New Registrations on a Wordpress website that has no place to register as a subscriber - wordpress

I have implemented a simple 5 page basic website in wordpress and clearly though it has a contact form it has no place from where a user can register as a subscriber.
However, over the past month I have been receiving mails regularly that a new user has registered on your website. I suspect this to be some sort of BOT activity as the number keeps on rising every day.
How a user can register even if there is no place/form on website wherein he can do so?
What advantage does it have for him?
How can I keep a check on this?

How an user can register even if there is no place/form on website wherein he can do so?
Answer: Even if you have no form for registration, user can register by your wp-login.php page.For example, your admin login have registration link. You can turn on/off user registration from by admin panel. Go Settings->general and uncheck Membership option any one can register.
What advantage does it have for him?
Answer: Most probably the role for new register user as subscriber for your website
How can I keep a check on this?
Answer: Go Settings->general and uncheck Membership option any one can register.


When does a wordpress subscriber become a woocommerce customer?

Ok so I'm trying to find out what determines a wordpress user becomes a subscriber or a customer. So my site has over 5000 subscribers but 1000 customers. Lately I have been getting hit by bots that will register 300 - 400 accounts in a day. So I'm trying to determine if its' the registration form itself that determines who becomes what role. Like if it's original wordpress form they become a subsriber but a woocommerce registration form they become a customer. As the bots are using a very specific link to automatically register and it's the default wordpress registration link. So I'm trying to figure out the best way to avoid this from happening while also being able to determine fake subscriber from real subsribers, as checking some of the subsribers have actually logged in. I figured then all customers should have logged in, assuming customers were created once they purchased something from the store but in fact thats not the case. So any real input on this would be very nice and helpful.
So talking to Wordpress and Woocommerce it is when the user uses the Woocommerce Registration Form is when a user is assigned the Customer Role over Subscriber Role.
I want to add to this now also, I'm unsure what update this occured but in Wordpress Settings->General Tab there is a box that asks for New User Default Role. So now you can make sure every user is a customer or a subscriber or whatever role you decide to choose.

wordpress webstie restriction or blocking, only registred users can view the website

I am creating a website on top wordpress,
The reason to use wordpress is that,
We want to restrict or block the entire site,
Only registered people should be able to access the site that too after verification,
Can anybody help me choosing the right plugins to achieve this.
Note : the site will be similar to a membership website, but the users who are going to use this are not paying, We just want to allow only people whom we approve.
Example: The steps are the one we are looking,
Default page should be Registration page,
Once Registered, Email verification has to be done by clicking the link in the Email ID giving during registration,
Post verification, Email with log-in page link along with username & password goes to the user's registered Email ID,
User logs-in using the username and password,
User is able to view the entire site
Check this plugin :
It's the best to make membership / private page / registration page and etc.. and he is the most documented plugin on this.
Have fun and welcome on Wordpress :)

How can I add lm_paypal subscriptions to registration page?

I've recently installed the lm_paypal module to my drupal site, and I've created two different subscriptions. When users subscribe and pay, they are granted a user account (a specific Role that has access to various pages).
How can I add my subscriptions to the user registration form?
The goal: After users fill out the registration form, I want them to be taken to the paypal page for payment (e.g. Continue to Checkout).
this is a great question, I'm going to try to work on something like this and let you know!
In the mean time, check this link out, it has some ideas.

Drupal 6 - Content profile and user management

I have developed a system using Drupal 6. I have implemented user registration with content profile. Which means there is a functionality called company registration. It is creating a content profile with companies and a user account also after click register.
Once the profile and user account created both will be in pending status and I have implemented a functionality where the site admin can approve (using rules.) Once approved the content profile is accessible via front end.
But though the users status change rule is written (rule to change the pending user role to active member) the user is unable to login. Currently after approving the content profile the admin again need to go to the user account and activate it.
Can anybody help me to get this resolved please?
My advice would be to use Triggers with this, so that when a content profile is approved, the linked user profile will also be approved. You should be able to write an "Advanced" trigger for this.

ASP.NET, OpenID and registration confusion

I have managed to get all the authentication parts working, however i am confused about setting up registration.
By registration i mean that if the OpenID is not attached to an existing account, then a new account must be created.
Should i simply have it return to a registration page (with from fields for registration) and redirect to a different page if the user is registered?
Is there a way to set up a clean and simple registration flow without signing the user in first (formsauthentication.redirectfromloginpage) then checking if they are new on every page?
Sorry if this is worded badly, like most other things i ask it is difficult to explain!
Ideally, no registration is required at all beyond simply an OpenID. Does your site require to know more than a user identifier to provide any functionality at all?
If your site can offer any services to users (even just informational) without asking for more than their identifier, which OpenID supplies, then don't have a registration page at all. This is by far the best for the users and will lower the barrier of entry to new users to your site. Then, when the user accesses a page that offers something that requires the user to give up more information about themselves, stick them with a registration page at that time.
If you must stick up a registration page for all new users, I suggest you do a check every time someone logs in with their OpenID. If you recognize the OpenID Claimed Identifier upon successful login, you just let them through... otherwise you create a database entry for them and redirect them to the registration form.
You can optimize the experience by using OpenID extensions such as Simple Registration or Attribute Exchange so that the user might get a pre-filled out registration form courtesy of the OpenID Provider, further streamlining the registration process.
