING orig_line TO <fs_rep>.
CASE orig_line-monat. "<- your period
WHEN '01'.
<fs_rep>-jan_deb = orig_line-debit.
<fs_rep>-jan_cred = orig_line-credit.
WHEN '02'.
<fs_rep>-febr_deb = orig_line-debit.
<fs_rep>-febr_cred = orig_line-credit.
CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
DATE = sy-datum
EXCHANGE_RATE = lv_ukurs
LOCAL_AMOUNT = <field>.
I recommend to name all components of your final structure ty_report the same as in original as much as possible. Thus you can maximally utilize MOVE-CORRESPONDING and avoid manual coding.
This is just quick shot and I may be missing some details and errors.
I'm going loopy....
I want a date, in date format, for example
21/06/2017 17:23:04 GDT
I stamp this on a document, but I then want to display it on my xpage as:
21/06/2017 17:23
But I keep getting different results no matter what I do. I get the date from the onClick of a button using
var dt = new Date();
I then pass this into a function:
function AddObjectivesHistoryItem(doc, dt, action, username){
var ArrDocHistory:array = doc.getItemValueArray("History");
if(ArrDocHistory.length < 1){
// This should always return an object as it is created when an objectives document is first
// created but do this check to be safe and create an array if for some reason it doesnt exist
ArrDocHistory = [dt+"|"+action+"|"+username];
// append new value to the array
I've tried using toLocaleString() and all others it seems but it wont work.
For example, toLocaleString() displays as 13-Mar-2018 15:02:15 on my xpage. It's close to what I want except it uses hyphens instead of slashes, and also displays the seconds.
I've tried using custom date pattern on my date field properties with no luck and I'm certain I'm missing something super obvious!?
Any pointers on how to firstly get the date like 21/06/2017 17:23:04 GDT and store as a date and secondly to then display it as 21/06/2017 17:23, this can be a string if it needs to be.
You can get your date value as String in SSJS with:
var dateTimeFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy kk:mm");
var dateTimeString = dateTimeFormat.format(dt)));
If you want to store as text, java.text.SimpleDateFormat is best for converting a date server-side to a specific text format. It can also be used in a converter to manipulate to/from as well.
I'm working on laravel project that takes in excel file to grab certain columns from it
$sheetData = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($file)->getActiveSheet();
$hi_row = $sheetData->getHighestRow();
$hi_col = $sheetData->getHighestColumn();
$sheetData = $sheetData->toArray(null,false,true, true);
there are some files that have different formatting on cells where in my toArray() function if i do null, false, true, true) dates comes in fine but on some excel files currency value comes up with ? in it, if i set third true condition to false, than currency comes out fine but on some excel files data gets turn into random integer. so is there any way to set all cells to general on import? or if i choose to leave it at toArray(null, false,true, true) can i set the currency column to general or something so i won't get those ?s
I would like to know the easiest way to format a string as accounting style. I know how to format as currency using {0:c} but there are some differences in accounting style, for example, all the dollar signs will line up as well as all the decimal points, and negatives are expressed in parenthesis rather than with a "-" minus sign. You can find a good example of the way i would like it in excel if you format the cells as "accounting" with 2 decimal places.
Ignoring your alignment requirements, you could use
to bracket negative numbers.
To align your numbers, you'd have to format without the currency symbol, and pad the formatted numbers yourself with spaces, using a fixed width font would make this job easier for you.
It seems String.Format is your friend:
String.Format("{0,15:#,##0.00 ;(#,##0.00);- }", number)
where 15 is the total width of the output, and you need to append this text to your currency symbol. (Again, this aligns in fixed width only)
There's no format string shortcut (the single-character ones with default rules) for handling accounting style formats (here's a cheat sheet with the available format strings) so you'll have to write a more specific one (like Patrick's answer) or your own parsing method.
The alignment requirements would be specific to how you're displaying them. I'm assuming you are using a table, in which case you're limited by what HTML supports, and it doesn't support accounting style alignments like Excel.
In this blog there were some various formats outlined and this one seemed to be close to what you were looking for:
int neg = -10;
int pos = 10;
// C or c (Currency): It represent how many decimal place of zeros to show.
String.Format("{0:C4}", pos); //"$10.0000"
String.Format("{0:C4}", neg); //"($10.0000)"
It doesn't handle the padding (you may have to fix that yourself), but it does have the proper parenthesis.
You could do something using a variation of Patricks method. This will handle formating and alignment assuming you know the upper bound of how large a value you are dealing with:
private static string OutputAsCur(decimal val)
string format = " #,##0.00 ; (#,##0.00);Zero";
string frmt = val.ToString(format);
return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol + frmt.PadLeft(15, ' ');
Here's a simple example app to see it format:
static void Main(string[] args)
decimal d = 155.55m;
Console.WriteLine(OutputAsCur(d * -1));
Console.WriteLine(OutputAsCur(1002.32m * -1));
You can use a format string for String.Format to get what you're trying to accomplish. The only trick is that positive numbers, since they will not have a closing parenthesis mark, will have to incorporate a space at the end if they will be aligned with any negative numbers that will be in the column. The trick is to get that space into the string in a way that HTML will not ignore. I simply use the HTML entity which indicates a non-breaking space in HTML.
Here's sample code. First, in the aspx.
<th scope="row" colspan="2">Total Revenue</th>
<td class="numeric total"><asp:Label runat="server" ID="TotalRevenueLabel" /></td>
Now, the codebehind.
public const string kMoneyFormat = "#,#.00' ';(#,#.00);'-.-- '";
public void DataBind()
using (FinancialDataContext sql = new FinancialDataContext())
var periodQuery = from m in sql.Forecasts()
select m;
ForecastsResult periodData = periodQuery.Single();
decimal totalRevenue = period.Data.income_actual.Value + periodData.other_income.Value;
TotalRevenueLabel.Text = totalRevenue.ToString(kMoneyFormat);
I followed these steps for apply the "Accounting" format.
In a new Book on Excel, select a cell.
Insert data (i.e any number; for this example, add 80000).
Select (Accounting) NumberFormat as is shown in the screenshot #1:
Screenshot #1:
Select "More Number Formats".
Select "Custom".
Select any of the pre-defined formulas (see screenshot #2).
Screenshot #2:
In my case, this is the desired format for this number.
The negative side of this is that when you select the cell with the format applied on it, you wont see selected (Accounting) "in the DropDownList" Number Format.