Chrome hide an element on scroll after orientationchange - css

I'm facing a problem I can't figure out how to solve. I'm almost sure this is a Chrome bug since in other browsers it works like a charm but I want to be sure. On my website, developed using a mobile first and responsive design approach, I have a menu that uses the Left Nav Flyout pattern. On Tablets and desktops, I show it full width.
When I load the website on my smartphone (specifically an Android device) using Chrome in Portrait mode, once I rotate the device (passing in Landscape mode) and start to scroll the page, as soon as I reach the menu position, the latter magically disappears. What is really strange is that if you try to click the space that now is completely white, you can see that the links are actually there. I tried to use the inspector to find the problem but didn't succeed.
So, wow can I solve the problem? Anyone else had this issue before? If you know it's a bug, I'm glad to add a temporary workaround as well.

I didn't find a real solution but a reasonable workaround. Of course, I still hope that someone will explain what's the cause of this issue and how to solve it.
In the meantime, I found that the problem occurs because the menu, 240px wide, is completely out of the viewport. In fact, as soon as I changed the margin-left to 239.5px the menu didn't disappear anymore.


CSS Drop Shadow Breaks on Mobile | Next.js

Edit: I found out that the issue is exclusive to iPhones. I tested with an android device and it worked fine when I tried viewing the page on two different iPhones it broke on both.
This issue is mobile related, since when I shrink my browser window to the size of a mobile screen, everything looks fine. However, when I view the site on my actual mobile device, the drop shadow "breaks" at seemingly random places. If I zoom in and out these breaks will change their locations.
The current effect being used is
filter: drop-shadow(20px 10px 4px #707070);
After further research into this, I found that the issue was not specific to my website. If you go onto the Mozilla MDN Docs on a recent iPhone device, you'll notice that it gives you the exact same effect when zoomed in. I'm going to post this as an issue on Github as suggested in the docs. Here is what my mobile phone showed when viewing the Firefox Logo drop shadow effect.
As suggested in a comment, changing to a simple box-shadow fixed the issue, although the edges are more hard-lined and slightly less faded (using the same parameters). It's not enough to break this specific project and I know there are CSS features available that enhance this, so all is good!

iPhone Viewport cut-off - this must be a common issue?

Morning all,
I need assistance with iPhone viewport issues. I have sifted through all kinds of posts, all from 8+ years ago. Some had a similar issue, some had the exact issue. Seems none actually found a fix.
I have developed a site and cannot for the life of me work out why only on iPhone the viewport is cutting off the left of the content. The site works as expected on android, macbook and desktop. I do not have access to an iPad. All completely responsive. When I say "cut-off" I mean you cannot scroll to the left at all.
I tested on an iPhone 8 and thought, ok, it is a bit old, probably just limited to older phones but alas, when I checked with friends on an iPhone X and 11 pro they both had the same issue. It is not an issue in landscape, only portrait.
Please see below screenshots:
Iphone issue where you can see that the content is shifted to the left
Galaxy S10 where you can see the content is centered as expected
As you can see from the above, it is like the phones are readying the viewport size correctly but they are shifting the content to the left. The banner at the top is set to width: 100%; and yet it does not stretch to the far right.
Also, bizarrely it seems that the nav is happily centered but all other content is not.
I am at a loss.
This must be a common issue with an easy fix that just isn't asked, I hope. I have built this using purely CSS and HTML so nothing fancy.
Entire code can be found here in my previously unanswered post which had a little less detail.
link to the site
For anyone in the future looking into this or a similar issue, it seems that iPhone's have challenges interpreting tags. This is not limited to Safari as I tested the code on Opera and firefox on an iPhone 8 and iPhone X and the same issue occured.
Not only did the CSS applied to the tag not take effect on the iPhone but it created some form of break in the page entirely.
tags are a little outdated as I understand however it added a nice aesthetic. Instead I created the same visual effect by entirely removing the tag and using bottom-border on the SVG.
I hope this helps someone in the future.

Website getting cut off on iPad only

My site is live at The site is responsive, and works fine at any size on every desktop browser I try and on my Android phone, but the problem is that on an iPad, the right side of the header gets cut off so it says "Licensing P" instead of "Licensing Portal."
I'm having trouble figuring out where the problem lies because I can't replicate it on desktop — Chrome's device mode actually shows it having too MUCH room on the right and the website not centering instead!
Any ideas?
Edit: Looking more closely, it looks like the iPad is giving each navigation item (they're flexbox children) equal width, and messing with flex-basis and flex-grow don't make any difference. I can't find anything about it but is this any kind of known bug? Again, it looks fine everywhere else, including desktop Safari.
Some of this issues are related to version of the OS and Safari also. What I do on this instances, if you connect your iPad to your MAC you will be able to inspect the HTML and CSS and figure the issue out.
Debug apple devices
Another site
Hope this help!
Figured it out: The lis were set to width: 100%; for when the navigation collapses, and I should have overwritten it in the media query for bigger screens. I added width: auto; and it's fixed!

Can't click on links hovering above video in safari

So I have a website with a menu-bar at the top with a sub menu that appears when you hover.
Under the menu, I have a large video playing embedded with the HTML5 <video> tag. However, on safari on ipad, i can not click the links that are hovering above the video, despite me having given them an appropriate z-index.
Can anyone help me out here? :(
edit: here's a jsfiddle:
The issue seems only to happen on ipad.
The video takes precedence over any other material. Check Putting Video on Canvas on
So far as I can see the only solution seems to be to hide the video. Check
A Solution for Overlaid Elements on Video
I would also love to know if there is any other / better solution to this because I'm also in the process of building something using HTML5 and video that needs interaction.
It turns out that it's a sort-of-bug that was fixed with an update for the system. I don't think this problem has a definite answer yet, but I will choose FrankHe's answer as it actually provides some real suggestions and material for the problem.
But yea, things seem to work after the iOS update, so to any end users experiencing overlay problems with Video elements, update your systems! :)
Unfortunately, this also means I no longer have an un-updated device to test on.

Chrome and Bootstrap fixed navbar

Been using bootstrap for awhile and its now just had a small hickup.
Getting the same issue on their example. So for cleaner code ill use theirs...
Win 8.1 pro
Using chrome 41.0.2272.101m (also just updated to this.. so noticed on previous version)
Disabled all extensions, also uninstalled and reinstalled, cleared cache.
Screen res: dual screen = 1920x1080 and 1680x1050
Problem: No nav bar content. Its rendered at over 7000px wide, and content is floated right or centered.
If I resize my window to say 700x400 the navbar gets a width of 2943px.
Also of note is that now the jumbotron on that page is now not display..
Its .container gets 1170px width? Reappears though when resizing.
Debugging chrome on my own site it appears that the viewport meta tag may be a cause. Removing that it performs fine, But also removing the position:fixed solves it. Though naturally leaves it with styling issues...
Using Dev tools and selecting a device works fine. No device, no menu....
Its like the viewport and media queries are not working correctly but ONLY on my PC?
I cant reproduce it on my home PC or work colleges. I cant find any info on it and for a responsive site the view-port is needed.
Driving me nuts.... quick fix, use FF but if clients get this issue or others have it?
Cant add screenshot as < 10 rep (sorry..)
For anyone interested.
After clearing the cache, uninstalling, resetting all settings and nothing working I decided to play around again in the 'device mode' pane again, as I figured this is the most likely place it'll be due to the view port meta tag seeming to affect it.
I use this pane to test sizes and resolutions and then turn it off. BUT there must be some sort of setting in that that stuck. Un-ticking everything and changing devices doesnt work..(and resetting didnt either) but you will notice a circle icon with a cross in it in the top left. Like the 'ban' symbol and hovering over it will say 'reset all overrides'. Click it..
No idea HOW an override gone in there, or why resetting the browser, uninstalling etc would not reset them.. or where you can find them, but there you go. Problem solved.
#Logan I was having the same issue. Resetting the override doesn't work for me but switching Chrome to a new user does, bizarrely.
