elgg topbar icon. how to change size to 100px by defult it is 16px
i tried lot of time but i didnt find any solution plz help me
I am working on Elgg. I have one problem please help me.
after 2 full days I didn't find any proper solution plz help me in my Elgg I want to change the toolbar avatar image size to 100px how can I change the image size?
this is link please suggest me thanks.
thanks in advance
Topbar icon is registered as part of topbar menu here: https://github.com/Elgg/Elgg/blob/0fc935e3f8a9076d2579745d156e1e64112c16b5/engine/lib/users.php#L1107
Try unregistering old menu item and registering your version that uses 'medium' size (which is exactly 100px x 100px).
Facing some challenges in changing the default theme page layouts to elementor full width.
A single post or single page layouts are unable to be accessed for changing the layout structure. Any help would be appreciated.
Have you tried reinstalling Elementor?
Try it.
If it doesn't solve the problem, simply recreate them with elementor or you can just use wp plugins.
A Full-Width Page means the content spans from right to left and takes the full 100% of the screen's width.
With Elementor there numerous ways to do this, here are three:
Use a Full-Width page template
Use the Canvas page template
Stretch the sections.
Details of the explanation can be found here: https://docs.elementor.com/article/40-full-width-page
Hope this maybe of your help, Please let me know, thanks.
I have a responsive site that has an image next to a form. My problem is that when the screen shrinks the image covers the form. I would like it so that the form covers the image. I have tried changing the Z-Index but it doesn't seem to work. You can see examples of my problem here: http://inventivewebdesign.com/uctest/?page_id=45
Thanks in advance for your help!
I looked at it and just used CSS to make the specific div for this specific page to change the width when the screen shrinks, works fine now. Thanks for your ideas.
Hello and thanks in advance for reading, actually am having a strong issue with a long and thin carousel that is making me nuts :/. The thing is at this site http://gabouh.com/sitio/ the carousel with grey/white color when is resize the window apparently my css it reduces de carousel and looks fine, but if i go directly from an iphone or using mobiletest.me i can see how the site on the mobile is like in a page all thin and the carousel is going out of site, you can see it more specific in http://mobiletest.me/#d=iPhone_5_portrait&u=http://gabouh.com/sitio/
I only need to fix the issue with the responsive of the carousel, i don't know if i should post all my css but if any one could give me an idea of how to make it responsive. Am using bootstrap and am really stuck on how to fix it so any help would be really appreciated.
P.S.: Am already using css mediaquery but still in the resolution of max-width :767px it and adjusting my width of the ul of the carousel to width:100% and doesn't seem to work. If my approach is not good or you know a better one i don't mind checking other ways :D
Thanks again.
i see the code and simply wrap it inside a container and it will work perfect with you.
<div class="container">
...... your carousel code .....
try this and i hope it will solve your problem.
This is the site I am referring to: http://heattreatforum.flyten.net/
It was built as a child-site to the twenty-twelve theme.
I can't seem to get the content to center on every screen, and I am seeing a strange wide margin on the right that I just can't seem to locate in my css.
Any help would be much appreciated - thanks for looking!
The problem is that your div having id my-name has min-width: 1510px;. Delete it and all your problems will disappear.
I am using lightbox to display the large versions of multiple thumbnails on this website.
So the best way to describe my problem is to follow this steps below.
Click the second image - notice it loads with a width of 100%
Close the image and click on the first image followed by clicking on the right arrow to display the second image.
Notice how the width of the previous image is retained making the second image (after clicking next) is very small.
I imagine its a css / js issue any help would be much appreciated.
It is a css problem probably caused by bootstrap,
if you are using bootstrap add this line in your lightbox.css.
.lb-image{ max-width: inherit; }