P2P Encryption for Multiplayer RPG Savefile without Server - encryption

Is it possible to make a multiplayer rpg game without a server?
I thought about authentication, and that seems sort of fine in p2p.
But, how to store the savefile so that no one has reason to / can change it?
I thought about letting the user to store savefile of their character locally ... but I can't think of a way to prevent people to change savefile of their character.
If this is really not possible without a server, how to minimize communication with the server?
I thought about making a save point, but that is not fair. Because the user can choose not to save when something bad happens to them.
Unless the design of the game is that the worst that can happen is they don't get something (same as deliberately not saving). Then this can work.
Thanks for your help.

You could design your savefile similar to a git-repo. Don't override everything but instead save the whole history. Since you are planing a plausibility check anyway, the single 'commits' could be signed by all participating clients.
When a client joins the network, all other clients get the savefile and judge its validity based on the signatures and maybe some deeper plausibility checks. If they have a doubt, they would refuse the user to join.
There are some disadvantages:
The management of the trust relations. If I have a few clients under control, I could still forge a savefile with valid signatures.
The savefile can grow large. However, you'll only need it when joining, afterwards the last state is sufficient to hold in memory. One could also have some server-signed 'commits' in the chain, then you only have to submit the chain back to this commit.


Is end-to-end encryption possible with Realm Mobile Platform?

On the client device, a synced Realm can be setup with an encryption key that's unique to the user and stored on the device keychain, so data is stored encrypted on the client.
(related question: Can "data at rest" in the Realm Mobile Platform be encrypted?)
Realm Object Server and the clients can communicate via TLS, so data is encrypted in transit.
But the Realm Object Server does not appear to store data using encryption, since an admin user is able to access all the database contents via Realm Browser (https://realm.io/docs/realm-object-server/#data-browser).
Is it possible to setup Realm Mobile Platform so user data is encrypted end-to-end, such as no one but the user (not even server admins) have access to the decryption key?
Due to the way we handle conflict resolution, we currently are unable to provide end-to-end encryption, as you correctly deduced. Let's go a tiny bit into detail with regards to the conflict resolution.
In order to handle conflicts the way we do, we use something called operational transformation. This means that instead of sending the data over directly, the client tells the server the intent of the change, rather than the result. For example, when two users edit a text field, we would tell the server insert(data='new text', offset=0) because the first user prepended data at the beginning of the text field, and insert(data='some more stuff', offset=10) because the second user added data in the middle of the field. These two separate operations allow the server to uniquely resolve what happened, and have conflictless resolution of the two writes.
This also means that if we encrypt everything, the server would be unable to handle this conflict resolution.
This being said, that's for the current version. We do have a number of thoughts on how we could handle this in the future, while providing (some degree) of encryption. Mainly this would mean more work on the client, and maybe find a new algorithm that would allow us to tell the client the intent, and let the client figure out how to merge everything. This is a quadratic problem, though, so we're reticent to putting too much work on the client side, as it could really drain the battery.
That might be acceptable for some users, which is why we're looking into it. Basically, there will be a trade-off. As the old adage goes: fast, secure, convenient: pick two. We just have to figure out how to handle this properly.
I just opened a feature request around possibly using Tresorit's ZeroKit to solve the end-to-end encryption question posed. Sounds like the conflict resolution implementation will still cause an issue though, but maybe there is a different conflict resolution level that can be applied for those that don't need the realtime dynamic editing of individual data fields (like patient health data, where only a single clinician ever really edits a record at any given time).

Protecting hard-coded data that cannot be available to the user, such as a pass phrase

My program needs to decrypt an encrypted file after it starts up to load data it requires to function. This data cannot be available to the user.
I'm not a cryptography expert, so what is the best way to protect hardcoded passphrases and other tidbits of data from users, debugging software and disassembling software?
I understand that this is probably bad practice but it's essential for me (at least for now).
If there are other ways to protect my data from the above 3, could you let me know what those are?
Short answer: you can't. Once the software is on the user's disk, a sufficiently smart and determined user will be able to extract the secret data from it.
For a longer answer, see "Storing secrets in software" on the security.SE blog.
what is the best way to protect hardcoded passphrases and other
tidbits of data from users, debugging software and disassembling
Request the password from the user and don't hardcode the passphrase. This is the ONLY way to be safe.
If you can't do that and must be hardcoded in the app then all bets are off.
The simplest thing you can do (if you don't have the luxury to do something elaborate which will only delay the inevidable) is to delegate the responsibility to the user of the system.
I mean explicitely state that you software is as secure as the "machine" it runs.
If the attacker has access to start pocking around the file system then your app would be the user's least of concerns
In my experience this type of questions are often motivated by either of four reasons:
Your application is connecting to a restricted remote service, such as a database server.
You do not want your users to mess with configuration settings, which in turn do not really have to be kept confidential as long as they are unmodified.
Copy protection of your own software.
Copy protection of data.
Like Illmari Karonen wrote in his answer, you can't do exactly what you are asking for, and this means in particular that 3 & 4 cannot be solved by cryptography alone.
However, if your reason for asking is either 1 or 2, you have ended up asking the questions you do, because you have made some bad decisions earlier in your design process. For instance, in case of 1, you should not make a restricted service accessible from systems you do not trust completely. The typical safe solution is to introduce a middle tier that is the only client to your restricted resource, and which you can make public.
In case of 2, the best solution is often to use exactly the same logic for checking your configuration files (or registry settings or what ever) when they are loaded at start up, as you use for checking consistency when the user enters them using your preferred configuration user interface. If you spot an inconsistency, just bring up your configuration UI and highlight the problem.

How do I ensure that SOAP requests from a flash client to my ASP server are coming from the flash client?

I have a flash based game that has a high score system implemented with a SOAP service. There are prizes involved and I want to prevent someone from using FireBug or similar to discover the webservice path and submit fake scores.
I considered using some kind of encryption on the data but am aware that someone could decompile the swf and work out how I did it.
I also considered using an IP whitelist but since the incoming data will come from the users IP and not the servers that won't work. (I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here...)
I know that there is a tried and tested solution for this, but I don't seem to be asking google the right questions to get to it.
Any help and suggestions will be appreciated, thank you
What you want to achieve is impossible. You can only make it harder for people to do. The best you can do is to use encryption and encrypt the SWF it self, which usually causes higher filesize and poorer performance.
The safest method is to evaluate or even run the whole game on the server. You can try to determine whether what the client sends you is possible at all. Rather than making sure people use your client, you're making sure people play the game according to your rules.
All security is based on making things hard. It never makes things impossible. How about having your game register with a separate service when it starts up. It could use client information to build some kind of special code that would be unique for each iteration of the game. The game could morph the code in a way that would be hard to emulate. Then when the game is over the score gets submitted with the morphed code and validated on the server side.

Does the concept of shared sessions exist in ASP.NET?

I am working on a web application (ASP.NET) game that would consist of a single page, and on that page, there would be a game board akin to Monopoly. I am trying to determine what the best architectural approach would be. The main requirements I have identified thus far are:
Up to six users share a single game state object.
The users need to keep (relatively) up to date on the current state of the game, i.e. whose turn it is, what did the active user just roll, how much money does each other user have, etc.
I have thought about keeping the game state in a database, but it seems like overkill to keep updating the database when a game state object (say, in a cache) could be kept up to date. For example, the flow might go like this:
Receive request for data from a user.
Look up data in database. Create object from that data.
Verify user has permissions to perform request based on the game's state (i.e. make sure it's really their turn or have enough money to buy that property).
Update the game object.
Write the game object back to the database.
Repeat for every single request.
Consider that a single server would be serving several concurrent games.
I have thought about using AJAX to make requests to an an ASP.NET page.
I have thought about using AJAX requests to a web service using silverlight.
I have thought about using WCF duplex channels in silverlight.
I can't figure out what the best approach is. All seem to have their drawbacks. Does anyone out there have experience with this sort of thing and care to share those experiences? Feel free to ask your own questions if I am being too ambiguous! Thanks.
Update: Does anyone have any suggestions for how to implement this connection to the server based on the three options I mention above?
You could use the ASP.Net Cache or the Application state to store the game object since these are shared between users. The cache would probably be the best place since objects can be removed from it to save memory.
If you store the game object in cache using a unique key you can then store the key in each visitors Session and use this to retrieve the shared game object. If the cache has been cleared you will recreate the object from the database.
While updating a database seems like overkill, it has advantages when it comes time to scale up, as you can have multiple webheads talking to one backend.
A larger concern is how you communicate the game state to the clients. While a full update of the game state from time to time ensures that any changes are caught and all clients remain in synchronization even if they miss a message, gamestate is often quite large.
Consider as well that usually you want gamestate messages to trigger animations or other display updates to portray the action (for example, of a piece moves, it shouldn't just appear at the destination in most cases... it should move across the board).
Because of that, one solution that combines the best of both worlds is to keep a database that collects all of the actions performed in a table, with sequential IDs. When a client requests an update, it can give all the actions after the last one it knew about, and the client can "act out" the moves. This means even if an request fails, it can simply retry the request and none of the actions will be lost.
The server can then maintain an internal view of the gamestate as well, from the same data. It can also reject illegal actions and prevent them from entering the game action table (and thus prevent other clients from being incorrectly updated).
Finally, because the server does have the "one true" gamestate, the clients can periodically check against that (which will allow you to find errors in your client or server code). Because the server database should be considered the primary, you can retransmit the entire gamestate to any client that gets incorrect state, so minor client errors won't (potentially) ruin the experience (except perhaps a pause while the state is downloaded).
Why don't you just create an application level object to store your details. See Application State and Global Variables in ASP.NET for details. You can use the sessionID to act as a key for the data for each player.
You could also use the Cache to do the same thing using a long time out. This does have the advantage that older data could be flushed from the Cache after a period of time ie 6 hours or whatever.

How can I implement an IRC Server with 'owned' nicknames?

Recently, I've been reading up on the IRC protocol (RFCs 1459, 2810-2813), and I was thinking of implementing my own server.
I'm not necessarily looking into adhering religiously to the IRC protocol (I'm doing this for fun, after all), but one of the things I do like about it is that a network can consist of multiple servers transparently.
There are a number of things I don't like about the protocol or the IRC specification. The first is that nicknames aren't owned. While services like NickServ exist, they're not part of the official protocol. On the other hand, implementing something like NickServ properly kind of defeats the purpose of distribution (i.e. there'd be one place where NickServ is running, and one data store for it).
I was hoping there'd be a way to manage nicknames on a per-server basis. The problem with this is that if you have two servers that have some registered nicknames, and they then link up, you can have collisions.
Is there a way to avoid this, without using one central data store? That is: is it possible to keep the servers loosely connected (such that they each exist as an independent entity, but can also connect to one another) and maintain uniqueness amongst nicknames?
I realize this question is vague, but I can't think of a better way of wording it. I'm looking more for suggestions than I am for actual yes/no answers. So if anyone has any ideas as to how to accomplish nickname uniqueness in a network while still maintaining server independence, I'd be interested in hearing it. Note that adhering strictly to the IRC protocol isn't at all necessary; I've got no problem changing things to suit my purposes. :)
There's a simple solution if you don't care about strictly implementing an IRC server, but rather implementing a distributed message system that's like IRC, but not exactly IRC.
The simple solution is to use nicknames in the form "nick#host", much like email. So instead of merely being "mipadi", my nickname could be "mipadi#free-memorys-server.net". So I register with just your server, but when your server links up with others to form another a big ole' chat network, you can easily union all the usernames together. There might be a "mipadi" on otherserver.net, but then our nicknames become "mipadi#free-memorys-server.net" and "mipadi#otherserver.net", and everything is cool.
Of course, this deviates a good deal from IRC. :)
They have to be aware of each other. If not, you cannot prevent the sharing of nicknames. If they are, you simply need to transfer updates on the back-end. To prevent simultaneous registrations, you need a transaction system that blocks, requests permission from all other servers, and responds.
To prevent simultaneous registrations during outages, you have no choice but to timestamp the registration, and remove all but the last (or a random for truly simultaneous) registered copy of the nick.
It's not very pretty considering these servers aren't initially merged in the first place.
You could still implement nick ownership without a central instance, if your server instances trust each other.
When a user registers a nick, it is registered with the current server he's connected with
When a server receives a registration that it didn't know of, it forwards that information to all other servers that don't know it yet (might need a smart algorithm to avoid spamming the network)
When a server re-connects to another server then it tries to synchronize the list of registered nicks and which server handles which nick
If there is a collision during that sync, then the older registration is used, and the newer one marked as invalid
If you can't trust your servers, then it'll get a lot harder, as a servers could easily claim every username and even claim the oldest registration for each one.
Since you are trying to come up with something new, the idea that springs to mind, is simply including something unique about the server as part of the nick name when communicating outside of the server. So if you want to message a user on a different server you might have something like user#server
If you don't need them to be completely separate you might want to consider creating some kind of multiple-master replicated database of accounts. Where each server stores a complete copy of the account database, and each server can create new accounts which will be replicated to other servers as possible. You'll probably still have to deal with collisions on occasion though.
While services like NickServ exist, they're not part of the official protocol.
Services are not part of the official protocol because they've nothing to do with the protocol. They're bots with permissions. There's no reason why you couldn't have one running on each server but it does make them harder to maintain.
If you were to go down that path, I would probably suggest the commonly used "multiple master" database replication technique. If one receives a write (in your case, a new user is created or updated, etc) it sends the data to all the other nodes. You'll have to be careful though. If one node is offline when the others get an update, it will need to know to resync on reconnection.
Another technique would be as above but in reverse. Data is only exchanged between nodes when it's needed. Eg if a user tries to log in on a node where there's no data for it, it'll query the others and issue a move order to get all the data to that one node. This is potentially less painful than the replication version but there could be severe problems in netsplits if somebody signs up on a node disconnected from the pack for a duplicate nick.
One technique to nullify the problems of netsplits would be to make chat nodes and their bots netsplit-aware. When they're split, they probably shouldn't allow any write actions... But this could impact on your network if you're splitting lots.
You've also got to ask how secure this might or might not be. IRC network nodes are distributed for performance but they're not "secure". Because of this, service bots are usually run centrally to keep ultimate control over their running. If you distributed the bots and remote node got hacked, they'd potentially have access to the whole user database (depending on the model).
