Meteor changing variables in html [simple] - meteor

I know this is completely simple, but it's also completely is stumping me on why it isn't working. This gets to the point of rendering the html and showing Hello World with a message below "Welcome to chat" and a button "say hello back" but what it ISN'T doing is then change the message to "work".
I have a .js file which is:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
var message="welcome to chat";
function template(message){
Template.hello.greeting = function () {
return message;
'click input' : function () {
template("work ");
and a html follow as shown:
{{> hello}}
<template name="hello">
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<button value="Click">Say Hello Back!</button>
And it's embarrassingly simple but I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I know I shouldn't re render the page because the whole point of using meteor is for it's live html so what do I do have to do?
I figured out the main problem!
For my html I was using a button class but I should've been using a input type="button" instead!

To make it "reactive" you should use Session that meteor provides. You can simplify your code to make it easier to read and understand.
Session provides a global object on the client that you can use to
store an arbitrary set of key-value pairs. Use it to store things like
the currently selected item in a list.
You set the session variable to "welcome to chat" first. In your click event you would set the Session variable to "work". Then you would set the template to return the value of the Session variable when it changes. Your javascript could look something like this.
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Session.set("message", "welcome to chat");
Template.hello.greeting = function () {
return Session.get("message");
'click input' : function () {
Session.set("message", "work");
This is untested but give it a try.

i am not quite sure about what do you mean by "not working". But i am sure you will have to do following.
List item you need to prevent calling default event by the browser.
'click input' : function () {
//your code here
return false;
2 . use meteor methods instead of having template()


Meteor Iron:Router Template not Rendering

I have a main page which lists a few text items ("Ideas"), which are clickable links. Clicking on them should take you to a page where you can edit them. Here's my html:
<template name="Ideas">
{{#each ideas}}
{{> idea}}
<template name="idea">
<template name="ShowIdea">'
<div class="editable" contentEditable="true">{{text}}</div>
I've added Iron:Router to my project to allow for moving between the pages. Here's the javascript:
Ideas = new Mongo.Collection("ideas");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Router.route('/', function() {
Router.route('/idea/:_id', function() {
var idea = Ideas.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
this.render('ShowIdea', {text: idea.text});
ideas: function () {
return Ideas.find({});
I inserted a single idea to my Mongo DB using the Meteor Mongo command line tool. That single item shows up properly on my main page. Here's what the HTML looks like in my debugger for the main page:
The first idea ever
Clicking on that link takes me to a new page with an address of:
But nothing shows up on the page. In the debugger console I see this error message + stack trace, but it means nothing to me since it all seems to be pertaining to iron-router and meteor, not code which I actually wrote:
Exception in callback of async function: http://localhost:3000/Idea.js?2fd83048a1b04d74305beae2ff40f2ea7741d40d:10:44
And then it ends with this warning message:
Route dispatch never rendered. Did you forget to call in an onBeforeAction?
I don't have an onBeforeAction (I'm not even sure what that is)... so I don't think that message pertains to me?
I just started using Meteor the other day and just added iron-router not 24 hours ago, so I'm a bit lost here. Any pointers on how I can debug and fix this would be great.
Two things need fixing:
When you insert documents from the shell they are assigned _id values which are mongo ObjectIDs, whereas meteor defaults to using strings. This explains the weird URL. To avoid this problem, it's generally best to initialize your data from the server. Here's an example:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function() {
if (Ideas.find().count() === 0) {
Ideas.insert({text: 'feed the cat'});
Now after a $ meteor reset you will always start with one cat-related idea.
If you wish to pass a context to your template, you'll need to use the data attribute like so:
Router.route('/idea/:_id', function() {
this.render('ShowIdea', {
data: function () {return Ideas.findOne({_id: this.params._id})}
See this example from the docs. After making those changes, the code worked correctly for me.

Setting {reactive: false} causes {{#each}} to break?

I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding how something is supposed to work but whenever I set reactive to false it seems to break {{#each}} loops in my template.
I can recreate the issue with a simple example by creating a new meteor application, leaving autopublish etc intact and then the following code:
.js file:
Numbers = new Mongo.Collection('numbers');
if (Meteor.isClient) {
number: function() {
return Numbers.find({},{reactive:false});
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
if (Numbers.find().count() === 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
Numbers.insert({number: i});
.html file
<template name="hello">
{{#each number}}
In the instance above, nothing is printed. If I delete {reactive: false} then the numbers are printed as expected.
Your code cannot work ; this is not what the {reactive: false} is made for. It would make sense for the subscribtion.
What happens here are the following steps :
The application starts
The template is rendered and go for the Numbers helpers which returns nothing because it did not received anything from the server yet
And... that's it
What you want to see happen :
The application starts
The template is rendered and go for the Numbers helpers which returns nothing because it did not received anything from the server yet
Because you did not add the {reactive: false} option, each time something is received from the server, the computation is replayed and the template is updated
If you add something that will trigger the computation, it will work :
if (Meteor.isClient) {
number: function() {
var n = Numbers.find().fetch();
return Numbers.find({},{reactive:false}).fetch();
It works now because the var n = Numbers.find().fetch(); will trigger when the Numbers.find() cursor will change.
But it does not make much sense. Tell me what you want to achieve.
(I bet, that what you really want to do is more something like that : Meteor.subscribe('numbers', {reactive:false}); and let the helper be reactive.
I made you a quick meteor pad to play with that :

Defined two meteor local collections and helpers exactly the same. One helper works. The other doesn't

I create these two local collections (the code is actually written one after the other exactly like below):
ShoppingCartCollection = new Meteor.Collection(null);
CurrentPricesCollection = new Meteor.Collection(null);
Inside Template.myTemplate.rendered I add some initial info into these collections (again, code is one after the other):
ShoppingCartCollection.insert({"sqft" : "not yet entered"});
CurrentPricesCollection.insert({"hdrPhotos" : 100});
I've got these two global helpers in helpers.js (defined one after the other)
Handlebars.registerHelper("shoppingCart", function() {
return ShoppingCartCollection.findOne();
Handlebars.registerHelper("currentPrice", function() {
return CurrentPricesCollection.findOne();
When I load the page I immediately run these commands in the console:
> ShoppingCartCollection.findOne();
Object {sqft: "not yet entered", _id: "xcNmqJvMqqD5j7wwn"}
> CurrentPricesCollection.findOne();
Object {hdrPhotos: 100, _id: "LP38E3MZgzuYjvSec"}
In my template I use these helpers, but...
{{currentPrice.hdrPhotos}} //displays nothing
{{shoppingCart.sqft}} //displays "not yet entered"
How... what... ? How can this be? Are there some kind of gotchas that I could be missing? Some kind of dependency or load order that I'm not aware of?
The code you posted is working fine here.
Suggest comparing this code to the exact details of what you are doing. Also, look
for other problems, typos, etc.
Below is the exact test procedure I used:
From nothing, at the linux console:
meteor create sodebug
Note that this will produce files for a "hello world" type program.
Check the version:
meteor --version
Edit sodebug/sodebug.js:
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// code autogenerated by meteor create
Template.hello.greeting = function () {
return "Welcome to sodebug.";
'click input': function () {
// template data, if any, is available in 'this'
if (typeof console !== 'undefined')
console.log("You pressed the button");
// add your code here
ShoppingCartCollection = new Meteor.Collection(null);
CurrentPricesCollection = new Meteor.Collection(null);
ShoppingCartCollection.insert({"sqft" : "not yet entered"});
CurrentPricesCollection.insert({"hdrPhotos" : 100});
Handlebars.registerHelper("shoppingCart", function() {
return ShoppingCartCollection.findOne();
Handlebars.registerHelper("currentPrice", function() {
return CurrentPricesCollection.findOne();
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
Edit sodebug.html:
{{> hello}}
{{> T1 }}
{{> T2 }}
<template name="T1">
<template name="T2">
<template name="hello">
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<input type="button" value="Click" />
Run: meteor run
Manual tests:
Fire up chromium browser at localhost:3000
Check web browser console for collections data. PASS
Check web browser screen for templates data. PASS
Reorder templates in sodebug.html file, check web browser screen. PASS

Meteor template function not rendering

I am trying to make a template render something on the client; I think I tried everything possible (apart from the correct thing apparently).
<template name="TplGroups">
groups found: {{ GroupCount }}
{{#each GetAllGroups}}
<div> hello, {{name}} group! </div>
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
Meteor.publish("GroupCount"), function()
return Groups.find({});
and the Groups.js collection which exposes the two methods GroupCount and GetAllGroups, which I want to access on client side:
var Groups = new Meteor.Collection("groups");
Groups.insert({name: "John"});
Template.TplGroup.GetAllGroups = function()
return Groups.find({});
Template.TplGroup.GroupCount = function()
return Groups.find().count();
I have removed "insecure" and "autopublish" packages.
Where is my mistake? The two functions won't show on client.
Also what is the difference between declaring the functions as "publish" or declaring them as Template functions?
In browser console I get this:
event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead. (jquery.js)
The publish method should look more or less like this
Meteor.publish("GetAllGroups", function () {
return Groups.find({});
#apendua pointed to the right solution. I took your code and refactored it to make the solution a little clearer:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
// Publish groups
Meteor.publish('groups', function() {
return Groups.find();
Groups = new Meteor.Collection('groups');
Groups.insert({name: 'John'});
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// Subscribe to groups
Template.TplGroup.GetAllGroups = function() {
return Groups.find();
Template.TplGroup.GroupCount = function() {
return Groups.find().count();
It is enough to publish just groups. In your groups.js you try to subscribe to a publication that does not exist (GetAllGroups). Better to just publish and subscribe to simply 'groups' and return the groups count as described above. Also with a newer version of meteor you should use Meteor.isClient and not Meteor.is_client.
The jQuery error you described is not related to your code and appears (at least what I think) because of some issue with Meteor and/or jQuery itself. Don't worry about that.
oups you just forgot "s" in your template name in your js file :
<template name="TplGroups"> <!-- what you wrote -->
and in your js you wrote :
instead of :

dynamically inserting templates in meteor

Ok so I've got my template in its own file named myApp.html. My template code is as follows
<template name="initialInsertion">
<div class="greeting">Hello there, {{first}} {{last}}!</div>
Now I want to insert this template into the DOM upon clicking a button. I've got my button rendered in the DOM and I have a click event tied to it as follows = {
'click .zaButton':function(){
Meteor.ui.render(function () {
$("body").append(Template.initialInsertion({first: "Alyssa", last: "Hacker"}));
Now obviously the $("body").append part is wrong but returning Template.initialInsertion... doesn't insert that template into the DOM. I've tried putting a partia {{> initialInsertion}}but that just errors out because I dont have first and last set yet... any clues?
Thanks guys
In meteor 1.x
'click .zaButton':function(){
Blaze.renderWithData(Template.someTemplate, {my: "data"}, $("#parrent-node")[0])
In meteor 0.8.3
'click .zaButton':function(){
var t = UI.renderWithData(Template.someTemplate, {my: "data"})
UI.insert(t, $(".some-parrent-to-append"))
Is first and last going into a Meteor.Collection eventually?
If not, the simplest way I know is to put the data into the session: = {
'click .zaButton' : function () {
Session.set('first', 'Alyssa');
Session.set('last', 'Hacker');
Then you would define:
Template.initialInsertion.first = function () {
return Session.get('first');
Template.initialInsertion.last = function () {
return Session.get('last');
Template.initialInsertion.has_name = function () {
return Template.initialInsertion.first() && Template.initialInsertion.last();
Finally, adjust your .html template like this:
<template name="initialInsertion">
{{#if has_name}}
<div class="greeting">Hello there, {{first}} {{last}}!</div>
This is the exact opposite solution to your question, but it seems like the "Meteor way". (Basically, don't worry about manipulating the DOM yourself, just embrace the sessions, collections and template system.) BTW, I'm still new with Meteor, so if this is not the "Meteor way", someone please let me know :-)
I think you may want to use Meteor.render within your append statement. Also, note that if you are passing data into your Template, then you must wrap Template.initialInsertion in an anonymous function, since that's what Meteor.render expects. I'm doing something similar that seems to be working: = {
'click .zaButton':function(){
$("body").append(Meteor.render(function() {
return Template.initialInsertion({first: "Alyssa", last: "Hacker"})
Hope this helps!
Many answer here are going to have problems with the new Blaze engine. Here is a pattern that works in Meteor 0.8.0 with Blaze.
//JS Client Initially
var current = Template.initialTemplate;
var currentDep = new Deps.Dependency;
Template.mainTemplate = function()
return current;
function setTemplate( newTemplate )
current = newTemplate;
setTemplate( Template.someOtherTemplate );
More info in this seccion of Meteor docs
