Disabling every input on a page programmatically in ASP.NET - asp.net

I have tried searching around for this, but what I found was mainly for disabling a single input type.
What I want to do is disable every input type on a single page. Everything. Textboxes, checkboxes the whole lot.
I couldnt figure out how to modify the loops I found, which is why I am asking here, beacause it's likely one of you has a piece of code laying around that can do it.
Thank you in advance.

try below if you like to do it in javascript/jquery
OR try below if you want in asp.net
ach control has child controls, so you'd need to use recursion to reach them all:
protected void DisableControls(Control parent, bool State) {
foreach(Control c in parent.Controls) {
if (c is DropDownList) {
((DropDownList)(c)).Enabled = State;
DisableControls(c, State);
Then call it like so:
protected void Event_Name(...) {
DisableControls(Page,false); // use whatever top-most control has all the dropdowns or just the page control
} // divs, tables etc. can be called through adding runat="server" property


How to expand .NET TreeView node by clicking its text instead of +/-

I've been using hardcoded hyperlinks for my web app navigation, but the app has grown since and managing it is becoming a real pain. I've decided to replace what I have with the TreeView control, however I want to make several changes to the way it looks.
Is there any property that needs to be set, that would allow user to expand the TreeView node by clicking its text instead of +/- ?
I've already set ShowExpandColapse to 'false'.
I want my final result to end up as something similar to the TreeView on the left of the MSDN site.
Could anyone point me at the right direction please?
Set TreeNode.SelectAction to either Expand, or SelectExpand.
you can use xml data source or direct binding from db to treview
in the TreeView DataBound event we can write d recursive function as below to fetch each node and assign expand action to them.
protected void TreeView1_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (TreeNode node in TreeView1.Nodes)
node.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand;
public void PrintNodesRecursive(TreeNode oParentNode)
// Start recursion on all subnodes.
foreach(TreeNode oSubNode in oParentNode.ChildNodes)
oSubNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand;
I think you just have to do this in code: handle the Click event, determine the currently-selected tree node, and toggle its Expanded property (I think that's what it's called here).
You can do this only this way! http://geekswithblogs.net/rajiv/archive/2006/03/16/72575.aspx
With respect,

Where in the page lifecycle can I safely load/remove dynamic controls?

I'm working with dynamic fields in ASP.NET due to a very specifc and rigid end-user requirement that would take 2 hours just to explain. Suffice it to say, I can't make the requirement go away.
Anyway, I have a working solution in place; no problems with controls loading, rendering or maintaining their ViewState. This is what my OnLoad looks like:
public void override OnLoad(EventArgs e){
//don't need to check IsPostback, we have to load the controls on every POST
FormDefinition initialFormDefinition = ServiceLayer.GetFormDefinition(id);
In order to implement some biz logic around which dynamic fields are required, disabled or optional, I need to get the posted values (i.e. the ViewState) of my dynamic controls before I can actually add them to the page control hierarchy.
It's sort of a chicken/egg problem I suppose. ASP.NET won't automagically associate ViewState with the proper dynamic control until I've added them all to the page. On the other hand, I can't add these controls to the page until my service layer has applied biz rules that hinge on their current values. I tried to get around this rather unpleasant problem by writing this bit of pseudo-code :
public void override OnLoad(EventArgs e){
FormDefinition initialFormDefinition = ServiceLayer.GetFormDefinition(id);
if (IsPostBack){
var updatedFormDefinition = ServiceLayer.ApplyBizRules(initialFormDefinition);
ReBuildControls(updatedFormDefinition); //remove controls and re-add them
Unfortunately, when you clear a control and re-add it, the ViewState is lost, even if the control type and ControlID are exactly the same, so this solution is a bust. Any reasonable ideas on how to accomplish what I'm after are welcome!
One way could be to load your controls and then decide if you need form definition to be be updated and if yes then re-initiate page life cycle again. See the below sample code:
public void override OnLoad(EventArgs e){
var updatedFormDef = Context.Items["UpdatedDef"] as FormDefinition;
if (null != updatedFormDef)
// Updated form def, rebuild controls
// load initial form def
var initialFormDefinition = ServiceLayer.GetFormDefinition(id);
// check whether we need to update form def
if (IsPostBack){
var updatedFormDefinition = ServiceLayer.ApplyBizRules(initialFormDefinition);
if (null != updatedFormDefinition)
// we have to update UI, transfer to self
Context.Items["UpdatedDef"] = updatedFormDefinition;
Server.Transfer(this.Request.RawUrl, true);
// Do nothing

Display jquery dialog on postback in ASP.NET after saving a new record

What I would like to do is have the user add a new record to the database and popup a JQuery dialog confirming that the new record was saved. I thought this would be a simple exercise. I have a gridview bound to a LINQDataSource to allow the user to view and edit existing records and a textbox and a button to add new codes.
In the head of the document, I have the following:
autoOpen: false,
width: 400,
buttons: {
"Ok": function () {
and futher down in the markup I have:
<div id="dialog" title="New Code Added">
<p>"<asp:Literal runat="server" ID="LiteralNewCode"></asp:Literal>" was successfully added.</p>
So when the user enters a new description and it passes all the validation, it's added to the database and the gridview is rebound to display the new record.
protected void ButtonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Page.IsValid)
CCRCode.Add( <long list of paramters> );
IsNewCode = true;
NewDescription = <new description saved to database>;
Now, here's where (I thought) I'd set a boolean property to indicate that a new description had been added as well as the text of the new description. See below:
protected bool IsNewCode
get { return ViewState["IsNewCode"] != null ? (bool)ViewState["IsNewCode"] : false; }
set { ViewState["IsNewCode"] = value; }
private string NewDescription
get { return ViewState["NewDescription"] != null ? ViewState["NewDescription"].ToString() : string.Empty; }
set { ViewState["NewDescription"] = value; }
Here's where I loose my way. My guess is I want to add functionality to include code similar to:
I've added a registerscriptblock method in the page_load event but that didn't work. Any ideas? Or am I just going about this entirely wrong?
Not really get what you want to do. But, i use jquery alot with .NET in my projects. here is how i do, probably could give you a hint.
public String ScriptToRun = "$('#dialog').dialog('open');";
change the value of ScriptToRun in your C# code
$(document).ready(function() {<%=ScriptToRun %>});
Remember that whatever you done in backend is going to generate HTML, Css& javascript to browser.
Two ways: one, write the javascript in your server-side code. Or, define a JS method to show the dialog (say named showDialog), and call it via:
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(... "showDialog();" ..);
RegisterStartupScript puts the method call at the end, ensure your script is above it to work. You can also wrap it with document.ready call too, to ensure JQuery is properly loaded.
I think that the only think that you have miss is the creation of the dialog when the Dom is ready.
$(document).ready(function() {$('#dialog').dialog('open');});
I posted code in a different question for a custom "MessageBox" class I wrote:
ASP.NET Jquery C# MessageBox.Show dialog uh...issue
the code by default uses the javascript alert() function, but you can define your callback so that it calls your custom javascript method to display the messages.

Table filled with controls inside an ASP.NET FormView , get controls?

What is the trick to get the controls inside the FormView. I was getting them with FindControl() but, now i cant get access on them. Example: i have some ImageButton on the FooterTemplate, great i can get those smoothly, when it comes to the controls inside the FormView!!! null every control. Do you think i should name them differently in every template?
This gets me thinking about the table causing this noise!
I'm using the DataBound Event and checking for specific Mode! Any ideas? Thank you.
This is working
if (this.kataSistimataFormView.CurrentMode == FormViewMode.Edit)
ImageButton update = (ImageButton)this.kataSistimataFormView.FindControl("btnUpdate");
update.Visible = true;
But this for some reason no
CheckBox chkBoxPaidoi = kataSistimataFormView.FindControl("chkBoxPaidoi") as CheckBox;
FindControl is not recursive. What I mean is that it will only find controls that are within the child controls of the control you are searching - it will not search any child controls of the child controls
If you have placed the control you previously were looking for within another control then you will have to either search within that new control or, if you still want to use kataSistimataFormView as the parent control, you may have to use a recursive search.
Google for "findcontrol recursive" there are some good examples that you can probably just cut-and-paste.
As it seems this was caused because of the same naming ID's on various templates, Insert,Edit,Item. Even this is supported by the compiler, has problem when you are going for them programmaticaly later.
Thank you all.
Did you ever get this figured out? If you know the ID you can use this recursive function:
private Control FindControlRecursive(Control root, string id)
if (root.ID == id)
return root;
foreach (Control c in root.Controls)
Control t = FindControlRecursive(c, id);
if (t != null)
return t;
return null;
Found here:

Finding all controls in an ASP.NET Panel?

I am having a number of panels in my page in which I am collecting user information and saving the page details. The page panel has textbox, dropdown list, listbox.
When I need to come to this page. I need to show the Page if these controls have any values. How to do this?
It boils down to enumerating all the controls in the control hierarchy:
IEnumerable<Control> EnumerateControlsRecursive(Control parent)
foreach (Control child in parent.Controls)
yield return child;
foreach (Control descendant in EnumerateControlsRecursive(child))
yield return descendant;
You can use it like this:
foreach (Control c in EnumerateControlsRecursive(Page))
if(c is TextBox)
// do something useful
You can loop thru the panels controls
foreach (Control c in MyPanel.Controls)
if (c is Textbox) {
// do something with textbox
} else if (c is Checkbox) {
/// do something with checkbox
If you have them nested inside, then you'll need a function that does this recursively.
I know this is an old post, and I really liked christian libardo's solution. However, I do not like the fact that in order to yield an entire set of elements to the outer scope I would have to iterate over those elements yet again only to yield those to myself from an inner scope to the current scope. I prefer:
IEnumerable<Control> getCtls(Control par)
List<Control> ret = new List<Control>();
foreach (Control c in par.Controls)
return (IEnumerable<Control>)ret;
Which allows me to use it like so:
foreach (Button but in getCtls(Page).OfType<Button>())
//disable the button
but.Enabled = false;
Depeding on which UI library or language you are using, container controls such as panels maintain a list of child controls. To test if a form/page has any data you need to recursively search each panel for data entry controls such as text boxes. Then test if any of the data entry controls contain values other than default value.
A simpler solutions would be to implement an observer class that attaches to the changed events of your data controls. If the observer is triggered then your page has changes. You will need to take into consideration actions such as changing and then reverting data.
Very similar solution to Cristian's here, which uses recursion and generics to find any control in the page (you can specify the control at which to start searching).
