Using a specific branch of a meteorite package - meteor

How do i specify or change the version of a package i want to use with atmosphere? Can i pass in the git branch to my smart.json file as an option ? Something like this in the smart.json file ? I would like to run off of a git version and have meteor grab and use that version when running the application.
Here is what i have tried doing which errors with version does not exist
"packages": {
iron-router: {
version: {""}

Edited per comment below (don't leave this on dev!!! but things are changing quickly):
iron-router: {
"git": "" ,
"branch": "dev"
Have you tried this syntax?
iron-router: {
"git": "" ,
"branch": "master"

wanted to install iron-router-progess too, didn't allow me to do that with the master branch so I had to remove iron-router, change smart.json to
"packages": {
"bootstrap-3": {},
"iron-router": {
"git": "",
"branch": "dev"
"dimsum": {},
"iron-router-progress": {}
and run mrt update again. Works fine now.


Meteor: installing packages from smart.json/smart.lock

I've got a project that I started on an older version of Meteor and I've now installed the most recent version. I cloned my project code and ran into problems as soon as I ran meteor so I deleted all the files except the smart.json, smart.lock and packages.json
I ran meteor add meteorhacks:npm then meteor to install the node modules I require. It looks like all the packages I need are in the smart.lock file.
This should be really simple, how do I install the most recent version of these packages? I thought just running meteor would pick them up but apparently not. I checked by by doing meteor list and I don't see all the packages I need.
"packages": {
"loading": {},
"jquery-jcrop": {},
"accounts-admin-ui-bootstrap-3": {},
"accounts-ui-bootstrap-3": {},
"font-awesome-4-less": {}
"meteor": {},
"dependencies": {
"basePackages": {
"loading": {},
"jquery-jcrop": {},
"accounts-admin-ui-bootstrap-3": {},
"accounts-ui-bootstrap-3": {},
"font-awesome-4-less": {}
"packages": {
"loading": {
"git": "",
"tag": "v0.0.1",
"commit": "48840a828a614e25d0e19c124494b16f255a902e"
"jquery-jcrop": {
"git": "",
"tag": "v0.0.3",
"commit": "45a62562f3d13cbc72a7710472a76cf9c3c589cd"
"accounts-admin-ui-bootstrap-3": {
"git": "",
"tag": "v0.2.6",
"commit": "fe74692303daf73d440f2729010bcf1557af62ca"
"accounts-ui-bootstrap-3": {
"git": "",
"tag": "v0.3.5",
"commit": "bbd0a8a46ae02526c2ebfee05fa8075d8d04a9ba"
"font-awesome-4-less": {
"git": "",
"tag": "v4.4.0",
"commit": "250d2336a217c18eb70e9d074784a7db3ca38472"
"roles": {
"git": "",
"tag": "v1.2.8",
"commit": "68844ba216c348d332bdb840825850f497f515bb"
For meteor packages, the one you install using meteor add package:name
Their version are be stored in the .meteor/versions
Running meteor update will update them the last available version
Typing meteor list will list the used packages, their version and a comment if a new version is available.
For pure NPM packages, the one you install through meteorhacks:npm listing them into a root based packages.json file
Their version is and must be defined in the file directly
Example of a packages.json file:
"redis": "0.8.2",
"github": "0.1.8"
i.e. "NPMModuleName":"releaseVersion", the alternative being to directly poing to the aModule.tar.gz file.
Manually finding the version can be a bit boring but just go to the project's git, and browse to the release path, for example:
My advise in your case, as you do not have a lot of packages to
reinstall, is to manually find their new name on and reinstall them manually. You could
attempt manually editing the .meteor/packages file but as the
packages name are now (since meteor v0.9) prefixed with the contributor's name, meteor might
not be able to find them back. By the way, unclaimed migrated packages takes the prefix mrt per default For example font-awesome-4-less is now mrt:font-awesome-4-less

Grunt via atom won't work

I installed Atom editor and tried to run grunt task via plugin grunt-runner. But unsuccessfully. OS: windows 8.1
My steps were:
1) install node.js with npm
2) get grunt
npm install -g grunt-cli
3) install sass-plugin
npm install grunt-contrib-sass --save-dev
4) create package.json file contained
"name": "test-app",
"version": "0.1.0",
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "~0.4.5",
"grunt-contrib-sass": "^0.9.2"
5) add Gruntfile.js:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
sass: { // Task
dist: { // Target
options: { // Target options
style: 'expanded'
files: { // Dictionary of files
'styles/main.css': 'styles/main.scss' // 'destination': 'source'
grunt.registerTask('default', ['sass']);
As a result on trying to launch grunt via Atom's grunt-runner plugin:
Grunt exited: code 1.
But if I execute it via terminal using "grunt"-command it works perfect
I haven't researched this issue completely but in my case it was some conflict between 'grunt-runner' and 'build' plugins for Atom.
Eventually, I just reinstall Atom without 'build' plugin and now it's works.
But I still have no idea why that conflict happened

Not able to add nuget packages to vnext project

I've created a 5 project and am trying to add a reference to an older package from NuGet (Mysql.Data). From what I've read, I should be able to do this to add pre-vnext packages:
"version": "1.0.0-*",
"dependencies": {
"commands": {
"run": "run"
"frameworks": {
"net45": {
"dependencies": {
"MySql.Data": "6.9.4"
"aspnet50": { },
"aspnetcore50": {
"dependencies": {
"System.Console": "4.0.0-beta-22416"
But all that happens is I get a reference to it in the project browser but there is a yellow triangle next to it. I have seen other similar questions on here but they all suggest the above, but I'm not sure why this doesn't work?
That means that the MySQL library is not supported in aspnetcore5, you can remove the aspnetcore50 JSON node and that will get rid of the warning. Not all libraries are supported in core. See this Question
In addition to what Son_of_Sam said, you need to put this in the dependencies section at the top.

Meteor: how to add packages manually using smart.json

I just tried to add packages to my meteor project using smart.json like this:
"packages": {
"scss": {},
"iron-router": {},
"normalize.css": {
"git": ""
"Meteor.cron": {
"git": ""
In this case I've manually added normalize.css and Meteor.cron. Now when I do
$> mrt update
These packages are installed into the packages directory. So far no problems, but I don't think they are used. I didn't see a normalize.css in my browser and to test for Meteor.cron I added a test file in the server directory with
which prints undefined
Any suggestions what I'm doing wrong here ?
you are using incorrect git clone URLs. try this in your smart.json
"packages": {
"scss": {},
"iron-router": {},
"normalize.css": {
"git": ""
"Meteor.cron": {
"git": ""

Symfony external library - Payone

Has anybody ever used Symfony in conjunction with payone(
I got the SDK and it has the folders js, locale and php.
My problem: I don't really know how to include/use them in my project(inexperienced in Symfony) because I don't know where I should place it and how to include it. I read about the auto loader but since the SDK doesn't follow the standards needed(concerning folder structure) I guess it's not the way to go.
You can autoload all classes with the psr-0 too if the classes are following the PEAR-style non-namespaced convention.
To manage the vendor download via composer, you can define a package in your composer.json directly.
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "payone/php-sdk",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dist": {
"url": "",
"type": "zip"
"autoload": {
"psr-0": { "Payone_": "php/" }
"require": {
"payone/php-sdk": "1.0.*"
Note: This repository type has a few limitations and should be avoided whenever possible:
Composer will not update the package unless you change the version field.
