Change Working Directory (pwd) to Script Location in Stata 12 - directory

I have a lot of scripts (.do files) in different folders, which are frequently moved around. I would like to have Stata detect where the script is, and use that as a pwd (working directory). I know people that have this functionality seemingly by default (the pwd is changed to the script location when the script is run), but we cannot figure out why I am not so lucky. It is a bit tedious always having a "cd" line at the top of my scripts, and having to change this line to reflect the current directory. I'm using Stata 12 with Windows 7 Professional.

It looks to me like something similar is answered in this question:
Paths to do-file in Stata
What it seems like you could do is keep an MS Excel file that somehow tracks the location of all your scripts, and then use that to generate a simple high-level do-file that calls all your programs (although this may not be how your scripts work). If your folder locations are changing I am not sure how you can completely avoid updating at least some lines of code when something gets moved around. This would at least centralize the necessary updates into one place.

You can use Sublime text.
When you build the do file (or a selection) using sublime text, the filepath of the do file automatically becomes the current directory.


Trying to import data into R in a way that will allow anyone to access it when opening the markdown file/ accessing the html knit

I am currently working on a coding project and I am running into trouble with how i Should import the data set. We are supposed to have it read in a way so that our instructor can access our markdown file and be able to import the data and run the code without changing file paths. I know about using relative file paths to make it accessible to anyone, however I don't know how to get around the /users/owner part of the file path. Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you have any further questions feel free to ask.
I've tried changing the working directory to a certain folder that both I and my instructor have named the same thing, however, like I said above, when I use read.csv to import the data frame I am still forced to use the /users/owner filepath which obviously is specific to my computer.
I can understand your supervisor, I request the same from my students. My recommended solution is to put both data and R script (or the .Rmd file) in the same folder. Then one does not need to add a path in the read.csv (or similar) function.
If you use RStudio, move to the folder in the Files pane and then use the gear icon and select "Set as Working Directory".
Then send both files (.R or .Rmd) and the data to the supervisor, ideally as a zip file. The supervisor can then unpack it to an arbitrary folder and just double click to the .R/.Rmd file. The containing folder will then automatically become the working directory.
Other options are:
to use a subfolder for the data or
to put the data to a publicly readable internet location, e.g.
Github and read it directly from there.
The last option requires of course that the data have a free license.

Atom doesn't recognize the code language most of the time

I've recently started to use the Atom editor again because it offers some good features.
However it doesn't recognize the code in my files most of the time.
I use it mainly to look through SSIS files - meaning they are in XML-format but have other file endings like ".conmgr" or ".dtsx". Yet they all start with <?xml version="1.0"?>.
Now to my question:
Can I somehow set the standard language from "Auto Detect" to "XML" or is there any package so that Atom starts to recognize those files as XML-code?
Since this is my first time using stackoverflow to ask something I hope I've done everything right.
Thank you in advance!
The two picures show two different files. Both ending on ".conmgr":
This file it does recognize
This file it doesn't

R Working Directory "cannot change"

Working Direcotry Cannot Change It's saying that there's an error in my code but I've tried it multiple times with countless variations on the code (I wiped my past attempts sorry) and it refuses to change the working directory. It won't change to other things either so it's not just this folder. What's the issue?
This probably means that the directory you want to change to does not exist. From the image I think you are using Windows, in which case the proper path to the directory would look like this:
Change the $USER$ to your own username and it should work.
Paths always start with the letter of the hard drive in Windows. The easiest way to find the proper path to a directory is, in my opinion, to right click on the folder and look for the "Location" in properties. The IDE RStudio has a menu which you can use to change the working directory, which may be easier than using vanilla R.
The exception is setwd("~") which links to the Documents folder of your current user (i.e. C:/Users/$USER$/Documents). Based on the comments I realised that other commands such as setwd("..") (i.e. one folder up in the hierarchy) can be combined with ~ which explains what you are doing. In this case the following works for me:

How to access the script/source history in RStudio?

I would like to access the history of what have been typed in the source panel in RStudio.
I'm interested in the way we learn and type code. Three things I would like to analyse are: i) the way a single person type code, ii) how different persons type code, iii) the way a beginner improve typing.
Grabbing the history of commands is quite satisfying as first attempt in this way but I would like to reach a finer granularity and thus access the successive changes, within a single line in a way.
So, to be clear, I'm neither looking for the history of commands or for a diff between different versions of and .R file.
What I would like to access is really the successive alterations to the source panel that are visible when you recursively press Ctrl+Z. I do not know if there is a more accurate word for what I describe, but again what I'm interested in is how bits of code are added/moved/deleted/corrected/improved in the source panel but not necessary passed to the Console and thus absent from the history of command.
This must be somewhere/somehow saved by RStudio as it is accessible by the later. This may be saved in a quite hidden/private/memory/process/... way and I have a very vague idea of how a GUI works. I do not know it if would be easily accessible, then programmaticaly analyzed, typically if we could save a file from it. Timestamps would be the cherry on top but I would be happy without.
Do you have idea how to access this history?
RStudio's source panel is essentially a view to an Ace Editor. As such you'd need to access the editor session's editSession and use getDocument or getWordRange along with the undo of the editSession's undoManager instance.
I don't think you'll be doing that from within RStudio without hacking on the RStudio code unless the RStudio Addin api is made to pass-thru editor events in the future.
It might be easier to write a session recorder as changes are made rather than try to mess with the undo history. I imagine you could write an Addin that calls a javascript to communicate over the existing RStudio port using the Ace Editor's events (ie. onChange).
As #GegznaV said, RStudio saves code history to a ".RHistory" file. It's in the "Documents" folder on my computer. It's probably the same folder if you're using Windows. If you do not know the location, you can find the file by searching.
It also allows saving RStudio history to a file manually. There is a "Save" button in the History panel. So you can also get a timestamp. You can ask different users to save their code history after they have finished writing code. It may be indirectly useful to your research.

Maintaining same piece of code in multiple files

I have an unusual environment in a project where I have many files that are each independent standalone scripts. All of the code required by the script must be in the one file and I can't reference outside files with includes etc.
There is a common function in all of these files that does authorization that is the last function in each file. If this function changes at all (as it does now and then) it has to changed in all the files and there are plenty of them.
Initially I was thinking of keeping the authorization function in a separate file and running a batch process that produced the final files by combining the auth file with each of the others. However, this is extremely cumbersome when debugging because the auth function needs to be in the main file for this purpose. So I'd always be testing and debugging in the folder with the combined file and then have to copy changes back to the uncombined files.
Can anyone think of a way to solve this problem? i.e. maintain an identical fragment of code in multiple files.
I'm not sure what you mean by "the auth function needs to be in the main file for this purpose", but a typical Unix solution might be to use make(1) and cpp(1) here.
Not sure what environment/editor your using but one thing you can do is to use prebuild events. create a start-tag/end-tag which defines the import region, and then in the prebuild event copy the common code between the tags and then compile...
..... code here .....
In your prebuild event just find those tags, and replace them with the import code and then finish compiling.
VS supports pre-post build events which can call external processes, but do not directly interact with the environment (like batch files or scripts).
Instead of keeping the authentication code in a separate file, designate one of your existing scripts as the primary or master script. Use this one to edit/debug/work on the authentication code. Then add a build/batch process like you are talking about that copies the authentication code from the master script into all of the other scripts.
That way you can still debug and work with the master script at any time, you don't have to worry about one more file, and your build/deploy process keeps everything in sync.
You can use a technique like #Priyank Bolia suggested to make it easy to find/replace the required bit of code.
I ugly way I can think of:
have the original code in all the files, and surround it with markers like:
///To be replaced automatically by the build process to the latest code
String str = "my code copy that can be old";
///Marker end.
This code block can be replaced automatically by the build process, from one common code file.
