UNIX : Substitute value of variable inside script - unix

I may not have got the title perfect for this question, but I am wondering if there is a way to do the following :
Basically, I have a text file with some key value pairs and also a statement (in the same text file) which will be extracted by a shell script and which needs to also simultaneously substitute the A, B, C in the STATEMENT variable .
To make things simple, let me provide an example.
Here is my text file :
File : values.txt
STATEMENT=apple A orange B grape C
Also, I have a shell script which extracts these values and the statement from the text file and uses the STATEMENT variable as a parameter to another script it calls, something like:
Script : first_script.sh
A=`cat values.txt | grep -w '^A' | cut -d'=' -f2`
B=`cat values.txt | grep -w '^B' | cut -d'=' -f2`
C=`cat values.txt | grep -w '^C' | cut -d'=' -f2`
STATEMENT=`cat values.txt | grep -w 'STATEMENT' | cut -d'=' -f2`
second_script.sh $STATEMENT
As you can see, second_script is called from within first_script and it uses the STATEMENT variable, so what I expect to see with the second_script call is :
second_script.sh apple 1 orange 2 grape 3
Note that "A", "B" and "C" should get substituted to their values 1, 2 and 3.
However, what I get is still :
second_script.sh apple A orange B grape C
which is what I don't want.
How do I make sure that A, B and C get substituted to 1,2 and 3 respectively when second_script is called from first_script ?
Sorry to make it confusing.

You can substitute values in a string like this:
STATEMENT=${STATEMENT/A/$A} # replace the letter A with the value of $A
second_script.sh "$STATEMENT"
If you want to match word boundaries use sed:
STATEMENT=$(sed -e "s/\bA\b/$A/g" -e "s/\bB\b/$B/g" -e "s/\bC\b/$C/g" <<< "$STATEMENT")
Also, you don't need to use cat in your script. You can do it like this:
A=`grep -w '^A' values.txt | cut -d'=' -f2`
Or, using awk:
A=$(awk -F= '/^A\y/{print $2}' values.txt)
Are you able to change the values.txt file?
It would be easier if you could change it to:
STATEMENT="apple $A orange $B grape $C"
Then in your script you could simply import the file like this:
. values.txt
second_script.sh "$STATEMENT"

How about this:
tail -1 values.txt | {
IFS='=' read name statement
./second_script.sh $(echo "$statement" | sed -r $(
head --lines=-1 values.txt | while IFS='=' read name value
printf "%s s/\<%q\>/%q/g " "-e" "$name" "$value"
I don't like hard coded solutions, so this will read the values.txt file and evaluate all variables (all but last line) in the statement (last line) and give this to the second_script.sh.
I'd be careful about names and values containing special characters like spaces etc. Run thorough test if you plan on using these!


Get specific line from unix command output

lets say I run a command in the shell cmd doSomething and it shows separate lines as output, for example
> cmd doSomething
Is there a way to assign the 2 nd line(outputLine2) in to a variable (e.g testdir) ?
Ideally I would like to be able to use $testdir.
You can combine head and tail, as follows:
doSomething | head -n 2 | tail -n 1
The head -n 2 shows the first two output lines, the tail -n 1 the last of those two.
For putting this into a variable:
variable=$(doSomething | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)

what is the alternate way to count the occurrence of each word without using 'uniq -c' command?

Is it possible to count the occurrence of each word like using uniq -c but with the count after the word rather than before?
Example scenario
Input file named as text1.txt which contain the following data
The fields used in the above data are car_company:car_model:customerID
Desired result
cilo 2
Thar 1
nano 1
quanto 2
(car_model and number of cars sold grouped by car_model)
My code
cat test1.txt | cut -d: -f2 | uniq -c
Actual Result
2 cilo
1 Thar
1 nano
2 quanto
Is it possible to do the above process without using uniq -c ,so that I can swap the order of the fields (columns)?
You can use uniq, and simply post-process its output to swap the columns:
cut -d: -f2 test1.txt | uniq -c | awk '{print $2 "\t" $1 "\n" }'
EDIT: Added \n, as noted in a comment.
Save your commands output into a file "badresult";
cat test1.txt | cut -d: -f2 | uniq -c > badresult
Then cut the seventh field and save it into a file named "counts"(you should use space(" ") as a seperator);
cut -d" " -f7 badresult > counts
Then cut the eighth field and save it into a file named "models"(you should use space(" ") as a seperator);
cut -d" " -f8 badresult > models
Now you have your counts and models in seperate files. All you have to do is to show these two files seperately with "pr" command(-m: one file per column, -T:no pre-information)
pr -m -T models counts
Using awk:
cat test1.txt | cut -d: -f2 | uniq -c | awk '{ t = $1; $1 = $2; $2 = t; print }'
The little awk code exchanges fields 1 and 2 using a temporary.
You just need awk for this:
$ awk -F: '{a[$2]++} END {for (i in a) print i, a[i]}' file
cilo 2
quanto 2
nano 1
Thar 1
This goes through every line keeping track of how many times the second field has appeared. Since everything is stored in the array a, then it is just a matter of looping through it and printing its content.

Duplicates in an unix text file based on multiple fields

I have a requirement to find duplicates based on three columns in a .txt file in unix which is delimited by ,.
Let's take we are finding dupliactes based on 1,2,5 fields.
Expected output:
Can anyone help to write a script for this or is there a command already available?
I tried like this:
awk -F, '!x[$1,$2,$3]++' file.txt but did not work
One way using awk:
awk -F, 'FNR==NR { x[$1,$2,$5]++; next } x[$1,$2,$5] > 1' a.txt a.txt
This is simple, but reads the file two times. On the first pass (FNR==NR), it maintains counts based on key fields. During the second pass, if prints the line if its key was found more than once.
Another way using awk:
awk -F, '{if (x[$1$2$5]) { y[$1$2$5]++; print $0; if (y[$1$2$5] == 1) { print x[$1$2$5] } } x[$1$2$5] = $0}' a.txt
1 awk -F,
2 '{if (x[$1$2$5])
3 { y[$1$2$5]++; print $0;
4 if (y[$1$2$5] == 1)
5 { print x[$1$2$5] }
6 } x[$1$2$5] = $0
7 }'
Line 2: If x has $1$2$5, this key was seen before, do steps 3-5
Line 3: Increment the count and print the line because it is a dup
Line 4: This means, We are seeing this key for the 2nd time, so we need to print the first line with this key. Last time we saw this key we did not know whether it was a dup or not. So we print the first line in step 5.
Line 6: Store the current line against the key so we can use it in step 2
Another way using sort, uniq and awk
Note: uniq command has an option '-f' to skip the specified number of fields before it starts comparison.
sort -t, -k1,1 -k2,2 -k5,5 a.txt | awk -F, 'BEGIN { OFS = " "} {print $0, $1, $2, $5}' | sed 's/,/ /g' | uniq -f7 -D | sed 's/ /,/g' | cut -d',' -f 1-7
This sorts based on fields 1,2,5. awk prints the original line and appends fields 1,2,5 . sed changes the delimiter because uniq does not have an option to specify delimiter. uniq skips first 7 fields and works on rest of the line and prints duplicate lines.
I had a similar issue
I needed to eliminate duplicate detail records while preserving flat file record formatting and seqence of the records.
The duplication caused by a time expansion of the date field in column 2 of the detail only.
Receiving system was reporting duplication on columns 4 and 5.
I cobbled together this quick hack to resolve it.
First read the file data into an array
Then we can read and manipulate the individual records (crudely with a counter) as demonstrated in this snippet integrating a case statement to logically treat the various record types.
readarray inrecs < [input file name]
filebase=echo "[input file name] | cut -d '.' -f1
for inrec in "${inrecs[#]}";do
field1=echo ${inrecs[$i-1]} | cut -d',' -f1
field2=echo ${inrecs[$i-1]} | cut -d',' -f2
field3=echo ${inrecs[$i-1]} | cut -d',' -f3
field4=echo ${inrecs[$i-1]} | cut -d',' -f4
field5=echo ${inrecs[$i-1]} | cut -d',' -f5
field6=echo ${inrecs[$i-1]} | cut -d',' -f6
field7=echo ${inrecs[$i-1]} | cut -d',' -f7
field8=echo ${inrecs[$i-1]} | cut -d',' -f8
case $field1 in
echo "$field1,$field2,$field3">${filebase}.new
dupecount=`zegrep -c -e "${field4},${field5}" ${infile}`
if [[ "$dupecount" -gt 1 ]];then
writtencount=`zegrep -c -e "${field4},${field5}" ${filebase}.new`
if [[ "${writtencount}" -eq 0 ]];then
echo "$field1,$field2,$field3,$field4,$field5,$field6,$field7,$field8,">>${filebase}.new
echo "$field1,$field2,$field3,$field4,$field5,$field6,$field7,$field8,">>${filebase}.new
dcount=`zegrep -c '^D' ${filebase}.new`
echo "$field1,$field2,$dcount,$field4">>${filebase}.new

Unix Command for counting number of words which contains letter combination (with repeats and letters in between)

How would you count the number of words in a text file which contains all of the letters a, b, and c. These letters may occur more than once in the word and the word may contain other letters as well. (For example, "cabby" should be counted.)
Using sample input which should return 2:
abc abb cabby
I tried both:
grep -E "[abc]" test.txt | wc -l
grep 'abcdef' testCount.txt | wc -l
both of which return 1 instead of 2.
Thanks in advance!
You can use awk and use the return value of sub function. If successful substitution is made, the return value of the sub function will be the number of substitutions done.
$ echo "abc abb cabby" |
awk '{
if(sub(/a/,"",$i)>0 && sub(/b/,"",$i)>0 && sub(/c/,"",$i)>0) {
END{print count}'
We keep the condition of return value to be greater than 0 for all three alphabets. The for loop will iterate over every word of every line adding the counter when all three alphabets are found in the word.
I don't think you can get around using multiple invocations of grep. Thus I would go with (GNU grep):
<file grep -ow '\w+' | grep a | grep b | grep c
The first grep puts each word on a line of its own.
Try this, it will work
sed 's/ /\n/g' test.txt |grep a |grep b|grep c
$ cat test.txt
abc abb cabby
$ sed 's/ /\n/g' test.txt |grep a |grep b|grep c
hope this helps..

How to interleave lines from two text files

What's the easiest/quickest way to interleave the lines of two (or more) text files? Example:
File 1:
File 2:
Sure it's easy to write a little Perl script that opens them both and does the task. But I was wondering if it's possible to get away with fewer code, maybe a one-liner using Unix tools?
paste -d '\n' file1 file2
Here's a solution using awk:
awk '{print; if(getline < "file2") print}' file1
produces this output:
line 1 from file1
line 1 from file2
line 2 from file1
line 2 from file2
Using awk can be useful if you want to add some extra formatting to the output, for example if you want to label each line based on which file it comes from:
awk '{print "1: "$0; if(getline < "file2") print "2: "$0}' file1
produces this output:
1: line 1 from file1
2: line 1 from file2
1: line 2 from file1
2: line 2 from file2
Note: this code assumes that file1 is of greater than or equal length to file2.
If file1 contains more lines than file2 and you want to output blank lines for file2 after it finishes, add an else clause to the getline test:
awk '{print; if(getline < "file2") print; else print ""}' file1
awk '{print "1: "$0; if(getline < "file2") print "2: "$0; else print"2: "}' file1
#Sujoy's answer points in a useful direction. You can add line numbers, sort, and strip the line numbers:
(cat -n file1 ; cat -n file2 ) | sort -n | cut -f2-
Note (of interest to me) this needs a little more work to get the ordering right if instead of static files you use the output of commands that may run slower or faster than one another. In that case you need to add/sort/remove another tag in addition to the line numbers:
(cat -n <(command1...) | sed 's/^/1\t/' ; cat -n <(command2...) | sed 's/^/2\t/' ; cat -n <(command3) | sed 's/^/3\t/' ) \
| sort -n | cut -f2- | sort -n | cut -f2-
With GNU sed:
sed 'R file2' file1
Here's a GUI way to do it: Paste them into two columns in a spreadsheet, copy all cells out, then use regular expressions to replace tabs with newlines.
cat file1 file2 |sort -t. -k 2.1
Here its specified that the separater is "." and that we are sorting on the first character of the second field.
