ASP.NET disable double click -

I have a page where the user can enter data and on submit, it shows up on a gridview right below it.
How do I prevent double click. I understand I can disable the button but that would defeat the purpose as then, the user cannot enter more information without refreshing the page.

I add a class to all elements I dont want the ability to add a double click
this question has been answered many times, just google disabling double clicking in

You could always disable the button and then use setTimeout to re-enable the button after second or two:
$("#btn").click(function () {
var button = $(this);
button.prop('disabled', true);
setTimeout(function () {
button.prop('disabled', false);
}, 1000);


bootstrap studio: enter key appears to causing reload of page

I have a web page with several forms. Only one is visible at a time, depending on state.
On one form, pressing the enter key appears to be causing a reload of the page rather than triggering a click event for the form's button.
I have a lot of javascript, primarily because I need client side interaction with mailchimp. Because of that, I have disabled the form's action= html and have instead created a javascript function to handle the click. It works fine if you click on the button.
I have also assigned a listener for the sole field in the form:
var input = document.getElementById ("new-email-address");
input.addEventListener ("keyup", function(event)
if (event.keyCode === 13)
Yet, when I click the enter key, the $(document).ready (function() executes. It's possible something else is executing beforehand, but, if so, I haven't found a way to discover that.
What could be causing this behavior ?
It turns out that the enter key is being handled at the form level. To disable that, I added this code for each form:
if (e.which == 13) // Enter key
return false;

How to know which button of User Control is clicked from parent form

I want to capture which button is clicked in page load method of code behind file.
Button is user control button and It does not post back. Since it used by many other forms, I don't want to changes that button.
I tried this
Dim ButtonID As String = Request("btnRefresh.ID")
But it doesn't work.
Is it possible to know without touching in user control and using Javascript?
Thank you
As described here How to check whether ASP.NET button is clicked or not on page load:
The method: Request.Params.Get("__EVENTTARGET"); will work for
CheckBoxes, DropDownLists, LinkButtons, etc.. but this does not work
for Button controls such as Buttons and ImageButtons
But you have a workaround, first of all you have to define a hidden field in the Parent Page. In this field you will store which button inside the user control was clicked using javascript/jquery. And then in your Parent Page Page_Load method you just read the hiddenField.Value property:
1) Add listener to every input type submit button:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("input[type=\"submit\"]").on("click", function () {
2) [Better one] Add listener to some indentificable div inside the user control and delegate the event to child inputs like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#someElementOfUserControl").on("click", "input[type=\"submit\"]", function () {
Since everything done with JQuery can be done with Javascript you can do the following (i will not write both samples, just one):
function handleClick(event) {
document.getElementById("hiddenField1").value =;
var inputsInUC = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
for (i = 0; i < inputsInUC.length; i++) {
inputsInUC[i].addEventListener('click', handleClick, false);
Remember to define this javascript after all your html elements.
Also, for the completeness of the answer let me tell you that the proper way in case you can change the user control behaviour is to use events as described here How do i raise an event in a usercontrol and catch it in mainpage?

How can I refresh a fancybox popup?

enter code hereI have a fancybox popup that has the list of cities on it, and a textbox. Once a user enters another city name into the textbox and clicks "Save", I am able to save the new city into the database, but how can I also reload just the popup, so that the new city appears in the list as well?
My popup is an ASPX page, and all I would have to do is somehow execute the Page_Load event, so that it would display the datagrid with all the cities.
Is there any way I can do that? Somehow reload the popup? PLEASE HELP!!!
Here is the fancybox code that opens my popup:
function () {
onClosed: function () {
__doPostBack('BodyContent', '');
ajax : {
'cache': false,
'titlePosition': 'inside',
'overlayShow': true,
'overlayColor': '#000',
'transitionIn': 'elastic',
'transitionOut': 'elastic'
If I understood well, you should do this: within the server event that gets executed when you close the popup, make sure that you rebind the grid (feed it with the updated data and call its DataBind method again.

How can I disable all buttons and links on my page, but still let the postback occur?

I'm trying to prevent the user from clicking on more than one postback-causing element on the page. In other words, if they click the 'continue' submit button, they shouldn't be able to cause another postback before the original request comes back.
I've had a go with two versions of jQuery code. Neither does exactly what I want:
This version will disable all the postback elements, but in doing so, it stops the clicked element from firing. For the record, I don't think the .removeAttr('onclick') is really required, but leaving it out doesn't seem to change the behaviour.
$(function() {
$('a, :button, :submit').click(function() {
var elements = $('a, :button, :submit');
elements.attr('disabled', 'disabled').removeAttr('onclick');
This version disables all other postback elements, but it lets me reuse the same element that was clicked - I don't want to be able to hit the same button twice.
$(function() {
$('a, :button, :submit').click(function() {
var otherelements = $('a:not(#' + $(this).attr('id') + '), :button:not(#' + $(this).attr('id') + '), :submit:not(#' + $(this).attr('id') + ')');
elements.attr('disabled', 'disabled').removeAttr('onclick');
How can I prevent this behaviour?
I just tested your first approach without JQuery, and it worked fine, i.e. disabling the submit button didn't prevent the form submission.
<form method="get">
<input type="text" name="textfield" value="a" />
<input type="submit" onclick="this.disabled=true">
Maybe you want to double check is there is anything else, e.g. JQuery, going on?
Maybe you could put a flag or something that it could remember what button it was clicked and if that flag exist, you can remove the onclick event on that postback-causing element. But I think this cannot be done in client side scripting alone, since once the page is submitted, all client side elements and scripts are refreshed.
Perhaps instead of making this a click function make it onmouseup so it fires after the click event has occured.
Here's a final version that worked - just overriding the form submit event rather than looking at any individual elements.
var submitted = false;
$(function() {
$('form').bind('submit', function() {
if (!submitted) {
submitted = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
Thanks all for your suggestions.

Detect F5 being pressed and Refresh

I have a webform and i want to detect if F5 button was pressed or if the page was refreshed. I know about postback but it is not what i'm looking for. I have a gridview that loads in a modal popup when a button is clicked and a parameter's value is set for the gridview. When refresh is hit and if the modal popup button was previously clicked the modal popup is visible right after refresh. I want to detect if the page is refreshed to prevent this. any ideas? I thought to try Override but I'm not exactly sure how to use it. I tried Control.ModifierKeys but I don't have access to ModifierKeys.
Pressing F5 or physically clicking the browser refresh behaves similarly to navigating away from the page. This is captured in the event window.onunload. Try the snippet example below:
window.onbeforeunload = function (evt) {
var message = 'Are you sure you want to leave?';
if (typeof evt == 'undefined') {
evt = window.event;
if (evt) {
evt.returnValue = message;
return message;
This will capture the refresh and allow you to do something or prompt the user.
Reemember that hotkeys are processed in the client side in the browser. The easiest way to implement this is through javascript.
Look at the following link:
