Convert datafile from wide to long format to fit ordinal mixed model in R - r

I am dealing with a dataset that is in wide format, as in
> data=read.csv("")
> data
factor1 factor2 count_1 count_2 count_3
1 a a 1 2 0
2 a b 3 0 0
3 b a 1 2 3
4 b b 2 2 0
5 c a 3 4 0
6 c b 1 1 0
where factor1 and factor2 are different factors which I would like to take along (in fact I have more than 2, but that shouldn't matter), and count_1 to count_3 are counts of aggressive interactions on an ordinal scale (3>2>1). I would now like to convert this dataset to long format, to get something like
factor1 factor2 aggression
1 a a 1
2 a a 2
3 a a 2
4 a b 1
5 a b 1
6 a b 1
7 b a 1
8 b a 2
9 b a 2
10 b a 3
11 b a 3
12 b a 3
13 b b 1
14 b b 1
15 b b 2
16 b b 2
17 c a 1
18 c a 1
19 c a 1
20 c a 2
21 c a 2
22 c a 2
23 c a 2
24 c b 1
25 c b 2
Would anyone happen to know how to do this without using loops, e.g. using package reshape2? (I realize it should work using melt, but I just haven't been able to figure out the right syntax yet)
Edit: For those of you that would also happen to need this kind of functionality, here is Ananda's answer below wrapped into a little function:
widetolong.ordinal<-function(data,factors,responses,responsename) {
data$ID=1:nrow(data) # add an ID to preserve row order
dL=melt(data, id.vars=c("ID", factors)) # `melt` the data
dL=dL[order(dL$ID), ] # sort the molten data
dL[,responsename]=match(dL$variable,responses) # convert reponses to ordinal scores
dL=dL[dL$value != 0, ] # drop rows where `value == 0`
out=dL[rep(rownames(dL), dL$value), c(factors, responsename)] # use `rep` to "expand" `data.frame` & drop unwanted columns
rownames(out) <- NULL
# example
data <- read.csv("")

melt from "reshape2" will only get you part of the way through this problem. To go the rest of the way, you just need to use rep from base R:
data <- read.csv("")
## Add an ID if the row order is importantt o you
data$ID <- 1:nrow(data)
## `melt` the data
dL <- melt(data, id.vars=c("ID", "factor1", "factor2"))
## Sort the molten data, if necessary
dL <- dL[order(dL$ID), ]
## Extract the numeric portion of the "variable" variable
dL$aggression <- gsub("count_", "", dL$variable)
## Drop rows where `value == 0`
dL <- dL[dL$value != 0, ]
## Use `rep` to "expand" your `data.frame`.
## Drop any unwanted columns at this point.
out <- dL[rep(rownames(dL), dL$value), c("factor1", "factor2", "aggression")]
This is what the output finally looks like. If you want to remove the funny row names, just use rownames(out) <- NULL.
# factor1 factor2 aggression
# 1 a a 1
# 7 a a 2
# 7.1 a a 2
# 2 a b 1
# 2.1 a b 1
# 2.2 a b 1
# 3 b a 1
# 9 b a 2
# 9.1 b a 2
# 15 b a 3
# 15.1 b a 3
# 15.2 b a 3
# 4 b b 1
# 4.1 b b 1
# 10 b b 2
# 10.1 b b 2
# 5 c a 1
# 5.1 c a 1
# 5.2 c a 1
# 11 c a 2
# 11.1 c a 2
# 11.2 c a 2
# 11.3 c a 2
# 6 c b 1
# 12 c b 2


cumulative product in R across column

I have a dataframe in the following format
> x <- data.frame("a" = c(1,1),"b" = c(2,2),"c" = c(3,4))
> x
a b c
1 1 2 3
2 1 2 4
I'd like to add 3 new columns which is a cumulative product of the columns a b c, however I need a reverse cumulative product i.e. the output should be
row 1:
result_d = 1*2*3 = 6 , result_e = 2*3 = 6, result_f = 3
and similarly for row 2
The end result will be
a b c result_d result_e result_f
1 1 2 3 6 6 3
2 1 2 4 8 8 4
the column names do not matter this is just an example. Does anyone have any idea how to do this?
as per my comment, is it possible to do this on a subset of columns? e.g. only for columns b and c to return:
a b c results_e results_f
1 1 2 3 6 3
2 1 2 4 8 4
so that column "a" is effectively ignored?
One option is to loop through the rows and apply cumprod over the reverse of elements and then do the reverse
nm1 <- paste0("result_", c("d", "e", "f"))
x[nm1] <- t(apply(x, 1,
function(x) rev(cumprod(rev(x)))))
# a b c result_d result_e result_f
#1 1 2 3 6 6 3
#2 1 2 4 8 8 4
Or a vectorized option is rowCumprods
x[nm1] <- rowCumprods(as.matrix(x[ncol(x):1]))[,ncol(x):1]
temp = data.frame(Reduce("*", x[NCOL(x):1], accumulate = TRUE))
setNames(cbind(x, temp[NCOL(temp):1]),
c(names(x), c("res_d", "res_e", "res_f")))
# a b c res_d res_e res_f
#1 1 2 3 6 6 3
#2 1 2 4 8 8 4

reshaping data with time represented as spells

I have a dataset in which time is represented as spells (i.e. from time 1 to time 2), like this:
d <- data.frame(id = c("A","A","B","B","C","C"),
t1 = c(1,3,1,3,1,3),
t2 = c(2,4,2,4,2,4),
value = 1:6)
I want to reshape this into a panel dataset, i.e. one row for each unit and time period, like this:
result <- data.frame(id = c("A","A","A","A","B","B","B","B","C","C","C","C"),
t= c(1:4,1:4,1:4),
value = c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6))
I am attempting to do this with tidyr and gather but not getting the desired result. I am trying something like this which is clearly wrong:
gather(d, 't1', 't2', key=t)
In the actual dataset the spells are irregular.
You were almost there.
d %>%
# Gather the needed variables. Explanation:
# t_type: How will the call the column where we will put the former
# variable names under?
# t: How will we call the column where we will put the
# values of above variables?
# -id,
# -value: Which columns should stay the same and NOT be gathered
# under t_type (key) and t (value)?
gather(t_type, t, -id, -value) %>%
# Select the right columns in the right order.
# Watch out: We did not select t_type, so it gets dropped.
select(id, t, value) %>%
# Arrange / sort the data by the following columns.
# For a descending order put a "-" in front of the column name.
arrange(id, t)
id t value
1 A 1 1
2 A 2 1
3 A 3 2
4 A 4 2
5 B 1 3
6 B 2 3
7 B 3 4
8 B 4 4
9 C 1 5
10 C 2 5
11 C 3 6
12 C 4 6
So, the goal is to melt t1 and t2 columns and to drop the key column that will appear as a result. There are a couple of options. Base R's reshape seems to be tedious. We may, however, use melt:
melt(d, measure.vars = c("t1", "t2"), = "t")[-3]
# id value t
# 1 A 1 1
# 2 A 2 3
# 3 B 3 1
# 4 B 4 3
# 5 C 5 1
# 6 C 6 3
# 7 A 1 2
# 8 A 2 4
# 9 B 3 2
# 10 B 4 4
# 11 C 5 2
# 12 C 6 4
where -3 drop the key column. We may indeed also use gather as in
gather(d, "key", "t", t1, t2)[-3]
# id value t
# 1 A 1 1
# 2 A 2 3
# 3 B 3 1
# 4 B 4 3
# 5 C 5 1
# 6 C 6 3
# 7 A 1 2
# 8 A 2 4
# 9 B 3 2
# 10 B 4 4
# 11 C 5 2
# 12 C 6 4

Sort Data in the Table

For example, now I get the table
A 0 4 1
B 2 1 3
C 5 9 6
I like to order the columns and rows by my own defined order, to achieve
B 1 2 3
A 4 0 1
C 9 5 6
This can be accomplished in base R. First we make the example data:
# make example data
df.text <- 'A B C
0 4 1
2 1 3
5 9 6'
df <- read.table(text = df.text, header = T)
rownames(df) <- LETTERS[1:3]
A 0 4 1
B 2 1 3
C 5 9 6
Then we simply re-order the columns and rows using a vector of named indices:
# re-order data
defined.order <- c('B', 'A', 'C')
df <- df[, defined.order]
df <- df[defined.order, ]
B 1 2 3
A 4 0 1
C 9 5 6
If the defined order is given as
defined_order <- c("B", "A", "C")
and the initial table is created by
# create data first
dt <- fread("
id A B C
A 0 4 1
B 2 1 3
C 5 9 6")
# note that row names are added as own id column
then you could achieve the desired result using data.table as follows:
# change column order
setcolorder(dt, c("id", defined_order))
# change row order
# id B A C
# 1: B 1 2 3
# 2: A 4 0 1
# 3: C 9 5 6

Determining if values of previous rows repeat in dataframe

I have some data organized like this:
ids <- matrix(replicate(1000,sample(LETTERS[1:4],2)),ncol=2,byrow=T)
df <- data.frame(
event = 1:100,
id1 = ids[,1],
id2 = ids[,2],
grp = rep(1:10, each=100), stringsAsFactors=F)
event id1 id2 grp
1 1 A C 1
2 2 D A 1
3 3 A D 1
4 4 A B 1
5 5 A D 1
6 6 B C 1
7 7 B D 1
8 8 B D 1
9 9 B D 1
10 10 C A 1
There are pairs of ids (id1 & id2). Within a row they are never the same. There is a variable called grp. There are 10 groups. Each group could be considered a separate sample of data. The event variable goes from 1-100 in each group.
The first question I have is quite straightforward. Within each group, for each row, is the combination of the two ids (id1-id2) the same as the previous row, the reverse of the previous row, or neither of these two options. Obviously, if there is an A-C combination on row 100 of one group, I am not interested in whether it is reversed, the same or whatever on row 1 of the following group.
This is my temporary solution:
#Give each id pair and identifier:
df$pair <- paste(pmin(df$id1,df$id2), pmax(df$id1,df$id2))
#For each grp, work out using `lag` if previous row contains same pair of ids, and if they are in same or reversed order:
df.sp <- split(df, df$grp)
df$value <- unlist(lapply(df.sp, function(x) ifelse(x$pair!=lag(x$pair), NA, ifelse(x$id1==lag(x$id1), 1, 0)) ))
This gives:
event id1 id2 grp pair value
1 1 A C 1 A C NA
2 2 D A 1 A D NA
3 3 A D 1 A D 0
4 4 A B 1 A B NA
5 5 A D 1 A D NA
6 6 B C 1 B C NA
7 7 B D 1 B D NA
8 8 B D 1 B D 1
9 9 B D 1 B D 1
10 10 C A 1 A C NA
This works - showing 0 as a reversal, 1 as a copy and NA as neither.
The more complex question I am interested in is the following. Within each group (grp), for each row, find if its combination of two ids (the pair) previously occurred in that grp. If they did, then return whether they were in the same order or reversed order the immediate previous time they occurred.
That result would look like this:
event id1 id2 grp pair value
1 1 A C 1 A C NA
2 2 D A 1 A D NA
3 3 A D 1 A D 0
4 4 A B 1 A B NA
5 5 A D 1 A D 1
6 6 B C 1 B C NA
7 7 B D 1 B D NA
8 8 B D 1 B D 1
9 9 B D 1 B D 1
10 10 C A 1 A C 0
e.g. row 10 is returned as a 0 because the combination A-C previously occurred and was in the reverse order (row 1). on row 5 a 1 is returned as A-D previously occurred in the same order on row 3.
You're almost there! The second question is equivalent to the first question, just grouping by pair as well as group. I converted the code to dplyr (though I appreciate the spirit behind keeping the question in base). I also removed the second ifelse, replacing it with a numeric conversion of the logical, which should be more performant (and some will find easier to read).
df %>% group_by(grp) %>%
pair = paste(pmin(id1, id2), pmax(id1, id2)),
prev_row = ifelse(pair != lag(pair), NA, as.numeric(id1 == lag(id1)))
) %>%
group_by(grp, pair) %>%
mutate(prev_any = ifelse(pair != lag(pair), NA, as.numeric(id1 == lag(id1)))) %>%
# Source: local data frame [10 x 7]
# Groups: grp, pair [5]
# event id1 id2 grp pair prev_row prev_any
# (int) (chr) (chr) (int) (chr) (dbl) (dbl)
# 1 1 A C 1 A C NA NA
# 2 2 D A 1 A D NA NA
# 3 3 A D 1 A D 0 0
# 4 4 A B 1 A B NA NA
# 5 5 A D 1 A D NA 1
# 6 6 B C 1 B C NA NA
# 7 7 B D 1 B D NA NA
# 8 8 B D 1 B D 1 1
# 9 9 B D 1 B D 1 1
# 10 10 C A 1 A C NA 0
For such grouping, filtering and mutating tasks, I find dplyr to be very helpful. Here is one way I came up with how you can achieve your goal:
df %>% group_by(grp) %>% mutate(value = ifelse(id1 == lag(id1) & id2 == lag(id2), 1, ifelse(id1 == lag(id2) & id2 == lag(id1), 0, NA)))
Within each group, you compare the ID values and conditionally assign a new value column. Hope this helps.

Condensing Data Frame in R

I just have a simple question, I really appreciate everyones input, you have been a great help to my project. I have an additional question about data frames in R.
I have data frame that looks similar to something like this:
C <- c("","","","","","","","A","B","D","A","B","D","A","B","D")
D <- c(NA,NA,NA,2,NA,NA,1,1,4,2,2,5,2,1,4,2)
G <- list(C=C,D=D)
T <-
1 NA
2 NA
3 NA
4 2
5 NA
6 NA
7 1
8 A 1
9 B 4
10 D 2
11 A 2
12 B 5
13 D 2
14 A 1
15 B 4
16 D 2
I would like to be able to condense all the repeat characters into one, and look similar to this:
1 2 1
2 A 1 2 1
3 B 4 5 4
4 D 2 2 2
So of course, the data is all the same, it is just that it is condensed and new columns are formed to hold the data. I am sure there is an easy way to do it, but from the books I have looked through, I haven't seen anything for this!
EDIT I edited the example because it wasn't working with the answers so far. I wonder if the NA's, blanks, and unevenness from the blanks are contributing??
hereĀ“s a reshape solution:
cast(T, C ~ ., function(x) x)
Changed T to df to avoid a bad habit. Returns a list, which my not be what you want but you can convert from there.
C <- c("A","B","D","A","B","D","A","B","D")
D <- c(1,4,2,2,5,2,1,4,2)
my.df <- data.frame(id=C,val=D)
ret <- function(x) x
by.df <- by(my.df$val,INDICES=my.df$id,ret)
This seems to get the results you are looking for. I'm assuming it's OK to remove the NA values since that matches the desired output you show.
T <- na.omit(T)
T$ind <- ave(1:nrow(T), T$C, FUN = seq_along)
reshape(T, direction = "wide", idvar = "C", timevar = "ind")
# C D.1 D.2 D.3
# 4 2 1 NA
# 8 A 1 2 1
# 9 B 4 5 4
# 10 D 2 2 2
dcast(T, C ~ ind, value.var = "D", fill = "")
# C 1 2 3
# 1 2 1
# 2 A 1 2 1
# 3 B 4 5 4
# 4 D 2 2 2
