Need to restrict the user to a single browser session -

I have built an ASP.Net MVC site using Forms Authentication for a client.
Recently, they have requested that an authenticated user be restricted to a single browser session. That is, if the user raises a new browser instance, or opens a new tab on the original browser window, that he/she be logged out of the original. They insist on the added security.
Does anyone know how I might approach this? Thanks in advance.

Personally, I would push back and ask exactly what security this is bringing. Maintaining state like this counter to web architecture and is only going to bring you and your users grief.

Here is what I would do if presented with this problem:
Store the username of the user in your database (i.e. LoggedOn table).
When a user logs on, check to see if their username is already present in the LoggedOn table.
If the user isn't already logged on, insert a row into the table with the username and the current time; otherwise present the user with a message informing them that they can only log into the system from one device at a time.
Include logic to expire and delete the rows in the table if a user's session expires or if the user logs out.

First a disclaimer: I'm no expert in web programming.
Perhaps you might try a system where every user interaction requires the submission of a random value that's been generated for that page (much like what's used for CSRF protection.) That key could be kept under the user's session information on the server, and if a page is ever requested without the correct key as a URL parameter, the session is invalidated. The URL from one browser won't work in another, either, since once a URL is gone to, the user's session key has changed. The only way for a user to transfer a session between tabs would be to copy the URL of an unclicked link and paste it in a new tab's address bar. Switching browsers would be even more complex assuming that ASP.Net uses a session cookie: the user would have to transfer the cookie from one browser to another. Going back would also fail, as all the links on the previous page, and the URL for the page, would carry an incorrect session key.
Also, for reference, I believe the US Gov't TreasuryDirect site works in the way you've described, though I've never looked at how they manage it.

Thanks, people for the suggestions. Each had strong merits, however I had to take a hybrid approach. I found an incredibly simple suggestion from this post.
I implemented table of active users as Karl suggested as well. This will give the client the ability of deactivating the user on demand.
Thanks again.

Think of it as one active view at a time instead of one browser or tab. Or convince the customer to view it this way.
You can always issue a unique cookie for the browser session (ASP.NET Session) and allow communication to the latest cookie issued effectively making only one session active at a time, and therefore rendering other open sessions (browsers, tabs, etc) useless with the app by disallowing them communication any longer or serving up an error page for them. To do so you have to recognize who the user is and authenticate them against your app. This is half the puzzle and will force the user down to use your app in only a single browser at a time on their machine.
The other part of the problem is to pare down the windows and tabs that are part of the same browsing session of that browser, to allow only one view to be active at a time. To do so you can issue a unique sequential ID to the viewstate of each page for postback to the server to uniquely identify that page apart from other pages sharing the same session state (whether that page be in a browser tab, a frame or new window, etc). Or a code of your choice that's traceable. You then know which page is posting back within the session and can disallow others or deactivate previous ones by, again, shutdown down communication in some manner or serving up an error page, etc.
A new browser instance or a new tab may or may not be part of the same browsing session depending on how the browser is configured. I believe, for example, IE provides a setting that allows the behaviour to be set of whether a tab opens in a new process or session or shares the session. You won't necessarily get expected consistency across browsers to rely on for this feature, therefore you need to take programming steps to reign it in, like those described above.
You can additional steps like disallowing the user to be connected from a different IP# at the same time.


web app pattern for forcing re-login without losing changes? (without saving drafts)

Today, our B2B web application times out user sessions after 6 hours of inactivity. If a user's session times out, the user is redirected to the login page, and then redirected back to the original destination after login (via a "returnURL" querystring parameter sent to the login page).
This works great for regular HTTP GET requests. But what if a user is in the middle of a long data-entry operation and then goes home for the night? If the user tries to submit the form the next morning, their changes are lost.
Instead, I'd like to enable a similar workflow for forms like we currently have for GET requests: the user clicks "save", the user is forced to re-authenticate, and (if login succeeds) then the form would be submitted. Another alternative would be to force a re-login, but instead of submitting the form, simply drop the user on the original page so that the user could try again to save changes.
All the data we need to submit is on the client-- it's not like we're storing data in the session that would have been lost.
Is there an accepted pattern to handle this case? Should I use a popup window and close it after successful login? Use a jquery dialog overlaid on the page? Something else?
I know that login UI is often treated specially by web apps to reduce cross-site scripting risk and for other security-related reasons, so wasn't sure if there was a well-known best practice for this use-case.
One way to handle this would be to periodically save drafts of the user's work, like StackOverflow does. For cost reasons that's not practical in our case-- for now we simply want to make saving-changes workflows resilient to session expiration.
We're using ASP.NET MVC on the back-end if it matters, and jQuery on the front end, but my question is really more about security and programming best practices that I'd expect to be platform-neutral.
It would depend on the amount of data being collected, but a possible solution could be to save the page state to the browser's local storage using either "localStorage" or "sessionStorage". "localStorage" and "sessionStorage" are properties of the web browser that are exposed in Javascript and are supported in most modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE 9+). "localStorage" holds data indefinitely while "sessionStorage" holds data until the browser or current tab is closed.
It may be possible to store everything needed about the page, redirect the user to log in, and then reload the page using the stored data.
Before redirecting to login:
if (window.sessionStorage) {
window.sessionStorage.setItem("firstName", $("#firstNameField").text());
window.sessionStorage.setItem("lastName", $("#lastNameField").text());
After retunring from login:
if (window.sessionStorage) {

ASP.NET Session Management - User Decides Cookies Or HttpSessionState

I am working on a small web application right now and part of the requirements is to allow the user to pick how their session will be managed: with either cookies or HttpSessionState. I have researched how to use cookies ( and Sessions ( I will be using non-persistent cookies.
The application will collect some data about the user (name, age, school) and take this session data and display messages on another page depending on the data that the user entered.
The thing I am having problems with is how to deal with how the user will pick the management. That information is also part of the session! The selection will be checked on every page on the web application.
I have researched globals ( but that is not a good method because it can be shared among different users which is not what I want! Correct me if I am wrong. How can I store this data temporarily through the session without actually using a session or a cookie?
Is it even possible to do this with cookies and sessions being mutually exclusive?
At the end of the day, you should save it somewhere. This option if it is not persistent, as it may be asked/changed by every time user visits the web site, the easiest way is to save it in a hidden html field. As user submits the forms, the value will be passed to the next page if you are using html forms. Or you can retrieve the value and send it manually in (e.g. Transfer).
You may use ViewState (not recommended) as well. If the information should be persister for future, try using User Profiles in and save it as a custom field in database. This one is really cumbersome.

ASP.NET session id shared amongst browser tabs

I've recently been developing a website using webforms that uses in proc sessions and I noticed that session ids are shared amongst browser tabs. So I was wondering what you would do for the following situations:
Multiple logins with different users in the one browser problem
User opens browser tab 1, logins
with "user1" - store in
User opens browser tab 2, logins with "user2" - store in session
At this stage session information is now pointing to "user2" because of how session id is shared amongst browser
User tries an action on tab 1 and suddenly they have "user2"
How do you alert the user in tab 1 that the user has changed or how do force tab1 user to logout?
My initial thought was to keep a list of active users with session id via database or application object, but the problem I face is that in tab 1 what am I going to compare the list against, when I do a request the HttpContext.Current.User would be updated with "user2" how do I know browser tab 1 was initially for "user1"
Appreciate anyone letting me know of any alternatives or best practices for the above problem
Regards DotnetShadow
Why don't you warn when user2 logs in instead? With a message like "You are already logged in as user1, are you sure you want to login again as another user?"
All tabs in a browser belong to the same instance, so all tabs share cookies and sessions, there isnt much you can do about it. If you want to implement this badly the only solution that comes to mind is carrying a unique session id with each URL. Based on that unique id you can link a specific user. You will need customize the session logic and would have to make sure all links in your website carry this unique id. It could be done with alot of effort but the real question is , is it worth doing?
Some have suggested adding uniquifiers into the URL, and tracking based on those.
If you're going to do this, you may as well just let ASP.Net do this for you by turning on cookieless sessions - it then uses the URL to contain the session ID.
That's just how it is. You can't do much about it. Users are now accustomed to this behavior as it is consistent among famous internet sites like gmail, etc... so it shouldn't be much of a problem to them.
What I do to avoid this problem is redirect to append a short, random in-url login-identifier.
Then, rather than use session directly, I store a strongly typed object in the session vars under the random in-url code, and use that object for session storage. If you want to keep it simple, you could use a Dictionary. In addition to the normal session timeout, you should keep track of the last usage within each login-id and manually time-out a session if it's too old to avoid new users from keeping old logins alive.
Essentially then, each ASP.NET session corresponds to any number of login sessions.
This has the following advantages:
You can log in as multiple users simultaneously. That's handy to be able to do for many sites.
In public terminals, it helps avoid accidental session hijacking. When a user leaves a public terminal, closes the webapp tab but not the browser (which is quite common) and another person then approaches that terminal and opens a new window or tab to your site, this new user sees no trace of the previously logged in user. Of course, users should log out, and anyone can inspect the history, but there's no reason to invite abuse.
CSRF attacks against your site are a little bit harder since a url without the random login-id is meaningless.
The implemenation is quite simple if you use a hashtable - after all, any sessionstate-consumer already is written to store and retrieve data from a hashtable, you just need to change the hashtable it's using and should ideally include a custom timeout.
The obvious downside is that you need to include the random code in the url; and that you need a bit of extra implementation. You might hide the extra code using an iframe and/or javascript+XHR based site, but doing so is a much more invasive change to a site. Finally, note that cookieless sessions are not the same; though they're simpler to turn on, they involve a much longer less human-friendly url token, and by lacking the normal cookie session token, also are less secure vs. session hijacking (since suddenly any other program or even machine that discovers the session ID can pretend to be that user).
How about storing the data in viewstate? That would be unique to every window.

Maintain position of web part in

I have created a web part in application and allowed user to change it position. Now, I want that once user comes back he/she will see the same setting of web part that he/she had left earlier.
What is the best approach to maintain the web part position for that particular user.
I think that there are 2 basic ways.
To set a cookie on every user and then connect that cookie with the preference of the user on a server database, eg one is the position that have set on this web part. Every time your user make some action like that you save the new preference on the database.
The second way is to store this information on cookie, but this have some limitations. You can not store many data on cookie and you must know that in every page you load them. There is an optimization on that that you can limit some data on one only page using the directory on the cookie option. Also you must aware here for error readings or for cookie change by hand for hacking purpose.

How to check if a user is still active?

How do i keep checking if a user still is active, for like every 1 minute? I need to know which user is currently active and who is not! I'm not using ASP.NET membership provider!
Lets say, maximum 3 log in are allowed for one user to log in simultaneously from 3 different locations, if the same user, which is the 4th log in, try to log in from another location again, i would like to block the 4th log in.
I have few issues regarding this as well! If the user unplug the connection cable or close the browser, how do i figure out if the user is still active?
I would need more detail about exactly what you are trying to accomplish, as you have asked a fairly vague question. However, I would think the best way to determine if a user is active is to check if their ASP.NET session is still alive. There is no "accurate" way to test if a user is still browsing your site, because they could be sitting there reading, or be AFK, or be in another program on their computer...dozens, if not hundreds of scenarios could exist on the client side.
However, the user's ASP.NET session will only live for a specific period of time between each activity from the user (GET, POST, etc.) Usually after 20 minutes, ASP.NET will clean up the users session, and when it does, it will fire a Session_End event that can be handled either in Global.asax, or with a custom HttpModule. You would then be able to flag that user as inactive in your own database, send an email, or do whatever it is you need to do.
You can use the HttpResponse.IsClientConnected property to check if the user is still conncted to the session. For details see this -->
Alternatevely, you can set a counter at Session_OnState at global.asax to check for the active session available and do your stuff based on that.
