Oracle Business intelligence - multiple standalone BI on single machine - oracle11g

Im going to install new Oracle BI enterprise edition along existing Oracle BI source edition. Is there any way i can install it on single machine?Can i use same BIPLATFORM schemas?
There isnt much to read about on oracle webpages. I see i can use software only to install binaries or install new oracle BI. But my question is. From tutorial I can see there is something like : Ensure you install New oracle Business intelligence to separate middleware home.
My middleware home is .../fmw/ where Oracle BI is but also weblogic and others. So should i install new instance of weblogic too, or just install it under ../fmw/ to new folder named f.e. : .../fmw/Oracle_BI2/
Im quite confused. Im working for the first time with business intelligence from oracle.
IF someone experienced can give me a hint it would be much appreciated.

Yes, you can install multiple BI systems in the same machine. Install WebLogic, then Software Only install and then run Configuration Wizard twice. Choose the Auto-port selection both the time.


The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. and install Access Database Engine 2010 don´t work

I have trouble when I try to upload an Excel file, I've searched in a lot of places how to solve this, but the solution the give (only install Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable) doesn´t work for me. I have VS2017 and I've installed Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable, I´m kinda new doing this so I donn´t know what I´m missing.
a pleasure to greet you, an hour ago I had the same problem, the only thing I did was download both versions (both the 32-bit and the 64-bit version) and the first thing I did was install the 64-bit version of normal way, downloading from the official page, but I installed the 32-bit version from Command Prompt with the following code:
CD: [path]/AccessDataEngine.exe /passive
in this way I managed to solve that error

How to create an installer with self updates on windows server for an dotnet core console/service application

I have an application, an aspnet core website 3.0 that is currently running in a console application.
A client is interested in installing it on their internal network.
I am thinking that its best to convert it to a background service and windows can ensure that its running. Following:
What are my options to create an installer for this? Is there anything new out of the box with dotnet core that makes this easy, or should I just go with older "best practice" aka google it to create an installer? Or is it best to just use that sc create TestService BinPath=C:\full\path\to\publish\dir\WindowsServiceExample.exe command to install it.
Author of the blog post here. It really depends on who the target audience is. If it's someone trying to deploy it on an internal network, IMO the SC commands are fine because either
A. It's an IT person installing it anyway so they won't have fear of double clicking a .bat file.
B. The IT team uses some sort of GPO/scripting to keep all machines in line in which case they can surely run a one line command to install it anyway.
An installer is only useful if the end user is non-IT, a customer etc.

How do I install pglogical extension on Windows machine?

I need to migrate an enterprise production database from a Windows source machine running Postgres 9.5 to an Ubuntu destination machine running Postgres 11.6 with < 15 mins downtime. I plan to do this with pglogical, which requires the extension being loaded on both source and destination. I am having trouble with the source side because it is Windows.
I have very little Postgres-Windows experience and can neither find any helpful literature on the specific situation nor can I figure out for myself how to presumably install from source.
I've dug and dug and so far the only answer I've been able to find is "ugh... Windows". It seems like the only way to build from source is using Visual Studio, which I don't have or know how to use.
Alex, the 2ndQuadrant article you link to in your own comment solves this. A few of the project or build options noted there have moved a little bit in the newer VisualStudio Community editions, so I can see where you got hung-up.
Just for kicks I compiled 32-bit DLL on my oldest Windows instance. I included the /Release path so you can grab my DLL & see if it works for you. It's (a) 32-bit because I'm assuming worst-case for an old v9.5 install, and (b) targets Postgres 9.6 because that's what I had installed. Unless there were major API changes though, it should connect to v9.5 without any issues:
If you find you need a version that entirely matches Postgres 9.5, grab my solution files & VS Community 20xx. Load the project & update the Additional Include Directories in Project Config to target your v9.5 paths. That should be all that's needed to link v9.5 Postgres libs.

Entity Data Model Wizard Crash with Oracle Connection

I cannot get VS 2015 to create my EDMX file for an Oracle Connection.
I am using Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
I have installed the Oracle Developer Tools
I have installed Oracle Data Access and the following DLLs exist under \ client[user]\product\12.1.0\client\\bin
2.x\Oracle.DataAccess.dll version: ODAC Release 4
4\Oracle.DataAccess.dll version: ODAC Release 4
I am using the following assemblies
Oracle.ManagedDataAccess Version:
Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework Version:
* I believe both of these are version 12.2.1100 based on the folders in which they reside in the packages folder.
There are no connections defined in the Server Explorer
My steps are as follows:
Within the Solutions Explorer, Right click on project and select "Add" | "New Item..."
Select Data | ADO.NET Entity Data Model | Add
Select EF Designer from Database | Press Next
In the Entity Data Model Wizard:
Press New Connection... (I get an warning "Failed to find the default tnsnames.ora file." I ignore and press "OK"
With the Datasource as "Oracle Database (ODP.NET, Managed Driver)" I enter the credentials and specify the the other
connection parameters and press "Test Connection" which SUCCEEDS.
I press OK and am taken to the next page in the Entity Data Model Wizard
I include sensitive data in connection string and Press Next....
Any assistance in helping me troubleshoot this would be greatly appreciated.
TIA - Xavier
Thanks to #Hong-vit pointing me in the right direction. I found the answer.
When you visit the download page for ODAC you're given a selection of version numbers.
In my case the top two were:
ODAC 12.2c Release 1 and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio (
ODAC 12c Release 4 and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio (
For me the top one wouldn't install. It would cut out during the installation process (thanks Oracle!) so I settled with the second one (
This meant that when I installed Oracle.ManagedDataAccess and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework I had to select the correct version.
Not for me:
The one I needed
As you can see the version numbers (almost!) match up:
ODAC = Oracle.ManagedDataAccess 12.2.1100
ODAC = Oracle.ManagedDataAccess 12.1.24160719 (yay!)
I believe this is a failing on oracles behalf as it's not made clear despite their inclusion on a page long readme on which this doesn't feature. In additon the version numbers not quite being the same...but that's a rant for the blog.
I have the same bug. I fixed it successfully by follow this step:
On your project Right click -> Select Manage NuGet packages on Browse tab input oracle. You will see Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework. Select version of oracle you have installed. This should be 12.1.2400. Install it, you are done
I had the same issue - I hope I can help fellow Googlers having the unfortunate task of connecting Oracle and Visual Studio.
I followed the steps and still got crashes - because I was using VS2017 (I understand that the questions is tagged VS2015). You'll need to install the VS2017 ODAC Client. Thankfully, this one actually does something when you begin the installation. The installer in the link on the accepted answer will only work for VS2015.
The most recent version (as of this time of writing) of ODP.NET is 18.3, which can be installed through NuGet (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework). Follow these steps on Oracle's website and you'll be setup.
...Or so you think. I got the same error as in this stack overflow question, where it won't go past the Entity Data Model Wizard.
I applied every configuration in the selected answer, but it still wouldn't work. When I downgraded my Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework from 18.3.0 to 12.2.1100, I could finally create my models!
I have had the same problem when I was trying to connect Oracle Entity Framework with Visual Studio 2017.
After install and unistall several times differents version. The build that better works for me is:
Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2017 (ODTv2017) v12.2.1200
Oracle.ManagedDataAccess v12.2.1100
Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework v12.2.20190115
EntityFramework .NET v6.3.0
I think that having similar versions in Oracle packages is very important for good performance.
It looks like someone here had similar issue: He add to change implementation somehow.
[in this ]case a View (valid and worked) caused the crashes. After changing the implementation without using that view it worked (more or less).
What I advise is you proceed step by step, only importing one object for the first time you test the wizard, then only simple table, then add procedures, views...

Migration from legacy version to newer version or MySQL

I recently dug up a very old SQL Anywhere database. I have it installed and it kind of works, its only the distributed side of the data, so everything's running via dbeng50 and ODBC.
I would like to migrate this data to MySQL. Is there a way to do this? I attempted to view the data using an ODBC tool but I kept getting error messages saying the ODBC driver doesn't support the version of ODBC behavior.
I guess the database is too old (it's from 1997) - that put's at it SQL Anywhere version 5.
Its also difficult to find the old SQL tools that would help me access these.
Is it possible to use the .db file with a newer version?
Any help or guidance at all would be appreciated.
