Wordpress get values outside function - wordpress

I need get the value of function that use in wordpress , this function add the value in other page of wordpress using the API add_action , i put the script :
function wplogincontrol()
if ($a=="2")
add_action('login_head', 'wplogincontrol');
If use this never can do works and i think use global var and use this :
function wplogincontrol()
global $a;
global $a;
if ($a=="2")
add_action('login_head', 'wplogincontrol');
Also i try with $GLOBALS['a'];
But never can get works and can´t get the value outside the function , i try this because if use header location inside function and no work me and give error of header , by this i need get the value outside of function and i see works fine for redirect of header
It´s possible get this value ? , Thak´s , Regards

Are you trying to do something like this ?
function myfunc()
return $a;
function wplogincontrol(){
$val = myfunc();
if ($val=="2")
header"Location: http://www.google.com");
add_action('login_head', 'wplogincontrol');


How to get post id using add_my_endpoint?

I'm creating AMP pages on my own, without a plugin, and I have one problem that I can't solve.
function h34_endpoints_add_endpoint_pinup()
add_rewrite_endpoint('amp', EP_ALL);
add_action('init', 'h34_endpoints_add_endpoint_pinup');
add_filter('template_include', 'amp_page_template_pinup', 2);
function amp_page_template_pinup($template)
if (get_query_var('amp', false) !== false) {
$template = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . 'amp-template.php';
return $template;
Now in the amp-template.php file ш need to get the post data (if it is a post) but where and how to get the post ID?
global $post; shows nothing
get_the_ID() - doesn't output anything either.
I will be grateful for any help

Wordpress: add custom params to all URLS

I have an addition to url e.g. /products/myproduct/?v=iphone-x/transparent/*/Green
So what I need is for wordpress to add the ?v=iphone-x/transparent/*/Green to all links on the page (only '<a href="">'s, no 'img src=""' or others)
I have managed to do that, but it's a little "dirty". Is there any neat function to add the parameter to all links?
The code I have is as follows:
function callback($buffer) {
// modify buffer here, and then return the updated code
$temp = explode('href="', $buffer);
$buffer = $temp[0];
foreach($temp as $t){
$tt = explode('"', $t, 2);
$buffer .= 'href="'.$tt[0].'?v='.$_GET['v'].'"'.$tt[1];
return $buffer;
function buffer_start() { ob_start("callback"); }
function buffer_end() { ob_end_flush(); }
add_action('wp_head', 'buffer_start');
add_action('wp_footer', 'buffer_end');
One way you can achieve this is to hook into "the_content" filter. By using regexp with preg_replace_callback function you can get decent results.
function add_para( $content ) {
$content = preg_replace_callback(
function($m) {
return "href='".$m[1]."/additional-param'";
return $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'add_para', 0 );
However, you might run into some issues particularly if your content is not formatted probably (extra spaces, missing tags .. etc).
So the alternative is either to us a JS approach (jQuery for example), or using PHP DOM parser like: PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser

How to show text in a page on Wordpress whithin a plugin

I am developing a plugin for a website.(Which is my first plugin for Wordpress)
The basic functionality is querying the database and in specific pages show the data from the database with a specific style instead of the content from the pages.
So far I managed to show some text in every specific page.
This is my code after some basic configurations:
global $wpdb;
global $wp_query;
add_action( 'wp', 'check_which_page' );
function check_which_page()
//echo $page_id;
case 50:technologyPage();break;
case 82:medicalPage();break;
function technologyPage()
return print "Technology";
function salesPage()
return print "Sales";
function medicalPage()
return print "Medical";
I've read this post, but I couldn't solve my problem.
WordPress replace content of a page (plugin)
I already read the Wordpress documentation but I havent find anything there.
I found myself a solution, using shortcodes.
global $wpdb;
global $wp_query;
add_shortcode( 'sector_page_display', 'check_which_page' );
function check_which_page()
//echo $page_id;
case 50:technologyPage();break;
case 82:medicalPage();break;
function technologyPage()
return print "Technology";
function medicalPage()
return print "Medical";
See that instead of add_action I changed to add_shortcode
Then on everypage I will use to show info from the database I add
in the page, so it call my method. You can add variables in there if you want.
You'll want to run that code before WordPress has fully loaded.
Try this
global $wpdb;
global $wp_query;
add_action( 'init', 'check_which_page' );
function check_which_page()
//echo $page_id;
case 50:technologyPage();break;
case 82:medicalPage();break;
function technologyPage()
return print "Technology";
function salesPage()
return print "Sales";
function medicalPage()
return print "Medical";
I changed the add_action to now run the code when WordPress is being initialized.

PHP getimagesize is not working when is called from a function in function.php (Wordpress)?

PHP getimagesize is not working when is called from a function in function.php.
// Theme Options
require_once(TEMPLATEPATH . '/functions/admin-menu.php');
add_action('wp_head', 'theme_options', 'get_image_size');
function theme_options() {
// Initiate Theme Options
$options = get_option('plugin_options');
// If a logo image was uploaded then remove text from site title
if ($options['logo'] != NULL)
$remove_text = '-9999px';
$remove_text = 0;
body {
background-color: <?php echo $options['color_scheme']; ?>
#header h1 a {
background: url(<?php echo $options['logo']; ?>) no-repeat scroll 0 0;
text-indent: <?php echo $remove_text; ?>;
function get_image_size() {
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($options['logo']);
echo "Image width " .$width;
echo "<BR>";
echo "Image height " .$height;
echo "<BR>";
$options['logo'] is returning http://localhost/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/logo4.png so the image is being displayed.
I also did var_dump to $width and $height but they didn't show up.
Any suggestions?
EDIT: I pasted the full code of functions.php. $options['logo'] works perfectly in the theme_option function so I don't know why it doesn't work in the get_image_size function.
$options['logo'] is undefined in your code. If it is defined outside of your function, it is not by default available inside of your function.
Please enable error reporting using ini_set('display_errors', 1) and error_reporting(E_ALL), when developing. This will make sure any errors are reported.
I you do not see any error messages, turn up error_reporting and display_errors.
$options['logo'] works perfectly in
the theme_option function so I don't
know why it doesn't work in the
get_image_size function.
As #Sjoerd said: $options is not defined in function get_image_size. It is only defined in function theme_options. That's what functions are about, they are a black box that know about their environment only from the arguments they receive. If you want to make the options visible in function get_image_size, you have to Initiate Theme Options in that function as well.
I found out how to fix it (separating the functions into different add_action statements):
add_action('wp_head', 'theme_options');
function theme_options {
add_action('wp_head', 'get_image_size');
function get_image_size {
The add_action only allows one function?
What was the problem?

Wordpress: How to obtain different excerpt lengths depending on a parameter

The length of the excerpt in wordpress is 55 words by default.
I can modify this value with the following code:
function new_excerpt_length($length) {
return 20;
add_filter('excerpt_length', 'new_excerpt_length');
So, the following call will return just 20 words:
But I can't figure out how could I add a parameter to obtain different lengths, so that I could call, for example:
Any ideas? Thanks!
uhm, answering me again, the solution was actually quite trivial. it's not possible, as far as i know, to pass a parameter to the function my_excerpt_length() (unless you want to modify the core code of wordpress), but it is possible to use a global variable. so, you can add something like this to your functions.php file:
function my_excerpt_length() {
global $myExcerptLength;
if ($myExcerptLength) {
return $myExcerptLength;
} else {
return 80; //default value
add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_excerpt_length');
And then, before calling the excerpt within the loop, you specify a value for $myExcerptLength (don't forget to set it back to 0 if you want to have the default value for the rest of your posts):
echo get_the_excerpt();
There is no way to do this as far as I have found using the_excerpt().
There is a similar StackOverflow question here.
The only thing I have found to do is write a new function to take the_excerpt()'s place. Put some variation of the code below into functions.php and call limit_content($yourLength) instead of the_excerpt().
function limit_content($content_length = 250, $allowtags = true, $allowedtags = '') {
global $post;
$content = $post->post_content;
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
if (!$allowtags){
$allowedtags .= '<style>';
$content = strip_tags($content, $allowedtags);
$wordarray = explode(' ', $content, $content_length + 1);
if(count($wordarray) > $content_length) {
array_push($wordarray, '...');
$content = implode(' ', $wordarray);
$content .= "</p>";
echo $content;
(Function credit: fusedthought.com)
There are also "advanced excerpt" plugins that provide functionality like this you can check into.
Thanks for your answer, thaddeusmt.
I am finally implementing the following solution, which offers a different length depending on the category and a counter ($myCounter is a counter within the loop)
/* Custom length for the_excerpt */
function my_excerpt_length($length) {
global $myCounter;
if (is_home()) {
return 80;
} else if(is_archive()) {
if ($myCounter==1) {
return 60;
} else {
return 25;
} else {
return 80;
add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_excerpt_length');
