twig raw filter and functions - symfony

Hi everyone and sorry for my english,
I have a service who generates some html code which is passed to a twig template. I had to use the raw filter to show the code, but in that code I call a twig function.
This is the code stored in a var which is passed to the template by the controller.
'<li class="active" >Help</li>'
The resulting html code is the same, so {{ path('help') }} is not called.
Is there any filter to show the html code and call the functions?

In your code, you are using {{path('help')}} for the hyperlink. Instead of using the twig path function, include the original Url in the code that is sent from the service. In the service. use
'<li class="active" >Help</li>'

I answered this before here: Twig: prevent parsing of client-side templates
{% raw %} deprecated
{% verbatim %}
{% for item in seq %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endverbatim %}

You should render your variable using the {% include(template_from_string(your_var)) %} twig block.
See the answer of Render content from string/database and generate links with twig for more info.


Sensiolabs Insight : Twig templates should not contain business logic

I am actually running Sensiolabs Insight analysis on my Symfony 2.8 project.
I have a major issue with some of my Twig templates:
Twig templates should not contain business logic
The associated message is always the same :
Template too complex, depth of 10 is reached but only 5 is allowed.
For example this happens with the following template :
{% extends "FBNGuideBundle::layout.html.twig" %}
{% block title %}
{{ ''|trans }}
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<div id="bookmarks" data-bookmark-ids="{{bookmarkIds|json_encode()}}">
{% if (restaurants|length > 0) %}
<div class="restaurants">
<h3>MES RESTOS</h3>
{% for bookmark in restaurants %}
<div class="bookmark" id="{{'bookmark-' ~}}">
{{ }}
<button>SUPPRIMER DES FAVORIS</button>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
I tried to include in a separated file the code contained inside <div id="bookmarks"></div> and the depth has been reduced, but it is not a solution. I suppose that the problem is the access to some properties through several objects using getters (i.e
I have a free plan so I am not able to access the documentation related to this warning. Anyone knows how to solve the problem ?
When you have too much logic in the view, you can put it in a custom Twig Extension. An advantage is that you don't need to duplicate the html if you are reusing that part in another page and of course, the code is more clear :)
In your case, you can write a new Twig Extension that renders all the bookmarks.
If you didn't build somethng similar till now, you can read about it here

Drupal 8 conditional syntax

I'm looking for the proper syntax with a Drupal 8 conditional display of a link. I've been reading the twig documentation, and it's a significant jump from the PHP templating days so it's slow going. I need to conditionally display a link within the footer of a view.
In the past, this would be straightforward, i.e:
<?php global $user;?>
<?php if (user_access('administer nodes')):?>
<div class="foo">Shorthand link for admins</div>
<?php endif;?>
Getting this to work in Twig has been difficult as I'm unfamiliar with the syntax. Do I need to declare global user in some capacity? From this link here, Symfony 2: How do I check if a user is not logged in inside a template?, it seems that all I'd need to do is:
{% if is_granted('ROLE_ADMIN') -%}
<div class="foo">Shorthand link for admins</div>
{% endif %}
But I get an error when trying to submit that. Is ROLE_ADMIN not defined? How do I get the Symphony? (correct?) roles as defined within the D8 installation? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any assistance is appreciated.
If you need to check a specific permission try
{% if user.hasPermission('administer nodes') %}
<div class="foo">Shorthand link for admins</div>
{% endif %}
If you try to check the current user is administer in TWIG file , you can use
{% if is_admin %}
<div class="foo">Shorthand link for admins</div>
{% endif %}

Drupal 8 include part template

I'm trying to use Drupal 8, with an own theme, due big structure differences for my requirements I have a page--front.twig.html and a page.twig.html, I would like to create template parts as used in phrozn oder in a normal Symfony2 project, for example a footer.html.twig and a header.html.twig. These templates are saved under a subdirectory /parts/
But wenn I call this templates as normal I just receive a string with the name of the template.
For example:
{# in page.html.twig or page--front.html.twig #}
{% include 'parts/footer.html.twig' %}
Returns the file name as string:
It's possible to do that with Drupal 8?
You can include any part of your template files like this
{% include directory ~ '/parts/footer.html.twig' %}
or this
{% include '#mytheme/parts/footer.html.twig' %}
I strongly recommend you to create a reusable layout for pages that will give you greater flexibility when dealing with more pages and variants.
{# filename: page-layout.html.twig #}
{% block content%}
{{ page.content }}
{% endblock%}
{% block footer%}
{% include '#mytheme/parts/footer.html.twig' %}
{% endblock%}
So you can do something like this in another page
{# filename: page--front.html.twig #}
{% block footer%}
<div> I want to handle a different footer in here</div>
{% endblock%}
Finally, I found really helpful to dig into suggestions array and see what Drupal is trying to use.
it's possible using the name of the template in the path
{% include '#mytheme/parts/footer.html.twig' %}
thanks to
Now that has been committed you can also do:
{% include 'footer.html.twig' %}

Twig with handlebars js curly braces

I am using twig and handlebar.js with symfony2. I am making handlebar templates in twig file using tag.
But the problem is both use {{ }} curly braces. So the values used for handlebars are mixed with twig. So on page load exception appears.
Is there any way to use both at the same time.
Thank you in advance.
Use the verbatim tag.
{% verbatim %}
{% endverbatim %}

Nesting included Twig templates?

I'd like to pass the output of an included Twig template to another included Twig template as a parameter, like so:
{% include 'MyBundle:Default:tpl1.html.twig' with {'item': include 'MyBundle:Default:tpl2.html.twig'} %}
Unfortunately, this does not work as the syntax is invalid.
Any ideas how to nest templates like this / store the output of an included template in a variable?
Or is there an alternative way to accomplish what I want to do? I thought about defining blocks in the included template, but it does not seem to be possible to overwrite them from the "outer" template ...
Try settings the template's content in a variable:
{% set content %}
{% include 'foo' %}
{% endset %}
{% include 'bar' with {'item': content } %}
It should work.
