What time it will take to find the key inside the HashTable by using HashTable.containKey(ValueObject), I know lookup value will take O(1) time.
If key lookup will take O(1) time then why dont we have a method from which we can get the key by giving value object ?
To find a key we need to use Entry class object and iterator it to find key.
I have table defined with two column, column 1 is the hash key and column 2 is the range key.
I want to get all items defined with the same hash key (so the range key doesn't matter).
I tried to use the new KeyPair().withHashKey(k). But it will throw exception saying that no RANGE key value present.
Is the only option I have is to do a scan for the table to achieve this?
I think the problem is that you are trying to use the GetItem call, which requires the complete key, and only returns one item. You need to use the Query call, and pass in a KeyExpression that only includes the partition key.
Is there any way to delete key-value pair where the key start with sub-string1 and ends with sub-string2 in BerkeleyDB without iterating through all the keys in the DB?
For ex:
$sub1 = "B015";
$sub2 = "5646";
I want to delete
$key = "B015HGUJJ75646"
Note: It is guaranteed that there will be only one key for the combination of $sub1 and $sub2.
This can be done by taking an iterator of the DB and checking every key for the condition, but that will be very in-efficient for large DBs. Is there any way to do it without iterating through the complete DB?
If you're using a RECNO database, you're probably out of luck. But, if you can use a BTREE, you have a couple of options.
First, and probably easiest is to iterate over only the portion of the database that makes sense. Assuming you're using the default key comparison function, you can use DB_SET_RANGE to position the starting cursor (iterator) at the start of your partial key string. In your example, this might be "B0150000000000". You then scan forwards with DB_NEXT, looking at each key in turn. When either you find the key you're looking for, or if the key you find doesn't start with "B015", you're done.
Another technique that could be applicable to your situation is to redefine the key comparison function. If, as you state, there is only one combination of $sub1 and $sub2, then perhaps you only need to compare those sections of the keys to guarantee uniqueness? Here's an example of a full string comparison (I'm assuming you're using perl, just from the syntax you supplied above) from https://www2.informatik.hu-berlin.de/Themen/manuals/perl/DB_File.html :
sub Compare
my ($key1, $key2) = #_ ;
"\L$key1" cmp "\L$key2" ;
$DB_BTREE->{compare} = 'Compare' ;
So, if you can rig things such that you're only comparing the starting and ending four characters, you should be able to drop the database iterator directly onto the key you're interested in.
I have following declaration for collection
tbl1_u T_TABLE1;
tbl1_i T_TABLE1;
This table will keep growing and at the end, will be used in FORALL loop to do insert or update on TABLE_1.
Now there might be cases, where I want to delete a certain element. So i am planning to create a procedure, which will take the KEY (unique) and matched the element if that key is found
FOR i in tbl1_u.FIST..tbl1_u.LAST
if tbl1_u(i).key = key then
end if;
My question is,
Once i delete the particular element, would be collection adjust automatically i.e., the index i would be replaced by next element or would that particular index will remain null/invalid and could possibly give me exception if i use it in FORALL INSERT/UPDATE?
I don't think that i can pass TABLE_1%ROWTYPE object to a procedure, do i have to create a record type ?
Any other tip regarding managing collection for bull delete/update/insert would be appreciate. Remeber, I would be dealing with 2 tables, if i am inserting/updating in table_1 then it means i am deleting it from table_2 and vice-versa.
Given that TABLE_1.KEY is unique you might consider using that as the index to your associative arrays. That way you can delete from the collections using the KEY value, which according to the pseudocode is available when doing the deletions. This would also save you having to iterate through the table to find the KEY you want, as the KEY would be the index - so your "deletion" pseudo-code would become:
To answer your questions:
Since you're using associative arrays, when an element is deleted there is no "empty" space in the collection. The indexes for the elements, however, don't actually change. Therefore you need to use the collection.PRIOR and collection.NEXT methods to loop through the collection. But again, if you use the KEY value as the index you may not need to loop through the collections at all.
You can pass a TABLE_1%ROWTYPE as a parameter to a PL/SQL procedure or function.
You might want to consider using a MERGE statement which could handle doing the inserts and updates in one step. This might allow you to maintain only a single collection. Might be worth looking in to.
Share and enjoy.
I got a QMap with an identifier and a corresponding object. When subclassing QAbstractTableModel::data() you get a QModelIndex with row and column, respectively. Each row should represent one object (QAbstractTableModel::rowCount() is myMap->size()).
Is it legit to get the current object via
Has this implications (sorting, inserting), because the identifiers of the (unsorted) map are by-passed? I mean for QAbstractTableModel::setData() I need to do the same map identifier by-passing?! Thanks.
Quite late answer, but can still be useful:
(myMap->constBegin() + index.row()).key();
(myMap->constBegin() + index.row()).value();
will do the trick avoiding the copy of values() method
When you say "identifier", I assume you mean key, and "the corresponding object" is the value. QMap is by-definition sorted by key.
If you never intend to use the QMap key-value functionality, you should consider storing your values in a QList container and accessing that based on the row index as you suggested.
QMap::values returns all values in ascending order of their keys, so probably your code will work. Still, I'd use something like following:
myMap[this->index(index.row(), 0).data().toString()]
provided that you call it from QAbstractTableModel, and your keys are in 0th column.
What are they and how do they work?
Where are they used?
When should I (not) use them?
I've heard the word over and over again, yet I don't know its exact meaning.
What I heard is that they allow associative arrays by sending the array key through a hash function that converts it into an int and then uses a regular array. Am I right with that?
(Notice: This is not my homework; I go too school but they teach us only the BASICs in informatics)
Wikipedia seems to have a pretty nice answer to what they are.
You should use them when you want to look up values by some index.
As for when you shouldn't use them... when you don't want to look up values by some index (for example, if all you want to ever do is iterate over them.)
You've about got it. They're a very good way of mapping from arbitrary things (keys) to arbitrary things (values). The idea is that you apply a function (a hash function) that translates the key to an index into the array where you store the values; the hash function's speed is typically linear in the size of the key, which is great when key sizes are much smaller than the number of entries (i.e., the typical case).
The tricky bit is that hash functions are usually imperfect. (Perfect hash functions exist, but tend to be very specific to particular applications and particular datasets; they're hardly ever worthwhile.) There are two approaches to dealing with this, and each requires storing the key with the value: one (open addressing) is to use a pre-determined pattern to look onward from the location in the array with the hash for somewhere that is free, the other (chaining) is to store a linked list hanging off each entry in the array (so you do a linear lookup over what is hopefully a short list). The cases of production code where I've read the source code have all used chaining with dynamic rebuilding of the hash table when the load factor is excessive.
Good hash functions are one way functions that allow you to create a distributed value from any given input. Therefore, you will get somewhat unique values for each input value. They are also repeatable, such that any input will always generate the same output.
An example of a good hash function is SHA1 or SHA256.
Let's say that you have a database table of users. The columns are id, last_name, first_name, telephone_number, and address.
While any of these columns could have duplicates, let's assume that no rows are exactly the same.
In this case, id is simply a unique primary key of our making (a surrogate key). The id field doesn't actually contain any user data because we couldn't find a natural key that was unique for users, but we use the id field for building foreign key relationships with other tables.
We could look up the user record like this from our database:
WHERE last_name = 'Adams'
AND first_name = 'Marcus'
AND address = '1234 Main St'
AND telephone_number = '555-1212';
We have to search through 4 different columns, using 4 different indexes, to find my record.
However, you could create a new "hash" column, and store the hash value of all four columns combined.
String myHash = myHashFunction("Marcus" + "Adams" + "1234 Main St" + "555-1212");
You might get a hash value like AE32ABC31234CAD984EA8.
You store this hash value as a column in the database and index on that. You now only have to search one index.
WHERE hash_value = 'AE32ABC31234CAD984EA8';
Once we have the id for the requested user, we can use that value to look up related data in other tables.
The idea is that the hash function offloads work from the database server.
Collisions are not likely. If two users have the same hash, it's most likely that they have duplicate data.