ASP.NET project on Win2K8 for free? -

I have recently gotten the task of uploading a few ASP.NET projects to my VPS, which happens to be running Windows Server 2008 R2. One of these projects has to be given a subdomain (I use the server as DNS), and all projects has a MSSQL database, which have to work.
I've heard that IIS Express doesn't support neither databases nor subdomains, so I'm here to ask you guys what else I'm supposed to use, and preferably, how to do so. I'm brand new to hosting this way. I have regular IIS installed (which I've never worked with), as it comes with the OS, but I've been told that won't run databases either.
I'd prefer a free solution. The server is enough money by itself.

In windows server 2008
There is IIS 5 in Windows server 2008. You don't have the Express version, you got the "real" version.


Deploy a server with VS Express

I am trying to deploy a server that I can hit from a different computer in my office. I only need one, two computers to hit it max. I am using Visual Studios Express 2012 RC for Web and have the whole website made, but I can't figure out how to actually deploy it. When I click play to debug it (after I have told it to build the web site) it brings it up on my computer that I built the server on but I can't hit it from another computer. The address it gives me on the browser is localhost:XXXXX. I know local host means that computers IP and I have tried that repeatedly. I am stumped. Please help. I thank you for any help you give in advance. Also if you need more information please feel free to ask.
You can't run it from Visual Studio Express, you have to deploy the web application to an IIS server. You can't access the site if VS is not running, because it creates a local, specialized development server when you start the application, whether with debugging or not. You need to configure IIS on your web server. What is the OS? Once you go through a tutorial to set it up, you will copy your code to an application folder that will be created for you. The details vary by IIS version.
Internet Information Services (IIS) – formerly called Internet
Information Server – is a web server application and set of feature
extension modules created by Microsoft for use with Microsoft Windows.
IIS 7.5 supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SMTP and NNTP. It is an
integral part of the Windows Server family of products, as well as
certain editions of Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. IIS is
not turned on by default when Windows is installed. The IIS Manager is
accessed through the Microsoft Management Console or Administrative
Tools in the Control Panel.

ASP.NET MVC intranet site deployment

Howcome I deploy my intranet ASP.NET MVC project?
What I've got so far:
project itself;
several client machines connected in a workgroup and server;
IIS Express 7.5, SQL Server 2008 R2 Express installed on a server.
It should be mentioned that though it's odd and unusual but server is just a machine without (even) server OS installed. Please note that it's not mine idea and is the environment I've got at the moment
I've read the instruction but it describes situation when you have Web Developer installed on the same machine.
Please help!
And Thanks!
This is the 100% manual approach, you might be able to access the remote web server via VS if authorization/permissions is lined up properly (much simpler, basically you just hit deploy):
Install IIS
Install .NET Framework 4
Install MVC
Register ASP.NET with IIS (just to be safe run it again)
Create Website via IIS Management Console (use a new directory for the website)
Put your files inside the new directory
Make sure permissions are setup properly
That's it

How to deploy an C# on windows2008 server

I want to deploy a Website which i have created using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition onto a remote server having Microsoft Windows Server 2008.
I don't know anything about deployment. I want to know what are the things required on the Server in order to make the website work for all the client machines.
i had used ajax toolkit, VisualStudio2008 Express Edition and mysql on my developer machine.
One method which i tried is using copy website,it dint work,may be because i don't know the proper way to do it.
Please help me to deploy my website.
The first step to setup your website on Windows Server 2008. Is to setup IIS. Installing IIS7 on Windows Server 2008.
Once that's completed, setup your SQL server on either that machine or a different one.
Depending on your setup. Copy your website files to your web site directory. By default it's [Drive]:\inetpub\wwwroot. You can change the target by virtual directories.
One note, you will need to install AJAX on your server for it to run correctly.

What is the difference between IIS server and development server provided by Visual studio?

Can anyone please tell me the difference between IIS Server and Development server provided by Visual Studio.
Here is a few links to read up on :-)
Core Differences Between IIS and the ASP.NET Development Server
ASP.NET Development Server or Localhost IIS?
What are the (dis)advantages of using Cassini instead of IIS?
I don't know why your looking into this but you might want to take a look at IIS Express - Introducing IIS Express
There are MANY differences, some of them:
Local access in Cassini
Cassini does not support S
Cassini runs as your account (whoever is logged on), IIS runs as a service which means some things change quite a bit
Does not support authentication methods like Basic, Digest, etc.
Does not run any of the IIS Modules, which means you will not be able to do things like URL Rewrite, Default Documents, Directory Browsing, Custom Errors for static pages, etc
Does not support things like Virtual Directories, etc.
What I would recommend for anyone wanting something as simple as Cassini, yet more compatible is to use IIS Express which supports almost all features from IIS yet with a much simplified model suited for development Visual Studio will include support for it.

An easy way to run an ASP.Net application at home?

I'd like to run some small private/home applications on a local machine, but I dislike the idea to set up a full Win2003 Server with IIS for this.
Is there a easy and cheap way to get an ASP.Net application running at home?
Windows 2000 has ASP, Windows XP Professional also can run it. Look up how to turn on IIS, the built in webserver. Sure Win2k3 Server would be a nicer implementation, but for personal stuff, any of them work.
The easiest way, assuming your desktop has an OS that supports it, is the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. Requires XP or higher, but doesn't work on Home editions of XP or Vista. It'll install IIS (which version depends on your OS), SQL Server 2008 Express, the .Net Framework, Visual Web Developer 2008 Express, ASP.NET MVC, Silverlight, and more. There's even a video on the linked page that'll show you how to set it all up.
Try VIsual Studio 2008 Express Web Developer. It's free, and better than many that are not. It comes with a built-in web server so you can compile,deploy and test immediately. No need for IIS.
Depending on what kind of app and what version of .Net you could run Cassini. It's the free, open source web server that supports .Net. I'm not sure if it's been updated to handle 3.5, but I used to use at home to run some pretty serioud 2.0 apps that I had written.
Here's the Ultidev version which has been updated: Looks like it'll handle 3.5, so pretty much anything you have.
I have been running .NET apps on my home machine (XP) for years, and ASP apps for years before that. Just install IIS and then the .NET frameworks (and whatever else you need, e.g., MVC) and you are good to go. If your machine is behind a router you will need to port-forward port 80 to your desktop. If you do not have static IP, you can use a free service like to give you a hostname, and you run a small client to keep the DNS for that hostname pointed to your router's IP. If you want to use your own hostname, register one with someone like, and then use a free service like to keep the DNS updated with the correct IP.
