I have created an entourage application and try to use GN_Entourage_Demo. However, although I placed license infos in to the GNViewController.m it gives error like that:
2013-09-18 13:26:01.682 GN_Entourage_Demo[1583:11f03] getUserACR: ERROR: User Create New: client id '1551360' not supported by current license
2013-09-18 13:26:01.683 GN_Entourage_Demo[1583:11f03] Error: Invalid User
If 1551360 is your correct client ID, ensure that it is the ID specified in the license that the application is loading.
These should be specified in the GNViewController.m file:
/*** Enter your client id, client tag, and license info here ***/
#define CLIENT_ID #""
#define CLIENT_TAG #""
#define LICENSE_INFO #""
If 1551360 is not the ID that you have defined here, it could be that the application is attempting to load a previously serialized user? The debugger should be helpful in determining this.
Step 8: Configure the Storage Server Manager to use MyQueryIOD.xml
Run CSStorageServerManagerDemo.exe
Login with the Username and Password credentials that you defined during database configuration
Open the Query Settings, and set the IOD XML Path to be your MyQueryIOD.xml file.
See Specifying C-FIND-Rsp DICOM Elements for instructions on creating MyQueryIOD.xml
this is error occurrs when I run this CSStorageServerManagerDemo.exe
This tutorial on our website needs an update. Our support team has already reported it to the documentation department and it will be modified soon. The main correction is this:
Open the project My.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer
Open this file:
D:\LEADTOOLS 19\Examples\DotNet\PACSFramework\CS\Tutorials\My.Medical.Storage.DataAccessLayer\DataAccessLogic\DataAccessAgent\MyStorageDbDataAccessAgent.cs
Add the following StoreDicom() override, and recompile:
public override void StoreDicom(DicomDataSet dataSet,
string referencedFileName,
string token,
string externalStoreGuid,
string retrieveAe,
string storeAe,
ReferencedImages[] images,
bool updateExistentPatient,
bool updateExistentStudy,
bool updateExistentSeries,
bool updateExistentInstances)
StoreDicom(dataSet, referencedFileName, retrieveAe, images, updateExistentPatient, updateExistentStudy,
updateExistentSeries, updateExistentInstances);
If you still face problems after making this change, please send full details about what you tried and whatever errors you're getting to support#leadtools.com.
I am using QuicBook Premier Edition UK , I have a company file open inside QuickBook. Build a sample WebService provided in samples and host in IIS. Added that application in WebConnector by using qwc file in samples.
I understood the callback methods required by WebConnector in soap service.
• authenticate
• clientVersion
• closeConnection
• connectionError
• getLastError
• receiveResponseXML
• sendRequestXML
I have tested web service by using WebConnector by using Update Selected button and it gives response 'OK' . But I am still confused how to get started with soap service , samples include 3 Xml request
InvoiceQuery and
BillQuery .
How I test these request and see the response by using service . Can anyone explain the steps required to get me started with my own request of Get all Sales Order.
Here is the screenshot
Here is the Last Output.
Via closeConnection(): CloseConnection called to application.
Response received from application = OK
After calling authenticate(...), the Web Connector will call the sendRequestXML(...) method.
The sendRequestXML(...) method is essentially the Web Connector's way of saying "Hey, what do you want me to do?"
You should respond with a qbXML request telling QuickBooks/the Web Connector to do something. For example, if you are trying to get sales orders from QuickBooks, you could respond with a SalesOrderQuery qbXML request, something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?qbxml version="8.0"?>
<QBXMLMsgsRq onError="stopOnError">
<SalesOrderQueryRq requestID="2">
The Web Connector will then send that request to QuickBooks, it will be processed, and the Web Connector will then call your receiveResponseXML(...) method.
The receiveResponseXML(...) method is essentially the Web Connector's way of saying "Hey, you told me to do something, I did it, and here's all of the data I got back: ... (big blob of XML from QuickBooks here)".
Return a qbXML request from the sendRequestXML method. A qbXML response will be sent to you in the receiveResponseXML method.
More notes:
Bigger explanation of the Web Connector here: http://www.consolibyte.com/docs/index.php/QuickBooks_Web_Connector_Overview
Lots of qbXML examples here: http://www.consolibyte.com/docs/index.php/Example_qbXML_Requests
Hundreds of pages of documentation in the QuickBooks SDK: https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0250_qb/0020_get_set_up/sdk_downloads
I have Asterisk server with Freeradius server on the same machine and trying to authenticate with Radius if a user can make a call or not but I am getting an error while calling that is:
ERROR: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) found for the request: Rejecting the user
Failed to authenticate the user.
Is there something that I am missing in one of Radius files that I have to add?
The issue is that no module in the authorize section of your virtual server has taken responsibility for processing the request.
You should remove the contents of the authorize section, and list the following modules:
authorize {
You should then run the server in debug mode radiusd -X to see which module is taking responsibility for the request (you'll see one returns ok or updated where the others return noop). We'll call this the auth module
Once you've figured out which module will take responsibility for the request you'll need to provide a suitably hashed password.
Here are the password hashes that will work with the different modules.
pap - any
chap - Cleartext-Password, CHAP-Password
mschap - Cleartext-Password, NT-Password
digest - Cleartext-Password, Digest-HA1
eap - Depends on inner method (respond to this answer and I can give further guidance).
For testing you can put the password in a flat file local to the server. The module which deals with these flat files is the files module.
To add entries to the users file, first truncate /etc/raddb/users (alter for your installation).
Then add the following entry to the top:
<username> <password attr> := <password>
With values in <> replaced with the real values.
Remove the unused modules in authorize, and add the files module at the top.
authorize {
<auth module>
Then remove all the modules from authenticate and add the <auth module>
authenticate {
<auth module>
That should give you up and running. If no modules take responsibility for the request, please post the list of attributes in the request from the top of the debug output, and i'll help you identify it.
You need configure your radius to add missing headers
You can enabled full debug on radius server, it will show you all packets radius server get.
Freeradius allow add any header into packet on any stage, see doc.
I customized the tutorial http://assets.spring.io/wp/WebSocketBlogPost.html into my application . When sending message from the application to the server using SimpMessageSendingOperations.convertAndSendToUser("fabrice","/stayawakews2/shakebaby", "mano") the log show :
/stayawakews2/shakebaby*-userltmei5cm* .I dont know why it add the value -userltmei5cm .
this is explained in the reference docs, see the section on user destinations and also these slides.
ltmei5cm - this is a websocket session id. This value generates on client side.
One logined user can have some websocket sessions.
For each webscocket connection(session) spring create individual queue.
If you send message to specific user, message will be added to some queues.
For this reason, the user name is replaced with the webcoket session id.
From JavaDoc comment to DefaultUserDestinationResolver.java:
When a user attempts to subscribe to "/user/queue/position-updates",
the "/user" prefix is removed and a unique suffix added, resulting in
something like "/queue/position-updates-useri9oqdfzo" where the suffix
is based on the user's session and ensures it does not collide with
any other users attempting to subscribe to
"/user/queue/position-updates". When a message is sent to a user
with a destination such as "/user/{username}/queue/position-updates",
the "/user/{username}" prefix is removed and the suffix added,
resulting in something like "/queue/position-updates-useri9oqdfzo".
I just want to have email notification when an error is declared in plone 4.
Any ideas of product or any "how-to" ?
You can easily configure the built-in email notification for Zope, but we found that adding the mailinglogger package makes the emails a lot more managable.
The package adds:
customisable and dynamic subject lines for emails sent
emails sent with configurable headers for easy filtering
flood protection to ensure the number of emails sent is not excessive
support for SMTP servers that require authentication
configurable log entry filtering
The plone.recipe.zope2instance buildout recipe supports mailinglogger out of the box; simply define a mailinglogger variable in your [instance] part and include the mailinglogger egg:
recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance
eggs +=
# Other options go here
mailinglogger =
level warning
flood-level 100000
smtp-server localhost
from logger#example.com
to error-receiver#example.com
subject [ServerName Error] [%(hostname)s] %(levelname)s - %(line)s
The package has been invaluable for us on larger clusters, where we configure additional variables per instance to be included in the subject; we can see what instance the problem occurred on directly in the subject.
Configuring mailing-logger is documented at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.recipe.zope2instance but I think that email log notification is built into recent Zope2 releases, so you should now add the following to you [instance] section:
event-log-custom =
from server#here.com
to kdie#localhost
subject "anything goes here"
(example from http://myzope.kedai.com.my/blogs/kedai/44)
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/collective.logbook is handy too.
You need to add an email-notifier to your event-log-custom in buildout.cfg. Unfortunately there's no way to append it to your existing logging configuration but the following will mimic what plone.recipe.zope2instance does for the event log anyway
event-log-custom =
path ${buildout:directory}/var/log/${:_buildout_section_name_}.log
level INFO
from server#here.com
to admin#company.com
subject "[Zope alert - ${:_buildout_section_name_}]"
smtp-server localhost
level error