R: is there something like iPython notebook (jupyter) for R? [closed] - r

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Closed 9 years ago.
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As mentioned in question is there something like iPython's notebook (jupyter) for R-CRAN?

Have a look at Ramnath's R notebook:
And here's the GitHub: https://github.com/ramnathv/rNotebook
EDIT (1/6/15)
I think the new editR package is what you're after

Not sure it would be an exact equivalent of iPython's notebooks, but you can use knitr to make literacy programming in R, by inserting code chunks inside a document. If you use a format like RMarkdown, you can export the document and the result of the code chunks to HTML. You can then publish the HTML file somewhere, or use sites like Rpubs. This process is quite straightforward if you use the RStudio IDE.
Another way, if you are an Emacs user, is to use org-mode and its extension org-babel.
Finally, you should be able to create more dynamic things with a framework like shiny. See for example the following knitr demo from the shiny library :
R> library(shiny)
R> demo("notebook", package = "knitr")

Would this be what you are looking for? http://www.rstudio.com/ide/


Frame around R code and output in knitr and Latex [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am using knitr and Latex to write an intro into and overview of R. How can I get a box around R code chunks and R output in Latex? I can get them when using R Markdown and knitr to generate HTML. The Sweave way to frame chunks with a box does not work with knitr.
Thanks and regards,

Creating a Latex table from custom R objects [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a quick question on the conversion from R to Latex. I did a lot of calculations in R to produce various tables. These are not standard, but rather custom objects. Next I'd like to convert the results to my Latex document which is generally created by Texstudio.
Some of the R-packages I have checked here: Tools for making latex tables in R
allow for standard objects to be converted into Latex tables.
I think the question is interesting to a lot of people: What is the usual package you would use for this purpose? There are a few packages out there which could be used, but I am asking for experience and recommendations in the described context. Some of my tables are quite big, others rather small. Also someone recommended me Knitr/Sweave, but it doesn't seem to produce tables in Latex style that I can copy into my Latex document; instead it produces directly pdf-tables. Am I missing something here? But that was only a sidenote, I am just looking for the best method to accomplish conversion from non-standard R-tables into Latex.

rCharts Parallel Coordinates Plot with shiny [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need parallel coordinates plot with interactivity in shiny. This is the plot that I want and this is a solution of producing rCharts in shiny.
If you need interactivity, have a look at either ggvis or D3.js. ggvis is an R based solution, and D3.js uses Javascript. The first is still quite experimental, D3 is already very mature and can produce very nice interactive graphs (rendered client-side). This would whoever mean you need to learn JavaScript.

How can I import an SVG file in R ? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a map of France with the contour of French departments in an SVG file. I would like to import the data in R to draw a choropleth map. Is it possible ? What would be the best solution ?
There's SVGMapping::loadSVG (at CRAN) -- I haven't tried it so can't speak to its quality.
Edit: might as well mention the sos package here, as it's really an indispensable tool for finding R packages and functions for the user.
I guess it is possible. SVG is nothing more than a XML document. But why don't you use maps library?
You can check:
> map('france')$names
[1] "Nord"
[2] "Pas-de-Calais"
[3] "Somme"
for departments names, and paint individual departments like this:
colors[c(112, 114)] <- 'blue'
map('france', fill=T, col=colors)
See maps documentation for more.

Is there any laplacesdemon package equivalent for matlab [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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R provides a very powerful package called laplacesdemon for bayesian inference using the laplace distribution. I was wondering if there is any equivalent package for Matlab?
The question was a bit short so I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are asking for but here goes:
No - there is no Laplacedemon equivalent in Matlab
Yes - there are lots of Matlab packages that partly overlap with LaplaceDemon. As I don't know exactly what you want to do my recommendation is likely to have a high variance. Having established that I suggest that you take a look at http://becs.aalto.fi/en/research/bayes/gpstuff/ :). If you feel comfortable with using MCMC directly, you can take a look at http://helios.fmi.fi/~lainema/mcmc/. (I believe that matlab has some functions for this directly in their statistics or/and econometrics toolboxes)
You could also run R directly from Matlab http://neurochannels.blogspot.se/2010/05/how-to-run-r-code-in-matlab.html or http://rwiki.sciviews.org/doku.php?id=tips:callingr:matlab

